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Just Cause 3 |OT| Procedural Chaos

I can't believe how flimsy the performance and presentation are. The very first mission when you get into the tank that can't move to protect the rebels already has huge frame drops as you destroy vehicles and the gas station to the right. And all those loading screens in the first 45 minutes completely wreck the pacing of the intro and leave the presentation feeling so unpolished as the camera constantly sets itself up for seamless transitions from cutscenes only to drop you into a 40 second black screen instead. Over, and over, and over. Hope they can improve some of this through patches, but I'm not sure how much they can realistically do. You had one job, Just Cause 3.


After i asked for a refund i started wondering if i had nostalgia goggles or something. Then i launched just cause 2. That game has been installed in my PC non stop since it got released.

First it's still a beautiful game. It still has jaw dropping vistas.
The controls are perfect. The combo hook+parachute is there from the get go and it's so much fun. But you have to learn how to use it instead of unlocking an ability.

Rico's voice and model are better. IMO of course. His voice has so much character. In just cause 3 we have and ezio wannabe that looks like angry joe.

Just cause 3 has better physics and explosions though. But that's not enough to keep me playing.
Been running fine on PS4 asides for long load times between challenges.

Controls are a bit different from JC2, but shouldn't be too hard to get used to.


loading times when you need to retry a mini game challenge is depressingly awful. Especially when they're score based (even more so that your performance is tied to ingame currency and unlocks) and you may want to immediately retry for a better score.

Enjoying the parachute but hating the wingsuit. it may be that i'm still inexperienced with it but i find it hard to gain any altitude.

I know someone asked about the swimming and it wasn't answered so i'll ask as well, how the hell do you swim to the surface? I've drowned 3 times because i can't seem to have rico go tot he surface. The one time i did do it i was holding R2 and thought that was the trick but when i tried it the next time, nothing

Anyone know how you get more grenades? I'm still early in the game so maybe the issue becomes moot later on but it's weird that you have unlimited c4 but i find i'm always out of grenades
loading times when you need to retry a mini game challenge is depressingly awful. Especially when they're score based (even more so that your performance is tied to ingame currency and unlocks) and you may want to immediately retry for a better score.

Enjoying the parachute but hating the wingsuit. it may be that i'm still inexperienced with it but i find it hard to gain any altitude.

I know someone asked about the swimming and it wasn't answered so i'll ask as well, how the hell do you swim to the surface? I've drowned 3 times because i can't seem to have rico go tot he surface. The one time i did do it i was holding R2 and thought that was the trick but when i tried it the next time, nothing

Anyone know how you get more grenades? I'm still early in the game so maybe the issue becomes moot later on but it's weird that you have unlimited c4 but i find i'm always out of grenades

You swim in a direction by aiming the camera.


Don't get the hate for the wingsuit. After getting the hang of it it makes the traversal that much more fun. I was worried it would overtake the parachute but it's still essential.


This is the most fun I've had with a game all year. I'm playing on the Xbox One and the performance is indeed disappointing. The drops while demolishing a base are terrible and avalanche should be ashamed. My load time haven't been bad but I have an external ssd hooked up with my most current played games installed. I can see the game play getting old eventually but the challenges, wingsuit, and overall sandbox just scratch an itch perfectly for me at the moment. I'm probably going to double dip on the PC version to get better performance and mods later.


I finally had one part where it started chugging pretty hard for a few seconds, but other than that it has been okay outside of some random hitches. A few more shots:




I don't give a rat's ass about some dips here and there. The game is killer.


Yeah. I mean maybe I got a good copy? A few hiccups here and there but faaaaaar from the unplayable garbage people here keep talking about.
That feeling while using the wingsuit though, especially going back and forth from the parachute to get around cliffs and gain more altitude. Soooooo good. When the game's on, it's on.
i see no missions on the map. Do I just liberate more towns? Cause it's getting kinda dull.

Story missions are marked by a bull's head on the map. If it's gray you need to fulfill some requirements to unlock it. If it's gold/yellow you can do it now.


I love liberating a city by raising the flag and then quickly launching up and flying with the wingsuit into fireworks. You only have a small moment to do it, but oh man is that the taste of victory.


So, I decided to go ahead and pick up my pre-order, knowing about the loading issues and frame rate ... and, I'm having fun. But, yeah, the physics can be bizarre:


At the same time, it's hilarious, and I kind of have more fun ...
I understand that the mission structure isn't great, and the game can get repetitive, but it's still a ton of fun. I love doing random shit in this game.
Currently liberating a small town named Lantuina in the rain and the framerate is traaaaaaaaaaaaaash, holy hell. I haven't experienced lasting dips this bad since like Saints Row 1 and GTAIV days.


Hey, my PC version will be done downloading in about 10 minutes. Anyone who has tried: does it play well with the Dualshock4 or do I need to download DS4windows for this?
Damn, played from 9 to Midnight and I'm having a blast on PS4.

Maybe I'm a simpleton but I like the mini games, especially the wingsuit challenges. Hell, I 5 geared an attempt and uploaded it on Facebook for my friends to see. I will say the AI is a bit well stupid, I've had no problem taking down settlements thanks to the recovering health bar. I did die about three times during "A Terrible Reaction" but that was user error. Overall Just Cause 3 has exceeded my expectations, there are framerate dips but I tolerate them and move on to freeing another settlement.

The explosions might get dull to me (at some point) but I'm determined to free all 130 settlements and perhaps even go for the Platinum.
im ready to ask for a refund... im on a i5-4670k overclocked/8 gigs of ddr3/770 and it wont even keep a stable framerate on my ssd on all low settings when FO4 was maxed, and witcher 3 was at medium 60fps locked .... this is ridiculous


Guys, how do I unlock the challenges which give me the gears required to increase my tether strength/number of tethers? I saw one or two icons on the ground in some places, but they didn't unlock after I liberated the nearby towns/bases, and I liberated like 15 or 20 already in the smaller archipelago at the beginning of the game (grinding those wingsuit challenges to get the while-gliding boost).

Do I need to do story missions for that? I think the last one I did was the one with the militia attacking a town and destroying tanks. After that I just started flying around and liberating towns/doing challenges and kinda forgot about the main story.

I think someone here posted that you don't need to do story missions at all after you unlock the rebel drop (that is, aside from the fact that some weapons or vehicles require you to complete certain missions I think).

Also, the wingsuit is pretty underwhelming sometimes. I mean, yeah, it's fun when you're doing the challenges or when you are descending, but going parallel to the ground or climbing can feel slow, especially since you unlock the parachute boost way before the wingsuit boost and I just use the parachute to climb with the boost, then I reel in without the parachute and switch to wingsuit. Hopefully it will get better after I unlock the wingsuit boost, right now I feel like doing the challenges is way more fun than actually gliding around to traverse the map.

I don't know, I guess having those little red circles helps with my orientation and allows for more fun things to happen (I had challenges requiring me to go under a small ramp, right above water, basically sliding along a cliff... fun times).


im ready to ask for a refund... im on a i5-4670k overclocked/8 gigs of ddr3/770 and it wont even keep a stable framerate on my ssd on all low settings when FO4 was maxed, and witcher 3 was at medium 60fps locked .... this is ridiculous

Some people have had success with Steam in Offline mode.


So, let me get this straight - I have to keep playing these terrible minigames to unlock better gear and upgrades? I mean, flying through rings? Still? In 2015?
Man, I was just thinking that, I've been flying through rings in videogames since for-fucking-ever and it was never ever fun to me.
Do people enjoy this mechanic?
I mean, as a side mission that's fine I guess, but unlocking upgrades that makes the game more enjoyable behind it?
That's frustratingly bad design.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I think the only part of the design that I really oppose is the fucking stun lag whenever you're knocked out of the sky during wingsuit or parachute, or off a wall while grappling, via a rocket or flak cannon. I understand it's their method of balancing the flight to prevent it from being overpowered, but it really is utterly infuriating having to watch Rico's unresponsive tumbling bullshit to the ground, hit the ground, spaz out again unresponsive, all the while taking damage.

It really badly breaks the flow of encounters.

Chris R

Asking for a refund. Using the newest nVidia driver, playing offline, crashed two times in the second tutorial mission just after I down the helicopters.

It sucks because I want to play, but the technical issues are preventing me from doing it :(
To swim up, push up on both L and R sticks.

I've had an issue when my car went into the water it not letting me out of the car when I try to exit.

Also, I've found its easier to drive with only the L stick for stirring. The R stick camera control makes you misjudge stuff.


I think the only part of the design that I really oppose is the fucking stun lag whenever you're knocked out of the sky during wingsuit or parachute, or off a wall while grappling, via a rocket or flak cannon. I understand it's their method of balancing the flight to prevent it from being overpowered, but it really is utterly infuriating having to watch Rico's unresponsive tumbling bullshit to the ground, hit the ground, spaz out again unresponsive, all the while taking damage.

It really badly breaks the flow of encounters.

Spam the grapple button if you are knocked out. It makes you recover way faster and you can grapple anything after like a second after a faceplant.
the PC version (all versions?) has settings that doesn't work properly, no SLI support, bad graphic drivers, annoying mini games, shit vehicle handling, horrible voice acting.. what else am i missing? going from Mad Max to this is shocking lol

the review scores should have been lower.


Welp, got to taking out the third outpost in the first area and the stuttering got so crazy my video card crashed.

Not sure how much of that is my hard drive and how much of that is the game. What a bummer. :(


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Spam the grapple button if you are knocked out. It makes you recover way faster and you can grapple anything after like a second after a faceplant.

Beautiful. Cheers man.
How's the voice acting?

Does everyone still talk with a thick Malaysian accent?

No, this time it's thick Italian/Mediterranean accents all around. Rico's been recast from Hispanic to more of an Ezio soundalike vibe. There's no standout like Bolo SanTOsi, but the overall it's very much in keeping with the spirit of JC2's voice acting.


So what's the general verdict on the PS4 version? I'm not an FPS weirdo like some, but I'd rather not spend $60 if the game spends most of its time <30, or if the dips are significant enough to really make the game feel sluggish.

Also, what's up with the load times? I heard something that it may be tied to the servers?
So what's the general verdict on the PS4 version? I'm not an FPS weirdo like some, but I'd rather not spend $60 if the game spends most of its time <30, or if the dips are significant enough to really make the game feel sluggish.

Demanding a polished product for your money is now being an "FPS weirdo". Right.
So what's the general verdict on the PS4 version? I'm not an FPS weirdo like some, but I'd rather not spend $60 if the game spends most of its time <30, or if the dips are significant enough to really make the game feel sluggish.

Also, what's up with the load times? I heard something that it may be tied to the servers?

Framerate goes to hell as soon as you start blowing up the larger fuel tanks/generators and gas stations, and can stay that way for quite a while as the destroyed object physics itself work out and more enemies start pouring in. Loading times are sub par all around, especially the initial load and loading after dying, and if you're doing the challenges to get better mods for your gear you'll be hitting 30-45 second loading screens after every restart of those events.

But then you play around with this sexy wingsuit and can almost forgive the game. Just for a second.



Enjoying this game somewhat. But I expected more graphically considering how amazing JC2 looked on last gen consoles. Also I think I agree with some early assessments regarding this game having memory leaks. If you play for a long time, load times jump to like ridiculous levels (how did that ever get past testing?). If it's taking more than a minute to load, it's best just to quit and restart the game. Also fuck whoever thought unlocking upgrades through challenges was a good idea. That shit should be for leaderboard crap and nothing more. Especially considering the load times when you retry.
Hot damn, JC3's Rebel Drops are so refreshing after MGSV. You have a straight-up shopping cart to fill up, you drop it wherever you like and it's there, for free, in five seconds. MGSV made you drop all the shit you wanted individually, made you pay through the nose for it, and it took a solid minute for it to arrive.

JC3 fixes pretty much every issue I had with JC2, and I absolutely adored that game:
- Wingsuit
- Much faster fast travel
- Black Market Dealer replaced with Rebel Drops
- Checklist when taking over military bases
- Cars aren't agony to drive any more
- Rudder control in planes!

I'm not far into the story yet, so it remains to be seen whether the main missions get as balls-out ridiculous as JC2's did ("I HATE NEENJAS!"), and I definitely prefer Rico's JC2 voice, but right now I'm in Just Cause heaven.
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