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June Wrasslin |OT| When you lose, you're a jobber, when you win, you're Cena.



The last thing we need is Brodus in a movie.

Somebody call his momma.

oh btw


Am I kawaii? Uguu~

heavy turned his back on me, after I made him a GM in my e-fed, now he's dead to me.
Wrestling Sketchbook is amazing, Blue Undertaker with flaming red hair, it reminds me of something but I can't quite put my finger on it, maybe it was that Scottish bagpipe playing ghost from one scooby doo episode I faintly remember.
A nice review of the CHIKARA IPPV from Larry Csonka at 411 Mania. The event is already available for purchase at Smart Mark Video.

* Ultramantis Black defeated Ophidian @ 11:03 via pin [***]
* Dasher Hatfield & Mr. Touchdown defeated Mixed Martial Archie & Colt Cabana @ 16:15 via pin [**½]
* Ladder Match: Gran Akuma defeated Icarus @16:07 [****¼]
* Sara Del Rey & Saturyne defeated The Batiri @ 9:00 via DQ [*½]
* Lucha de Apuesta: Mask vs. Hair Match: Hallowicked defeated Tim Donst @ 14:13 via pin [***¾]
* Eddie Kingston, Mike Quackenbush, Jigsaw, Soldier Ant & Green Ant defeated 17, The Shard, assailANT, combatANT, deviANT @ 9:30 via pin [***¾]
* Campeonatos de Parejas Match: The Young Bucks defeated Chuck Taylor and Johnny Gargano © @ 23:00 via pin to become the NEW CHIKARA Campeonatos de Parejas [***½]

OVERALL THOUGHTS: CHIKARA has once again put on another very good iPPV event. We had some quality wrestling, with a good opener, the great ladder match, the hair vs. mask match, a hot 10-man tag and the tag team main event. The show was paced well, coming in at just under three hours (with intermission) and it just felt fun.

Ophidian debuted a new look, but lost so there is the question if that will remain his look, or if his change will continue. Mixed Martial Archie is gone from CHIKARA, due to losing under shady circumstances. The match was exactly what it was supposed to be, Mr. Touchdown continued to be a cheating individual while Dasher Hatfield tries to play the good guy. Sugar Dunkerton returned on commentary and noticed this, so with the NEW Throwbacks having three points, you have to wonder if Hatfield will listen to Sugar, or if he likes winning matches and getting title shots.

The ladder match between Gran Akuma and Icarus was built up so well, and they delivered big time. Everything they did meant something, played into their history and they then backed it up with the match of the night.

While I am not a fan of DQ on PPV, CHIKARA hasn't done this before, so they will get a "wait and see" approach. Delirious came out to destroy Sara Del Rey & Saturyne, and then seemed to bless the Batiri and take them under his wing in what appears to be a new faction. This also plays into the blogs and promos that Delirious has been doing, so I am interested.

The Lucha de Apuesta match was a good showing from both Donst and Hallowicked, as they worked very hard and told a good story, which played into the build of the feud. They did the big tease, where people thought Hallowicked would be unmasked, but good prevailed and the shaggy mane of Donst is no more. What is more telling is that Donst threw down his Young Lion's Cup, which has been such a big part of his character for so long. Change is coming for Donst, and that is likely a good thing.

The ten-man tag was an outstanding match/brawl between the evil GEKIDO and the faces of CHIKARA. Before the PPV, the story was that Fire Ant was attacked by GEKIDO and sent to the hospital. The faces hit the ring and were ready to go with only four-men, but founder Mike Quackenbush returned from injury (at the hands of GEKIDO) and became the fifth man. While not at the same level, it was similar to the type of all out brawl you'd have between the Von Erich's and Freebirds, where it was all action, big heat from the crowd and the faces got the win to make everyone happy. The usual good work from the usual suspects, Eddie Kingston throwing bitches around, the big balcony dive by Green Ant and Soldier Ant getting the big win was great. It wasn't quite what I expected, as I thought that we may have some form of heel turn or a big reveal (namely 17) but they didn't do that, and the story must continue. The after match was also a good touch as the faces were celebrating, minus Quackenbush, who instead tried to break 17's fingers in retaliation for his injury. The overall package of the 10-man was very well done.

The main event tag match was a good tag match, but not my favorite of the evening. Gargano and Taylor are generally hated as the big heels, but the Bucks were presented as outsiders trying to take the titles from CHIKARA. The crowd was split for a lot of the match, and while the eventually got behind the champions, I feel that it took some of the heat out of the match. The first two falls were solid, but the action picked up very well in fall three, and we got new Campeonatos de Parejas. I am not a fan of the Campeonatos de Parejas being bounced around so much, but I hope that they have a plan with the "outsiders style angle" here with the Bucks.

The end of the PPV had two good videos, the first being Archibald Peck, wandering through Philadelphia like a sad panda, due to his loss. The almost knock off of the lonely man (Incredible Hulk theme) and him walking past the Rocky statue was a nice follow up to his disappointment of loss (both the match and Veronica).

They also had a video with Tommy Dreamer announcing that King of Trios would get extreme, because he was coming to participate. He announced Jerry Lynn and 2 Cold Scorpio as his partners. I like Dreamer more than most, Lynn is on a retirement tour and to see him in CHIKARA is cool, and Scorpio can still go pretty well. They will be a solid addition to the tournament, and Lynn and Scorpio could have some really fun matches on night three with the right opponents.

Overall a really good show, with a stream that was flawless on my end. The only complaint is that it was announced roughly 15-minutes before the event that the Internet speed at the venue is limited. That meant that they would not be broadcasting to Mobile and Roku Devices, just through computer for the night. That really annoyed me because I prefer to watch through my Roku, and learning the news 15-minutes before the show is simply infuriating. This is something that they should have tested before the day of the show. I understand why it was done, to keep the quality of the PC stream high, but you have to give me some more notice as a customer.

Big thumbs up and recommendation as CHIKARA continues to have one of the best booked products (especially continuity wise) in all of wrestling. Well worth the $15.
Good review, although I wasn't as bothered by the lack of a clear heel/face team in the main event, it was an easy **** match for me. Definitely the best PPV I've seen in 2012 from any US promotion, everything served a purpose, made sense and didn't once fall flat with the crowd who were fantastic all night. Great show.

Here's another recent NOAH event, featuring a second match between new NOAH acquisition Atsushi Kotoge and young English wrestler Zack Sabre Jr, then, NO MERCY of Takayama & Maybach Taniguchi taking on Australian duo TMDK of Mikey Nicholls & Shane Haste, plus, in the main event 6-man tag AJPW Triple Crown and GHC Heavyweight Tag Team Champion Jun Akiyama, his partner Akitoshi Saito and former champion Go Shiozaki take on GHC Heavyweight Champion Takeshi Morishima and the no. 1 contenders for the GHC Heavyweigh Championship, Mohammed Yone & Naomichi Marufuji;

Sendai Industrial Exhibition Mansion Aztec Museum
700 Fans


01. Genba Hirayanagi vs Kentaro Shiga

02. Atsushi Kotoge vs Zack Sabre Jr.

03. Yoshinobu Kanemaru vs Ricky Marvin

04. Kotaro Suzuki & Atsushi Aoki vs Taiji Ishimori & Ricky Marvin


05. Yoshihiro Takayama & Maybach Taniguchi vs Mikey Nicholls & Shane Haste

06. Jun Akiyama, Go Shiozaki & Akitoshi Saito vs Takeshi Morishima, Mohammed Yone & Naomichi Marufuji
Complete details for the new Paul London & Brian Kendrick shoot interview;

Highspots.com announced the complete details of the sequel to their extremely popular Brian Kendrick & Paul London's Excellent Adventures DVD.

The sequel, "Brian Kendrick & Paul London's Bogus Journey" has completed production and will be released when Highspots receives 250 pre-orders. They are holding off on releasing the DVD until then due to the sheer amount of piracy out there hurting sales of their original productions. So, they are staggering the release as a way to prevent immediate piracy from hurting their DVD sales.

The official details on the DVD:

Two full years after the most honest and outrageous interview we ever conducted, we sat down again with Brian Kendrick and Paul London to catch up with what they've been doing, how they've been and get their thoughts on the state of the industry in 2012.

This is a very different interview from London & Kendrick's Excellent Adventures. We go much deeper into the psyche of both guys and get their thoughts on the business in far greater depth than before. The boys are just as honest as ever but this time they are clear minded, insightful and thought provoking.

But make no mistake they still hold nothing back and express their thoughts with brutal honesty! Hear about the night they thought about shooting on HHH on live TV. Hear Paul's thoughts on CM Punk, who he calls the "HHH of Ring of Honor."

Did they get any negative feedback from people in the industry after their first interview? Has anyone tried to shut them up? Nobody tells it like it is quite like Paul London and Brian Kendrick and it makes some people in the business uncomfortable to know that more of their dirt and their truths are going to come out with the release of Volume Two.

Topics convered include:

Brian's thoughts on TNA. Incredible insight here as he compares how the X division guys are treated versus how WWE treated the cruiserweights, the emphasis both place on tag-teams, who are the people backstage killing TNA, morale under Hogan and Bischoff and thoughts on others in the office. Paul and Brian compared themselves to background players in WWE, find out if Kendrick considered himself a main character in TNA and if not, who he feels is responsible. Get the scoop on why London and Kendrick didn't go to TNA together and much more. This is some of the best and most honest insight into the TNA locker room we've ever captured in an interview!

London talks about viral marketing and using social media to promote yourself. He did it first, now find out his thoughts on others like Zack Ryder who have taken the ball and ran with it.

Thoughts on their runs in PWG and Dragon Gate USA including thoughts on the Young Bucks, Jon Moxley, Teddy Hart and others they ran across. The usually happy go lucky duo has some harsh words for young guys in the business who don't respect the veterans and name specific instances you won't believe!

Thoughts on WWE re-doing the summer of Punk angle last year, as well as Paul's detailed account of why he and Punk never got along. No one has ever unloaded on Punk like this in a shoot interview before to our knowledge. Paul goes so far as to call him the "HHH of Ring of Honor" and explains precisely why he feels that way.

Thoughts on Punk and Dragon being champions in WWE at the same time. What sets them apart from other run of the mill indy guys. Is it their ability or do they play the political games better than most? Paul and Brian have been there and know both guys well, you will hear true stories about how both got to where they are today.

Hear the amazing story of Paul and Brian's biggest regret in WWE and how if they had it to do over again they would have fired back at HHH on live TV.

We touch again on conspiracy theories, such as Brian's assertation that Jon Benet Ramsey actually grew up to become Lady Gaga, what is the moon made of and much more.

Hear Brian's thoughts on what would make for a perfect pro wrestling promotion. It involves stop-motion animation and cats trained by Teddy Hart to wrestle.

Both reflect on their time in the business, what they've gotten out of it and determine whether in fact it has been a "bogus journey" or if its actually been a pretty good trip.

The boys are every bit as out there as in volume one but in this interview they get their point across with crystal clarity and express their opinions in typical London and Kendrick fashion, no holding back! Buckle up and ride along for London and Kendrick's Bogus Journey!

The set will also come with a "Best of Paul London" DVD.


I would like to wish wressleGAF the best in all future endevors. Kinect crap is going to cause WressleGAF to be temporarily fired. But don't worry Evilore will rehire you with an iron clad contract in a couple days.


I would like to wish wressleGAF the best in all future endevors. Kinect crap is going to cause WressleGAF to be temporarily fired. But don't worry Evilore will rehire you with an iron clad contract in a couple days.

Unless we start a REVOLUTION *wink wink*


Good news: new belt!
Bad news: still shit!

"During a Q&A session Saturday at the Wizard World Comic Con in Philadelphia, WWE champion C.M. Punk said WWE is planning to reveal a new WWE Title belt to replace the spinner belt. However, Punk says he doesn't think it is an improvement over the current belt.

"I email people that you people don't know exist and I bother them constantly about this damn thing. There is a new title. I've seen it. I'll probably get in trouble for saying it, but I don't think it's any better than the current one." Punk re-assessed and said, "It's better than this. They literally just made it. It's about 20 pounds heavier than this one. I keep preaching that I want to be the guy - if I'm not the guy who doesn't produce a new title, then I'll be a liar, and I don't want to be a liar. It's out there, and it's coming soon. Probably a lot sooner than the ice cream bars."


Figure Four Weekly - October 2000

The lesson to be learned this week is that wrestling fans will find their wrestling. Raw, debuting on TNN with less than a full week of promotion, did a 5.5 rating off hourly numbers of 5.1 and 5.7. Nitro, which was supposedly going to be a pay-per-view calibre show, did just a 2.9 off hourly numbers of 3.2 and 2.5.

Prior to the WWF jump, ECW was always the highest-rated show on the network, usually drawing between an 0.8 and 1.0.

So everyone in the WWF is probably pretty pleased with the number, as they should be. Raw peaked at a 6.2 for the second half of the ladder match, hit a 5.3 for the main event, and a 5.9 for the overrun. Nitro’s high point was a 3.5 for the ICP vs. Mike Awesome match and a 3.1 for the bikini contest. Shockingly, the Goldberg vs. Steiner cage match which followed did just a 2.2, which is pretty much a disaster.

The other big story of the week was the ECW rating, which was an 0.8. The reason that is big news is because ECW attempted to get word out all week that this would be the final show on TNN, in the hopes of popping a rating. Clearly that didn’t work. And the funny thing is, the show didn’t end up being the final one thanks to a last-minute bargain by Vince McMahon.

Vince, out of the kindness of his evil billionaire heart, rescinded his exclusivity clause with TNN last week, which will allow the ECW TV show to stay on the network through December 31, 2000. Vince’s contract with TNN explicitly stated that his would be the only wrestling show on the network, which was why ECW’s final show was scheduled to be on September 22nd. As the story goes, Vince felt bad for ECW since the appellate court ruling came in on September 18th, giving Heyman only a couple of days to try and sign a new TV deal.

The plan as of Sunday was to split up Edge and Christian into singles wrestlers with the idea being to push Edge to superstardom. It’s too bad, because Christian is the better worker and the better promo guy of the two.

They’re doing an angle on the WCW house shows where Miss Hancock comes out before David Flair’s match and says if he wins, she’ll reveal who the father is. He then gets his ass kicked.

Randy Savage may have a role in an upcoming Spider Man movie. According to the New York Daily News, he’s training with Jack Armstrong, whoever he is, at the Venice Beach Gold’s Gym

Front row tickets for this year’s WrestleMania are selling for $500, a new record for the company. They go on sale November 17th.

Pamela Paulshock refused to participate in the Nitro Bikini Contest unless she was promised the win. Instead of telling her to hit the bricks, they bowed down to her and agreed. She sure learned the wrestling business quickly. The other girls were understandably upset with having to go out there and lose a worked contest to a girl who never even stripped down to her bikini bottoms. Shockingly, WCW.com ran a poll the next afternoon and, believe it or not, Pamela was winning that one too. Amazing.

ECW taped another TNN show Friday. No major news except the Network lives on. Fans also went crazy during Balls Mahoney’s match and pelted the ring with more garbage than you’d have seen in the heyday of the NWO. They were cheering for Balls at the same time, however, so apparently the fans considered it a compliment when they threw trash at him.

As we noted last week, the Nitro Grill officially closed down last week. The facility, which opened in May 1999, was hardly ever promoted on TV and died a fairly quick death. The thing to note is that WWF New York was on its way to dying a similar death just six months ago, but the WWF totally turned it around by promoting the hell out of it on TV. Now, despite being located in Times Square, home of the most expensive real estate on this planet, the restaurant is not only still alive but actually making money. Why some people can’t comprehend what the word “promotion” means in the term “wrestling promotion” is beyond me.

Insane Clown Posse no-showed Nitro and Thunder last week, then reported on their hotline that they’d quit again. I’m not going back to check, but this is literally like the fourth or fifth time they’ve quit.

Vince Russo was a guest on Mancow’s radio show last week and got a lot of people talking with his comment that he was THE writer in the WWF before he left. Not part of a crew, not the head writer, the ONLY writer. He claimed he wrote everything, it went to Vince, and then it aired on TV. He also said he left the WWF on “good terms”.

The WCW Title change on Nitro was the 20th of the year 2000 alone.

Midajah is suing the LA Weekly newspaper for two million dollars since they used her photograph in an ad for a phone sex line. The newspaper is claiming it’s the advertiser’s fault but — get this — they claim to not know who the mysterious advertiser is. Was his name not on the check or something?.

We got one report that Kronic refused to job to Goldberg on Nitro. When you look at how the show was set up, with Kronic attacking Goldberg after his first match, it sure seems like they were being set up to do a job for him later. Then, for no apparent reason, Goldberg beat up the Harris Twins. If they did refuse to job, for Goldberg of all people, I see absolutely zero reason why they shouldn’t be fired immediately.

Meng was telling people backstage that he was retiring after Nitro. I wonder if that means he’ll be a Canadian next week?

Shane Douglas beat Sting. Douglas gave Sting a headbutt to the groin, then grabbed his eye in pain. I guess he poked it on Sting’s penis or something. Konnan kidnapped Torrie. Jarrett then hit Sting with a guitar leading to Douglas applying the Franchiser for the win.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
No more dicking around, click this link to chat with Wrassle-GAF. Keep it handy.

If there is something more official, stop being so goddamn oblique about it! In the meantime come say hi.

EDIT: Removed link as there IS something more official.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Those classic dirtsheets are fantastic. I love it, especially because I remember seeing all that shit first go-round. Painful.


No One Remembers
Figure Four Weekly - October 2000

So everyone in the WWF is probably pretty pleased with the number, as they should be. Raw peaked at a 6.2 for the second half of the ladder match, hit a 5.3 for the main event, and a 5.9 for the overrun. Nitro’s high point was a 3.5 for the ICP vs. Mike Awesome match and a 3.1 for the bikini contest. Shockingly, the Goldberg vs. Steiner cage match which followed did just a 2.2, which is pretty much a disaster.

Vince would literally have a heart attack if that happened today.


Meltzer on the LAW yesterday was saying that there's going to be some semi-major business related news today. Not sure if it's for WWE or TNA.
I sort of feel like the new title is the biggest potential news out there right now, the Cena belt needs to be torn down like the statue of Saddam

evil ways

Good news: new belt!
Bad news: still shit!

"During a Q&A session Saturday at the Wizard World Comic Con in Philadelphia, WWE champion C.M. Punk said WWE is planning to reveal a new WWE Title belt to replace the spinner belt. However, Punk says he doesn't think it is an improvement over the current belt.

"I email people that you people don't know exist and I bother them constantly about this damn thing. There is a new title. I've seen it. I'll probably get in trouble for saying it, but I don't think it's any better than the current one." Punk re-assessed and said, "It's better than this. They literally just made it. It's about 20 pounds heavier than this one. I keep preaching that I want to be the guy - if I'm not the guy who doesn't produce a new title, then I'll be a liar, and I don't want to be a liar. It's out there, and it's coming soon. Probably a lot sooner than the ice cream bars."

I knew WWE was gonna fuck it up. Just look at the U.S. Belt, the Divas belt and most recently those god awful spare change Tag Team belts.

They should've just brought back the winged eagle or the attitude belt.
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