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Just Cause 3 |OT| Procedural Chaos


Hardest trophy in this game is the one getting called out.

Literally no one does it, and even when I message them, they don't know how to. What a terrible trophy design.


Hardest trophy in this game is the one getting called out.

Literally no one does it, and even when I message them, they don't know how to. What a terrible trophy design.

My copy still hasn't arrived but I feel like if I want that trophy I'll have to boost it. I took a glance at the list and saw at least 2 were online including this one. I've already read that some people have boosted with a second account. I might try to get it out of the way and then have fun doing everything else


I like the sense of discovery this game has sometimes. I was flying with the wingsuit in the archipelago in the southwest, and came across a small cave leading into the side of one of the islands. Neat, I thought, I'll fly through that and... why are there enemies in the cave? Turns out, there was a huge underground base with a lot of enemies down there. And I had to figure out how to deal with battleships in a hurry.

Got any fighting tips for ships when on foot? I grapple to them, plant an explosive, and then jump into the water. But that gets Rico hurt quite a bit, since the enemies on the ship shoot at him. It does sink the ship real good, though.

I kind of wish there was an underwater Mod for the mines. Or an upgrade that lets Rico hold his breath longer. Underwater combat seems neglected.


Gold Member
Give some of the challenges multiple runs. You'll get used to the wingsuit, it's all in the light touches. Remember that the parachute should primarily be utilized for elevation when in conjunction with the grapple and slowing down for the sake of targeting things.

Don't be afriad to use the wingsuit. Use it every chance you get and you'll get the hang of it.

After a while you realize avoiding smacking into the ground is not as hard as it looks. Especially once you get the hang of grappling with it, you'll fly forever.

You can reel while wingsuiting. Just point at the ground press L1 to pick up speed(pull up if you don't want to faceplant). I'm wingsuiting up the side of fucking mountains by now and wingsuiting back down on the other side. The travel mechanics are super awesome now.

Thanks guys.

I'll play more later to see if I get the hang of it but I'm not having as much fun as I was in the first few hours of JC2 yet. That game was just immediate fun but it seems like there is more depth to the mechanics in this one (and things to unlock?) so it will take some getting used to.

The visual bugs on the PC are not helping matters either.
So long as they don't dumb down the graphics to help the framerate in a future patch, I will not complain. I really look forward to the patches and the expansion I bought.
So I have a bit of a list of questions. There's gonna be quite a few so I figure bullet point form would be easiest. I'm playing on PC btw.

1. How do you get past that stupid start screen? I just mash keys until it does something

Any help with any of those would be greatly appreciated.

Pretty sure that's just a part of the loading process. Mashing keys doesn't do anything as far as I understand.
Ok just had my first wonderfully Just Cause moment and it was surprisingly unspectacular but awesome nonetheless. You know the billboards you need to bring down? Figured I'd tether and reel a guy on a moped to bring it down but my surprise the moped wrapped around the back of it and a second later the guy comes crashing straight through the face on the billboard with no moped. I think it's time to look into shadowplay.

Pretty sure that's just a part of the loading process. Mashing keys doesn't do anything as far as I understand.

Thanks, yeah figured that out when I opened it before heading to the toilet to find it running when I got back, that had me really confused at first since it doesn't really indicate that it's loading anything
Over 8 hours and absolutely loving the game on PC, huge improvement over JC2 in scale, detail, amount of ambient activities and gameplay (love the wingsuit)

I hope it doesnt ruin other open world games, the verticality makes other games seem so flat (eg GTA V) in comparison.


At work and I just want to tether people to explosives.

That might be slightly inappropriate. :D

Just got this game... and hugely disappointed w/ the lack of SLI support. Really thought after Mad Max, this game was going to be epic in the performance department. What a huge letdown!

Mad Max @ 5K ~80FPS w/ all settings maxed: https://youtu.be/DKFAfpGbwrc

JC3 @ 5K ~ 20FPS w/ all settings maxed! LOL...
If some people still searching the F1, i just finish a video showing the location, a speed test ( 281 Kmh, 320 Kmh with boost ) and some random gameplay.


I hope people will not HATE the music i made for it... lol! If yeah, just bring down the music, i don't talk in it (I'm French!).

Feedback are welcome, good or bad! And if you see major spelling error in the video or in the description tell me!

+ Bonus Gif :


Hope you enjoy! The game is good, just "Retry challenge" loading are bugged!
Okay, I'm stuck at Boom Island.

How the hell do I fast travel.

EDIT: Wow, I need to unlock it.
Yeah, It's kinda out there. I lucked out and still had the plane I took out there, but even without that there're a shitton of random boats driving around. Even all the way out there.


The wingsuiting is this game is absolutely sublime once you get used to it. I spent several hours last night just flying all over the massive map, buzzing through forests, using the grapple to fly up mountains, and dipping low over sunflower fields. I even dreamed about wingsuiting last night. The price of the game is honestly justified by that aspect alone.

My only complaint is that an upgrade I really, really want, the slingsuit boost is trapped all the way at the end of the traversal tree. By the time I actually get to it, I probably won't even be playing the game anymore. That really fucking sucks because now that I've gotten awesome at using the grapple and wingsuit in tandem, I can see that that will be a crazy useful upgrade. They botched the progression system here, and that's a bummer because they have an amazing traversal system and an amazing world to use it in.
Thanks fellow users who told me the items are on the mini map once you whittle them down.

Saved me a lot of frustration going forward.

Loving the game but I feel like I'm just dominating settlements.

I've been trying to get the trophy to take down a base with no bullets and weapons but I'm still using the tethers...shouldn't it unlock?


Hardest trophy in this game is the one getting called out.

Literally no one does it, and even when I message them, they don't know how to. What a terrible trophy design.

Add me if you are playing on ps4...

Will surely send one you out

Also, in game friends list is broken.. half of my friends wouldnt show.... irony is those who are playing wont show at all


I don't want to instantly spoil myself on them, but I hope this game is packed with easter eggs like JC2. Any word on that? Still haven't even left the first island so I'd like to TRY and find a few myself.


Me: Hey, call me out on Wingsuit Wonder (wingsuiting as long as you can).
Dude: Sure, bro.
Me: Thanks, bro.

~half an hour later~

Dude calls you out on Wingsuit Wonder. Dude's Time: 24:58.92
Me: ...
Crash Bomb challenges seem like they should be way easier but 95% of the time the target that I physically hit my car with doesn't even blow up, despite the ridiculous size of the explosion.


Are there any health or armor upgrades? Feels like there's so many enemies shooting your face very quickly that doing some of the neat things is pretty tough.

Not that I hate it all the time, it encourages a hit and run style that is fun with the grappl, parachute, wingsuit combo, but sometimes it feels like a hassle to get creative (aside from initiating an attack).


Yea, I would love a mod that cuts the enemies while you're attacking bases down by about 75 percent. It's really irritating to be getting pelted with bullets from every direction while I just wanna have fun blowing stuff up.


Gold Member
When you are liberating towns is there an easy way to find where everything is or do you have to just search for all of them?

I feel dirty for even asking this but in the age of play the minimp/follow the dot it's odd that this isn't the case here!
When you are liberating towns is there an easy way to find where everything is or do you have to just search for all of them?

I feel dirty for even asking this but in the age of play the minimp/follow the dot it's odd that this isn't the case here!

Yep, just start destroying ( or even maybe before that ). Then check your mal. All things are mark/draw in red. Put a marker on them, if they are tricky!


Please explain then, I'd love to do it correctly :)

I'm not really sure. I unlocked it, but it's buggy.

You need someone to go to the options menu, leaderboards, pick a category of challenge, and find your name to "call out" issuing a challenge to beat their score. They need to have a higher score than you at that moment.

Then you proceed to beat their current score to unlock the trophy.

I've worked with some guy and two of the times it should have unlocked didn't. I was challenged on various feats, and I beat two of them with nothing to show.

I finally did one about keeping 5 stars as long as possible, and it finally unlocked.


They probably have the upgraded ones?

There are upgrades for the rocket mines?

Yeah it's probably that if so. This seems like the first redundant design choice in the game I've seen (after 4-5 hours). Why give us Rocket Mines if their first power level can't even move a car?

So I have a bit of a list of questions. There's gonna be quite a few so I figure bullet point form would be easiest. I'm playing on PC btw.

1. How do you get past that stupid start screen? I just mash keys until it does something
2. Is there a sprint button cause I cant find the damn thing.
3. What is precision aim? I figured it was zoom and mapped it to mouse 2 but it doesn't do anything
4. Is that really max LOD?
5. Do I just suck with the wingsuit or should I use a gamepad? I'm crashing into everything and the controls just don't feel anywhere near as natural as JC2 to me.

Any help with any of those would be greatly appreciated.

1. It's loading I think :( really stupid design. It would be fine if there was a loading icon. It might also be syncing with servers.
2. Either removed from the game or an upgrade further down the line.
3. As #2.
4. I think it might be. Ceiling seems to be based on consoles.
5. Use a gamepad. Wingsuit feels unbelievably good and natural on gamepad. You need lots of tweaky left-stick nuances which are impossible with WASD. One of those rare cases where MWASD is categorically worse for gaming because you need the by-degrees movement control of the left stick.

The general rule is to always be pressing down (to pull up). Never push up. Gets easier if you yank yourself along with the grapple.

I haven't even tried playing with MWASD yet though, so going a bit overboard. I'd love mouse aiming but the prospect of Wingsuit and driving with WASD fills me with dread.
Just curious, do people playing on consoles see the super low res texture on this mountain when you're far away from it? I'm on PC, by the way.

Personally I love how the game looks (so colourful!) but this mountain has consistently been an eyesore for me until I get right up close to it.
Just curious, do people playing on consoles see the super low res texture on this mountain when you're far away from it? I'm on PC, by the way.

Personally I love how the game looks (so colourful!) but this mountain has consistently been an eyesore for me until I get right up close to it.

Yep, exactly the same on consoles and pretty distracting!


Just unlocked the wingsuit grapple boost and the ability to shoot another hook before finishing reeling in to the first one, and damn, now I don't even need planes, except for blowing up satellite dishes. I'm also having a lot of fun with the wingsuit challenges. When just travelling, it seems that I mostly stay low to the ground to boost myself easier, but in those challenges you really get the sense of speed.

I wish unlocking vehicles was not tied to liberating military bases. That's where using them bring the most fun! I wish they made it so you had to get X chaos points or liberate X settlements instead. I'd love to tear through a Base in a bomber, then again, I don't know how many bases are there, so maybe this gets resolved later. I only have the two worst battle choppers and the weakest tank unlocked.

Also, how do you call out a friend on a challenge?


Vehicle handling is awful
Framerate is awful
Pop in is awful
Loading times are something Avalanche should be ashamed of
Why the fuck does Rico look like he's having a midlife crisis? trying so desperately to look young again.

But the explosions are good, so... there's that... I suppose


Vehicle handling is awful
Framerate is awful
Pop in is awful
Loading times are something Avalanche should be ashamed of
Why the fuck does Rico look like he's having a midlife crisis? trying so desperately to look young again.

But the explosions are good, so... there's that... I suppose

And yet, despite all that, it's still a metric fuck-ton of fun to play!


Anyone know how to gt rid of those annoying leaderboard popups?

There are only 2 ways at the moment.

1) Set the HUD to 'Hide all' in the options menu but this of course hides a lot of useful stuff
2) Block the Just Cause 3 executable in the Windows Firewall

I think little things like this show how little testing they had time for before release. I only had to take an hour break from the game and come back to get bombarded by those stupid popups for like 5 minutes. That said, I'm loving this game and minor annoyances like this aside, it's great fun.


Vehicle handling is awful
Framerate is awful
Pop in is awful
Loading times are something Avalanche should be ashamed of
Why the fuck does Rico look like he's having a midlife crisis? trying so desperately to look young again.

But the explosions are good, so... there's that... I suppose

Brutally, on PC none of those are issues. Only the vehicle handling is, and that can sort of be compensated for.

I think Rico is OK. He's much less generic than he was in 1/2, which is a big plus in my book.


I've been having a lot of fun with the game so far on PC! The framerate is a bit up and down which is causing a lot of tearing for me, I also had one crash last night but that may of been because I was using Radeon Pro to try and use adaptive Vsync.

The game itself is rather objective less and is a true sandbox which I have been enjoying a lot! I really need to focus on the upgrades though as that seems like where a lot of the fun will come from. But that means doing challenges which I seem to suck at :( I can generally get 3 cogs but I'm almost always bottom of my friends list by a large margin in the havok challenges. I've also yet to find any gun challenges so I don't have any upgradeds for weapons yet which sucks.

Overall the game has been a blast so far and I've been enjoying al lthe goofy stuff you can do with explosives and tethers. Cars handle rather poorly though but I never consider using them also the flight mechanics take some getting used to! They are super enjoyable when everything goes well but one slight wrong input or if your tether hits the wrong object it cause some spectacular face plants.


For every fun explosion, there's so much annoyance in this game. I'm really disappointed.

Locking essential mechanics behind (mostly) tedious minigames with minutes of loading is just baffling. Locking vehicles behind stealing them and driving to a garage for every single car there is (after first unlocking the possibility to drive higher-class vehicles to the garage), is one of the most unfun things i ever was asked to do in a game. Why not give me some unlocks with chaos points? Why do i even collect them, what's the point of this metric now?

Pop-in can be atrocious. I just landed my helicopter on a mission-start marker, i was there for about 4 seconds, wanted to exit and was wondering where the hell is the marker on the ground? BOOM, the marker together with several small buildings, fences etc. pop into my landed helicopter while exiting, destroying it and me from it's explosion. The hell...?

The physics are sometimes all over the place. Ricos ragdoll is especially over annoying, flailing around from every little bit in a game that's about explosions. Coupled with the abundance of shooting enemies in bases and your little health, liberating bases is more often frustrating than fun for me.

There are many little things, where i don't understand why they've been changed. I want to zap quickly to a parked helicopter, now that there's no stunt option, Rico's always standing on the cockpit window, between the rotors, you name it. I have to walk down, around, and search for the "Enter" prompt at the cockpit door. This was waaay better in JC2.

Cave bases seem awesome at first glance, but they limit your traversal options quite heavy. Again, coupled with hundreds of people shooting at you, cannon boats firing at you, there is more frustration than fun for me.

Explosions are fun, yes. But i'm at a point where i've seen every of the 20+ things, that can explode, destroyed several times and it's getting quite boring.

Framerate and loading times (especially loading, how could something like this ever get released?) were already mentioned by others.

I'm trading it back in, JC2 was way better. Aside from some design decisions regarding unlocks, the technical shortcomings, i have a feeling Just Cause is just not anything interesting anymore in this day of open-world games, at least for me personally. When it's not frustrating, it's get boring really quick. A shame, i was really hyped for the game.
all the gear challenges are hard as hell. I did the flying one perfectly after a few tries because you keep doing barrel rolls..and i JUST made 4 gears. I guess they are meant to be all done again after you unlock boosts to get 5 gears....fml
Ok so got it today on PS4 having been a huge JC2 fan. My first impressions are mixed. First thing I noticed was the control changes, namely no sprint, no crouch and no combat roll. It makes Rico feel stiff, like Kramer in that episode of Seinfeld where his jeans are too tight.

Second, what happened to simple things like being in a helicopter then pressing grapple and you could hang off the bottom and shoot? Or the meele attack grapple hook? Its either behind an unlock, or not there, but either way it's frustrating not being able to do it.

I'm not having that much fun so far because I find combat and traversal has taken a step backwards but maybe I just need more time with it.
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