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Just got an amazing phone call


So Im watching the lions game... and the phone rings right in the middle of the vick sack, I start freaking out (I think there was a flag), so I pick up the phone... it's my 7 year old brother. He says "Blake, I've got some good news", I think its going to be something thats good for him, I say "What is it dude"... he says "We got Donkey Konga!". This is amazing, I dont know what possessed my parents to get this for us, but Ive been waiting since weeks before its release to get the game, and with Homecoming and other things I havent had money. Wow, Im so pumped... anyone wanna gimme some thoughts before I play the game?


Wow, I just got an amazing email! Apparently there are these pills I can take to make my penis bigger! Wow, what a coincidence.


Hates quality gaming
You buncha shitheads.

If you had bothered to keep track of who posted what you might remember that KarishBHR posted this thread last week about recently losing his older brother. Maybe said death in the family might make him more excited to spend time with the brother he has left? You think?

Karish, I apologize for these boorish barbs. Video gaming has wreaked havok on our ability to remember and we couldn't see context in your story.


if the song selection in donkey konga doesnt prove nintendo is kiddy, i dunno whatelse does. BINGO for god sake? BINGO? jesus. and nintendoods, grown ones at that are flocking to this game. theres just no reason.


what an incredibly interesting thread. i feel so much better about videogaming now that I've read about your phone call.


That's pretty cool, Karish. Several years ago, I had rented GoldenEye 007 and my sister and I had to leave to go to my grandparents' house for the weekend (my parents had to take these college classes for some reason during that time, and there was no one they trusted to watch us [we were 12 and 11]). When I came back, it was the last day to play GoldenEye. I had about 10 minutes left before we could return it, so I put the game back in the rental box, and brought it to my dad. He said not to worry about it. I went upstairs a little confused. I pulled open a drawer and found the box for GoldenEye 007 and Banjo-Kazooie (which neither he nor I had heard of until he bought it that day). Later, my sister came home with my mom, and she had bought two rumble paks.

It was so strange. That was the last time they've ever done anything of the sort either.


KarishBHR said:
Wow, Im so pumped... anyone wanna gimme some thoughts before I play the game?

The same ones I always have to give beginners:

Left = Yellow
Right = Red
Both = Pink
Clap = Blue

Stay away from Bingo, Campfire Medley, Shining Star, and Diddy's Ditties (kid songs). Also stay away from I think I love you and Like Wow unless you really like Pop songs. The rest are fine although they're all covers (except maybe Rock this Town).


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I didn't go to my senior year homecoming dance. Cry for me.


Junior Ace
This guy's thread comes in second to the "EL BEATDOWN" threads from a few months ago.


KarishBHR said:
So Im watching the lions game... and the phone rings right in the middle of the vick sack, I start freaking out (I think there was a flag), so I pick up the phone... it's my 7 year old brother. He says "Blake, I've got some good news", I think its going to be something thats good for him, I say "What is it dude"... he says "We got Donkey Konga!". This is amazing, I dont know what possessed my parents to get this for us, but Ive been waiting since weeks before its release to get the game, and with Homecoming and other things I havent had money. Wow, Im so pumped... anyone wanna gimme some thoughts before I play the game?

Are you for real?


o_O @_@ O_o
If it makes you feel any better, try to remember what one of the mods once told me:

...whenever GA pisses me off... i always just think: GAF backwards is FAG... somehow that gives me faith in the universe


edit: I forgot the comment afterwards o_O


Props. My copy is supposed to be at my door on Monday. I've already played Konga though, and I think DDR is 100x better.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Every single time I go to the EB down the road from me, there's ALWAYS some kid in the back of the store playing Donkey Konga on the GC kiosk. Why the hell do they all keep clapping their hands, anyway? These kids look so stupid when you see them, as you can't see the kiosk when you walk into the store, and the game's sound has been turned way down by the staff, who probably can't take it anymore. :)
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