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Jurassic World SPOILER THREAD | Boy, do I hate being spoiled all the time

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Popcorn bag:


Not enough photoshoped heads!!!
Yes, let the hate flow through you.

I used to drive a tow truck and a couple of summers ago some asshole called because he had sank his trailer when he tried to get his boat in the water on a fishing trip, and when I went to get it out it pulled my truck in too. I really wanted to knock that guy's lights out.


Unconfirmed Member
Looks like my guess may be right that the Indominous shot in the last trailer was in the aviary and that's how the winged dinos escape.
I was bored and decided to fix the Dimorphodon.


What could have been.. (For the record, I increased the skull size by 110%, added a little extra slope/ridge and increased the eye size.)


Unconfirmed Member
My problem with the dimorphodon was it could have been different (and more accurate) from the other designs and respected "canon" or whatever their reasoning was for the raptors not having feathers. It's a species that has never been on camera.

Edit: AKA I don't think their dimorphodon can be "fixed"
^^^I like how the don't use the
even though it's supposedly in JW.

Kind of glad they are keeping some secrets from the public. I hope tomorrow's trailer continues to keep that and other stuff like the Rex under wraps, maybe a tease of an eye or something if they absolutely need to show it.

Man, I had a dream the other day about this movie. It was straight rip off of the raptor village scene from TLW except with Pratt and the kids. Of course it gets to the gymnastic bit once again, except for some reason the kids jumped on the bar together and both literally swung Pratt into kicking the raptor.

I remember even within the dream thinking "yo, this is corny as fuck" lol.


Unconfirmed Member
Something fun while we wait for tomorrow trailer.. Jurassic World themed Barbasol cans!



I'm dumb :p Just had a conversation that went like this:

"Wait Barbasol?? That's the most random movie promotion partnership ever!"
"...really? Think about it: Barbasol..."
"...oh riiiiiiiight!!"

I had a slow moment :x


We see raptors taking down some people in the trailer. I wonder if there are non-Raptor Squad raptors in the park or if Pratt loses "control" of his team.


However, I have no idea why or how the chopper crashes, if the I-Rex was inside.

I-Rex breaks into the aviary creating a hole that some of the Pteradons can escape through and the Pteradons attack the helicopter because how dare they be in their sky and the helicopter crashes into the aviary releasing the rest of the Pteradons?


Unconfirmed Member
Looks great and CG has been getting touched up (much to the haters disappointment :p)

I'd rather discuss in here because trailer topics always go:

"It's great!"
"LOL looks so bad!"
"It looks amazing!"
"Worst that JPIII"

Etc etc...

I personally can't wait to go on midnight.
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