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Jurassic World 2: More animatronics, scarier story, 'not about militarized dinosaurs'

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I quite strongly disagree

They were talking about animatronics, you posted CG

although I do think most of the animatronics hold up quite well


Now what's the next step in your master plan?

Quality starts to get hard to see in a sub 500x400 gif

I just watched this movie and it still looks fantastic. There are a few rough spots but for a movie that came out nearly 20 years ago it makes Jurassic World look like a damned joke and that came out last year.


Besides technicalities of effects I feel like the artstyle of the dinosaurs needs to be closer to the previous movies. More real/gritty looking and less cartooniness. The scene in The Lost World with the Ingen guys capturing the dinos in that open area looks more realistic than the field of dinosaurs that the kids went through in JW.


Yay!! So glad they didn't go with the military shit. I really enjoyed JW aside from that storyline. Really excited for this!


You guys would agree that Jurassic Worlds opened up in other part of the world ? So maybe Jurassic Park Japan etc..



Quality starts to get hard to see in a sub 500x400 gif

Dude it's 23 year old CG. It holds up just fine. The brontosaurus and some shots of the raptors are looking pretty hokey now, but the Rex remains excellent (
just don't look at the feet too closely
You guys would agree that Jurassic Worlds opened up in other part of the world ? So maybe Jurassic Park Japan etc..

The first (World) ended with the park getting fucked and Colin has said in the past that it wouldn't make sense to make another one about a theme park-- and now he's saying it's about humans existing alongside them so I don't think there'll be any new parks.

Also, arguing about special effects is fucking pointless. Some will see bad, some will see good. I usually see a mix of both in just about everything as that's closer to the truth.


Is Bayona the director or is it some kind of weird collab? If he's directing alone then there's some hope for this franchise to be good again after the pile of trash that was JW. If Trevorrow is somehow involved in the directing I'm out.

Trevorrow is not directing, Bayona is. Having said that, what was your issue with Trevorrow's directing? I thought he did a great job. The script on the other hand...
Man I didn't realize so many people hated Jurassic World

It got pretty good reviews and everyone I know dug it. It was loud and dumb but a ton of fun.
Didn't the promised animatronics for JW too? I don't believe them until I see them.

Nothing CG made in JW in 2016 looks better than the Trex animatronic roaring towards the camera under the rain in the original JP in 1993
I'm sick of this franchise focusing just on DinoSaurs and huMans. They made a point in the first movie to say all the plants were also from the Jurassic period. The next installment should focus on the flora.


Everyone really hated JW that much? It wasn't that good but the vitriol towards it on here is pretty surprising to me. I had fun, I'm sure I'll have fun w/ the second one.
Would be dope if it was about some exotic animal smugglers who go to the island to capture dinosaurs (including a pack of raptors) to sell on the black market, but the dinos escape from their enclosures and kill everyone on the ship. Then the ship crashes into Haiti or some shit, and start murking people left and right. They eventually have to call a hunting party led by Chris Pratt to solve the problem.
As dumb as it is, kinda bummed we're not gonna be seeing militarized dinosaurs. Sure it's crazy-lame, but making another Jurassic Park crisis ...again is a lot worse. Who keeps going to this fucking park!?

I don't think Seaworld would open back up again if it's first two runs ended with killer whales living up to their name.

Edit: Read the rest of the interview, he says it won't be a park again but...I can't really think of where else they could take the story.
"Jurassic World War" is something I never knew I wanted until now lol, sounds so fucking ludicrous that it would have to be awesome. I mean the end of Jurassic World where the Raptor becomes the triumphant hero has already demonstrated that this universe is officially off the fucking rails, why not go all the way? No half measures, if you're gonna be silly be committed to it 100%
As dumb as it is, kinda bummed we're not gonna be seeing militarized dinosaurs. Sure it's crazy-lame, but making another Jurassic Park crisis ...again is a lot worse. Who keeps going to this fucking park!?

I don't think Seaworld would open back up again if it's first two runs ended with killer whales living up to their name.

It's not about another park.


As someone who hasn't seen Jurassic World because I couldn't really care, though I still need to get around to it regardless, I have to ask. "militarized dinosaurs" please tell me this is a joke! :/
As someone who hasn't seen Jurassic World because I couldn't really care, though I still need to get around to it regardless, I have to ask. "militarized dinosaurs" please tell me this is a joke! :/

Yes and no? I mean, there was a villain in Jurassic World who wanted to train raptors for military use, but the movie tries to go out of its way to point out how stupid he is for thinking that (even though it also somewhat validates it, but whatev).

And the interview specifically said they aren't going in that direction for the sequel. So that won't really be an issue.


I'm officially retired from JP movies. The last one was a bowl of shit that I had to force myself through. Never again. For those of you that liked it, well, yeah...
I really enjoyed Jurassic World, so I am looking forward to it.

The only movie in the franchise that I really see as bad is 3. Even 2 has a few quality aspects.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
This movie doesn't need to be 'bigger'. It's not about 'bigger better dinosaurs' or 'bigger action sequences'. Brings up Raptors in the Kitchen scene vs Indominus Rex Helicopter explosion, and how the simplicity of the former is just as effective - of not more.
Oh that's adorable. He sounds so charitable saying that kitchen scene just might be better than the goofy helicopter sequence.

Colin is proudly 'guilty' of caring about the Dinosaurs as much as the people. They're characters.
I didn't get the sense he cared about either.
I'm going to be honest, the idea of war raptors ripping through a war zone was the only lasting idea that stayed with me after that movie.


I am down for Jurassic World 2 providing they do a few things;

-Don't do another scene of your female characters running away from a T-Rex in high heels, it's dumb and weaken the female character and the T-Rex.

-Do not do going back to the island angle, it's has been played out for 4 movies straight, let have the Dinosaurs leaving the island.

-Don't introduce pointless plot point that goes nowhere like the kids parents getting divorce.

-Stop ignoring science and give the Dinosaurs their feathers, fuck people's childhood science crushes everyone belief.

Am I the only one who parses Bayona as Bayonetta if I'm not concentrating too hard on reading?

I did the same as well.

Maybe people start fucking dinosaurs in this one and that's the big focus?


Oh my god, someone wrote an erotic novel of a woman having sex with a toy t-rex. o_O;
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