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Justified - Season 3 - Timothy Olyphant & Walton Goggins - Tuesdays on FX

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Whens the next episode air?
I've got some good news for you....

New episode tonight!
Harlan Roulette

Raylan is put on a collision course with the new head of the Dixie Mafia; Boyd fights to take back part of his family's empire, but his methods threaten to tear his crew apart.

- Warming Glow: A Q&A With ‘Justified’ Writer Jon Worley
I don’t remember exactly when it was brought to my attention, or by whom, but at some point around the end of last year, I found out that first-year “Justified” writer Jon Worley was a fan of Uproxx and Warming Glow. This excited me to a degree you probably can’t wrap your heads around. I reached out to him after the season premiere to see if he’d be interested in doing a Q&A for the site, and he was gracious enough to play along. Over the last few weeks, we traded emails on everything from the process of mapping out a season of the show, to the whole Ava vs. Winona thing, to our theories about Guy Fieri. It was really informative, and quite a bit of fun.

Might be some spoilers in here, so read at your own risk.
A couple video interviews (youtube) with the writers of Justified where they break down previous episodes:

- “The Gunfighter” – A Writers’ Recap
The third season of Justified premiered last night with a bang! Actually, I believe it was five bangs… but who’s countin’? After a long spell of anticipation, season three’s first episode—“The Gunfighter”—throws us right back into the world of Harlan and, boy, does it feel good to be home.

A lot was left up in the air at the end of season two. Will Winona’s pregnancy bring her and Raylan closer, even when the job keeps pulling them apart? And with Mags Bennett pushing daisies now, will Boyd rise up as Harlan’s undisputed kingpin? Well, if you watched last night’s premiere, you know that every answer raises new questions, and therein lies the season.

Keep comin’ back week after week for more Justified on FX at 10pm, Tuesday nights. And if you are, in fact, keepin’ a body count, I’d recommend a mighty big abacus this season.

In the meantime, check out my latest video. I got the opportunity to sit down with the premiere’s writers, Graham Yost and Fred Golan, to discuss the behind-the-scenes making of season three’s first episode.
- “Cut Ties” – A Writers’ Recap
Just as Co-Producer Ben Cavell promised, a lot happens in his episode.

“Cut Ties” deals with the murder of a witsec marshal, Boyd’s infiltration of Tramble Penitentiary (named after one of our writers, Nichell Tramble Spellman), and the introduction of Limehouse—the biggest, coolest, smartest, most-calculating hill-country badman who ever lived.

And in the midst of everything, Carla Gugino makes her first appearance as Deputy Director Goodall, a high-ranking marshal from Raylan’s past who happens to be quite easy on the eyes. Raylan’s eyes, that is.

I sat down with Ben to discuss his episode and was astounded by some of the secrets revealed.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Every villain introduction this season has been stellar. I almost don't even care if they connect them all together at this point, they're all so good. Just keep them coming every episode.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Duffy as Quarles' #2 man is so great.

Holy shit, the stumbling upon random tied up guy. OMG, Justified I love you. So great with the subtlety.


I love Raylan's stories and the stupid crook letting the whole meaning pass straight over his head was hilarious.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
"The next one's coming faster."

I've seen a lot of Lethal Weapon in my day, and the ending of that scene pure distilled Lethal Weapon in tone and script.


Man, Justified has great episodes week after week. The Crowder coming back with force , Neal Mcdonough being a great bad guy, all great so far. So far the first three episodes have gotten the season off to a great start.


Hunky Nostradamus
Johnny is back! <3

Great episode. The carpetbagger is turning out to be a really creepy villain and his plan is pretty clever too. I'm curious to see how Limehouse develops though. He seems a little on the bland side at the moment.

Hey look, it's the campaign manager from The Killing.

I prefer to think of him as Betty Draper's brother on Mad Men. ;p
This episode got back to the main season arch and it was fantastic. More of our villains for the season and a nice, small villain of the week turn by Pruitt Taylor Vince. He looked like he's slimmed down. Instead of playing a creep, he's a ruthless pawn shop owner. With this episode I felt they were taking a shot at all the shady "pawn" shows on the air, but maybes that just me.

The writing and dialogue continues to be fantastic throughout.

I'm so happy that they've kept Dickie on the show so that we get to see Jeremy Davies continue his good work.

* Not only did the Fogel story bring back James LeGros as Wade (and again caused me to shake my head at the idea of LeGros once upon a time playing Raylan Givens)...

I'm just as amazed.
Huh? A procedural episode or two does not make this a procedural series.

http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2010/06/01/justified-season-1-ratings/52869/ said:
One advantage Justified has over Damages is it's a procedural. Yes, I know, there are serial elements, but, it's still a procedural.  Without ever having watched an episode you could watch tonight's episode and not be completely lost.  That's not the case with a show like Damages.
Saw it from this
Wow, that was a damn near flawless episode. Completely amazing, even by Justified's already high standards.

H-h-hold your horses.
The fact that this thread doesn't have 1,000 posts an episode PAINS ME. Though I'm also part of the problem, but still! At least I'm here now! WATCH THIS SHOW PEOPLE, IT'S SO MUCH BETTER THAN WHATEVER ELSE YOU WERE DOING AT 10PM LAST NIGHT. Unless you were, you know. You get a pass IF you set your DVR.

How have the ratings been? Solid at least?
[...] Pruitt Taylor Vince. [...]
OH, Otis! That's what I recognized him from!
Good to know and relatively glad to hear it. I'm waiting for this show to have that "moment" where you see the thread just explode in popularity, similar to what Breaking Bad experienced. Threads on that show were basically normal until the most recent season, where it seemed tons of people discovered it on Netflix and joined the discussion. Rare that growth like that happens mid-season, so here's hoping it'll be Justified's turn next year.
This thread is definitely seeing more action than season two's from what I can remember. A good sign since we're only at episode 3. You can also see at the comments that there are several people just getting into it.


Such a good episode!

Loved Raylan's joke about the commode. His timing was spot-on, had to rewind it a few times due to the hilarity.
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