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Justified - Season 5 - Timothy Olyphant & Walton Goggins - Tuesdays on FX

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I don't believe they will ever get back to quality level of Season 2. That was so phenomenal.

I was so hooked on that season. It was already in the glass, not in the jar.

This season feels slow somehow. Maybe because it is the first one I'm watching weekly.
Well it seems like the story line got derailed when Edi Gathegi wanted to leave, so that we are seeing hte result of some "filler" to make up for what was lost, but if that breakdown by Yost is to be believed, everything should be back on track next episode.


S5 and S6 seem to have been loosely plotted out together . I think we're seeing a consequence of that here in that this season might be more "set up" for S6 than an independent season-long story.
Well it seems like the story line got derailed when Edi Gathegi wanted to leave, so that we are seeing hte result of some "filler" to make up for what was lost, but if that breakdown by Yost is to be believed, everything should be back on track next episode.

Wow, that guy.

I mean, aren't there contracts signed or something? He was in the show for like, two episodes, for a few minutes. I don't imagine it was a huge burden on his time...


I haven't seen last night's ep yet, but yeah, I think this is the weakest season yet so far. Not just because of the meandering plot, but the writing, dialogue in particular, isn't anywheres near as on point. Feels almost like new writers this season or something.

For whatever reasons this show's even numbered seasons have been the better ones. I'd say S2 > S4 > S3 > S1 > S5 (so far)


I'm definitely liking this season but not quite as much as 2-4. Hopefully things will start to come together in the home stretch.

I also hope Raylan puts one between Danny Crowe's eyes.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Yeah, I wasn't too keen on this episode either. Ava's prison stuff feels like a low rent cross between Oz and Orange is the New Black, and none of the other plotlines really went anywhere.
Idk guys, I still really love the show. If this is Justified at it's worse, then that's a testament for how good it really is cause it is still delivering and I find myself captivated by the show in general. But I do agree, the other seasons just were much more exciting, that being said, I feel like aside from True Detective, it's the best thing on right now.


I shot people I like more for less.
I haven't seen last night's ep yet, but yeah, I think this is the weakest season yet so far. Not just because of the meandering plot, but the writing, dialogue in particular, isn't anywheres near as on point. Feels almost like new writers this season or something.

For whatever reasons this show's even numbered seasons have been the better ones. I'd say S2 > S4 > S3 > S1 > S5 (so far)

Same ranking for me.

I think part of the problem with the season for me is that the point of the season isn't really defined. Season one is about Raylan coming back to Harlan and how that affects things. Season two is about the Bennett family and how they affect everyone, season 3 is about how people react to Quarles' arrival, and season 4 you have the Drew Thompson is alive and in Harlan thing, and everything coalesces because of that single factor. Season 5 doesn't really have a central motivation, which could be fine, but I feel like they're stretching themselves too thin.

Also (this might just be me), but I feel like it's kind of diminished a bit because we're not spending enough time in Harlan. Harlan, and the weirdness therein, is such a big part of the show, yet it feels like it's been on the periphery too much. We've got trips to Florida, Detroit, and Mexico...just feels a little out of place I guess? Even Ava's prison seems distant from Harlan in a way that the scenes with Boyd, Dewey, Dickey, Arlo, etc in prison never felt. I'm hoping things improve once Boyd and co make it back to Harlan.

Idk guys, I still really love the show. If this is Justified at it's worse, then that's a testament for how good it really is cause it is still delivering and I find myself captivated by the show in general. But I do agree, the other seasons just were much more exciting, that being said, I feel like aside from True Detective, it's the best thing on right now.

It's my favorite show personally. I just want better for it, dammit! lol


They're American and it causes an international incident (drawing unwanted attention) if they're found.

That explains why they couldn't leave them lying on the ground. But why couldn't they just bury them? They were in the middle of nowhere. Surely attempting to cross the border with a bunch of corpses carries an exponentially higher risk of discovery.
That explains why they couldn't leave them lying on the ground. But why couldn't they just bury them? They were in the middle of nowhere. Surely attempting to cross the border with a bunch of corpses carries an exponentially higher risk of discovery.

At that point it becomes the Cartel's job to find a spot where they don't get found.
They shoulda just decapitated the bodies and cut off the hands and then threw them in a whole.

No one woulda batted an eye. It's Mexico. Come on, people. It's SOP for the Cartels there.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I'm liking this season but omg ava's storyline needs to get resolved asap. It's so boring and I couldn't care less what happens to that idiot!

More US Marshals please!


Not the greatest episode for sure. Tonally it reminded me somewhat of the fighting chicken runaround episode last season. Not that compelling and pretty underwhelming.

Unfortunate that they got messed around by the Actor playing Jean Baptiste. The Crowes seem less interesting for his absence and frankly feel more like a comedy act than a viable threat to Boyd, though tbh the whole mexico section seemed convoluted and rather asinine and even Boyds crew came off as clowns.

Ava storyline just feels like its been thrown in there in order to keep the actress on the series Vs wandering off and doing something else because her position this season would ordinarily reduce her to an occasional cameo (so less money). I get the need, but ultimately I don't see her character as that integral to the plot given her circumstances. The money they've wasted on her prison storyline could of been better spent on adding more substance to Boyds crew (which seems to be a 3 man band), and Dale Dickey could be better used as a matriarch of the Crowe family (a sort of low rent Mags) that Raylan could be butting heads with than some prison momma.

Season has meandered a lot so far without any clear sense of direction. Yost could do with recalibrating because albeit it's enjoyable because of Raylan and Boyd the narrative has been all over the place.

Also do not care for Amy Smarts character at all (so forgettable I can't even remember her characters name) and tbh I'd rather see Raylan hook up with Wendy Crowe because she's got a lot more personality and vim to her by a country mile, plus them in a relationship would add a bit more tension to the Raylan/Crowe stand off.


Since last season I don't watch this show expecting much brilliance. I just watch for entertainment, because that is what it brings to me. I'll never find it boring or dull, but I'll never call it genius either.


Unconfirmed Member
The negativity comes from expectation. I can watch The Walking Dead and just laugh at all the stupid shit because I expect it, and while Justified never reaches anywhere near that level, it's noticeable when it's not hitting the standards it's already set. That said, the only storyline I have a problem with so far is Ava's, because it doesn't even involve Boyd right now. All of the prison characters seem terrible too, and there's no levity which is the shows best aspect usually.

It's only behind True Detective right now for me regardless.


Not a bad episode, but man, really filler-ish. No real plot or character progression. This whole season feels like a big stall for something right about now. Hurry up and wait.


I shot people I like more for less.
Since last season I don't watch this show expecting much brilliance. I just watch for entertainment, because that is what it brings to me. I'll never find it boring or dull, but I'll never call it genius either.

Last season was really good though. Some of the high points of the whole series.

The negativity comes from expectation. I can watch The Walking Dead and just laugh at all the stupid shit because I expect it, and while Justified never reaches anywhere near that level, it's noticeable when it's not hitting the standards it's already set. That said, the only storyline I have a problem with so far is Ava's, because it doesn't even involve Boyd right now. All of the prison characters seem terrible too, and there's no levity which is the shows best aspect usually.

It's only behind True Detective right now for me regardless.

I'm not sure I agree on the levity point, unless you mean specifically related to the prison. I mean last episode we had this:



Unconfirmed Member
Last season was really good though. Some of the high points of the whole series.

I'm not sure I agree on the levity point, unless you mean specifically related to the prison. I mean last episode we had this:


Definitely only meant the prison storyline, sorry if that wasn't clear.
Yeah, this episode really didn't do anything for me. It wasn't terrible, but this late in the season, it's rough to watch an episode that does so little in terms of advancement.

Another disappointment was how it ended with Amy Smart. I have hope the writers have some kind of payoff coming from this, but as of now, it just feels like wasted time throughout the season. And I'm with kadayi in regards to her character being pretty forgettable in the first place.

All those negatives aside, I'm still enjoying this season more than last. For whatever reason, I had so much trouble getting into season 4. There were a few great moments (Boyd and the snake handling pastor, the showdown in the car at the end), but all I tend to remember are the things like the bartender girlfriend story and Ellen May. I also saw the whole plot reveal coming a mile away due to the lack of possible candidates for Drew Thompson, so there weren't really many surprises. I found season 3 much more engaging and the performances of Quarrels and Limehouse helped me look past some of the issues in 3.

For me, my current ranking would be: 2 > 3> 5 > 4 > 1
Yeah this episode just didn't seem to go anywhere or do anything. Like maybe if Kendall had said something about seeing JB get popped, but otherwise it was a total snooze.

I half expected there to be some bad dude in Amy Smart's apartment at the end but after a moment I realized she was acting the way a girl does when she's about to dump you. I don't really blame her, Raylan's whole Florida getaway thing was a pretty bad idea, I wonder if she made him help out Wendy Crowe for exactly that reason.

The preview made it look like next week things get interesting. Although I have no idea where anything is going with Boyd's crew. Obviously the Ava story is supposed to set up so that she tries to get Boyd to deliver her drugs to sell in Prison but yeah. Is she ever supposed to stand trial? It feels like she just got shoved off to prison with no hope of trial.

meh ending. I dont really care for Raylan's love life.

What did Boyd's henchman catch at the end? I missed it.

I had a hard time understanding exactly what he said, but it sounded like the Crowe's had planned a lot of what had gone down since they left Mr Yoon. They planned to kill Johnny's crew, and then dropped the story about the "friend" who could help etc to lead Boyd into a trap of some kind.


Unconfirmed Member
The Raylan/Amy Smart relationship came out of nowhere in the first place, and then ended up going nowhere, I wonder what the payoff will be.

I had a hard time understanding exactly what he said, but it sounded like the Crowe's had planned a lot of what had gone down since they left Mr Yoon. They planned to kill Johnny's crew, and then dropped the story about the "friend" who could help etc to lead Boyd into a trap of some kind.

He got all that from martes? What does martes mean?


I shot people I like more for less.
Yeah, this episode really didn't do anything for me. It wasn't terrible, but this late in the season, it's rough to watch an episode that does so little in terms of advancement.

Another disappointment was how it ended with Amy Smart. I have hope the writers have some kind of payoff coming from this, but as of now, it just feels like wasted time throughout the season. And I'm with kadayi in regards to her character being pretty forgettable in the first place.

All those negatives aside, I'm still enjoying this season more than last. For whatever reason, I had so much trouble getting into season 4. There were a few great moments (Boyd and the snake handling pastor, the showdown in the car at the end), but all I tend to remember are the things like the bartender girlfriend story and Ellen May. I also saw the whole plot reveal coming a mile away due to the lack of possible candidates for Drew Thompson, so there weren't really many surprises. I found season 3 much more engaging and the performances of Quarrels and Limehouse helped me look past some of the issues in 3.

For me, my current ranking would be: 2 > 3> 5 > 4 > 1

Did you watch 4 week to week or marathon it? I felt that 4 worked a lot better for me when I watched it all in a row.

meh ending. I dont really care for Raylan's love life.

What did Boyd's henchman catch at the end? I missed it.

Boyd realized there was something fishy going on when that dude wasn't upset at Darryl and Danny double teaming his sister. Jimmy overhears the Spanish speaking dudes saying they talked to Darryl on Tuesday (Martes), which was before they killed Hot Rod's people, so they had all that planned out. Seems like they're going to try to double cross Boyd, that was the impression that I got.


You get the feeling that they keep introducing pieces that ultimately doesnt matter, Marla, Jean and now Amy Smart, they are side characters but get so much time dedicated to them and end up not contributing anything to the story that couldnt be done in another way.
I love how everyone here refers to her as Amy Smart. Nobody knows her character name and with good reason.

Edit: And where the hell is Art?? He's had , like, 3 scenes this season and didn't even speak in one of them. Characters be disappearing.
I love how everyone here refers to her as Amy Smart. Nobody knows her character name and with good reason.

Edit: And where the hell is Art?? He's had , like, 3 scenes this season and didn't even speak in one of them. Characters be disappearing.

That's.., true. I have no idea what her name is.

These Ava segments are sinfully boring.
While it still stands to reason to say that a weak season of Justified is still damn good television, I'm still disappointed. It just seems so meandering. Really, Raylan and Boyd being Raylan and Boyd is what's saving it right now. The storylines have all been weak, and the Crowes have just been letdowns on all fronts.

Wait, check that, Alicia Witt is a Crowe. She gets a pass. Now that you're single again Raylan, don't let me down again.
Oh it all makes sense now. Thanks. I hope Dewy survives all this. I really like his character.

I hope Dewy survives. I hope Ava doesnt. Her whole storyline is boring. Have they even bothered to say why someone set her up?

Also, Kendall is the worst thing to ever happen to this show. Every second he is on screen drains a little bit more of the joy from my soul.

And why has Gutterson only had maybe 90 seconds of screen time this season?


I shot people I like more for less.
Why did Amy Smart break up with Raylan? I must have missed something.

Raylan had planned to use that money to fly himself and suspended Allison (Amy Smart) down to Florida, where he could visit Winona and the baby during the day and dine with Allison at night. Allison’s the one who encouraged him to help find Kendal when Wendy phoned asking for help. Afterward, when Wendy had Allison’s suspension lifted as a “thank you,” Allison officially broke things off with Raylan. In your mind, when did she make that decision?
There was a lot of debate: Did the last scene between them really deliver what we wanted it to deliver? We thought of shooting additional stuff, but we really sorta feel that it’s up to the audience to put it together. She’s been sounding these alarms right from the beginning: He’s a law enforcement guy, and that’s always bad news. But he’s so freakin’ charming, and good-looking, and fun to be with, and she gets high and her defenses drop. So she’s gotten into this despite her better judgment. Our feeling was that in reality, when he shows up with the bathing suit [at the start of the episode], she was probably thinking, “We’re getting past the ‘sell by’ date on this thing.” But he’s got a convincing pitch, and it’s Florida, and she’s got some time off, so what the hell. And then she has time to think.

And then her suspension is lifted, and she sees the chance to reclaim her life.

Yeah. She’s reset back to the way she was. One of the things we’re always looking for — and Tim’s always looking for — is the unforeseen consequences. Getting Wendy to call off the dogs and have Allison reinstated is a good thing that he’s accomplished for her, but then it screws up the plans of going to Florida. Poor Raylan just can’t win. It goes back to what Allison said at the end of episode 6, I think, which is, “Yeah, you would run into a burning building, but I got a feeling you’re setting the fires.” He’s too much trouble.

From here


I love how everyone here refers to her as Amy Smart. Nobody knows her character name and with good reason.

I feel sorry for her that she's been given such a bum part tbh. But ultimately the character is just not that compelling at the end of the day.

Edit: And where the hell is Art?? He's had , like, 3 scenes this season and didn't even speak in one of them. Characters be disappearing.

True. The interplay between Art & Raylan has always been one of the high points of the show and this gulf between them albeit might serve some narrative purpose is to the detriment of the show at present.


^Still the best
I love how everyone here refers to her as Amy Smart. Nobody knows her character name and with good reason.

Edit: And where the hell is Art?? He's had , like, 3 scenes this season and didn't even speak in one of them. Characters be disappearing.

My guess was that they are setting the stage to have Art die in the line of duty, either at the hands of a Crowd or of Boyd.
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