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June Wrasslin' |OT| Welcome to the Family, Disregard my Brother


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Thanks Bionic, inspired me to pick up PW again.


After spending that much time writing that shit, your sorry ass better S rank them haha.

New BJW;

BJW, 2013.05.27
Tokyo Korakuen Hall
741 Fans


01. Motosugu Shimizu & Jun Owagauchi vs Yuichi Taniguchi & Tank Nagai
02. MEN's Teioh, SUSUMU & Daisuke Masaoka vs Onryo, Tsumoto Oosugi & Hercules Senga
03. Brahman Brothers (Brahman Shu & Kei) vs DJ Hyde & Jake Crist
04. Hardcore Match: Takashi Sasaki, Shadow WX & Winger vs Kankuro Hoshino, Masato Inaba & Hoshito Takahashi
05. Daisuke Sekimoto, Yuji Okabayashi, Shinobu & Kazuki Hashimoto vs Yoshihito Sasaki, Shinya Ishikawa, Ryuichi Kawakami & Madoka
06. Perfect & Faultless 4-Corners of Pain Deathmatch: Shinya Ishikawa, Ryuji Ito, Yuko Miyamoto & Isami Kodaka vs Jun Kasai, Jaki Numazawa, Masashi Takeda & Takumi Tsukamoto

Match #5 is REAL good, 8 of the best non-deathmatch guys in BJW just tearing it up. Kazuki Hashimoto was pretty impressive, he's improving a ton. Also, how can you not watch Match #6 with a name like 'Perfect & Faultless 4-Corners of Pain'? It's pretty fun, nothing too brutal, although Takeda carving his own chest with lighttubes was a bit unnecessary.

Yoshihito Sasaki just abusing poor Shinobu with some stiff strikes;



Well at least somebody appreciates it :p

The vehicle missions are honestly annoying due to the ridiculous amount of them (40+ I believe counting all the variations). But if you're well-equipped and have a pattern down, they really fly by.

On my initial play through of the HD collection, PW was my favorite. It took me 3 games to figure the series out. And it has a lot more replay ability. Then after playing 1, 2, and 3 again, I'm not sure how to rank. They're all pretty much around the same level of great.
On my initial play through of the HD collection, PW was my favorite. It took me 3 games to figure the series out. And it has a lot more replay ability. Then after playing 1, 2, and 3 again, I'm not sure how to rank. They're all pretty much around the same level of great.

If we're strictly talking numbered games, 1-3 are literally perfect in my eyes; can't think of anything bad to say about them if I tried. I still adore and love 4, but it's a bit flawed. Cutscenes were just too fucking long even by MGS standards they just drain you out (and this is coming from a guy who genuinely enjoyed 4's story), and act 3 is just a complete slog on replays (was phenomenal the first time through though). The updated controls and especially the CQC system were badass though.

PW is damn good for a portable game, was seriously addicted to it on release. It doesn't quite stack up to 1-4 imo, but I blame the obviously smaller production values and much shorter dev time rather than the game itself.

The fact that Hayter isn't on board anymore, and the lack of any real available gameplay video so far completely deflated my MGSV hype atm. But I'll hop right back on the train if they show substantial gameplay during E3 next week :p
His STF has always been so fucking awful. Goddamn.

Also, bald Orton was disgusting looking.


I'm honestly not sure how his STF is supposed to hurt his opponents, it doesn't look like he's applying any sort of pressure, nor is he holding them in it properly in the first place. And the o-face he makes during it, my god lol.
Watching a New Japan handheld from 1994 with an AWESOME Hashimoto vs Hase match, both these dudes were so ridiculously good. Moustache vs Mutton Chops! Hase starts off by showing Shinya that he's the superior wrestler, working over Hash's leg with some nice holds. Hash eventually fires back with some big kicks, so Hase switches to the power game, only to realise that Hashimoto doesn't crumple after a few super stiff chops like other men. Shinya takes the abuse for a minute or two, then just fucking levels Hase with a karate chop to the neck before hitting a double-stomp off the top-rope! Hash hits some stiff kicks and knees and is really working over Hase's mid-section, which he sells wonderfully. Hashimoto scores with the top rope elbow drop and a senton for a near-fall. He goes for a DDT, but Hase rolls through!! Hase fires off with some chops, but Shinya catches his hand and hits another DDT. Hase rolls through again! Hase throws some forearms that begin to have effect, but Shinya pops up into an enziguri like a flash. The crowd are super behind Hase here, hoping to see an upset, but Shinya is determined to finish him quickly with a big superkick, followed by a roundhouse for 2. Shinya goes for the running DDT off the ropes, but Hase counters into a Rock Bottom!! He waits for Shinya to get back up, because Hase is the fucking man and is going to kick Hashimoto's ass face to face. Hase fires off some big chops and finally levels Hashimoto! Hase goes up top, but Shinya cuts him off. Shinya teases the brainbuster off the top rope, but Hase counters with head-butts and hits a big swinging DDT. He can't make the cover in time, further selling his injured mid-section, so just meets Hash getting back up and hits the uranage, but Shinya kicks out at 2! Hase goes for the uranage again, but can't lock it in, so he sweeps Shinya's legs and then scores with a BIG German suplex! Hash kicks out and Hase is mad, firing off with a bunch of slaps followed by a beautiful Northern Lights suplex!! Oooooh, Hashimoto kicks out again. The crowd sense that this might not be Hase's day. Hase goes for the Northern Lights again, but Shinya knees at his ribs in desperation and drops down into an inverted DDT! Hase is selling the ribs like crazy here. Hashimoto hits the ropes and scores with a wicked spinning heel kick followed by a SICK (and pretty rare) vertical drop fisherman buster, and that's all she wrote. Freaking awesome match.

Hase's perfect Northern Lights Suplex;


Hashimoto murders Hase with a Vertical Drop Fisherman Buster;

Noticed a bunch of you guys have picked up animal crossing. I've never played the game before, and im curious if its night friendly? I generally play my portable games at night and very rarely in the day time and would like to know if there will be some sweet ass night events to see without having to adjust the internal clock for everything?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Noticed a bunch of you guys have picked up animal crossing. I've never played the game before, and im curious if its night friendly? I generally play my portable games at night and very rarely in the day time and would like to know if there will be some sweet ass night events to see without having to adjust the internal clock for everything?

As mayor you can set the town to be 'night owls' where they get up later and stay up late.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Hashimoto's sideburns are more awesome looking than Hase's admittedly bitchin stache. Those burns are just great.
Just caught the airing of Rush vs Shinsuke Nakamura - pretty good match, which Rush won 2-0 in what I guess in an upset in Shinsuke's last match in Mexico for a while. Nak gave Rush a lot here, but controlled most of the match and showed his superiority with his striking game more than anything. Rush managed to avoid Nak's kill moves, but did eat the lariat cross armbreaker spot, which dunked him right on the back of his neck. The Rush Driver is a great finisher.

Watching lucha is weird, the camera guys spend a lot of time on the crowd and the ring girls, while the in-ring action is hard to hear over the super-loud commentators, constant yelling from the crowd and random air-horns/whistles going off every few seconds, lol.

Reminds me of Scott Steiner murdering Hase

What is it with Hase getting murdered? Kobashi had a good try at it, too. The Steiner Screwdriver has to be one of the sickest moves ever.

Sunflower said:
Hashimoto's sideburns are more awesome looking than Hase's admittedly bitchin stache. Those burns are just great.

Yeah, they're pretty damn epic.


What is Scott Steiner up to these days? Imagine him in WWE now, he'd be so out of place!

He was out of place in the WWE in 2002 as well. He was booed out of the building in his 2nd pay per view. Also, people love him here but man they paint an ugly picture of him in the death of WCW book.
Hey guys remember when the WWE fired Daniel Bryan? Imagine if that had stuck? He's so far and away the most interesting and entertaining thing going (and ohbytheway best wrestler on the planet) I don't know that I'd still be watching without him.

And I'm no D Brine mark, I always appreciated him but never really thought of him as the main reason to watch the WWE but damn. His work over the past month has been epic.


what did he do?

Painted as a steroid freak induced with Roid Rage and a short fuse who kept getting in trouble at the end of WCW.

Story where he called DDP ball less in a promo and DDP called him out on it and they fought. He won but DDP said he was scared because he had a crazy look in his eyes during the fight. After the fight on the same show he did a promo and said derogatory terms about Kimberly Paige who didn't even work for WCW anymore.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Hey guys remember when the WWE fired Daniel Bryan? Imagine if that had stuck? He's so far and away the most interesting and entertaining thing going (and ohbytheway best wrestler on the planet) I don't know that I'd still be watching without him.

And I'm no D Brine mark, I always appreciated him but never really thought of him as the main reason to watch the WWE but damn. His work over the past month has been epic.

I forgot about that, that he got booted briefly for that. Man.

what did he do?

Watched Great Muta vs Scott Norton - watching modern day Keiji Mutoh, it's easy to forget that he was so great at taking bumps back in the day;


Also, Norton's a freaking beast. He tries to grab a hold of Muta and submit him before he can do any flippy shit, but that doesn't go so well and Muta takes things to the outside, hitting a handspring back elbow on the floor;


Back in the ring Muta goes for the Shining Wizard, but Norton picks him up and powerbombs him, before going to work with his power moves. He tries to lariat Muta in the corner, but Muta pulls the ref in the way! Norton goes for choke bomb him, but Muta spits mist in his eyes! He kicks Norton hard in the head, but the ref's still out of it, so Muta just keeps going up top and dropping his knee on Norton's skull until the ref revives, Muta goes up top, hits the moonsault and retains. That was fun. Norton was great in his prime.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Norton was so amazing in Japan. A true manster, and could MOVE. I love that guy.


Yeah, he just randomly started shooting hard on DDP in a promo when they weren't even involved in a program at the time. DDP was waiting behind the curtain and they immediately got into it and Steiner tried to rip his eye out. After that, DDP and Nash left, which totally ruined the show. A link to the offending show.

Nitro 12/18/00 Review

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, he just randomly started shooting hard on DDP in a promo when they weren't even involved in a program at the time. DDP was waiting behind the curtain and they immediately got into it and Steiner tried to rip his eye out. After that, DDP and Nash left, which totally ruined the show. A link to the offending show.

Nitro 12/18/00 Review

I loved that shit. I looked forward to every Steiner promo because half of it was muted due to censors.

I'll never forget Buff Bagwell talkin shit during his very brief face run (Bagwell sucked as a face, he's a natural born cocky heel) when he feuded with Steiner and said "he comes out here and says whatever he heard on BET" - shit made me laugh.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Naomi just followed me on Vine. She's liked and commented on a few of my Vines and I'm so distraught. Help me lord.

You got your foot in the door. Use it wisely, parlay these connections to work as a designer at Titan Towers.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member

Be racist or firm in any beliefs and you'll get out of it. You'll still have to waddle your ass into the courthouse though for a while, even if they reject you. If you're jobless though stick with it, you can make a decent amount of cash doing it.
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