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Jurassic World SPOILER THREAD | Boy, do I hate being spoiled all the time

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It's just hard for me to imagine how to keep it organic and believable. But again, I'm not an accomplished storyteller by any means haha

Well, what is Masrani/InGen have other facilities across the globe and Jurassic World is simply the well known/public exception. Considering they're a giant bio-tech company and the largest private military, I'd bet they have more than a few places with dinosaurs that are under tight wraps for one reason or another.

Or in a less corporate corruption angle, they could always be building a second park elsewhere.

Or, what are their competitors up to? I wonder how BioSyn is doing...
And then the vehicle boxes on the bottom mid are part of the canned 3 3/4" scale humans/vehicles from JW.
Kinda makes me sad as Hasbro could do stuff like
With zero effort(all reused GI Joe parts).
Yet the few different sets were all basically Joe soldiers thrown in with Dinosaurs.


Jurassic World looks great as a single standalone film, but I'm not seeing how they can milk another trilogy franchise from it.


Jurassic World looks great as a single standalone film, but I'm not seeing how they can milk another trilogy franchise from it.

As others said its more than likely going to be taking a big turn. Likely the militaristic properties of dinosaurs. Or something about site B again. Since I don't think they could ever manage like dinosaur city take overs without be ridiculous more so than usual. If the comics are any indication.
Jurassic World looks great as a single standalone film, but I'm not seeing how they can milk another trilogy franchise from it.

The world is a very different place in the Jurassic universe, with biotech and cloning expanding into bold new fronts across the globe. Dinosaurs are the new Disney. While JW is the only place to see them, that's in the public eye. Who's to say what may exist elsewhere.

Either way, I really think the option for sequels is finally incredibly strong. It's no longer a secret, remote incident.
Tbh I see two possibilities.

1.) The shady military dinos angle. Up the intelligence, turn the dinos into action heroes. Has the potential to be awesome in a stupid way but would probably lose all the the "Park" and graceful aspects of the series.

2.) rip off the Apes movies. Dinosaurs rule the Earth once again. Hyper-intelligent. No talking tho, that's just weird.
Tbh I see two possibilities.

1.) The shady military dinos angle. Up the intelligence, turn the dinos into action heroes. Has the potential to be awesome in a stupid way but would probably lose all the the "Park" and graceful aspects of the series.

2.) rip off the Apes movies. Dinosaurs rule the Earth once again. Hyper-intelligent. No talking tho, that's just weird.



Not gonna lie, I'd be completely fine with a sequel that rehashes the "site B" aspect of The Lost World. Just, you know, write a better script that doesn't involve gymnasts this time.
Have you guys seen the Best Buy store exclusive footage?

No, I need it though, that remaining bit should fill in the gaps of the film that I haven't seen yet. Once I get that I can edit in the new stuff and put the movie on Youtube two weeks in advance. It wouldn't be illegal since they've made everything publicly available through the commercials, clips, features, and BB exclusive footage.
I actually thought the idea of catching small but powerful glimpses of Godzilla and it being sort of a incidental element of a smaller character-driven story was a cool idea (even if it's sort of a rehash of his earlier film Monsters). It just fell apart for me when the character stuff was a complete slog, which in turn made me impatiently wanting Godzilla to appear throughout the entire film. After the Bryan Cranston bits, it's like they ran out of story.

It was all tease for not enough payoff if you ask me. Plus faking a death more than once, like really? That and it was just way too slowly paced.

The teases and news reel clips were much more effective in my opinion. 9/11 and other world tragedies and natural disasters aren't scary to me if I see them from impossible angles over and over like the San Andreas trailers or The Day After Tomorrow. It's scary when I watch raw footage on youtube or documentaries. Perspective. Seeing Godzilla fight that monster on the news was fantastic and despite being a smaller view, it was still in full view, not much of a tease. And seeing a tornado approaching before closing the basement doors is more horrowing than just seeing it happen when we get to see it moments later (a la Godzilla 2014). Perspective can't be said enough.

The human element is perfectly enjoyable if you look at Godzilla as a metaphoric force born from
Cranston's death.
"How pretentious" etc etc. I get it. But it works well.


Sequel talk: I once had an idea, but it's kind of small scale and it was before discovering my dislike of Sarah Harding so with that and Jw, some things need tweaking. But basically a rich Central/South American businessman shows off his caged dinos (that presumably escaped) in secret to a group of prospective backers to help fund the reverse engineering of them (or some such). But they get loose, attack, mame, kill, and flee into the jungles (either by "evil rival" or folly of man, whichever fits.)

Sarah Harding came in after receiving a phone call from the family of the businessman because she was friends with him and he was one of a few she disclosed the Site B incident with (he had so many questions, without her knowing it's because he actually had dinos).

So it involved tracking and capturing them on the mainland and returning them but the government had their own team hunting the dinos on the island and and threatened to pull out and "nuking" the island while our protagonists were still on the island.

I came up with that after seeing 3 so forgive me. I'd still like to see some of these elements (dinos on the mainland, maybe owned by folks in rudimentary pens).


For sequels I could see them attempting to bring in other prehistoric creatures, maybe mammals alongside dinosaurs with/without feathers.


They could easily introduce feathered dinosaurs in the sequel. There could be a breakthrough in the DNA extracting process that allows them to create dinosaurs that are almost genetically perfect. They could be housed on Isla Sorna, just waiting for their chance to be introduced to the public. That'd be pretty cool territory for them to explore.
What about a Jurassic Heist? Rival company hires a team to infiltrate and steal DNA and other assets only to be thwarted by guard dinos? But we root for Mr. Good guy, one more job to save kidnapped daughter/ailing wife, and discover the dark secrets of Masrani behind the scenes.

Honestly, I just want security feed footage of raptors roaming an alleyway/hallway, viewed in black and white or night vision. I just feel like the footage could look extremely and horrifyingly real.
I have no idea, I haven't seen the footage. I don't really consider it that big of a spoiler because that was one of the earlier rumors surrounding the hybrid. I was just saying that just because it has camo abilities doesn't mean it's going to be invincible all the time. Visitors would be able to see it.

I still think it's an anomaly of the hybridization that they aren't aware of.


You can see chameleons.
This is less chameleon (which don't actually change their colors to fit their environment) and more cuttlefish/octopus (which are fucking magicians). It seems like a really silly idea to make your star attraction able to hide from the spectators.

Maybe it is an unexpected result, but if it is intentional it seems like a brainfart on the part of the dino designers.
Also, is this not a spoiler thread? Why are we using the tags?
Good point.
Maybe it is an unexpected result, but if it is intentional it seems like a brainfart on the part of the dino designers.

I think the footage of the animal where you can clearly see it, if it's intentionally designed that way, quells your argument... you can see it just fine :p

It can blend in, but usually these things only do so to some type of response mechanism. If it's just sort of chilling or whatever it's unlikely to be blended, not to mention that it could be one of the attraction points, where the attendees could wait patiently or try to find it as its blended.


The world is a very different place in the Jurassic universe, with biotech and cloning expanding into bold new fronts across the globe. Dinosaurs are the new Disney. While JW is the only place to see them, that's in the public eye. Who's to say what may exist elsewhere.

Either way, I really think the option for sequels is finally incredibly strong. It's no longer a secret, remote incident.
Maybe they play up the 'world' angle, as dinosaurs escape and become a fact of life in the modern world. Sounds hokey.
Okay, question:
Why on Earth did the theme park owners genetically engineer their big hyped-up attraction to be invisible ?

They didn't know. Also, you can still see it, it's just harder to see. I think the idea of seeing a giant dinosaur with crazy camo abilities is great.

Regarding the Best Buy footage, I loved this line:

It can camouflage!

So simple, but damn it's tense.


As I said before I really think the raptor mix up is because of their looks. They just don't stand out enough in the film from what we have seen.
As I said before I really think the raptor mix up is because of their looks. They just don't stand out enough in the film from what we have seen.
I think they're all identifiable. My initial blunder came from a fan-made "marketing piece" after noticing Delta lacking the Lego proclaimed pupils. So I'm already miffed by that but it also seems the raptors not named Blue are fodder which is disappointing.
Blue is best dino confirmed.

The end of our wait is in sight. Feels good.
Ordinarily, I'd be all over the Leonardo/Lion-O of the group but more bird-like and round pupils are hard for me to ignore in raptordom.

Seeing as how Delta's missing one of those features and the other may hardly be showcased, I may have to jump band wagon.
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