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Just got my console (and I assume my account) banned from Live for playing Halo 4.

A lot of people are clueless about this thing even a lot so call "gamers".. Believe me lol. I worked for a video game store and what they are thinking about in that moment is to have that item on their hands. In the small store I worked at we warned customers about the games we were selling before Street Date.. my boss at the time didn't care about it he just wanted that money asap.

Yes and i dont feel bad for those people when shit hits the fan cause of their ignorance.

Edit: The store absolutely needs to do a better job, that im not debating. Im debating the consumers expectations of being "spoon fed" 24/7 and not taking ANY of the responsibilities. Oh well it was the stores job, ok yes. But they didn't do it, or maybe had someone in training and didnt know, could be a million things, shouldn't you educate yourself too just to be on the safe side? I think so.

If i go buy a LED TV at BestBuy and the HDMI is all screwed up and its a known issue online and the store clecks dont tell me, is that 100% the stores fault or is it also mine for not doing my research before buying the TV? Thats what im saying.
So, just a lost in translation here. But being banned has nothing to do with the law. Its the Xbox Live policy.

ODST case store aciddentally broke the street date. Microsoft is aware of, people who bought dont get banned.
OP case, store deliberately broke the street date (apparently just for him), microsoft is not aware of, guy is banned. Microsoft is aware of the case here on gaf, and even saying his copy is not legit, guy disbanned.

Don't know where the Microsoft conduct has changed.

I'm guessing the PR / marketing / sales hold on this title is a lot stronger than it was on "expansion pack" ODST.
I know I would. And I don't think the XBL moderators can actually tell the difference between a pirated and legitimate copy of a game (since the 'mod' consists -ed?- of bypassing the dvd-drive firmware and that's it), so they probably work with a white list (journo's, certain contacts) for the public part of XBL and ban everything else as a standard operating procedure.

Consider that a 'review copy' is nothing more than either the retail version or a 'dummy' with the game on it, yet all those people are not immediately banned either. Despite -presumably- currently playing it outside of Partnernet (does that still exist?).
Yeah, and he was also unbanned anyway so I don't see what that has to do with anything. Him having a receipt would have still resulted in a ban.

Regardless, it is still the store's fault for him getting banned. Store doesn't sell before launch date = user doesn't get banned.


Where are you getting the accident from? MS is aware that the street date will be broken for every single video game they offer for sale. Whether the clerk did it on purpose or not is not something MS knows.

Whatever man. If you are nitpicking about one word do dismiss my posts i'm done.

In the ODST case MS said people with legal copies will not be banned. No reports of people being banned. Looks like the OP has the situation already solved.

So 7 years with the X360, there's one case of one people being banned "incorrectly". One people who bought the game without a receipt.

Keep your fight against this terrible and insane anti-consumer policy.


Didn't realize that was the case with XBL Support - if so, that's a good step in the right direction for them (addressing bans instead of stonewalling).

I don't think its fair to compare a current generation, widely used system with current releases to a machine that hasn't recieved retail support for years. There was only a small handful of users remaining when the service was shut down. Feels like a false equivalency, there. Not only that, but, critical patches delivered almost immediately post title shipment is a trend that has shot through the roof in the current generation - losing that capability for your Xbox 360, or PS3, is far more damaging to your gameplay experience on those machines than the original Xbox.

The fact that this discussion has gone on beyond Frankie's reply is enough to say that this discussion has moved beyond the point of civility, unfortunately. Sure is entertaining though!

I think we can all agree on the entertaining part! :)

As for support, I think the shift originally came during one of the past ban waves (I want to saw it was Forza 3, but not entirely certain) when something MS did tripped a lot of false positives for modded consoles. MS apologized, it hit the news and MS made right. After that the forums became the focus. If you look thru them you'll see people posting there because support told them to go to the forums.

I do recall there was a German poster who had purchased Reach and came to the forums to complain. He mentioned it was a legit purchase and was asked for a receipt. After that MS unbanned. I don't read them every day, but the ban forums can be an amusing read every so often as people will post "I don't know why I was randomly banned!" and a MS rep will then follow up with a specific reason. The posters don't usually reply after the reason has been given.

Your comment about patches does make one wonder, what happens during the next generation once Live 2.0 and PSN 1.0 are shut off?

The store's accounting has nothing to do with whether a sale happened. He gave them money, they gave him the game, the sale is done. If I buy a video game from you, I don't have to wait until you log the transaction somewhere for it to become a real sale.

In the end the point is moot as Stinkles has resolved it, but overall, it's a matter of what the store says.

If the customer tells MS they bought it, MS will ask "Where?"

If the customer can't name the store, MS is going to assume it wasn't purchased legitimately.

If the customer doesn't have a receipt, but can name the store, a MS rep can check with the store. If the store says "nope, we didn't sell any copies of Halo 4 early!" then MS is going to assume it wasn't purchased legitimately.

The store's "accounting" is basically the store saying whether or not it sold any copies. And if the store is saying "Nope, haven't sold anything here!" and the customer has no proof of sale, then it's he said, she said.


Your comment about patches does make one wonder, what happens during the next generation once Live 2.0 and PSN 1.0 are shut off?

A whole 'nother can of worms there, my friend. I can only assume MS and Sony are hoping that what happened with Live 1.0 repeats itself, and a year or two after the new consoles/services release the numbers on Live 2.0 and PSN 1.0 are so miniscule that its irrelevant to disconnect services. Unfortunately, it still doesn't solve the problem of patching discs post-release - and that's a hot-button issue I don't think you'll see discussed until well into next gen, if even then.
In the end the point is moot as Stinkles has resolved it, but overall, it's a matter of what the store says.

If the customer tells MS they bought it, MS will ask "Where?"

If the customer can't name the store, MS is going to assume it wasn't purchased legitimately.

If the customer doesn't have a receipt, but can name the store, a MS rep can check with the store. If the store says "nope, we didn't sell any copies of Halo 4 early!" then MS is going to assume it wasn't purchased legitimately.

The store's "accounting" is basically the store saying whether or not it sold any copies. And if the store is saying "Nope, haven't sold anything here!" and the customer has no proof of sale, then it's he said, she said.

You are a wise man.


Regardless, it is still the store's fault for him getting banned. Store doesn't sell before launch date = user doesn't get banned.

Well no, Microsoft is the issuer of the ban, so they are the responsible party. They are responsible for choosing and coordinating with their distribution partners, well as the consumers that buy the product through those partners. That makes the process of pre-emptively banning indefensible from a consumer standpoint; it is not a responsible measure to address Microsoft's distribution failures, much less a necessary one.

The store is not faultless, but the nature of that is not something that should even be visible to consumers and needs to be handled by Microsoft independently. The consumer has no responsibility in that fight whatsoever. It is a contractual distribution conflict; the idea that end users are getting service bans over it is fucking absurd. That they are is just a corporation passing the buck onto their consumers rather than take costlier measures to actually address the problems they face, even though it would improve the level of their service.
For the OP's point of view, the sale is perfectly legit. He walked into a game store, found a game he wanted, paid the asking price, left with the game. That is a legit sale.

A sale is legit when you don't have any problems saying where and who sold it to you. If you do...on the other hand, it's something shady.

Realistically, MS cannot know every mod on 360 consoles. What they know are two things:

-Pirates do like to advance everyone else with leaked material
-Stores do like to sell stuff early under the radar.

Anyways, the most "helpful" way of blocking people from playing it would be "only those who are in a whitelist" can play. However, that would leave lots of impatient modders not caught either. They think of pros and cons, and they realize that 99 guilty 1 innocent possible ratio (and probably even more distant) is a fair trade.

And if the consumer that gets banned provides proof (not only receipt, but also a photo with the game could work) he will get unbanned. And maybe pointing at the store that sold it to him provides a compensation of some sort, in a way (if you're acting like you genuinely didn't know about the launch date and the clerk openly offered it to you).

So yeah, the consumer doesn't do anything illegal. But then again, neither does MS. And this comes from a person that doesn't have a 360 due to XBLG.

The store's accounting has nothing to do with whether a sale happened. He gave them money, they gave him the game, the sale is done. If I buy a video game from you, I don't have to wait until you log the transaction somewhere for it to become a real sale.

So what happens when you pay for stolen goods. Are they yours to keep if they track them? Oh, I paid for them. That makes it a real sale!
It hasn't been that way since at least Halo: Reach time.

If you're banned from Xbox Live for pre-release play because you legitimately bought a copy early, the XBL Support conversation will go down exactly as I stated.

If you don't want to bother with support (since they can't do anything directly and can only point you to the enforcement team) then you can just skip that step and go to the forums. They're public and open to all.

Saying that "you can't get a ban undone without special access" isn't true. Now, if you have no record of a purchase (no receipt, no credit card bill, no debit transaction, no retailer willing to say they sold it to you), then you might have a little trouble with the forums and need a hand from on high. But the average consumer who buys something before street date will be unbanned as soon as they show a receipt. They'll probably even get a free month of Live for their trouble since MS CS seems to hand those out like candy.

So why have we not seen an outcry from original Xbox owners when Live 1.0 was shut down?

Where's the class action lawsuit against Microsoft for "crippling" millions of systems?

I'm not trying to be pedantic, but sticking to less emotionally loaded terms will probably keep the discussion move civil
Is this a joke? The original Xbox has been dead since 2004. And yes, there were people upset about OXBL being shut down. They were just too small of a group to make a difference to MS.


An austrian online shop will start selling the game today.

That means most smaller stores in Germany, Austria and Switzerland will follow and sell "Halo 4" tomorrow or on friday at the latest. There will be thousands of retail copies sold before the weekend.

If only half of those buyers will end up being banned...well, we should all get our popcorn ready.

Hopefully, Microsoft has stopped doing that by now. Banning everyone who is not on a whitelist that close to the official street date would be insane.
As an intolerant customer, I'd be pissed at the place who sold the game to me early. "You got my account banned by selling this game before the street date. I had to scan my receipt to get it reinstated. I'm never buying from you again!"

Cause it's the store's fault MS did that. GTFO out with that bullshit. MS should be dealing with the store, not the customer. Especially not punishing the customer for BUYING A MICROSOFT PRODUCT.
Yes and i dont feel bad for those people when shit hits the fan cause of their ignorance.

Edit: The store absolutely needs to do a better job, that im not debating. Im debating the consumers expectations of being "spoon fed" 24/7 and not taking ANY of the responsibilities. Oh well it was the stores job, ok yes. But they didn't do it, or maybe had someone in training and didnt know, could be a million things, shouldn't you educate yourself too just to be on the safe side? I think so.

If i go buy a LED TV at BestBuy and the HDMI is all screwed up and its a known issue online and the store clecks dont tell me, is that 100% the stores fault or is it also mine for not doing my research before buying the TV? Thats what im saying.

That doesn't even make sense. The guy didn't buy a game with a known defect. A screwed up HDMI port and buying a game before street date are two different things. And the other part of your analogy that doesn't work is that if your TV's HDMI port is fucked up, you can take the TV back. The TV doesn't magically stop working because you plugged it in and used it before the TV was supposed to be available for sale.
Cause it's the store's fault MS did that. GTFO out with that bullshit. MS should be dealing with the store, not the customer. Especially not punishing the customer for BUYING A MICROSOFT PRODUCT.

My only problem with that is he cannot produce a receipt, hell even the store wouldn't be able to prove it without actually running the actual transaction. It all comes down to bad business and a risky buyer which makes it such a polarizing issue. Depending on the situation the game store company could turn around and technically say the clerk actually stole the inventory and without a proof of sale the buyer could be charged with receiving stolen property. Sounds silly but its true, the tipping point for the customer knowing the deal was shady is when the guy couldn't give him a receipt.


Whatever man. If you are nitpicking about one word do dismiss my posts i'm done.

In the ODST case MS said people with legal copies will not be banned. No reports of people being banned. Looks like the OP has the situation already solved.

So 7 years with the X360, there's one case of one people being banned "incorrectly". One people who bought the game without a receipt.

Keep your fight against this terrible and insane anti-consumer policy.

I'm not nitpicking about one word. I'm saying that your statement that ODST street date breaks were somehow fundamentally different than this one is a giant, unfounded assertion.

My contention is that MS is acting differently now than they have in the past. In the past, they have acknowledge that street dates will be broken, and that it will not cause problems for the customer. Now they seem to have changed that.

In the end the point is moot as Stinkles has resolved it, but overall, it's a matter of what the store says.

If the customer tells MS they bought it, MS will ask "Where?"

If the customer can't name the store, MS is going to assume it wasn't purchased legitimately.

If the customer doesn't have a receipt, but can name the store, a MS rep can check with the store. If the store says "nope, we didn't sell any copies of Halo 4 early!" then MS is going to assume it wasn't purchased legitimately.

The store's "accounting" is basically the store saying whether or not it sold any copies. And if the store is saying "Nope, haven't sold anything here!" and the customer has no proof of sale, then it's he said, she said.

Whether he can prove a sale happened without a receipt is a different question. The fact is, MS didn't ask anyone if it was a legit sale, and clearly didn't care if it was a legit sale. They just banned him. I'm more interested in this new policy than I am in the specifics of the OP's case. As you say, Stinkles quickly and happily resolved it.

So what happens when you pay for stolen goods. Are they yours to keep if they track them? Oh, I paid for them. That makes it a real sale!

If you pay for stolen goods, then yes, a sale has happened. Try telling the police it wasn't really a sale because no one rang anything up in a cash register and see how far that gets you.

Of course, knowingly buying stolen goods is illegal, while buying goods before the street date isn't, so the two situations are fundamentally different.


Cause it's the store's fault MS did that. GTFO out with that bullshit. MS should be dealing with the store, not the customer. Especially not punishing the customer for BUYING A MICROSOFT PRODUCT.

I thought the store deliberately didn't issue a receipt because they knew it was before the street date. And the OP knew that and went along with it. So both were complicit in this.

It was also stupid to go online with the game

It was also stupid but not unexpected that MS would do something about it when they detected him online


I thought the store deliberately didn't issue a receipt because they knew it was before the street date. And the OP knew that and went along with it. So both were complicit in this.

It was also stupid to go online with the game

It was also stupid but not unexpected that MS would do something about it when they detected him online

And its most stupid that a ban was put in place at all over a non-pirated copy of the game, as oppose to putting a whitelist in place for developer/press GTs and preventing Halo 4 online play before street date.
And its most stupid that a ban was put in place at all over a non-pirated copy of the game, as oppose to putting a whitelist in place for developer GTs and preventing Halo 4 online play before street date.

This, best answer. The way they did it this time was assume anyone who got a copy before release date pirated the game (hence bans), when really they should have just disabled any online features aside from white listed clients.
That doesn't even make sense. The guy didn't buy a game with a known defect. A screwed up HDMI port and buying a game before street date are two different things. And the other part of your analogy that doesn't work is that if your TV's HDMI port is fucked up, you can take the TV back. The TV doesn't magically stop working because you plugged it in and used it before the TV was supposed to be available for sale.

Good job at completely missing the point.
I hope you're not suggesting that if you drink underage, you'll be okay with a sales receipt. Ignorant or not, you'd still get busted. In the alcohol scenario, both the clerk and the customer are at fault and each face consequences.

No i am not suggesting that at all. Underage drinking is against the law, but my main point is selling to someone underage is a larger offense than the underage drinking. So the entire analogy is really a silly argument as it doesn't share anything in common with early entertainment sales since technically speaking there were no laws broken (although a breach in contract could be argued i guess Not sure how the whole "Do not sell prior to DD/MM/YYYY" shit works. No idea if thats a signed agreement or just faith in the retailer.)


This, best answer. The way they did it this time was assume anyone who got a copy before release date pirated the game (hence bans), when really they should have just disabled any online features aside from white listed clients.

Is this something even technically feasible for MS given the Live infrastructure?


This close to release...I would just let everyone go ahead and play and then simply do an XP wipe at 12:01 AM PST on November 5/6. No big deal and would say MS a ton of trouble.


If the customer tells MS they bought it, MS will ask "Where?"

If the customer can't name the store, MS is going to assume it wasn't purchased legitimately.

If the customer doesn't have a receipt, but can name the store, a MS rep can check with the store. If the store says "nope, we didn't sell any copies of Halo 4 early!" then MS is going to assume it wasn't purchased legitimately.

That's a disgusting way of doing business with your customers. Microsoft shouldn't assume anything, and they shouldn't start sanctioning their customers before checking the actual facts. And if they can't do that, there should be no bans.

MS holds buyers of the game hostage until they give them the information they need to sanction the shops who broke the street date.

Most of the time it's small local shops with many steady customers who start selling games early. I know the owner of my favorite shop very well and would never hand him over to Microsoft - and I shouldn't be asked to do that in the first place! Customers should not be forced to do the detective work for companies!

There's an old german saying:

„Der größte Lump im ganzen Land, das ist und bleibt der Denunziant.“

Which translates to something like:
"The biggest bastard far and wide, is and shall remain the denouncer."

Many german and austrian shops started selling the game yesterday. We should hear very soon if Microsoft still bans everyone who already plays "Halo 4" and is not on a whitelist. I still hope that they fixed that by now, it'd be absolutely insane to still do those bannings that close to the street date. Maybe the OP was one of the last early buyers who was banned and Microsoft has stopped doing that by now. I really hope that's the case.


The Detective
Yes and i dont feel bad for those people when shit hits the fan cause of their ignorance.

Edit: The store absolutely needs to do a better job, that im not debating. Im debating the consumers expectations of being "spoon fed" 24/7 and not taking ANY of the responsibilities. Oh well it was the stores job, ok yes. But they didn't do it, or maybe had someone in training and didnt know, could be a million things, shouldn't you educate yourself too just to be on the safe side? I think so.

If i go buy a LED TV at BestBuy and the HDMI is all screwed up and its a known issue online and the store clecks dont tell me, is that 100% the stores fault or is it also mine for not doing my research before buying the TV? Thats what im saying.

Legally (at least in Aus and I think the UK) it is the stores fault and so it should be.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Doesn't change the fact that he can go back to the store get a bill for proof (and get this all fixed up real quick) and for some odd reason did not. Im not gonna believe without a shadow of a doubt anything the OP says until i see a bill.

He was rather clear that the store said it wouldn't provide a receipt until release day:

Also, I don't have a receipt. Bought it from a local game shop; they said they'd "ring it out" on launch day. Obviously a bit shady- but far from fucking stealing.

Assuming he's telling the truth, it would appear that the store itself wants to avoid any potential trouble for selling the game earlier than intended... even though the game was sold early.


But they didn't do it, or maybe had someone in training and didnt know, could be a million things, shouldn't you educate yourself too just to be on the safe side?

Hell, no!

It's not the customer's duty to keep up with release dates. Not everyone outside of NeoGAF has an up-to-date excel sheet with a list of all upcoming games and their street dates.

If you go to a store, see something on the shelf and buy it, you should be the very last one to be punished for anything.

If you find out at home that the online servers for multiplayer aren't up yet or an important day 1 patch isn't available yet, that's one thing. Nobody can expect Microsoft to have these things up and running before the street date.

But to actually punish those early buyers by banning them? And then only lifting that ban if they are willing to cooperate on a crackdown on shops who broke the street date?
If you pay for stolen goods, then yes, a sale has happened. Try telling the police it wasn't really a sale because no one rang anything up in a cash register and see how far that gets you.

Of course, knowingly buying stolen goods is illegal, while buying goods before the street date isn't, so the two situations are fundamentally different.

You know you don't get to keep stolen goods, whether you know they were stolen when you bought them or not, right? You can tell the police whatever you want, they'll still return them to the rightful owner. In that case you're just another victim who was ripped off by the thief.

If MS knows a bunch of stolen retail copies of the game are floating around, it makes things complicated. It's not about telling what is a pirate copy and what is authentic, they're trying to tell what is an authentic, but stolen copy from an authentic broken street date copy. There's no way to really do it, other than to warn people that they're banning everybody not on the press whitelist, which they did.


You know you don't get to keep stolen goods, whether you know they were stolen when you bought them or not, right? You can tell the police whatever you want, they'll still return them to the rightful owner. In that case you're just another victim who was ripped off by the thief.

If MS knows a bunch of stolen retail copies of the game are floating around, it makes things complicated. It's not about telling what is a pirate copy and what is authentic, they're trying to tell what is an authentic, but stolen copy from an authentic broken street date copy.

Yes, of course I know you don't get to keep stolen goods. So what? Where did this business about stolen copies come from? The question being discussed was "did the sale really happen if they didn't ring it up?" Now you are making up some hypothetical about stolen retail copies? And for the record, I think MS is still dumb to ban legit early buyers, even if there are a bunch of stolen copies floating around.

There's no way to really do it, other than to warn people that they're banning everybody not on the press whitelist, which they did.

They did? When?


when is the cut-off date for playing and breaking a street date? eg in Europe there will be retailers that sell early - eg this weekend or even Monday. Will those users get banned, or is there a grace period one week out?


when is the cut-off date for playing and breaking a street date? eg in Europe there will be retailers that sell early - eg this weekend or even Monday. Will those users get banned, or is there a grace period one week out?

Some shops in Germany and Austria started selling the game yesterday. Fortunately, I haven't heard of any bannings yet. But I don't know how fast these bannings usually occur.
Ok, who was the store that sold it to the OP?

Who cares? If MS has an issue with that that's for them to figure out. Maybe they should have a system in place to track early copies or something so that they can take action against retailers. Banning a paying customer is a fucking lazy and shitty way out for them.


works for Gamestop (lol)
@majornelson 5:48 PM
Some folks playing #Halo4 today were banned in-game on accident. Technical glitch. We're working on a fix & sorry for the error


Who cares? If MS has an issue with that that's for them to figure out. Maybe they should have a system in place to track early copies or something so that they can take action against retailers. Banning a paying customer is a fucking lazy and shitty way out for them.

So they should have staff actively monitoring who is online with Halo 4, then track down the people attached to the user ID's, call them at home and ask where they purchased the game from (a;sp please do not play the games and publish spoilers on the net)...then contact their lawyers to send cease and desist notices to the stores...rince and repeat for each person

sounds efficient

Or ban user from getting on-line (using an automated system), removing ban after clearly explaining why the ban took place and to not play the game before the street date, get store information. Pissed off customer will probably be sour on the store and not do business (maybe tell friends of horrible experience).
So they should have staff actively monitoring who is online with Halo 4, then track down the people attached to the user ID's, call them at home and ask where they purchased the game from (a;sp please do not play the games and publish spoilers on the net)...then contact their lawyers to send cease and desist notices to the stores...rince and repeat for each person

sounds efficient

Or ban user from getting on-line (using an automated system), removing ban after clearly explaining why the ban took place and to not play the game before the street date, get store information. Pissed off customer will probably be sour on the store and not do business (maybe tell friends of horrible experience).
Efficiency over policies not anti consumer, sounds about right.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
Well, it's been more than a couple weeks since my ban, and more than a week since the game came out, and unfortunately, I'm still banned.

I've been in contact with Stinkles via PM, and last I heard he was still certain I'd be unbanned and that he had passed my info along to the right people.

I know he's extremely busy; but I PM'd him a couple days ago to see if there's any update, and I haven't heard back. I'm sure it's crazy for 343 right now, so I understand; and I'm appreciative of his help. But nevertheless, I was hoping I'd be unbanned within a week or so. I said I'd update this thread, and now seems like an okay time to do so.

Hopefully I'll hear back here soon and I can get an idea of a timetable of when I should see my ban lifted. I'll update the thread if/when I do :)
Right now I don't know if I should plan on buying any Xbox 360 games on Black Friday...
And people thought it would be a simple case of showing your receipt to fix this issue. Even with Frankie helping this process is taking a while.
Well, it's been more than a couple weeks since my ban, and more than a week since the game came out, and unfortunately, I'm still banned.

I've been in contact with Stinkles via PM, and last I heard he was still certain I'd be unbanned and that he had passed my info along to the right people.

I know he's extremely busy; but I PM'd him a couple days ago to see if there's any update, and I haven't heard back. I'm sure it's crazy for 343 right now, so I understand; and I'm appreciative of his help. But nevertheless, I was hoping I'd be unbanned within a week or so. I said I'd update this thread, and now seems like an okay time to do so.

Hopefully I'll hear back here soon and I can get an idea of a timetable of when I should see my ban lifted. I'll update the thread if/when I do :)
Right now I don't know if I should plan on buying any Xbox 360 games on Black Friday...

You have every right to be PMing and emailing them everyday until this gets fixed. You paid them money for a service that is being wrongfully denied to you. Doesn't matter how busy they are they need to get off their asses and take 5 minutes to do right by their customer.


nods at old men
Well, it's been more than a couple weeks since my ban, and more than a week since the game came out, and unfortunately, I'm still banned.

I've been in contact with Stinkles via PM, and last I heard he was still certain I'd be unbanned and that he had passed my info along to the right people.

I know he's extremely busy; but I PM'd him a couple days ago to see if there's any update, and I haven't heard back. I'm sure it's crazy for 343 right now, so I understand; and I'm appreciative of his help. But nevertheless, I was hoping I'd be unbanned within a week or so. I said I'd update this thread, and now seems like an okay time to do so.

Hopefully I'll hear back here soon and I can get an idea of a timetable of when I should see my ban lifted. I'll update the thread if/when I do :)
Right now I don't know if I should plan on buying any Xbox 360 games on Black Friday...

I once got banned in "World of Warcraft" due to an automated banning system. I sent them an eMail and got unbanned in less than an hour. It's really sad what Microsoft is doing here, and I wonder what happens to those people who don't have the "luck" to be in contact with some PR guy from Microsoft...
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