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Justified - Season 3 - Timothy Olyphant & Walton Goggins - Tuesdays on FX

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Not sure what to think of Boyd repeatedly leaving captives in easily escapable situations, seems unusually sloppy for the show. And I wish they hadn't had Whatshisname drop the "my kid's tee ball" line earlier in the episode since you knew he'd be the one getting shot at the end.

Otherwise? So good. Can't wait for next week.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Great thing this season is they've amplified the crazy shit going on without having Raylan shoot/kill as many people himself. Things are more grounded that way, somehow.
It was totally Duffy. One of his eyebrows took control and shot Tom so they could get Quarles. Duffy don't get paid if he's in jail, looks like he would have survived that blast.


It was so great to see Boyd not be deliberate and slow this ep. He got a little hyped and he paid for it. Another thing that made it great was just how many little things went poorly for all the bad guys that were plotting. Like the criminal equivalent of a bad day, all the edges just meet you square in the face. Instead of you stubbing your toe or spilling your coffee, your old assosciate sees his dead wife and the man you're trying to find is a pill addicted psychopath. There was no big blow back, just nothing gelled for you today and it all added up.
brings up a point, that I didn't noticed: When Raylan got to the bar, where's Boyd???

I watched that scene twice because I think it'd poorly plotted. Boyd (his body at least) is still lying on the ground in front of the guard rail. Why no one, from Johnny to Raylan or even the cops noticed is baffling.


Hunky Nostradamus
Pretty good episode. It was nice to see Loretta again, and I can't wait to watch how the season ends. Should be awesome.

Not sure what to think of Boyd repeatedly leaving captives in easily escapable situations, seems unusually sloppy for the show.

Same. Really sloppy writing. Boyd leaving Quarles in the hands of 2 hookers is incredibly stupid. I can buy Dickie outsmarting Johnny, and Arlo escaping from Ava, as she had no reason to think he would pull a gun on her, but coming off of Boyd's fuck up, they both felt really sloppy. :/
Pretty good episode. It was nice to see Loretta again, and I can't wait to watch how the season ends. Should be awesome.

Same. Really sloppy writing. Boyd leaving Quarles in the hands of 2 hookers is incredibly stupid. I can buy Dickie outsmarting Johnny, and Arlo escaping from Ava, as she had no reason to think he would pull a gun on her, but coming off of Boyd's fuck up, they both felt really sloppy. :/

I agree with you.
One of the supporting antagonists should have been killed. It could have been Duffy and his henchman, or Errol, or Limehouse's other stooge on the outside


"At the end, they pull the curtain back, turns out the guy's kind of a pussy HOW YA BEEN ELSTON?"

So ace.

Yes. I loved how Raylan took a shot at Limehouse like that.

I agree with you guys about Boyd's mishandling of a captive Quarles with the two whores. The other thing is why did Duffy wait until Quarles was outside of his car to detonate the bomb? If you're boss is a crazy mother fucker, then shouldn't it be wise to make sure you kill Quarles without the possibility of screwing it up a second time ? Besides, you could always go after Boyd later on.

(*) It reminded me of one of my favorite sketches from "The State," where Thomas Lennon is a new prisoner at a tough maximum security prison where the warden tells him there are only two ways out: "One is dead in a pine box, and the other is that big wide open gate over there, which I ask you seriously to please please stay away from."

Oh my CHRIST I haven't thought about this sketch in AGES. I fucking love the way Mike Show rocks the "DEAD in a pine BOX!!"



Now that was a Justified episode.

Not the best, but just quality. The quality of this episode is what i've been missing for the last couple of weeks. If anything, it was a little on the nose about some of the twists minus the Loretta one or the officer being shot, but I enjoyed the 'chess" match a lot, and I really liked Quarles in this episode. I don't have such a hard on for the guy as a lot of y'all on GAF, but tonight I liked him a lot.

I cannot wait for the season finale! I knew those oddly-paced exposition filled episodes would lead to something ;-)

Edit - Just brought to my attention reading the discussion here, and yeah it was pretty uncharacteristic of Boyd leaving such valuable people in escape-able situations. C'mon I like Johnny, but i would never have him babysit two able bodied men wanting to escape, and Quarles' long ass chain was ridiculous along with him being watched by two drug addict hookers; again uncharacteristic of Boyd.

Now, the dialog in the show is still very sharp, but i feel the quality of writing in the plot has taken a couple steps back IMO. Not necessarily the situations, but the polish and cohesiveness of the over-arching plots felt a little more sloppy than the Justified norm. I wasn't a big fan of the last couple episodes because of what i mentioned in my post pre-edit, but this episode was what i was looking for after starting the season pretty damn strong.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
I can believe Boyd would underestimate a chained up drugged out guy enough to leave him there, the execution of the scene was more jacked up though. Boyd shouldn't have left any guns there, not even on his guard, as well as taking the key to the chains with him. Worst case, he comes back and everyone is dead but Quarles.

Ah well. Guess every season's got a Winona takes the money moment where awesome shit springs from it anyways.


For some reason, my DVR has not recorded the last two episodes.. ugh. Luckily I noticed last night and manually recorded the midnight one but we need to wait another day or two for the previous week to be On Demand I'm guessing due to Fox's weird 9-day wait for their shows.


This might be my favorite episode of the show. I love all of the plans and counter plans and back stabbings. So much fun. And a nice heartwarming moment to see that Limehouse didn't keep the money, but gave it to Loretta, like Mags wanted.


Is it implied that Theo Tonin had Quarles' family killed? In the earlier parts of the season, they showed Quarles having a couple of conversations with his family over the phone, but we haven't seen him talking with them at all lately.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
haven't seen any gifs yet.

Wynn with the window blinder's shading the light was a cool image.
Just for you, Lonestar.







So violent this week.
The other thing is why did Duffy wait until Quarles was outside of his car to detonate the bomb? If you're boss is a crazy mother fucker, then shouldn't it be wise to make sure you kill Quarles without the possibility of screwing it up a second time ? Besides, you could always go after Boyd later on.

He wanted to kill both Quarles and Boyd. It was just bad writing that they would use a detonation system that takes like 10 seconds to blow up and beeps. That's just stupid.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
I liked how Arlo called Boyd Raylan when he was getting upset.
I wondered about if arlo was relapsing earlier, when he called Boyd "son"

I know son can be used communally, but I thought he might actually think Boyd is raylan, which he did later on


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: We need to discuss Quarles smoking Oxy through a shotgun with the whores Boyd had watching him.
Graham Yost: [Excitedly] Yeah. Okay, so here’s the story. Taylor Elmore had had dental surgery and he had to write that whole script in a weekend. He wrote the whole script in like two days. I think he was high on Vicodin, coming off this big round of dental surgery, and wrote what we call ‘the whore party’ scene. I think that was the first scene he wrote of the episode, and then it got moved around a little bit, but that stayed pretty much intact. That caused a lot of raised eyebrows among the producers. But I thought it was worth going for, so we did.

Hmm, maybe that's a contributing factor to this episode having some sloppy details.
Hmm, maybe that's a contributing factor to this episode having some sloppy details.
Yeah, they strayed a little too close to "let's do this because it's cool, not because it makes sense" at times this week. I was wondering if any of that would get cleaned up in the finale (e.g. did Boyd want Quarles to escape for some reason?), but perhaps that's not on the cards.
Cop doesn't want to miss sons t-ball game.

Cop gets shot.

Justified has the best writing in the business.

Yeah. I think it's generally a pretty well-written show, but there are fairly frequent bits like this that keep it from the AAA Mad Men and Breaking Bad level stuff for me.

But it's still awesome, and I'm loving how these different threads are coming together, even if it's a bit "busy."


"Are you smoking oxycontin in my motorcoach?" :lol :lol

Very solid, if extremely convoluted, episode. I'm officially scared for Wynn. He has hedged his bets and now is going to have all of Quarles, Boyd and Raylan wanting to harm him. I think he is going to die in the finale along with Quarles :_( Speaking of Quarles, good god the man is a full on trainwreck now. Can't keep his shit together for more than a few minutes at a time. He is so dead in the finale. Can't wait to see how it all ends up, but I'm really hoping that the scattershot nature of this episode was simply a necessary evil for a much more focused and character driven finale next week.
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