Sure but its also up to the consumer to be well informed. Its not all on the stores backs all the time. This isn't a Microsoft store im assuming. Consumers have a responsibility too. They cant just always play dumb and get a "get out of jail free card". When "soccermom" goes and buys a violent game for her 5 year old, and then goes back and complains that the store let her walk out with it, it isn't the stores fault, its the moms fault for not being well informed as a consumer and as to what her kid is playing. Same shit. The store is wrong for selling the game early sure and now the guy is playing innocent for going online in a game that's not out for another week, and supposedly he didn't know, but found time to post about it on a gaming forum like neogaf that he regularly visits.
Customer- Hi, is Halo 4 out?
Employee- Uhh, yeah I have it here. Want to buy it?
Customer- Sure.
*Customer gets his system locked and he lost his receipt. Customer calls Xbox Support*
Customer- Why is my system banned?
Support- You have the game before it is out.
Customer- But the employee sold it to me and I asked him if was out. He didn't tell me anything.
Support- Can you send your receipt?
Customer- No, I didn't keep it. I lost it.
Support- Well we cannot tell if you pirated it or purchased it, so we're going to leave your system and account banned.
Customer- But how was I supposed to know all this? Why am I being blamed.
Support- It is your fault for not being an informed customer.
Customer- But I went to the retail store to be informed.
Support- Well, I'm informing you. Feel free to purchase another Xbox and XBLG account.