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Jusant - Don't Nod's new game is out today. Early reviews very positive.


Neighbours from Hell
Game Informer: 9/10
Noisy Pixel: 9/10
Games Radar: 4.5/5
Eurogamer: 4/5 stars

Really looking forward to picking this up.
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Magic Carpet

Gold Member
Using the old worn out launch controller for this one. I hear it gives the triggers a work out. And your trigger fingers.


This looks pretty chill but my gaming calendar is just packed right now, so going to back-burner this one and wait for a sale.


A Nate Drake Sim doesn't sound fun to me.

Eh, the Uncharted/GoW climbing scenes are generally just puzzles (and they're dead time in the middle of heavy action games.) This is more of a thorough climbing experience, with stamina systems and anchor points and risk-reward choices.

I mean, if those climbing sections are the scourge of your gaming life (which I could see your point on,) then sure, this game is not for you.

On the flip side, from what I'm seeing of Jusant, it's the game that all these other games with climbing sections wish their climbing mechanics could be but don't have time to implement because they don't actually care about those sections of their game. This, Horizon Call of the Mountain, Crytek's The Climb series, these games are using familiar climbing gameplay mechanics to make complete and enjoyable new experiences.


Thanks for posting. I was curious about this game. I figured the gameplay would be boring (just climbing), propped up by a nice aesthetic. But the high review scores make me wonder. I'll have to watch some of those videos.


Gold Member
PC gamepass has NO DLSS
Steam version has DLSS
Old demo had DLSS

Go figure

Not the first time the gamepass version of a PC game is different.

This looks good though, it featured heavily in DF's UE5 video the other day. Personally waiting for a sale though, I just don't have time for more games than the ones I'm currently playing at the moment.


Dudes and dudettes.

If you like games such as Limbo, Journey, The Last Guardian, etc stop reading reviews and just buy the game. I’m a few hours in and it’s wonderful.
Add RIME to that list as well.

I played about an hour or so of Jusant and it’s very solid

If you’re on PC turning GI down from max to high offered significant performance gains for me (about 15-20fps). Shadows from max to medium gave another 5 or 10.
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Managed about 80 minutes of this before uninstalling. I love the idea of it, but the climbing mechanic is just annoying. Things you can grab onto / things you can't are poorly signposted.

I was stuck in an area with a lot of flat walls, tried swinging towards some logs sticking out of the wall that looked like you were meant to climb up them. But either the shitty controls wouldn't let me grab them, or I couldn't tell if I was actually close enough due to the lack of shadows, or they were just scenery and I wasn't meant to go on them. I have no idea.

Maybe a few years ago I would have persevered but these days I have zero patience for shit like that.

Shake Your Rump

Gold Member
Things you can grab onto / things you can't are poorly signposted.
I’ll argue the opposite. In this game, if it isn’t extremely obvious that you can climb on it, you can’t climb on it. They also put the little blue carabiner things and highlight wooden planks to guide. There are other things as well, but people should explore for themselves. :messenger_smiling_with_eyes:


I’ll argue the opposite. In this game, if it isn’t extremely obvious that you can climb on it, you can’t climb on it. They also put the little blue carabiner things and highlight wooden planks to guide. There are other things as well, but people should explore for themselves. :messenger_smiling_with_eyes:
Those logs certainly looked like they were placed there to attract your attention - there was a series of them going up the wall, like the remnants of a walkway. Didn't manage to grab them, but I'll never know if that's because I was missing them by several feet or they were inert scenery.
The demo was fantastic. I really enjoyed the whole experience. I kept having this nagging feeling though that I wish it had an i.p. attatched to it to give some character to the game. It feels like this is one Nintendo-type- art direction away from really surprising people. I will almost surely pick this up in the future when I've gone through my massive backlog.

Kenneth Haight

Gold Member
Looks cool. I loved death stranding and this sounds a lot like that in terms of mechanics, not art style obviously. The traversal sounds like you need to pay attention. I love hiking and climbing so this looks great. I’m in once I’ve cleared some of my backlog but definitely on the radar.

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
I recommend at least looking at anything Focus is publishing. Best emerging publisher out there right now.
I really like Focus' output (loved both plague tale games and enjoyed greedfall and the surge 2 as well), but somehow I was unaware about this new don't nod game they were helping publish. Good stuff by them.
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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
2 minutes in. This game is amazing. Feels like I'm really doing something new. I love it. Definitely buying this.


Gold Member
There was a demo back in June and it ran terribly on Deck.
Now that I think about it. This kinda reminds me of Grow Home. While that was decent, it didn’t grab me for more than an hour or so. I do like SotC, this certainly isn’t SotC. This isn’t Death Stranding either. I watched a trailer for it a couple months ago. It looks intriguing with the shoulder pet, but if the performance is bad on Steam Deck then I might have a bad time with it.

Magic Carpet

Gold Member
Im going slow. But the tutorials flash by too fast. Im not sure what all my mechanics are.
I really like this style of art and visuals.
Its possible to go pretty fast if you get the triggers and jumping going just right.
Dontnod made beautiful games with LiS and Tell Me Why, but I think this one is just a little bit too artsy-fartsy for me. After Unravel a few years ago I just ditched games like these. Probably gonna pass.


Fell into a crevice a few minutes into the game. Camera started going crazy as I swung around like an idiot trying to get out of it. Got out by hitting ALT+F4.

May try again later.


voted poster of the decade by bots
More proof that gamepass doesn't equal bad or great games, both exist in both models. (Just like subscription based movies and TV shows)
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