That's...a lot of work. I don't even want to S rank them, I just want to finish them.
After spending that much time writing that shit, your sorry ass better S rank them haha.
That's...a lot of work. I don't even want to S rank them, I just want to finish them.
After spending that much time writing that shit, your sorry ass better S rank them haha.
Thanks Bionic, inspired me to pick up PW again.
Well at least somebody appreciates it
The vehicle missions are honestly annoying due to the ridiculous amount of them (40+ I believe counting all the variations). But if you're well-equipped and have a pattern down, they really fly by.
AC Rasslegaffers my friends code is 2122 - 6254 - 8708
Gonna add you guys.
On my initial play through of the HD collection, PW was my favorite. It took me 3 games to figure the series out. And it has a lot more replay ability. Then after playing 1, 2, and 3 again, I'm not sure how to rank. They're all pretty much around the same level of great.
Can't wait for the Bo Dallas version of this in 10 years.
So was this game any good or what??
No but neither was Impact.
His STF has always been so fucking awful. Goddamn.
Also, bald Orton was disgusting looking.
Noticed a bunch of you guys have picked up animal crossing. I've never played the game before, and im curious if its night friendly? I generally play my portable games at night and very rarely in the day time and would like to know if there will be some sweet ass night events to see without having to adjust the internal clock for everything?
Hashimoto murders Hase with a Vertical Drop Fisherman Buster;
As mayor you can set the town to be 'night owls' where they get up later and stay up late.
Reminds me of Scott Steiner murdering Hase
Sunflower said:Hashimoto's sideburns are more awesome looking than Hase's admittedly bitchin stache. Those burns are just great.
What is Scott Steiner up to these days? Imagine him in WWE now, he'd be so out of place!
every time Ryback entrance happens with the siren, I think Steiner.
What is Scott Steiner up to these days? Imagine him in WWE now, he'd be so out of place!
He was out of place in the WWE in 2002 as well. He was booed out of the building in his 2nd pay per view. Also, people love him here but man they paint an ugly picture of him in the death of WCW book.
what did he do?
Hey guys remember when the WWE fired Daniel Bryan? Imagine if that had stuck? He's so far and away the most interesting and entertaining thing going (and ohbytheway best wrestler on the planet) I don't know that I'd still be watching without him.
And I'm no D Brine mark, I always appreciated him but never really thought of him as the main reason to watch the WWE but damn. His work over the past month has been epic.
what did he do?
What is Scott Steiner up to these days? Imagine him in WWE now, he'd be so out of place!
Yeah, he just randomly started shooting hard on DDP in a promo when they weren't even involved in a program at the time. DDP was waiting behind the curtain and they immediately got into it and Steiner tried to rip his eye out. After that, DDP and Nash left, which totally ruined the show. A link to the offending show.
Nitro 12/18/00 Review
Naomi just followed me on Vine. She's liked and commented on a few of my Vines and I'm so distraught. Help me lord.
Imagine if Daniel Bryan went to TNA after getting fired the second time.....
Naomi just followed me on Vine. She's liked and commented on a few of my Vines and I'm so distraught. Help me lord.