What the fuck, had I known how much of a pain in the ass it is to legally watch blurays on your PC, I wouldn't have picked up this drive.
Hahaha. You fucked up bro!
What the fuck, had I known how much of a pain in the ass it is to legally watch blurays on your PC, I wouldn't have picked up this drive.
What the fuck, had I known how much of a pain in the ass it is to legally watch blurays on your PC, I wouldn't have picked up this drive.
CoP fit Punk when he returned w/ the strap.
I miss the Fire Burns.
What the fuck, had I known how much of a pain in the ass it is to legally watch blurays on your PC, I wouldn't have picked up this drive.
What the fuck, had I known how much of a pain in the ass it is to legally watch blurays on your PC, I wouldn't have picked up this drive.
can't you just use VLC and be good to go? Even if the drive is OEM?
can't you just use VLC and be good to go? Even if the drive is OEM?
Nope. I put all the files that need to be where they needed to be and VLC still wouldn't work. Why the hell do you have to get paid software to watch the discs? That shit is nonsense.
I should have researched it, but I didn't expect the dominant media form to be completely Borked on a PC.
ijkol3n5iol23hnjo4ihjo3ihjnAlmost a new Paige;
There were reports that Windows 8 Media Center Pro would add native blu-ray support but that turned out to be false.
It really is an oversight that the OS doesn't support blu-ray discs by now.
Windows 8 doesn't even fucking support DVDs.
BluRay isn't DVD; it's not as open source, so whoever owns the copyright charges companies who develop software to play it. There are only two real options I've come across and both were 80 dollars last I checked.
Granted you need to buy software to bypass any DRM-protection(makemkv or anydvd, come to mind.) But once you have that, you can make your rips, or copy the file directly for 1080p glory.
..Yes it does. If you mean Windows Media Player on Windows 8 doesn't play dvd's then yeah it does not. Why? I have no idea. But you can play DVD's with every other media player, vlc, mpc, gom, etc.Windows 8 doesn't even fucking support DVDs.
Nights 1 & 2 of the AIW JT Lightning Invitational Tournament are up on DVD or MP4 download over at; http://smartmarkvideo.com
Also, watching some Dragon Gate earlier, Shingo's finisher 'Made in Japan' is just amazingly brutal;
Holy shit. Now I'm blocked from playing Predator because DRM will not allow for a bluray to be played over an analog connection. You have got to be fucking kidding me. You MUST have HDMI/DVI hooked up to your PC. This is straight up ridiculous. No wonder everyone pirates shit.
I think the best out of the drawings is Dustin Rhodes as an Egyptian pharaoh who cosplays as Ric Flair. So strange that was in the original idea for what would become Goldust. The only game I've really played online is Peace Walker and that's just to have someone to help me beat some missions, not vs mode at all.
I'm curious, with Chikara gone, do you think there are any indies like AIW who are poised to move up in the ranks?
Lets face it, I doubt Wrestling Is.... will hold the popularity that the Chikara brand has gained, and if Chikara comes back I doubt it will be the same as it was.....also, Chikara is pretty silent so far for this to be an angle.
I'm curious, with Chikara gone, do you think there are any indies like AIW who are poised to move up in the ranks?
Lets face it, I doubt Wrestling Is.... will hold the popularity that the Chikara brand has gained, and if Chikara comes back I doubt it will be the same as it was.....also, Chikara is pretty silent so far for this to be an angle.
I don't think that's DRM, that's just the way blu-ray players work. You have to have an HDMI or DVI cable to get true HD. Same thing happens on a PS3.
The golddust sketch looks like a ripoff of Welsh wrestler Adrian Street
It says it is due to DRM guidelines. This shit is ridiculous. I'm sending it back tomorrow.
But not allowing it to run at all because of it? That's some bullshit and a half. I only got this thing so I could get the bonus and commentary from movies from the libarry.
You'd think Japan would have learned by now that mixing shootstyle/MMA stuff with your pro wrasslers doesn't work out very well. You know what would be even better? If they had shoot/MMA guys invade and try to take over AJPW and spend the next two years having them battle it out for shoot worked shootstyle shoot fighting wrestling championship supremacy.
Are you legit shook from this treatment?
Real talk, I keep it out of Wrasslegaf now that it's gone mainstream. Thumbs up.
Adrian Street mention? As good excuse as any to post one of my all-time favourite wrestling photos;
Yep there is no way Golddust wasn't influenced by this
Oh and just for you Bootaaaay, my UK indie fave five (from only a couple of live events and youtube)
1) Danny Hope (tasselmania is running wild - plus he makes a lot of the ring gear for uk guys)
2) Noam Dar - 19 and already looking really talented and his Morning Glory entrance is awesome
3) Kris Travis - dude sells like an animal
4) Dave Mastiff - stiff as fuck
5) Man Man Manson / Dave Rayne - brilliant in comedy spots
Ok I cheated I bit with number one but you have to love a comedy gimmick now and then, its Fandango level bad but he is having fun with it
Liger has been announced for PCW in November along with Masters, Uha, Shannon Moore, Hardcore Holly and Steen, ill get front row seats but not too sure about some of those imports I think a couple is enough and let the UK guys shine
My mate is Thinking of taking in a futureshock event and an Infinite show in Liverpool, may go along should be fun
Oh and just for you Bootaaaay, my UK indie fave five (from only a couple of live events and youtube)
1) Danny Hope (tasselmania is running wild - plus he makes a lot of the ring gear for uk guys)
2) Noam Dar - 19 and already looking really talented and his Morning Glory entrance is awesome
3) Kris Travis - dude sells like an animal
4) Dave Mastiff - stiff as fuck
5) Man Man Manson / Dave Rayne - brilliant in comedy spots
Jeff Albertson said:Liger has been announced for PCW in November along with Masters, Uha, Shannon Moore, Hardcore Holly and Steen, ill get front row seats but not too sure about some of those imports I think a couple is enough and let the UK guys shine
My mate is Thinking of taking in a futureshock event and an Infinite show in Liverpool, may go along should be fun
Sunflower said:Keeping ALL these dudes in mind, I've been branching out to UK stuff as much as I can lately but I'm going to be making a concerted effort. Boots had linked some the other week and I'm interested, oh so interested. Seen Dave Mastiff, amazing shit. Will need to look at more Noam Dar.
Also, you can grab the first four PROGRESS shows as digital downloads from their website - well worth the asking price, especially Chapters 1 & 4;
Remember how good X-Pac was for his age?
What the fuck, had I known how much of a pain in the ass it is to legally watch blurays on your PC, I wouldn't have picked up this drive.
That sucks. I've been thinking about getting a PC drive for a while now, since I have my PC hooked up to my TV anyway, but didn't know that there were hoops to jump through to actually play them.
Yeah, he had some sort of back injury that set him back for a while didn't he? Or he cracked his skull, or something. I can't remember.
- As of this week, Ryback is not scheduled to win the WWE Title from John Cena at Sundays Payback pay-per-view. The whole idea behind the Three Stages of Hell match is that it will be used as a vehicle to get Cena over big for the summer.
- The Payback card was changed over the weekend. WWE announced Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan vs. Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns on RAW but as of last Saturday, the plan was to do a Bryan vs. Orton singles match.
At last word, Bryan is still scheduled to be part of the WWE Title picture in July and August of this year.
- On a related note, its possible we see two heels turns at Payback, one with Bryan and the other with Chris Jericho.
Source: F4Wonline.com
"Hey guys let's fuck things up again!"
Of course it is dirtsheets, but the fact that it's being brought up, is unbelievable. Heel Bryan vs FACE Cena. No way Bryan's winning clean. At best, Ryback interferes with a shellshock and Bryan with a flying headbutt with ref slowly counting after a bump.
Heel Bryan's happening, Calling it.
Heel Bryan is NOT happening. I'd stake my life on it!