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June Wrasslin' |OT| Welcome to the Family, Disregard my Brother


I almost bought Final Fantasy XIII for a third time today after seeing that XV trailer (never got past the linear part of that game), but then I remembered I hadn't played Dark Souls yet, and it's also $15 on Amazon.

Nice. I held off from buying Dark Souls for so long but I just saw this and had to buy it:


Doesn't come out till July but I've got Demon's Souls from PS+ and TLoU to tide me over.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I was going to get Last of Us but I know I'll only play that game once.

Also need to start paying off PS4 asap and playing more 3ds games. like Animal Crossing and X Zone are this month.


Except Daniel Bryan is putting awesome one on one matches on television two weeks in a row right now....and he's gradually turning into a more aggressive character, preparing him for a main event run.

So you picked a bad time to quit watching.

I've heard about how good Danielson's matches have been but my heart has been broken before.


Some people are talking about this double turn at Payback with Chris Jericho vs Punk where Heyman turns on Punk and helps Jericho win but I don't believe it.

Also Smackdown spoiler:

Divas Champion Kaitlyn vs. Aksana never got started. Kaitlyn, in a fit of rage and emotion over Monday's angle with AJ, beat Aksana's ass before it could happen, then beat the referee's ass for trying to hold her back.


Some people are talking about this double turn at Payback with Chris Jericho vs Punk where Heyman turns on Punk and helps Jericho win but I don't believe it.

I could see it, but WWE aren't smart enough to pull off such an intricate angle. They probably still see money in Punk/Heyman. There isn't though, and Punk needs to move on. I'm not sure if Jericho/Heyman is the way to go though.


I could see it, but WWE aren't smart enough to pull off such an intricate angle. They probably still see money in Punk/Heyman. There isn't though, and Punk needs to move on. I'm not sure if Jericho/Heyman is the way to go though.

It does make sense in a way because Jericho is done in August for a tour. So do the turn Punk beats him at Money in the bank and then leads to Lesnar vs Punk at Summerslam.

Also Smackdown Main Even Spoiler:

Daniel Bryan, Kane, and Randy Orton defeated The Shield. Yes, you read that right. The Shield actually got a pretty good pop. Orton got a HUGE pop. Bryan got lots of YES! chants. Bryan and Rollins started us off. The Shield alienated Bryan early. There was a fake hot tag to Orton, leading to the cut off and more Shield dominance for a while.

They took turns working him over. Kane got a hot tag, followed quickly by a Bryan tag. Bryan began cleaning house and the arena exploded. Kane threw Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose over the barricade, Seth Rollins ate a mid-air RKO, and Bryan slapped on the Yes! Lock for the win. In tribute to the late, great Gorilla Monsoon, this place has gone bananas!! There was a big celebration in the ring between Bryan, Kane, and Orton to end the show..

The Daniel Bryan push continues into doing Cena never did. Imagine if Cena did this? Also, this better not lead to him pulling a Rock from King of the Ring in 98 at Payback.


Jake being the first one should have been the sign that it was going to get dark and shady in a hurry. But it's pretty pathetic that this is what these guys have to resort to in the first place.


Nope. He had a mediocre match (from what I can remember) with Roman Reigns before DBry/Rollins took off like a rocket. Afterwards, he helped saved DBry from a Shield assault and the good guys stood around in the ring at the end, nodding to one another politely until commercial.

Also, Vicki made Orton/DBry v Shield for the titles a Payback match, so if there's a turn coming, it'll be there.


I'm not a drinker, especially beer, but Wild Blue blueberry beer is pretty great. I'm drinking it right now and getting ready to play Frets on Fire and probably watch Smackdown/Raw after it.
So I never posted this but It was me basically livesteaming raw.

Since GAF is down I thought I would do raw commentary

Here we go. Oh H's PLZ. Now using Vince to get you over really?
HHH: Wants an iron man match, Can't get out the ring to stop Vince.
Oh Steph that was horrible horrible horrible

Big Red Machine VS. Dean Ambrose. I love these guys and the matches are usually pretty good but can't they fight some one else? We came to see Sheamus sign, fuck you. Kinda boring so far. I kinda wish we would have had that iron man match. HHH would have need to been carried off for real. Where have I seen this ending before bleh.

Well thats something. Enjoy that Kane sweat Vicki. Oh no miz time. Poor Cody, what could have been. Miz wins, he always looks like he hurts himself more than his opponent. Curtis Axel to get title already? How can you be in “this business” and not know how to work the stick. I guess Mark Henry is not in the dog house.

HHH recap 2 ( or is it 3?4?) Jericho starting to bald. I wonder if he will start wearing a headband soon. Jericho putting punk over Punk/Jericho III. I'm afraid Jericho is going to hang it up soon. Ever EEEEEEEEEEEVER be the s..HERE TO SHOW THE WORLD. Don't what him you ignoramus.
Big E looking pretty good. Jericho taking JBL's hat. I hope Despicable Me 2 is good

Sin Cara Holy shit Vs. Cesaro. Shit Cesaro here to job, damn.”he snuck across our borders wearing a mask, he is here illegally” . These Mexicans a sneaky. This night screams we don't give a fuck so far. Oh wow Cesaro won

Monsters are real. We are coming.

Oh yeah Hardee's plug. Yeah have Vicki stuff her face yeah. What a fat piggy piggyYEEEAAAH. EPIC WOOD.

Rko and Daniel Bryan VS. the shield. Commercial break. Oh wait, is it a singles match? COMMERCIAL BREAK. I guess it is singles. Typical Rko match until suddenly. YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES. Where is Teddy Long? Holy Bryan is so good. Commercial break. The crowd is going need a break after this. These guys are so good together they both look main event tier in this match. Double roll through 1..2...NO KICKOUT. Good match. oh no botch Bryan looks hurt. Still wins. In the words of Mugatu, “That Daniel Bryan is so hot right now”

HHH Recap 4 I think

Dat Kaitlen. It's Big E, Big E Big E. Team Rocket Oh no. Big E's twitter getting him a push it looks like. Oh shit a big guy with a personality, lets push him. Oh shit AJ swerve. AJ: “so uh hey, we gonna have that title match any time soon or something?” Shattered glass. Kaitlen learned to cry from Eve it looks like.

You're Welcome VS. What's up. Hardee's plug. 6 strips of bacon, are you sure you should eat that king? The rock bottom er no.. uh. Shameful thing Lobster head too many limes too many limes. Blah blah. I see Steph can still traverse a hallway. Punk promo.

Lumberjack Face to Face? The Last of Us looks so good. I can't wait. HHH aga..HEEEEY! Steph is still scary. So are HHH and Vince going to be team hell no ver.2.0? Hug it out. Cena comes out and my DVR ends. Well there you go, this raw suck except for Daniel Bryan. Sorry for my crazy ramblings.

See you this thursday on Thunder!


I'm 25 and have been to one bar in my life. I've been drunk maybe 3 times, but the last time I showed my rookie colors when my buzz was wearing off. I decided that if what I drank (vanilla vodka and diet Dr. Pepper. DDP. BANG!) got be pretty buzzed, then the same amount (another pitcher full) would get me back to where I was. It didn't and I was sick for 3 days. I don't think I had any alcohol besides mudslides before I was 23. And I hadn't smoked weed until I was 23, either. Mushrooms last year. Weed sucked, mushrooms were great, and I wanted a fucking beer because I'm an alcoholic in waiting I think. Since I drink alone, at home. Are you an alcoholic if you only do it once a year to forget and sleep?

Maybe I should invest in Forget-Me-Nows instead. But I don't want to get into a roofie circle. Also, I'm a lightweight. ONE of these has me feeling a bit buzzed.
Nope. He had a mediocre match (from what I can remember) with Roman Reigns before DBry/Rollins took off like a rocket. Afterwards, he helped saved DBry from a Shield assault and the good guys stood around in the ring at the end, nodding to one another politely until commercial.

Also, Vicki made Orton/DBry v Shield for the titles a Payback match, so if there's a turn coming, it'll be there.

Didn't he like RKO ma boi D Brine to end the last Smackdown or something? Is Orton the new Sheamus? Where does Bo Dallas fit into all of this?

So many questions..
I'm 25 and have been to one bar in my life. I've been drunk maybe 3 times, but the last time I showed my rookie colors when my buzz was wearing off. I decided that if what I drank (vanilla vodka and diet Dr. Pepper. DDP. BANG!) got be pretty buzzed, then the same amount (another pitcher full) would get me back to where I was. It didn't and I was sick for 3 days. I don't think I had any alcohol besides mudslides before I was 23. And I hadn't smoked weed until I was 23, either. Mushrooms last year. Weed sucked, mushrooms were great, and I wanted a fucking beer because I'm an alcoholic in waiting I think. Since I drink alone, at home. Are you an alcoholic if you only do it once a year to forget and sleep?

Maybe I should invest in Forget-Me-Nows instead. But I don't want to get into a roofie circle. Also, I'm a lightweight. ONE of these has me feeling a bit buzzed.

I would say give weed another try. I rarely drink myself and it usually ends with disappointing results. Now I just take a shot or two of vodka to get a slight buzz and just leave it at that. I can't get shitfaced anymore and really only ever did 3 or 4 times.

Just find something that works for you and go with that. The best part about drinking alone is that you don't have any pressure and can do what you want. Want to wuss out after 1 shot, go for it. Want to take your pants off and drink until you can't walk, it's your house.
Weed and some sippin bourbon is where it's at. I can't drink like I used to, so weed is a nice substitute. Plus, I prefer that you're more in control when you're proper stoned vs when you're proper drunk.


I think I just had shitty weed and didn't realize what shitty weed looks like since it was my first time around it. All it did was make me realize my head is pretty close to the ground. I'm 5'5. I am aware of that most of the time, but when I smoked, all it did was make it more clear. I'm kind of nervous about smoking pot in the event that I actually look for a job and fail a drug test. But I'm not even looking for a job in earnest, so whatever. I just hate having to deal with the shady folks around here to get some pot.

I'm only drinking because of depression, not because I like it, but someone tell me why I can complete Frets on Fire songs buzzed that I could do sober. What is the deal? I've had 2 of these. They are 8% alcohol. I most definitely am pretty close to full on drunk. I'm a light weight. I'm going to have one more, play some songs until my coordination is too off to play the game, and then watch D-Bryne elbow fools on Smackdown. One more beer is probably enough. Save the rest for a pool day.

I do wish I had a permanent supply of mushrooms, though. Fuck, that first time was straight up revelatory. Music FELT so good. It was like the universe was looking out for me, made my yard feel like 1930 Cairo, and made music have a physical sensation. I spent a good hour and a half just listening to music and crying because of how good it felt. And also going outside and having genetic flashbacks to being a monkey. It was pretty awesome.



So not worth it
wwe.com: (video: http://www.wwe.com/shows/smackdown/2013-06-14/kaitlyn-fined-26122496)
Senior Adviser to the SmackDown General Manager Theodore Long has made the decision to fine Divas Champion Kaitlyn $10,000 for slapping a WWE referee during Tuesday night's SmackDown taping.

Watch the distraught Divas Champion's reaction to AJ’s joke on Raw

Just moments after the footage of AJ Lee embarrassing Kaitlyn on Raw was replayed on the TitanTron - an incident in which the unstable Diva revealed herself to be the titleholder's secret admirer - Kaitlyn went into a rage and attacked both her scheduled opponent Aksana and the official.

Don't miss SmackDown on Syfy, this Friday at 8/7 CT, to see how it all unfolded.

Sheamus must be pissed man, he got charged half a million for brogue kicking a ref and Kaittlyn only gets 10k.

If there isn't a segment of Sheamus complaining to Triple H about this on the next Raw I will be very dissapointed in WWE's continuity manager.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Before I Was excited about next-gen but not that excited.

Now that I have a ps4 preordered I'm just like 'fuck this old ps3 junk' ... except when South Park comes out. I need to play that badly.
It's ok to be poor Matthew. Just don't let lunchbox find out or he'll ask you to shine his boat shoes.
Aw, I was just kidding.

The PS4 is never going to have any games. At least Nintendo claims they want to have 3rd party publishers instead of outright telling them to fuck off during their E3 presentation.


I would never pre order a console, but Microsoft is going to have to go back on pretty much everything they've announced to get me interested in XBone. I'll get a PS4 probably around 2 years after it comes out. I didn't jump into this gen until Xbox Arcade was released, which was like 3-4 years into this gen. I'll be okay for another couple years with my 360 unless Microsoft decides to implement the XBone policies on it.
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