Nice work, Niraj. Looks pretty even over the seasons in a cumulative sense, but I do understand the frustration of burning through very good character actors (Tudyk, etc...) so quickly.
Yes, they did have guest-star-palooza at the beginning of the season, but again, I thought it calmed down after the first few episodes. I'll give it a listen later if I have time.
Haha.Since I'm sick and bored (using Justified wikia so might be off here or there):
I really, really hope Boyd gets away. Fuck Ava.
Edit: I'm really sad to see Jimmy die![]()
You know, I was thinking when Jimmy died, didn't it seem like Boyd used to have a bigger crew? And ever since like season 1 he's had maybe 2-3 people tops working for him. Shouldn't a guy like Boyd have a whole organization?
God no. I hope Dickie returns.S6 - The One Armed Bandit: Quarles Returns!
S6 - The One Armed Bandit: Quarles Returns!
S6 - The One Armed Bandit: Quarles Returns!
Series ends with Boyd in jail and Raylan dead. Calling it now.
Oh no.I really, really hope Boyd gets away. Fuck Ava.
Edit: I'm really sad to see Jimmy die![]()
I would almost prefer to see it go the other way.Series ends with Boyd in jail and Raylan dead. Calling it now.
Series ends with Boyd in jail and Raylan dead. Calling it now.
Series ends with Raylan in Jail, sharing a cell with Dewey Crowe.
Series ends with Raylan in Jail, sharing a cell with Dewey Crowe.
Really, Watsky? I thought the second half of that season was really bad and went completely off the rails, BUT the first half of the season before Quarles became a little bitch was on some S2 level shit and was only bettered by, well, S2. As such I rank it in the middle.
Reading some of these responses, you guys realize Gutterson was taking pain killers because he was JUST in that accident right?
This season really suffered from the loss of JB. I feel like the Crowe's might've been a little more of a threat with someone like him on board longer. He seemed to be a little more patient than they were, a little bit better at seeing ahead a few moves.
Also, was the Ava story line really there just to set her up to narc on Boyd next season? We had to suffer through a season of her in prison for that? That felt like a half season arc of development for her that was stretched out to a whole season.
Definitely a very complex last couple of minutes of that episode for Raylan. Seeing a feeble Art like that, having Art tell him he's going to Florida, talking to Winona and his baby, then finding out the Marshalls are going after Boyd. So many pensive looks from Raylan without him really giving us a chance to hear what he was thinking. I guess it gives a lot for them to explore for the final season. I have to admit I was pretty surprised that this finale went down without him shooting anyone.
Alison with only a tiny one line shout out in the finale. So many side characters who sucked up screen time that ended up going nowhere. If I could trade the screen time Alison or the Russian lady got for more screen time for Gutterson and Rachel I would do it in a heart beat because they stole every scene they were in this season. I mean heck, I want to know if Gutterson was popping painkillers after that shootout or if there was more to it than that!
I feel like there was more I wanted to say but now I'm drawing a blank. I will say Raylan talking to Kendall was a damn good scene.
Ahh, looks like Yost answers some of the questions I have. Will have to read.
There's a little bit more via the link, but it's mostly him talking about how fans dealt with other shows ending.How do you feel about it when people say this season of Justified wasnt their favorite and how does that inform next season for you?
I guess the basic feeling is disappointment. Listen everyone works hard at their job and were no different. Then to have the mixed reaction is just disappointing. To be perfectly honest, it scares me a little more in terms of next year. But you cant write scared. And just knowing the reality of all the shows that have wrapped up in the last ten years and the focus on the final, were going to disappoint a lot of people. But I also think were going to satisfy a bunch too. And the trick is to never really lose sight of our primary goal in this thing. Our mantra. Which is what would Elmore do? I think if we remember that, well have a good season.
How much do you think the Internet culture that has cropped up around TV fandom, or even the interactive things you as a showrunner do like the Entertainment Weekly post-mortems, effects the fan reaction? Do you think fans feeling even more a part of the manufacture of the show makes them feel more entitled when it comes to getting the ending they want? As opposed to the St. Elsewhere and Hill Street Blues office watercooler fan?
On the one hand, its great that fans can get really involved and be part of the whole thing and really see how the sausage is made and still go with it. On the other hand the scrutiny is a little terrifying. Because its like, yeesh, one little mis-step and it can cause a big uproar. To be honest, in my TV watching, if I like a show I just go with it and see where they end up and I dont really judge it.
Did the abrupt, unplanned departure of Edi Gathegi (who played Jean-Baptiste) throw the season out of whack at all?
When Edi wanted off, suddenly we were forced to get him out of the show. I think the solution we came up with gave us a better storyline for the season. So it came down to to Raylan and Kendal, the boy. So having Kendal witness the murder and the threats against Kendal by Danny, whether explicit or not, gave us something interesting to play with. Then we began to realize that the season was about Raylan trying to save himself as a young boy. So we liked that. That gave us someplace to go emotionally for Raylan.
Can you talk at all about the decision to not explicitly show that Nicky Augustine conversation between Art and Raylan?
We talked this over with our technical advisor and sometimes we can get overly faithful to the truth of a situation. This might have been one. The basic truth is that if Raylan out and out confessed to Art, then Art would have no choice but to bring Raylan up on charges. And it would destory Arts career and tarnish the careers of everyone who works in that office. So we felt that Raylan couldnt come out and give a full confession, but that he would say it in a way that Art knew what he meant. That put us in a difficult position dramatically. So how do we make it clear that they cant talk about it? And we might have missed on that a little bit. But we tried to clarify that a little later in that scene with Rachel. Whether or not it was clear enough is a question. We want to be clear without being ham-fisted. We had other versions where there was some discussion including Arts wife but we felt any discussion undercut that punch. We felt like the punch said a lot. That this is about as low as their relationship can get.
In a show thats so much about fathers and sons, its hard to maintain that tension after Arlo died last season. Is the Art conflict a suitable replacement?
That was always [FX president] John Landgrafs biggest concern in killing off Arlo. What do we do now? On the one hand, I totally understand. But on the other hand, even in Season 4, we knew we were looking at the finish line and you dont want everything to happen in the last season. Its good to surprise people.
Youve always had a high body count on Justified, but it feels like you stripped away a lot of side characters this season. Is that to get us down to our core three for the final season?
Well we had to exit Johnny Crowder. It was partly story based. How much further can we go with him back and forth and the betrayal and all that? But its also because David Meunier was not going to be as available as he had been in the past. So we decided to take him out.
I guess Im just still really sad about Jimmy.
You know that was also partly based on Jesse Lukens career taking off. We also wanted something to really get Boyds attention. Not only is he trying to survive, hes looking for vengeance.
And are there any other characters we can look forward to seeing next season?
I dont like to commit to anything because its disappointing to the actors if we dont go down that road but my pat answer is it would be strange if we didnt see more of So it would be strange if we never saw Limehouse, Dickie Bennett, Judge Reardon, but most notably Constable Bob. Patton Oswalt was a great gift to us on the show. Oh my lord, he was so good.
Is there anything else you want to address in terms of the backlash and this season?
When I get criticism of the show its always phrased as what did you think of the season? You know, its the show I work on! What do you want? Its like what do you think of your daughter? I mean, cmon, its my daughter! I guess the question is, in comparison to what? Should we rank it season by season? Episode by episode? I think that Season 5 had three of our best episodes ever and maybe three of our worst episodes ever. But it started strong and finished strong. So well get into the job of finishing this well.
Brent sits down with actor Jacob Pitts to discuss the 10-year anniversary of EUROTRIP, working with Steven Spielberg on THE PACIFIC, the upcoming final season of JUSTIFIED, and his thoughts on the current crop of comic book films.
Yes, he was. He's a really funny guy and I hope he gets more work once Justified is finished.He's fucking awesome in eurotrip.
Yes, he was. He's a really funny guy and I hope he gets more work once Justified is finished.
I feel the next show Goggins or Olyphant does will have the best casting due to all the Justified connections.
*coughs* and points at a recent Neal McDonough interview:S6 - The One Armed Bandit: Quarles Returns!
I doubt we'll see him next season, but it's funny that they keep on pointing out that he's still alive.Last question, then: Justified creator Graham Yost always insists that Quarles could still be alive. How is that possible?
Oh, Quarles isnt dead. Graham and I had talked about me coming out of prison with my one arm, and seeking revenge or just wreaking havoc on the whole castand if its the last season, taking a few down. Weve talked about it. Whether he can make that happen or notare you kidding me? To jump back into Robert Quarles skin one more time for a last hurrah would be the joy of my career. It really would. Because he was such a fantastic, flawed human being. To go from this Oxy business man to a complete degenerate, drug-addled nutbag [laughs].
Hopefully well get one more chance at that, and Ill take Raylan down, or Boyd downIm takin somebody down. Graham has been so good to me with Band of Brothers and Boomtown and then Justified. The famous saying I have is, In Graham I trust, and I always do. If he decides he wants me to come back one more time, Im saddlin up.
Suits airs Wednesdays at 9 p.m. ET on USA. Watch that sneak peek of Mike and Louis below.
*coughs* and points at a recent Neal McDonough interview:I doubt we'll see him next season, but it's funny that they keep on pointing out that he's still alive.
They should show him sharing a cell with Dewey Crowe and Dickie Bennett
*coughs* and points at a recent Neal McDonough interview:I doubt we'll see him next season, but it's funny that they keep on pointing out that he's still alive.
*coughs* and points at a recent Neal McDonough interview:I doubt we'll see him next season, but it's funny that they keep on pointing out that he's still alive.
At that point, not having a Justified prison based spin-off show is just cruel.
I really want Limehouse to play a major role too. His character is too good.
I really want Limehouse to play a major role too. His character is too good.
I thought they utilized him well in season 4. I wasn't really expecting him to be back.
Idk if they can really use him again, given how his story played out
Remind me again how his story played out?
Nothing really significant happened. They just emphasized how he ultimately wanted to be left alone.
Nice!@moryan said:Very nice! Garret Dillahunt & Sam Elliott to recur on #Justified in its final season. Terrific actors, can't wait to see them on the show.
@moryan said:Very nice! Garret Dillahunt & Sam Elliott to recur on #Justified in its final season. Terrific actors, can't wait to see them on the show.
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