We're going to get some use out of this one. Thanks for the gifs.
Peace out Johnny, long time coming. I wonder what the Crowe's play is here...
AC/DC: Jumping out of the window
Allison: Raylan eyes, Criminal family, tramp stamp... I thought that was exactly your type
Boyd: Zoom in on his face, Shooting Johnny, Post shooting, You got a million dollars shoved up your ass?
Dewey: Looking at the calendar
Johnny: Watching Boyd
Raylan: Reacting to the walk-in asking if reading is something he enjoyed, Not bad (after guy jumped out the window), Laughing with Wendy, Guy threw his leg out the window, jumped out then slid down a light pole and then gave me the bird. Come on, I love this guy, let me catch him, Shit, he's the only reason I came
Tim: Failed fist bump
Wendy: Skirt, Finding Raylan incredibly sexy
Good episode.
I dunno though, we're halfway through, and I'm still not really feeling this season yet. The Ava stuff is so disconnected and kills the momentum and the Crowes don't live up to some of the fantastic villains/characters the show has had in the past.
Ratsky just took a sigh of relief there lol
he types for extended period of time when the URL is already in the search box.
Did my head in when Dale Dickey turned up because I was absolutely convinced she'd been in the show before now, and was somehow related to the Bennett's. Of course latter on I realized I was getting confused with goddamn True Blood....
Hah, I noticed that too. What a strange moment. I wonder if it was intentional?
Is there any way to put a reply on T.C.s blog?
God no. The technology to reply to a post is decades away.
Talkin about Ava not sexing that guy? Then yeah, I really did breathe a sigh of relief.Her new hair looks amazing btw.
Nice episode.
Goodness does Raylan need to dump the blondes and get with the program on the readheads who want his dick. First Rebecca Creskoff now Alicia Witt? Seize the day Raylan. Seize the day.
The Raylan vs. Hacker bits were great but this season kinda sucks after last season. Seems like nothing has really happened yet and everything is so disconnected.
And where the hell is Duffy?
Nice episode.
Goodness does Raylan need to dump the blondes and get with the program on the readheads who want his dick. First Rebecca Creskoff now Alicia Witt? Seize the day Raylan. Seize the day.
I need to stop paying attention to actors outside of their shows. Nick Searcy's latest Twitter meltdown has made me hate his character when he used to be one of my favorites.
Anyway, curious to see how Boyd gets out of this one now that he can't even get across the border without screwing up. I can't imagine the cartel will be happy about that.
I wish I'd never read those remarks from Searcy. Now I know he's an idiot and it makes me not want to watch the show. I'm surprised Walton Goggins can stand the guy.
I wish I'd never read those remarks from Searcy. Now I know he's an idiot and it makes me not want to watch the show. I'm surprised Walton Goggins can stand the guy.
I need to stop paying attention to actors outside of their shows. Nick Searcy's latest Twitter meltdown has made me hate his character when he used to be one of my favorites.
Anyway, curious to see how Boyd gets out of this one now that he can't even get across the border without screwing up. I can't imagine the cartel will be happy about that.
I wish I'd never read those remarks from Searcy. Now I know he's an idiot and it makes me not want to watch the show. I'm surprised Walton Goggins can stand the guy.
Thus far youve seen exclusive interviews with the actors of Justified but today Ive got something different.
Production Designer Dave Blass was kind enough to offer a walkthrough tour of Hot Rod Dunhams lair, one of the many sets that he has designed this season.
Keep on scrolling for the video and a collection of photos that give you a better look at the incredible attention to detail that goes into making a set feel alive.
Whistle Past the Graveyard
Raylan chases a missing Crowe; Boyd and his new partners fight their way back across the border.
Raylan is a stronger man than I. No way in hell I could turn down Alicia Witt.
ha my wife said that as she walked by while I was watching
New episode tonight:
TUCKER! Like you said great to see him getting more work- Damon Herriman (Dewey Crowe) picked up a recurring role in Vince Gilligan's Battle Creek
Good to see him getting more work, though I don't know if I've ever seen him in a non-redneck role. This would cut down his role on Justified significantly for S6 if he manages to survive this season, though keep in mind that he's usually only appeared in a couple of episodes of Justified per year before this season.
I'm too tired lol.
Have we seen this guy before on Justified or do I just know him from another show?