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Justified - Season 6 - The Final Showdown - Olyphant & Goggins - Tuesdays on FX

Sick preview. These final episodes are looking to be amazing.

Proof that RatskyWatsky secretly writes for this show.


Although considering all the crap she had to go through this season, I'm glad that Ava was able to turn the tables on Boyd and Raylan.
- YahooTV: 'Justified' Postmortem: Graham Yost Talks the Shocking Ending of 'Trust' *quite a few spoilers that set up the next few episodes*

EDIT: Of interest:
Let’s also talk about the diner scene with The Walking Dead's Gareth, Andrew J. West, playing a hipster waiter that Boon torments.

It’s a long scene, and sometimes you’re looking at an episode and going, “We’re over [time], and do we want to give this much real estate to this new character?” Ben just wrote a great scene that they all just played perfectly and Adam Arkin was shooting it, so it all came together. It was suggested by something, I think in The Moonshine War, an old Elmore book where one bad guy torments a guy in a café and forces him to take off his clothes because he wants his clothes. Just that idea of the menacing character getting what he wants without ever having to beat anyone is, we thought, a good, scary Elmore scene.
Goddamn! And all of a sudden the entire endgame has changed. Can't wait to see how this plays out.

Also, minus the recap and end credits, this episode only ran for 36 minutes!! Is that the shortest episode ever?


Boon's totally going to be taken out by Tm. Completely focused on Raylan, completely unaware that the regular guy next to him is the better shot.
Boon's totally going to be taken out by Tm. Completely focused on Raylan, completely unaware that the regular guy next to him is the better shot.

Good call. Going further, everyone's gonna be so focused on Boon taking out Raylan (because so far every recapper I've read thinks he's going to do it, or that it's really, really possible he's going to do it) they're not even going to remember Tim exists.


I shot people I like more for less.
This is seriously such a great run of episodes. Super satisfied with how the season has turned out. Hard to believe there's only three left, but they're going to be incredible.


Anyone know what the guy working the restaurant is from? I know I've seen him before, I just can't place it.

EDIT: Oh, he was on The Walking Dead.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Anyone know what the guy working the restaurant is from? I know I've seen him before, I just can't place it.

EDIT: Oh, he was on The Walking Dead.

Haha yeah this was driving me crazy during that scene and then it finally hit me when he took the hat off.

Actor playing Boon is killing it, all his scenes have been fantastic. So glad to see one of my favorite shows finishing strong.

I'm actually glad Ava took the money and ran. She was getting the short end of the stick either way. Worry about Boyd killing her or go back to jail, she made the play that was best for her.
They literally have no case against Boyd do they? Looks like an innocent man transporting a large amount of money for shot by his fiancée in the woods. Ava gone fucked it all up and she's nor gonna make it out alive...unless the show runners decide to give her a reprieve for all he troubles. Can't believe she that to Boyd though. Too cold.

We never for Mickey's full name before did we? Cosmotopolis, cosmetology. Same difference to me.I lol either way.

And I'm not watching any of the last few previews. Even gonna try to avoid the commercials too. I'll check them out when it's all over at the end.

PS. Lol Hipsters. This Boon guy tho turns everything creepy.


Thinking about it, poetic justice for Boyd. Ava really did get the jump on him. The last person he would EVER expect to actually pull a gun on him and shoot him...did in fact do it.


Hunky Nostradamus


Hunky Nostradamus




i can't breathe

Chekhov's gator teeth necklace.

I'm so glad that necklace didn't turn out to be Boyd's undoing. That would have been so predictable. Thank god they subverted that cliche.

Ava just changed the game :O

Ava changed the game! :O

Proof that RatskyWatsky secretly writes for this show.

That, or I've been collaborating in secret with one of the writers this season...I'll let you figure out which is the truth.

It was only a matter of time until Boyd's two-faced, constant betrayal-led lifestyle for self preservation caught up with him.

Exactly! I was rooting for him up until he started flipping out on Ava. Not cool Boyd. Not cool.

Thats a blackjack, also called a sap. It for knocking people out. Not for fun sexy times.


Thinking about it, poetic justice for Boyd. Ava really did get the jump on him. The last person he would EVER expect to actually pull a gun on him and shoot him...did in fact do it.



Ava didn't think this trough. We all know it will end with her being caught. Don't live in an illusion boys.

But damn, this is one hell of a twist.


I'm thinking the money is counterfeit. Markham took losing tons of money and the betrayal kinda decently, and IIRC he even smiled at the very end of the scene.


Golden Domers are chickenshit!!
I'm thinking the money is counterfeit. Markham took losing tons of money and the betrayal kinda decently, and IIRC he even smiled at the very end of the scene.
He smiled in response to Katherine asking if he was going to kill her.
I really just don't care about Ava at all. I hope she gets away clean and that's the last we have seen of her for the rest of the series.

Loved Raylan eating the ice cream in the diner.
Boon's totally going to be taken out by Tm. Completely focused on Raylan, completely unaware that the regular guy next to him is the better shot.

Bit of foreshadowing, it seemed. Like Boon will try and take out Raylan during a scene and Tim will pop his apricot.

I'm so glad that necklace didn't turn out to be Boyd's undoing. That would have been so predictable. Thank god they subverted that cliche.

We don't know for sure. Yost says the necklace part isn't done.
Two I think if I'm thinking of the same scene. It's after he drags that guy around in his truck?

Without pulling up Amazon Prime, I know that season 2 started with him working in the mines trying to be good Harlan citizen. He got roped back into criminal activities and did something, I thought it was blowing up the managers shack outside the mine and in his getaway snapped at himself for falling back into bad ways.

I'm gonna go search for a review and see how right or wrong I am.


You guys are right, the scream was due to this:

Boyd dodges any association with Dewey’s silly plans, but he can’t keep dodging forever. He also has to deal with a lowlife co-worker named Kyle who pesters him on the job, then pesters him again at the bar. No matter how strongly Boyd rebuffs him, Kyle keeps coming back until Boyd has no choice but to make himself really clear by putting him in a headlock and dragging him down the road. There’s a lot to Boyd’s scream at the end of the episode: It’s both cathartic in that he’s finally gotten to take some action and full of frustration over how impossible it is for him to go unnoticed and unbothered. He once chose the criminal path; now that path appears to choosing him.


Hunky Nostradamus
Wow, I hope the show ends with Ava rolling around in that money. It'd be such an unexpected twist. lol

I like you.

Ava didn't think this trough. We all know it will end with her being caught. Don't live in an illusion boys.

What episode was it where the old dude got away with it and drove off into the sunset? Was it Justified or The Bridge? I think it was Justified. At any rate, AVA WILL LEAVE HARLAN ALIVE! believe

We don't know for sure. Yost says the necklace part isn't done.

Bah. Don't fuck this up Yost.
I like you.

What episode was it where the old dude got away with it and drove off into the sunset? Was it Justified or The Bridge? I think it was Justified. At any rate, AVA WILL LEAVE HARLAN ALIVE! believe

Bah. Don't fuck this up Yost.

That was Justified. Not sure what season, but it was during the storyline where Winona took some money from the evidence locker and Raylan had to help her put it back. Then after all that, the guy who worked in the evidence room ended up stealing it and fleeing to Mexico or something

Shelby unfortunately didn't get away though. I was rooting for him the whole time. I really hoped he would show up in the final season


That was Justified. Not sure what season, but it was during the storyline where Winona took some money from the evidence locker and Raylan had to help her put it back. Then after all that, the guy who worked in the evidence room ended up stealing it and fleeing to Mexico or something

Yeah, season 2.


What an episode.

Boone is a great late addition to the show. He is so creepy and menacing it's unnerving. There is no telling what he'll do. The entire diner scene was actually the most tense one for me.

Boyd is a duplicitous piece of shit, but I still want Ava dead or imprisoned. Not because she shot Boyd, he had that coming and then some, but I don't think she deserves to get away clean.

I would've actually loved it if the show ended up with Dewey making away with all that money instead.
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