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Jurassic World SPOILER THREAD | Boy, do I hate being spoiled all the time

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New Featurette - 'A Look Inside'!



I have to go wayyy out of my way to a busy as shit part of the city to get to a DQ. Ugh.

Anyway, I was looking up the security page on Masrani and learned a few fun bits.

- they mention that they're monitoring ALL the Muertes...why, are there Sites C, D, and E?

- they mention poaching and incidents with accidents on the mainline (likely hinted at being animals stolen who end up escaping or turning on their captors)

- they mention an incident in Canada that Vic had to deal with due a reports of a "flying reptile" (spinoff comic book potential)

It makes me wonder if JPV will end up being about these incidents.



Goddamn, I admit I actually got chills there.

Between this and Force Awakens, I think film makers are finally GETTING it. Colin himself said it the best: "making a film that makes adults feel like kids again". This and Star Wars and maybe even PacRim have that feeling in me. It's almost like films alone might make me skip out on the mid-life crisis. lol

Give up on kids, marketers...the 80s/90s generation are going to be your demographic for a very long time.
There's a lot of new footage in this one.=O

Yeah, and strangely enough even the tiny three second bits of a Trike waking up or an Ankylo walking through a forest are more exciting to me than big attractions or guns blazing.

Seriously, despite the dialogue I think they got it this time. I really do. I haven't felt like this since the first one.
I was hoping some of you would post your collections, especially those of you with figures from the past since I'd never collected them. I know some of you have already, but do it again! Get up close.

Here's my Jurassic collection. :

(Not shown: the novels and a keychain with my name on it)

A close up of my one and only JP figure, a raptor from The Lost World. Behind it is the diorama fold out that was part of the TLW OST packaging:

The Soundtracks. The two jewel cases came with the Deluxe Edition. The other folds out into the diorama pictured above:

The DVDs. A trilogy collection in a nice gate fold out packaging and the standalones (the original two came with the Deluxe Edition so I got rid of my original standalones):

The Blu-Rays. The trilogy collection folded out with packaging and the 3D release of the original:

Here are the books. The soft covers and "Dinosaurs of JP" books were 'borrowed' from my former middle school when my sister started going there. The double was acquired from my late mother-in-law. Note the new Jurassic World books:

Inside the hardcover for anyone who hasn't seen it or wants to see it again. I loved constantly checking the map whenever they started talking about new settings in the book:

Giving my (son's now) JP raptor some company. This is my dusty Dromaeosauridae shelf:

I'm holding A Utahraptor claw in my hand, my first fossil. In the back is a great looking 1/10 scale FEATHERED Deinonychus w/stand

An up close look at my Papo raptor to show its JP raptor influence:

Apparently abload just doesn't like my pic detailing the contents of the Ultimate Edition.


Nice collection you have there, Moon. Sadly all I have is the original on Blu-ray. All my old toys and books were thrown away by my parents a long time ago.



I borrowed them back from my son for a little photo shoot. Took a bunch more up close shots if anyone wants to see them.

Put the original boxes and some other items there as well such as copies of the NES/Genesis games. Along with the Jurassic World line as well.

Thanks. I'm hoping the toy collectors post their stuff. LEGO folks too. Especially the new stuff.

Best toy collection in the thread so far.

Me too, I'd love to see some of the stuff again.

Speaking of old JP merchandise, did anyone else rock these sheets?


I vaguely remember those.
Yes, those sheets and also a blanket with the Isla Nublar map and dino icons all over it. I remember being hyped for the movie because of my bed set but never saw it in theater lol.


I've been playing the iOS/Android game. I love it -- it's basically an upgraded Jurassic Park builder. Kinda stuck though, it slows down once you really get into it and I blew all my gold and such on the weekend event.


For sure! That and a rerelease of Ghostbusters as part of a classics package to make sure i saw my all time favs in a theater.

Ah, good. It'd be a shame to be a fan of the series and never see the original on the big screen. My parents took me to see it when it came out and 20 years later I took them to see it. Good times.
Seriously, despite the dialogue I think they got it this time. I really do. I haven't felt like this since the first one.

I feel like dialogue almost always sucks in trailers because it feels so highlighted. They use choice quotes to describe things in a blatant fashion so people watching TV can easily get what the story's about.


This one actually hit a press server, so I will work on getting some good HD grabs online ASAP. Any parts people wanna see in particular?

Some good stuff in the new featurette. Just extened shots of scenes we already know about, but that shot of them firing a net at the I. Rex's face is looking damn good,


This is everything I have here. Have more back home, and there was a lot more that has been lost to time that I wish I still had.

Plan on getting the two other cheaper lego sets (Will have to wait on the Trex and Irex sets too much for me) and the room sets to hold onto whenever they decide to come out. Only Hasbro toy I am even thinking about getting is the Irex. Really unimpressed with everything else. Fuck I forgot the JW pillow I grabbed at walmart. Oddly enough I can't find anything about it online. We have all seen this right?

Updated my original post:

Here are the books. The soft covers and "Dinosaurs of JP" books were 'borrowed' from my former middle school when my sister started going there. The double was acquired from my late mother-in-law. Note the new Jurassic World books:

Inside the hardcover for anyone who hasn't seen it or wants to see it again. I loved constantly checking the map whenever they started talking about new settings in the book:

Giving my (son's now) JP raptor some company. This is my dusty Dromaeosauridae shelf:

I'm holding A Utahraptor claw in my hand, my first fossil. In the back is a great looking 1/10 scale FEATHERED Deinonychus w/stand

An up close look at my Papo raptor to show its JP raptor influence:

Apparently abload just doesn't like my pic detailing the contents of the Ultimate Edition.


Unconfirmed Member
Cool pics of everyone's toy collection. Though the mods move of this to community seems prescient now. ;p
This is everything I have here. Have more back home, and there was a lot more that has been lost to time that I wish I still had.

Plan on getting the two other cheaper lego sets (Will have to wait on the Trex and Irex sets too much for me) and the room sets to hold onto whenever they decide to come out. Only Hasbro toy I am even thinking about getting is the Irex. Really unimpressed with everything else. Fuck I forgot the JW pillow I grabbed at walmart. Oddly enough I can't find anything about it online. We have all seen this right?

Oooh I want that pillow!


Cool pics of everyone's toy collection. Though the mods move of this to community seems prescient now. ;p
There is an all-things Jurassic Park discussion thread, but the conversation is in the right place for now.

Once the dust settled on the film, and we know whether it's awful/awesome, the discussion will likely migrate back there.


Unconfirmed Member
Wish I had time to gather my stuff together. My poor TLW Stego received a few tears in the rubber on its tail since I moved :( Not caused by me, but it sucks. There's some other dinosaur stuff I need to try and dig up out of storage when I head there. Not JP, but I had these AWESOME dinosaur magazine/book things. It was a set of books you buy, each which came with a couple pieces of a t-rex plastic skeleton to put together. Sadly I missed some issues, I think because I couldn't find the newer ones on sale where I would get them at. At the end I think you could purchase a kit to put plaster on the skeleton or something and make it into a model figure! I always wanted to do that :(

Ah, this was the one! Each issue had a 3D image in it too. Real neat stuff :)

EDIT: Holy crap this thing had like 50 issues total?? I only had like 6! Turns out the later issues came with the plastic parts with the model for you to paint yourself. Mine would've looked like crap if I did, anyways.

Also, that pillow is awesome! Too bad the logo is HUGE on it (half the size would've worked much better). I might get...


Forgot to mention I have the JW Pratt with Raptors poster. Shame though because it's dark and is clearly meant for the backlight that posters usually have at theaters.
Hey guys, if you have the time/channel throw on Animal Planet now (8pmEST)! It's the River Monsters 'Jurassic-Sized Prehistoric Terror' special, which will have a preview of Jurassic World.



Is there a general dinosaur thread for sharing stuff? This was just my JP stuffs.

I want to see stuff there to maybe expand my collection or find deals on stuff I'm eyeing assuming a cheaper alternative exists.

I hope I can check that episode out elsewhere. I'm giving my son a bath and recording now is too late.

Nevermind. It's coming on later so I set it to record.

Lord... the current CG, I can't get over it. It blows my mind what they were able to do with the CG models in broad daylight scenes. Seeing the raptors like that is so cool. The textures are amazing. The skin and patterns are neat.
What are you talking about its obviously worse than JP1 /s
I've seen better on Terra Nova and Nat Geo specials etc.

The OT is going to suck.

Lord... the current CG, I can't get over it. It blows my mind what they were able to do with the CG models in broad daylight scenes. Seeing the raptors like that is so cool. The textures are amazing. The skin and patterns are neat.

I've seen everything posted here on mobile. But when I uploaded my collection on my desktop?! My jaw broke my keyboard seeing that at the top if this page. Gorgeous.
I can't wait for the whining -_- I can get constructive criticism about a movie, but I think some people just WANT movies to be bad.

There's a palpable difference between constructive criticism and what actually goes on. Some people wrote this off as soon as the movie was announced, and some when the director was announced. How in the glorious hell am I supposed to take anyone like that seriously? On the flip side some of these people may think I'll like it no matter what, which could not be further from the truth. What is true is that I'm likely poised to like it more than certain people, but only through perspective and the fact that I like to give movies the benefit of the doubt without going through the pre-release phase convinced something is going to be terrible.

When it comes to trailers, I'm personally aware that special effects are continually developed and improved over the course of post, so my mind wasn't just locked on criticizing early effects shots because that's a waste of time, and I try not to judge dialogue because dialogue is cherry-picked to describe the story and certain situations, so it's almost always out of context. I guess I'm just not in the business of judging things so blatantly on the surface level and I'd rather spend the release lead-up excited rather than down in the dumps.

It doesn't mean that I will love the movie no matter what, but I guess it does mean that due to being more open-minded and excited that I've created a more positive atmosphere for myself, so yes, the likelihood of me liking it more than say Cow Mendge or Mr. Kane is, in fact, highly probable. :p I like what I'm seeing quite a bit, but it could still go either way.


I pray every day that this will be a movie I love. Last two summers have had my most hyped films as the worst ones I watched (Elysium and Godzilla).
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