So I never posted this but It was me basically livesteaming raw.
Since GAF is down I thought I would do raw commentary
Here we go. Oh H's PLZ. Now using Vince to get you over really?
HHH: Wants an iron man match, Can't get out the ring to stop Vince.
Oh Steph that was horrible horrible horrible
Big Red Machine VS. Dean Ambrose. I love these guys and the matches are usually pretty good but can't they fight some one else? We came to see Sheamus sign, fuck you. Kinda boring so far. I kinda wish we would have had that iron man match. HHH would have need to been carried off for real. Where have I seen this ending before bleh.
Well thats something. Enjoy that Kane sweat Vicki. Oh no miz time. Poor Cody, what could have been. Miz wins, he always looks like he hurts himself more than his opponent. Curtis Axel to get title already? How can you be in this business and not know how to work the stick. I guess Mark Henry is not in the dog house.
HHH recap 2 ( or is it 3?4?) Jericho starting to bald. I wonder if he will start wearing a headband soon. Jericho putting punk over Punk/Jericho III. I'm afraid Jericho is going to hang it up soon. Ever EEEEEEEEEEEVER be the s..HERE TO SHOW THE WORLD. Don't what him you ignoramus.
Big E looking pretty good. Jericho taking JBL's hat. I hope Despicable Me 2 is good
Sin Cara Holy shit Vs. Cesaro. Shit Cesaro here to job, damn.he snuck across our borders wearing a mask, he is here illegally . These Mexicans a sneaky. This night screams we don't give a fuck so far. Oh wow Cesaro won
Monsters are real. We are coming.
Oh yeah Hardee's plug. Yeah have Vicki stuff her face yeah. What a fat piggy piggyYEEEAAAH. EPIC WOOD.
Rko and Daniel Bryan VS. the shield. Commercial break. Oh wait, is it a singles match? COMMERCIAL BREAK. I guess it is singles. Typical Rko match until suddenly. YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES. Where is Teddy Long? Holy Bryan is so good. Commercial break. The crowd is going need a break after this. These guys are so good together they both look main event tier in this match. Double roll through 1..2...NO KICKOUT. Good match. oh no botch Bryan looks hurt. Still wins. In the words of Mugatu, That Daniel Bryan is so hot right now
HHH Recap 4 I think
Dat Kaitlen. It's Big E, Big E Big E. Team Rocket Oh no. Big E's twitter getting him a push it looks like. Oh shit a big guy with a personality, lets push him. Oh shit AJ swerve. AJ: so uh hey, we gonna have that title match any time soon or something? Shattered glass. Kaitlen learned to cry from Eve it looks like.
You're Welcome VS. What's up. Hardee's plug. 6 strips of bacon, are you sure you should eat that king? The rock bottom er no.. uh. Shameful thing Lobster head too many limes too many limes. Blah blah. I see Steph can still traverse a hallway. Punk promo.
Lumberjack Face to Face? The Last of Us looks so good. I can't wait. HHH aga..HEEEEY! Steph is still scary. So are HHH and Vince going to be team hell no ver.2.0? Hug it out. Cena comes out and my DVR ends. Well there you go, this raw suck except for Daniel Bryan. Sorry for my crazy ramblings.
See you this thursday on Thunder!