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June Wrasslin' |OT| Welcome to the Family, Disregard my Brother


On how gimmicks or catchphrases happen, do they just catch on randomly or planned: "It's one of those things where they're trying, there is a creative team and you know I'm my own brand so I'm always thinking. A lot of the time, things like that come out of nowhere. Like you just stumble on to something. Hasn't really happened with me, but you'll see it happen. I'm not the stick guy. I can't go out there like John Cena and cut a babyface promo that makes you want to kill yourself five minutes in, as good as he can. You know what I mean? No offense, John. Obviously he's very successful so, I don't know what I am talking about.

Randy Orton is great at interviews. Just tells it like it is and he knows those John Cena promos suck.

Rest is here. He is a great interview.

from the F4W

The Chikara wrestling promotion, at least in name, appears to be finished, at least for the time being, following Sunday's Never Compromise iPPV event in Philadelphia.
That rather convoluted opening sentence is the result of three days' worth of digging into what the situation actually is with the 11-year-old promotion. Rumors flew online in the days prior to the event, and the most Chikara said publicly (outside an interview with promoter Mike Quackenbush on the front page of our site which was largely in character) was a two-sentence statement issued to our website last Thursday: "There is no issue regarding ownership of the CHIKARA name, brand, its assets or intellectual properties. Any speculation to the contrary is 100% false."

Quackenbush, who co-founded Chikara in 2002, has been notoriously secretive about the promotion in the past to the point where he often requested of me, when interviewing him, to ask him questions as if he was a performer with the organization and not the promoter. I knew there was zero chance of him giving me any sort of information about what was going on after the iPPV, but figured it never hurt to ask. When I e-mailed, all I received was this response:

"Hello, I am unavailable to read your message at this time."

Quackenbush appeared to have turned on an e-mail autoresponder sometime after the iPPV, likely expecting the flood of e-mails from individuals wondering about the future of the promotion. I talked to a number of people who have worked for or are working with the company and many of them would not talk about it (it was said Quackenbush made at least some of the performers sign non-disclosure agreements at the show), and those who would talk without attribution either weren't there for that particular show or had absolutely no idea what was going on.

The show-closing angle was, obviously, just an angle. During the Eddie Kingston vs. Icaraus main event for the Chikara Grand Championship, just as Icarus was about to get the submission victory and the title, Director of Fun Wink Vavasseur commanded twenty-some members of Condor Security to hit the ring, remove all the participants, tear down the set and kick all the fans out of the building. That's exactly what happened. Some fans thought being part of the show was awesome while others were very upset, some in tears, and one fan even did a diving bodypress into the door of the building and cracked the glass. He was apparently thrown back inside by the fake security and the real security proceeded to inform him that he was going to have to pay $500 for the damage. The iPPV stream abruptly ended and that was the end of that.

If you are not a Chikara fan you probably have no idea from reading that what is going on. Wait until you hear about the time travel storyline a little later. Regardless, what happened happened, and it came across as your usual wrestling storyline, just a little more in-your-face and certainly significantly more serious than any other storyline in Chikara history (Chikara as a promotion is built on fun, hence a Director of Fun commissioner role). It was a very dark angle, but some longtime Chikara followers figured, well, Chikara is heavily comic book based, and this is every comic book story climax you've ever read, where the heels do some dastardly deed and a hero must rise from the ashes to unite the babyfaces and save humanity. In fact, the titles for all the shows in the most recent season were based on the Watchmen comic book series, which is built on the same theme.

Most likely this is exactly what is going to happen, but it appears far more likely the storyline will play out on future "Wrestling Is" events, something of a Chikara offshoot that Quackenbush has his hand in. It doesn't really make much sense to play out inside Chikara anyway since Chikara has been shut down by the storyline guy in charge. The big question is whether, at the end of the day, Chikara is reborn under that name down the road, or if the various Wrestling Is groups (all of which, if you take the first letter of their theme -- Wrestling is COOL, Wrestling is HEART, Wrestling IS, Wrestling is ART, Wrestling is RESPECT, Wrestling is AWESOME -- spell the word "CHIKARA" with the exception of the "K", which most assume is a reference to Kaiju Big Battel) merge into one supergroup which eventually becomes the new Chikara. Whatever happens, there is a storyline, and it is ongoing.

It appears, however, that at this particular moment the promotion known as Chikara is dead in storyline and in real life. They canceled all of their future events Monday. Interestingly enough, most of those events were never actually booked by Chikara in the first place, although apparently people involved with Chikara had talked to at least some of the venues about future dates. This led to some fans, at least one of which is a subscriber, being pretty upset since they'd booked plane flights to attend events during work vacations this summer only to discover that, in fact, those shows will not be taking place. As noted, at least a few of the Chikara workers don't seem to know what's going on, or if they do know what's going on and aren't saying anything due to the non-disclosure, and are preparing as if there are no Chikara events booked anywhere in the near future. Some are advertising strongly for bookings via Twitter. That could be storyline, but we also heard from promoters Monday who, not as part of any storyline, were asked if there were any openings over the summer since dates they'd had planned for Chikara were no longer taking place. There were also people on the business side of things that work with the company who were caught off guard by the cancellations, meaning at least at some point they were under the impression that the shows scheduled for the rest of the year really were going to be taking place.

Interestingly, and I don't know what to make of this except that this storyline is continuing at some point somewhere, I was contacted with a statement Monday claiming that Chikara was liquidating and selling all assets, from old merchandise to the entrance ramp to audio equipment and parts of the set, and that if anyone was interested in buying they could contact, seriously, an "A. Frady" at Titor Conglomerate. Keep that name in mind.

One thing that is clear is that whatever happened Sunday, it was not something done at the last minute. Based on a number of pieces of information, including promoters who had been approached for the first time by Chikara workers in recent weeks, the specific names of all the events this season, the formation of the Wrestling Is satellite groups, and even websites devoted to the storyline Titor Conglomerate that sprung up literally in the mid-'00s, it's clear that the angle on Sunday was a long, long time in the making. I talked to people close to Quackenbush who don't have any idea where this is going, but feel that he is trying to do something big, something never done before in wrestling. I suspect there really will be no more Chikara events this year, some of the wrestlers will start working for Wrestling Is, some will go to other promotions, and the storyline will continue to evolve in some fashion. My guess is, barring a situation where Quackenbush has decided to shut down the promotion for good, perhaps a year or so down the road (maybe sooner, maybe later) the storyline will lead to a company rebirth.

Quackenbush had stated publicly in the past that the company was never a huge money-maker, and often things were tenuous, and other sources close to the group confirmed this to be the case. One person said they would have times where it was, at best, break-even, other times when they'd run a very successful event and do great DVD sales and come away with a big single-day haul, and then other days where for whatever reason, perhaps expensive fly-in foreign talent, perhaps wrong place wrong time, whatever the case, they'd come away with a big one-day loss. Their DVDs always sold well on Smart Mark Video (best-selling of any videos, in fact) and they'd had some decent numbers for the few iPPVs they ran (Sunday's show drew a sellout 600 to the Troc and the belief is they did the best iPPV numbers of any of their events to date). But we have also been told that for various reasons, not the least of which were the JoshiMania mini-tour in 2011 and National Pro Wrestling Day earlier this year being big money-losers for the company, things had been rough for awhile. There were definitely people who thought the promotion wouldn't last through 2013, and others who felt that if they could get the iPPV numbers up they'd be able to sustain. One person not affiliated with the company at all noted that the promotion was pretty niche to begin with, and while they had a very loyal following it wasn't the kind of promotion that was going to play well in terms of drawing new fans and iPPV buyers, particularly since you had to be a very hardcore fan to follow some of the longer-term storylines, particularly the time-travel odyssey that played out on the iPPV Sunday.

Basically, in storyline, Chikara was sold a few years ago to Worldwide Media Development Corporation, a subsidiary of a group called Titor Conglomerate. Titor is a reference to a guy by the name of John Titor, a message board poster (on, among things, an Art Bell BBS) from the early '00s who claimed that he was a time traveler from the year 2036. Titor told all sorts of crazy stories and made various wild predictions, none of which came true. His out was the claim that the Many Worlds theory of quantum physics was true, meaning that his going back in time had altered timelines so that his predictions took place, but on a different timeline than the one you and I and everyone else is living in.

Got all that?

So anyway, Chikara created an imaginary conglomerate based on this real-life (well, you know) time traveler, and started a storyline where, among things, Archibald Peck was sent backwards and forwards in time after being hit by Eddie Kingston's Backfist to the Future finish, which eventually led to him existing in two different timelines as, among things, a mixed martial artist and a cowboy. It only got more complicated from there. The amount of work that went into creating his angle, from the years of preparation including a No Private Armies blog that plays into the storyline that was set up in, no joke, 2007, to setting up fake webpages for Worldwide Media Development and the Titor Conglomerate (which includes a listing for W. Conrad Vavasseur, Chikara's current Director of Fun and Titor's "Executive Vice President of Acquisitions"), is almost mind-boggling. Titor also "owned" Condor Security, the group that kicked all the fans out of the building at the PPV. Vavasseur's role in the company began shortly after they did the storyline where Worldwide Media had purchased the company in January of 2011. So this was no short-term deal. As part of it, Quackenbush was in storyline kicked out of his own company after being handed an envelope by a man in an "NPA" (No Private Armies) hat, leading one to speculate that, at the end of the day, he'll be the one to return as savior in whatever form the angle takes.

So what form will it take? Perhaps, in the end, the company wasn't making enough money and Quackenbush decided to put everything on hold, an indefinite hiatus. Perhaps he pulled the trigger on an angle that had been slowly building for years, and at some point when he regroups he'll pull the trigger on the next stage of the angle and write the storyline to bring about the triumphant return of the company. If he never regroups, such is life, and the end of Chikara was at least booked as part of a long-term storyline. Or perhaps what happened was a wrestling angle that took place in an imaginary world, and because there are people aware of what is going on in the real world, two different timelines, in a great irony, got mixed up, and all the controversy and speculation is much ado about nothing.

It would be sad to think, if this really is the end, that Chikara, the promotion built on fun, promoted as family fun and overseen by a Director of Fun, did not go out with an angle where everyone was celebrating and partying and clapping and laughing and having fun, but rather with an angle that was not, in their own universe, any fun at all. Or maybe, like in all the comic books and fantasy films and really any good fiction ever written, things look bleak right now but this isn't the end, and down the road everyone will live happily ever after.
The hell is up with his flag trunks.

gladiators shorts, bro. the ultimate source of power:


they grant those who wield them infinite strength.


After reading the CHIKARA article the thing that surprised me most was the money problems. If they are true. Who knows at this point. I eat and breath CHIKARA and I have no idea whats next or what's real, besides the sleaze stories I don't buy those right now. I had always thought there was a money man behind Joshimania and CHIKARA wasn't the ones losing the money. National Pro Wrestling Day was free admittance so it doesn't shock me that was a money loser.


What do you think Sunflower?

Big E, he's a strong dude. Ryback's a strong dude. But if you put Batista next to those guys, he was 6'6, 320 lbs. Those guys are pushing 6'1-6'2. But Batista was wide. He was a big old dude. Those guys could beat him in a bench press contest but I'd rather look like Dave. If I was gonna intimidate somebody? Give me the Batista build, any day." - Randy Orton
More Super Juniors, some good matches on this one;

Kyoto KBS Hall
1,200 Fans - Super No Vacancy Full House


Super Jr's Prelude | Day 2 | Day 4

01. Best of the Super Jr's - Block A: Ricochet vs Hiromu Takahashi
02. Best of the Super Jr's - Block B: Jado vs Brian Kendrick
03. Best of the Super Jr's - Block A: Taichi vs Titan
04. Best of the Super Jr's - Block B: Tiger Mask vs KUSHIDA
05. Hiroshi Tanahashi & Captain New Japan vs BULLET CLUB (Karl Anderson & Tama Tonga)
06. Best of the Super Jr's - Block A: Alex Shelley vs Barreta
07. Best of the Super Jr's - Block B: Alex Koslov vs Kenny Omega
08. Best of the Super Jr's - Block B: BUSHI vs Ryusuke Taguchi
09. Best of the Super Jr's - Block A: Prince Devitt vs Rocky Romero
10. Togi Makabe, Hirooki Goto & Tomoaki Honma vs CHAOS (Kazuchika Okada, Tomohiro Ishii & Gedo)


After reading the CHIKARA article the thing that surprised me most was the money problems. If they are true. Who knows at this point. I eat and breath CHIKARA and I have no idea whats next or what's real, besides the sleaze stories I don't buy those right now. I had always thought there was a money man behind Joshimania and CHIKARA wasn't the ones losing the money. National Pro Wrestling Day was free admittance so it doesn't shock me that was a money loser.

It says something when Dave Meltzer doesn't even know what to make out of it. It's hard to tell if this is something planned for a long time or if Quack took a well planned exit and worked his well thought out storylines around it. The thing that is puzzling to me is the people on the business side of Chikara being told like the shows were happening in 2013. If this was a long planned angle with June 2013 as the date for this part of the storyline, wouldn't everyone know about? Especially those on the business side of the company?
I really want this CHIKARA 'issue' to be a really elaborate storyline that has flown under the radar for years before finally exploding this week.

It says something when Dave Meltzer doesn't even know what to make out of it. It's hard to tell if this is something planned for a long time or if Quack took a well planned exit and worked his well thought out storylines around it. The thing that is puzzling to me is the people on the business side of Chikara being told like the shows were happening in 2013. If this was a long planned angle with June 2013 as the date for this part of the storyline, wouldn't everyone know about? Especially those on the business side of the company?

The more people know, less it's a secret.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member

July 4th is also the retirement ceremony of Laserfrog. He is moving on to bigger and better things and, to quote:

"I will miss the GWF, but I must leave. My video game planet needs me."

So join us all at the Laserfrog Retirement Ceremony at GWF 2.0. The GWF World Championship will be retired as well.
Randy has stopped giving a fuck since blasting Kelly Kelly. He just don't give a fuck and gets paid and plays video games. Can't hate a guy for leaching money off WWE.

Honestly say what you will about his wrestling ability and promo work, but listening to his radio interviews and reading about his tweets about DARKSIDERS 2 of all things, Orton just comes off as one of the coolest dudes to be around.

I mean I remember hearing stories of his attitude problems dating back to 2004 and crapping on purses, but something tells he's kinda mellowing out a bit (explains the weed situation perhaps).

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Honestly say what you will about his wrestling ability and promo work, but listening to his radio interviews and reading about his tweets about DARKSIDERS 2 of all things, Orton just comes off as one of the coolest dudes to be around.

I mean I remember hearing stories of his attitude problems dating back to 2004 and crapping on purses, but something tells he's kinda mellowing out a bit (explains the weed situation perhaps).

I talked to him about Deus Ex Human Revolution on twitter once. That's when I said 'You're okay, Orton.'


No question the dude is phoning it in these days, but if he doesn't give a fuck... who cares really.

If he's happy good for him.



July 4th is also the retirement ceremony of Laserfrog. He is moving on to bigger and better things and, to quote:

"I will miss the GWF, but I must leave. My video game planet needs me."

So join us all at the Laserfrog Retirement Ceremony at GWF 2.0. The GWF World Championship will be retired as well.

To be replaced by the GWF World Heritage Championship 2.0 ......right?


I talked to him about Deus Ex Human Revolution on twitter once. That's when I said 'You're okay, Orton.'

I bet he is thrilled with the new Deus Ex game announcement :/

Also, I think he going to get motivated with the new feud that might happen if the Smackdown Spoilers are true.


The Bella Twins appeared on last night's edition of "The Crossover" on NBCSports, and during the interview, which you can watch in full below, they said that their respective relationships with John Cena and Daniel Bryan will be featured on the upcoming "Total Divas" reality show:

Put that fuking rocket ship on D. Bry's back
Mr. Sandman said:
It's hard to tell if this is something planned for a long time or if Quack took a well planned exit and worked his well thought out storylines around it.

It was obviously planned for a good long while, since 2007 at least, but whether it was always planned to take place this past weekend, or if it was something Quack could have decided to pull the trigger on at any time (for whatever reasons, financial or otherwise) isn't at all clear.


July 4th is also the retirement ceremony of Laserfrog. He is moving on to bigger and better things and, to quote:

"I will miss the GWF, but I must leave. My video game planet needs me."

So join us all at the Laserfrog Retirement Ceremony at GWF 2.0. The GWF World Championship will be retired as well.

We didn't always see eye to eye, but I'll miss my ol' pal LaserThesz.
Honestly say what you will about his wrestling ability and promo work, but listening to his radio interviews and reading about his tweets about DARKSIDERS 2 of all things, Orton just comes off as one of the coolest dudes to be around.

I mean I remember hearing stories of his attitude problems dating back to 2004 and crapping on purses, but something tells he's kinda mellowing out a bit (explains the weed situation perhaps).

Someone once told me a story about meeting Orton in a bar while he was hanging out with his friends. I don't remember all the details of the story, but the guy wanted an autograph, Orton liked his shirt, and they went into the bathroom to swap shirts. Orton then said as a joke "let's get naked."

No nudity happened, but they did end up swapping shirts for real. I wish I could remember the entire story, lol
Remember Laserfrog? That somber monotone guy from England, who'd talk about stuff from the past in a somber reflective way, with his slightly unlocatable English accent, and softly pronounced hard consonants. Remember the way he'd ask you rhetorical questions that would really get you thinking. Really thinking. About the little things - the little things about the past, which you'd think about. Yeah, I remember Laserfrog.
Remember Laserfrog? That somber monotone guy from England, who'd talk about stuff from the past in a somber reflective way, with his slightly unlocatable English accent, and softly pronounced hard consonants. Remember the way he'd ask you rhetorical questions that would really get you thinking. Really thinking. About the little things - the little things about the past, which you'd think about. Yeah, I remember Laserfrog.

I read this in his voice, how crafty.
The F4W article jives with a fair amount of what I know.

I made the WMDC website a long time ago; probably around early 2011, if my memory serves. It was made to look tacky by design, so people would dig deeper. I naturally did terrible at it. :p

The events that were listed on the site were either booked at one point (NY) or attempted to be booked (Reseda). I know the NY show was cancelled a good while ago, at least with that particular venue.

Joshimania didn't have any extra backers of consequence. Higher ticket prices were supposed to make up the gap, and failed. I have a general estimate of how much was lost. It was a ton.

NPWD had many other ways to make money besides ticket sales (paying for parking, promotions must pay for their own matches/merch tables, iPPV, etc etc) and still unilaterally failed. The building change at the last possible damn second was really unfortunate and didn't help at all.

And spoiler, because this one's Bad News Bears:
I'm pretty certain few, if any, of the roster had a fully detailed idea of what was going to happen Sunday. Naturally they'd heard rumors, and gotten general information, but nothing to the extent of this. And I don't think that's fair to the roster who has worked very hard to help grow the company.

I could always be wrong though!


had no idea Randy Orton would have time to waste on videogames. I always assume these guys spend all their free time lifting weights and dieting.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
had no idea Randy Orton would have time to waste on videogames. I always assume these guys spend all their free time lifting weights and dieting.

you'd be surprised how little time you need to spend in the gym to look good. it's just a matter of being dedicated.
Actually, he didn't say anything, which ended up implicating her even more.

As much as I hate Kelly Kelly for having zero ability and never even trying to learn to wrestle it seems pretty fucking stupid to talk about who she slept with. She started travelling the world full time with a bunch of god damn wrestlers at the age of 18, who the fuck wouldn't have notched more than a few marks on the bedpost in her position?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
As much as I hate Kelly Kelly for having zero ability and never even trying to learn to wrestle it seems pretty fucking stupid to talk about who she slept with. She started travelling the world full time with a bunch of god damn wrestlers at the age of 18, who the fuck wouldn't have notched more than a few marks on the bedpost in her position?

I imagine a lot of divas have, but Randy probably has a reason for singling her out.
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