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Jusant - Don't Nod's new game is out today. Early reviews very positive.


Just beat it. Wow what an amazing, beautiful game. Definitely one of my favorites of the year. Never would have thought Don't Nod would make a game I'd really enjoy.

Artstyle is insane, gameplay is fun and exploration was good. Great music, kind of reminded me of Returnal sometimes? Had a couple problems with controls/character getting stuck for a second but that was about. Very polished and just a solid, tight experience.

I clocked 3 hours 21 minutes, so a bit on the short side but damn it was good the whole way through. Last time I enjoyed every second of a game was probably INSIDE and that was only 2 hours long.
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Can’t Git Gud
Don’t known if I want to stare at the wall for hours. Already did that in call of the mountain this year.


What time is it?
Playing this slow for Daily Achievement GP Quests, but it seems solid so far. I hope stamina management becomes more prevalent and help prompts become far less prevalent. Some of the animation work seems a bit off, especially on jumps or when reaching for handholds when suspended under a rock face.


Can’t Git Gud
u5 nanite and lumen in place, maybe df will take a look at how it performs

The game looks so simple graphically... does it really need to be so demanding?
Is the time of day dynamic or something? Why does it need lumen.
And nanite? whit this geometry?


I made an OT here



GAF's Pleasant Genius
Id like to think Microsoft is rewarding them based on my download and play time. But yes. If its amazing I may buy it on sale later. Like I do with movies.
I think it would be best to buy it now outright, which I did :)… not on a sale… not waiting for MS to distribute pennies their way out of all games in their catalogue (demo, reviews, etc… this game screams quality :)). Might double dip if they port it on Switch well as I want to play this on OLED screens only.

This kind of games thrives on subscription services when the owner of the service pays them to bring the title on board. Paid based on average users playtime vs total users, etc… is not sustainable.

Edit: more on this last point from an Apple product veteran…

GamePass like Apple Music / Spotify is not something that will reward small and up and coming artists without MS paying for them and the small indie studios are already complaining the deals Sony and MS offer for their services is getting worse and worse for them already.

Compared to music, it is even more vital for small studios to get as much revenue as possible from gamers. So if we really care about a rich and vibrant games landscape without everything moving to tons and tons of microtransactions F2P mobile games style, GamePass and the like are not the answer… (yes that includes PlayStation+ Extra and Premium… all day one options).

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Just beat it. Wow what an amazing, beautiful game. Definitely one of my favorites of the year. Never would have thought Don't Nod would make a game I'd really enjoy.

Artstyle is insane, gameplay is fun and exploration was good. Great music, kind of reminded me of Returnal sometimes? Had a couple problems with controls/character getting stuck for a second but that was about. Very polished and just a solid, tight experience.

I clocked 3 hours 21 minutes, so a bit on the short side but damn it was good the whole way through. Last time I enjoyed every second of a game was probably INSIDE and that was only 2 hours long.
Have you tried Cocoon????


Just finished this game on my moster setup RTX 4090 + 13900K on my Sony 85" X95K (that can do up to 2000 nit peak in HDR and 750 nit full screen) at 4K, 120hz, with BFI and maxed out settings, DLSS on ca 56% and man..... what an aesthetic marvel. Graphics are jaw dropping, both in art style and as well as geometric density and fidelity. Lumen's bounce lights really makes the image vibrant, especially on the sunny 3rd stage and I think the game also uses Nanite with very little pop in and no noticeable LOD level switching and an absurd level of geometric detail on the second to last stage.

Climbing was fun and intuitive, this is how I wish Nathan Drake would be climbing in the UC series. But I wish there were a mode where there we an actual danger of falling of regular cliffs as well as possible dying from a high fall when climbing, alas there is not so there isn't much to fret about other than figuring out the path forward.

I didn't notice any Shader Compilations Stutter :messenger_horns:, the only stutters were when I ran too demanding settings and as long as I pulled back the resolution with DLSS, the fps was rock solid except for some extremely geometrically dense sections.

Would recommend!!!
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Bought it yesterday and absolutely love it! The gameplay mechanics are fun, the story is interesting and full of heart and the visuals are top-notch. If you are looking for a chill short game, this is it.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Finished it last night. Seriously impressed by the graphics, the attention to detail everywhere is mindblowing. Textures, materials, lighting, shadows, amazing work by Dontnod Paris.

Series X











Good thing you highlight textures… it is mostly lots of colored polygons and little to no texture maps actually… Nanite flexing its muscles 💪 ;).
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Good thing you highlight textures… it is mostly lots of colored polygons and little to no texture maps actually… Nanite flexing its muscles 💪 ;).
I have no idea how it works, so thanks for pointing that out. It looks amazing, and there is a different quality to colors and surfaces, than Im used to seeing. Its like objects are lit up from inside, and surfaces have a richness to them that make materials look like a real thing.

edit Trying to find the right words
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Just posting an update . I'm now in chapter 4 and still enjoying it very much except for a small part in Chapter 3 where I had to look up an online playthrough to get an idea of how to proceed.
Other than that, I haven't had any issues with figuring out how to progress. Its a beautiful game and I've been taking so many screenshots and soaking in the atmosphere.
However, ever since starting chapter 4 I've noticed more stutters and slowdowns . I suspect it may be due to quickresume on my Series-X so I'm going to restart the game during my next session and report back here.
To anyone on the fence I would recommend them to try it out especially as the download size is so small.


I grabbed something like 120 screenshots, in the one playthrough. But when you look at them afterwards, the shots cant reproduce how it feels to see the graphics unfold on screen.

I think P Panajev2001a mentioned playing it on an OLED, above. Now I can see why (I think).


Neighbours from Hell
Finally got around to playing it and for me it's been a major disappointment so far. I thought it was going to be more platform-y and puzzle solving than it has been. Not puzzle solving in the traditional sense but like figuring out how to scale something and so far it's been very little of that. And the climbing controls are so fucking terrible. Just inexcusably bad. It cost me a dual sense controller. I got so frustrated I lost my cool and launched it across the room and broke it. Thankfully I had a backup. You'll be scaling a wall and he'll just stop when there's clearly more stuff to climb on. And I'm like WHAT THE FUCK... GO! FUCKING MOVE! And then I'll go maybe it wants me to jump here even though there's clearly more stuff to grab on to right here and I'll jump and fall aaaall the way down. And of course nope! It didn't want me to jump, because when I climb back up it will finally let me grab on to the place he randomly stopped moving before.

And the alternating between hitting L2 and R2 every time you need to climb something. Fucking tedious. Made my damn fingers ache. It should've just been one button. This experience so far has been far more frustrating than it has been enjoyable. It's legit making me want to break things and did already made me break something. Not sure if I'm going to finish this. I guess I will because I spent money on it, but I'm hating this damn game.


What time is it?
Finally got around to playing it and for me it's been a major disappointment so far. I thought it was going to be more platform-y and puzzle solving than it has been. Not puzzle solving in the traditional sense but like figuring out how to scale something and so far it's been very little of that. And the climbing controls are so fucking terrible. Just inexcusably bad. It cost me a dual sense controller. I got so frustrated I lost my cool and launched it across the room and broke it. Thankfully I had a backup. You'll be scaling a wall and he'll just stop when there's clearly more stuff to climb on. And I'm like WHAT THE FUCK... GO! FUCKING MOVE! And then I'll go maybe it wants me to jump here even though there's clearly more stuff to grab on to right here and I'll jump and fall aaaall the way down. And of course nope! It didn't want me to jump, because when I climb back up it will finally let me grab on to the place he randomly stopped moving before.

And the alternating between hitting L2 and R2 every time you need to climb something. Fucking tedious. Made my damn fingers ache. It should've just been one button. This experience so far has been far more frustrating than it has been enjoyable. It's legit making me want to break things and did already made me break something. Not sure if I'm going to finish this. I guess I will because I spent money on it, but I'm hating this damn game.



I think it would be best to buy it now outright, which I did :)… not on a sale… not waiting for MS to distribute pennies their way out of all games in their catalogue (demo, reviews, etc… this game screams quality :)). Might double dip if they port it on Switch well as I want to play this on OLED screens only.

This kind of games thrives on subscription services when the owner of the service pays them to bring the title on board. Paid based on average users playtime vs total users, etc… is not sustainable.

Edit: more on this last point from an Apple product veteran…

GamePass like Apple Music / Spotify is not something that will reward small and up and coming artists without MS paying for them and the small indie studios are already complaining the deals Sony and MS offer for their services is getting worse and worse for them already.

Compared to music, it is even more vital for small studios to get as much revenue as possible from gamers. So if we really care about a rich and vibrant games landscape without everything moving to tons and tons of microtransactions F2P mobile games style, GamePass and the like are not the answer… (yes that includes PlayStation+ Extra and Premium… all day one options).


Where in the flying fuck does all that subscription and ad revenue go for the music services? Spotify has never posted a profit, they lose a half billion plus every single year. So if the labels are getting 1/100th of a penny, musicians are getting 1/1000th of a penny, and the companies are losing half a billion, again, where in the flying fuck exactly is the money going? Something ain't adding up here, I can smell the horseshit from China.
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Finally got around to playing it and for me it's been a major disappointment so far. I thought it was going to be more platform-y and puzzle solving than it has been. Not puzzle solving in the traditional sense but like figuring out how to scale something and so far it's been very little of that. And the climbing controls are so fucking terrible. Just inexcusably bad. It cost me a dual sense controller. I got so frustrated I lost my cool and launched it across the room and broke it. Thankfully I had a backup. You'll be scaling a wall and he'll just stop when there's clearly more stuff to climb on. And I'm like WHAT THE FUCK... GO! FUCKING MOVE! And then I'll go maybe it wants me to jump here even though there's clearly more stuff to grab on to right here and I'll jump and fall aaaall the way down. And of course nope! It didn't want me to jump, because when I climb back up it will finally let me grab on to the place he randomly stopped moving before.

And the alternating between hitting L2 and R2 every time you need to climb something. Fucking tedious. Made my damn fingers ache. It should've just been one button. This experience so far has been far more frustrating than it has been enjoyable. It's legit making me want to break things and did already made me break something. Not sure if I'm going to finish this. I guess I will because I spent money on it, but I'm hating this damn game.
That has to be a joke or? Or?
The climbing controls are superb and easy to understand. I hope more games will copy it for their climbing sections.

And even if it somehow to difficult you always can change it in the settings.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Finally got around to playing it and for me it's been a major disappointment so far. I thought it was going to be more platform-y and puzzle solving than it has been. Not puzzle solving in the traditional sense but like figuring out how to scale something and so far it's been very little of that. And the climbing controls are so fucking terrible. Just inexcusably bad. It cost me a dual sense controller. I got so frustrated I lost my cool and launched it across the room and broke it. Thankfully I had a backup. You'll be scaling a wall and he'll just stop when there's clearly more stuff to climb on. And I'm like WHAT THE FUCK... GO! FUCKING MOVE! And then I'll go maybe it wants me to jump here even though there's clearly more stuff to grab on to right here and I'll jump and fall aaaall the way down. And of course nope! It didn't want me to jump, because when I climb back up it will finally let me grab on to the place he randomly stopped moving before.

And the alternating between hitting L2 and R2 every time you need to climb something. Fucking tedious. Made my damn fingers ache. It should've just been one button. This experience so far has been far more frustrating than it has been enjoyable. It's legit making me want to break things and did already made me break something. Not sure if I'm going to finish this. I guess I will because I spent money on it, but I'm hating this damn game.
Geez lol. I'm speechless. Not even your neighbors made you this mad.
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