This is proof of his awesomeness.
this is such an amazing pic.
Long live Devitt!
bootaaay: has all of the Best of the Super Juniors been uploaded?
This is proof of his awesomeness.
Amazing. I can't wait for Aii to see this and burn his eyes out.
AJ and Angle having a great match.
GREAT television match between AJ Styles and Kurt Angle. Screwy TNA ending, but man...I absolutely love AJ's new style and moveset. One of the punching combos he pulled off was straight up Street Fighter.
bootaaay: has all of the Best of the Super Juniors been uploaded?
Did anyone ever give any consideration to the idea that perhaps it was Dolph trying to over sell that actually injured the Bear Rot Garage? Big Show has been persecuted long enough.
The hell have you done.
AJ looks a bit odd for some reason...
AJ looks a bit odd for some reason...
It's being said that Vince McMahon was actually blaming the WWE product for the low rating as opposed to the NBA game, as he didn't understand how big of a draw the Heat are, and he didn't think the Pacers were a very popular team.
I'm thinking about getting DKCR3d and Last of Us after work today. But hm, need to save money as well.
Anyone know how good the replayability is on DKCR?
I find platformers incredibly replayable in general, so I guess it depends on what interest you have in revisiting stages to grab Kong letters to unlock the rest of the games secret stages, or the optional puzzle pieces that only earn you stuff like artwork.
It's also got a time attack and mirror mode but that's more for the die hard platforming scene.
Tropical Freeze looked really cool to me, and I don't have a Wii, so I figure it could be something to do on the 3ds until I decide to buy a Wii U. I guess when W101 comes out.
Every time I come in this thread recently it's about games
Which makes sense because a gaming forum.. but I come here to hide from that at times.
Penguin said:Every time I come in this thread recently it's about games
Which makes sense because a gaming forum.. but I come here to hide from that at times.
Happened in all the other communities too. Blame E3. MMA-GAF was talkin games! So was...all the other communities!
On a gaming forum, what can you do. You should add in some talk about the wrestles, so it feeds off of each other.
For instance:
Let's talk about cleverly-named finishers. Got any?
Undertaker's TOMBSTONE is truly a brilliant name for it.
Ted DiBiase's MILLION DOLLAR DREAM was great, because...people have that dream.
Gimme some mo.
Yeah, I get that, although personally I like posting about non-wrasslin' stuff here, as I value the opinions of you guys more than the average Gaffer on gaming side. We probably have gone off topic more than usual recently as well, what with e3 and everything.
Oh I like this game!
(And I actually like games as well and platformers but still!)
I will do the reverse though.. I've always hated the name Pedigree for Triple H's finisher. I know it's a holdover from his original gimmick, but finishers' names can change.
I also dislike the Skullcrushing Finale. I've never ever gotten the reference or how it works for the Miz.
Sometimes it's nice to come here and get away from the negative whining of gaming side when it gets too much and escape all the people who think they know how to run major companies, here in the comfort of Wrasslegaf it's all about complaining about the state of WWE and fantasy booking how to successfully run THIS BUSINESS
...okay so maybe it's not much different at all but somehow all of that works a lot better in here.
Give me time to look up finisher names, i'm sure there's one in particular that i've always loved but my minds gone blank.
Heres the updated synopsis for WWEs new (unnamed) Triple H WWE DVD/Blu-Ray, which will be released on September 24th:
Triple H continues to build upon his enduring legacy. From 13-time World Champion to COO, Triple H has played multiple roles spanning decades. Packed with over 3 hours of documentary footage, all-new interviews and matches, this compilation profiles Triple Hs entire career as well as his current executive role with the WWE.
Paul Heyman ✔ @HeymanHustle
"RT: @TheDrewMcIntyre if one was to join Paul Heyman nobody makes more sense than a tossed Chosen One #revival" VERY INTERESTING!
Vince McMahon and Triple H are being advertised for every WWE RAW through July 8th.
TNA has announced that a Destination X edition of Impact Wrestling will air on Thursday, July 18th from Louisville, Kentucky.
Previously, Destination X had been one of TNAs monthly pay-per-views, however, the show was dropped when TNA changed to the quarterly PPV schedule earlier this year.
It looks like Chris Jericho's current run with WWE will end at Money in the Bank or RAW the night after the pay-per-view. Jericho likely won't be returning to WWE until mid-October.
Jericho will begin touring with Fozzy at the end of the summer with a UK tour in August and then a US/Canadian tour from September 12th through October 10th. One of Fozzy's confirmed tour dates is August 18th, the same day as WWE's SummerSlam pay-per-view.
CM Punk will be writing the foreword for Natalie Slater's cookbook titled, "Bake and Destroy: Good Food for Bad Vegans." The book will be released this August.
I agree.. I hate when people want to tell gaming companies what they are doing wrong.. but I get it
At the same time, we'll all tell the WWE how to fix their product
I think the major difference is that WWE is a "Free" entertainment that they try to convince you to pay for.. so you're like.. we want to pay you.. but you're not doing it right
Anyhow, I also like the Diamond Cutter as a finisher name
And always thought Rock Bottom was clever and worked since driving you to the ground.
Nope, and we may have to wait a while, as the finals aired on some channel no one in the scene has, while the other missing days were aired on that NicoNico website that's a pain in the ass to use if you're not Japanese.
Okay then!
LOL, ice cold, Devitt;
That's one way of looking at it, plus it's not like we take things far enough that we're all sitting in here discussing the finer details of WWE's oversea tours plans, various financials like DVD sales and placing every new piece of WWE merchandise under analysis for sales potential, and we'd never actually talk about the wrestling itself.
Back to the finishers, I was going to say Rock Bottom myself, F-5 is one that suits the moves visual perfectly as well as its big impact, not exactly a name that's snappy but it fits like a glove.
Actually the best finisher name was clearly Eat Da-Feet of whatever it was called, usually I can love even the worst puns but that one was just too much.
Why did I just imagine Lawler saying something like "That sole food ain't no chicken soup for the soul, but that's what she'll be drinking now through a straw", it's like a repeated finisher line from a WWE game.It's just spelled Eat Defeat. Sole Food is another name for it.
Has this been posted? http://www.wwe.com/classics/superstar-sketches-photos
(searches for the url came up blank for me so apologies if this is a re-post)