There's a lot of new footage in this one.=O
So has anyone seen the cups at DQ? Seems most places are doing the blizzards and have the promotional materials. But no cups.
There's a lot of new footage in this one.=O
Poor guy, real life dinosaurs in his world and he still can't get a good anotomically correct TRex toy
(Not shown: the novels and a keychain with my name on it)
I'm holding A Utahraptor claw in my hand, my first fossil. In the back is a great looking 1/10 scale FEATHERED Deinonychus w/stand
Thanks. I'm hoping the toy collector's post their stuff. LEGO folks too. Especially the new stuff.
I borrowed them back from my son for a little photo shoot. Took a bunch more up close shots if anyone wants to see them.
Put the original boxes and some other items there as well such as copies of the NES/Genesis games. Along with the Jurassic World line as well.
Thanks. I'm hoping the toy collectors post their stuff. LEGO folks too. Especially the new stuff.
Me too, I'd love to see some of the stuff again.
Speaking of old JP merchandise, did anyone else rock these sheets?
Just don't use a account.Does anyone know what the restrictions are with abload? Is there a time limit? Any alternative sites that are GAF compatible?
Best toy collection in the thread so far.
Yes, those sheets and also a blanket with the Isla Nublar map and dino icons all over it. I remember being hyped for the movie because of my bed set but never saw it in theater lol.
Wow, really? Did you at least get to see the 3D rerelease in theaters?
For sure! That and a rerelease of Ghostbusters as part of a classics package to make sure i saw my all time favs in a theater.
Seriously, despite the dialogue I think they got it this time. I really do. I haven't felt like this since the first one.
This one actually hit a press server, so I will work on getting some good HD grabs online ASAP. Any parts people wanna see in particular?
I'm holding A Utahraptor claw in my hand, my first fossil. In the back is a great looking 1/10 scale FEATHERED Deinonychus w/stand
Cool pics of everyone's toy collection. Though the mods move of this to community seems prescient now. ;p
This is everything I have here. Have more back home, and there was a lot more that has been lost to time that I wish I still had.
Plan on getting the two other cheaper lego sets (Will have to wait on the Trex and Irex sets too much for me) and the room sets to hold onto whenever they decide to come out. Only Hasbro toy I am even thinking about getting is the Irex. Really unimpressed with everything else. Fuck I forgot the JW pillow I grabbed at walmart. Oddly enough I can't find anything about it online. We have all seen this right?
Oooh I want that pillow!
I know I was just kidding. Pillow looks cool my son would love that.This is just what we were waiting for. No one can get on us for it now.
I know I was just kidding. Pillow looks cool my son would love that.
There is an all-things Jurassic Park discussion thread, but the conversation is in the right place for now.Cool pics of everyone's toy collection. Though the mods move of this to community seems prescient now. ;p
Whats it actually made out of?
Its a hybrid of specific dinosaurs with great movie names like the Giganotosaurus and Majungasaurus, as well as other animals that exist in the world today, with certain attributes that Dr. Wu [B.D. Wong] felt would create the ultimate piece of entertainment.
Hey guys, if you have the time/channel throw on Animal Planet now (8pmEST)! It's the River Monsters 'Jurassic-Sized Prehistoric Terror' special, which will have a preview of Jurassic World.
There's a co-branding deal between Animal Planet and Jurassic World. Elements of the film are being worked into the show, and Chris Pratt is involved somehow.Hey guys, if you have the time/channel throw on Animal Planet now (8pmEST)! It's the River Monsters 'Jurassic-Sized Prehistoric Terror' special, which will have a preview of Jurassic World.
Lord... the current CG, I can't get over it. It blows my mind what they were able to do with the CG models in broad daylight scenes. Seeing the raptors like that is so cool.
I've seen better on Terra Nova and Nat Geo specials etc.What are you talking about its obviously worse than JP1 /s
Lord... the current CG, I can't get over it. It blows my mind what they were able to do with the CG models in broad daylight scenes. Seeing the raptors like that is so cool. The textures are amazing. The skin and patterns are neat.
I've seen better on Terra Nova and Nat Geo specials etc.
The OT is going to suck.
I can't wait for the whining -_- I can get constructive criticism about a movie, but I think some people just WANT movies to be bad.