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K-ON!! Community |OT2| Ever Ever, Forever Shine!

I'm sure there is a "K-ON! Greatest Moments" compilation online somewhere to relive those scenes. Wont hurt to rewatch it though!
There used to be a huge bunch of them up on youtube, but they were taken down a while ago.
Also, I'm positive this is one of the gifs I mentioned the other day:

Interesting, I could have sworn I had that gif, but I don't see it in my folder at all...
The artist who drew the Yui I posted also did a nice Ritsu!

Ritsu is nice.
I miss this show. I started it back in March and I wasn't feeling it at first. 3 episodes in and I thought I was in for a boring slice of life show with no plot. Instead of dropping it, I switched to Lucky Star instead, which coincidentally was even slower paced and took me a month to finish. This was a time where I was still primarily watching dubs though, and it would take the hidden gem Nanatsuiro Drops to get me out of them completely.

So I came back to K-ON! after 6 shows and 2 months with a fresh mind during a period where I was feeling sorta down. I played it with the native audio and Aki had me from the beginning. I could not stop laughing, and contrary to what I'd heard, the tracks were actually fairly good. I finished all the related media in around 4 days, and I think the movie ended up being my favorite of them (dat engrish).

Looking back, I'm glad I chose to put it on hold until the right time. Ultimately, it doesn't have a climatic story or conflict (
there's really only one "fight" between Ritsu and Mio, which didn't go as far as I'd have liked
), but that's not really what sells it. From what I've experienced, it's just a funny show about cute girls doing cute things singing cute music. Yet on that alone, I've grown fascinated with the language, and both Yui and her Seiyuu have skyrocketed to my favorites' list.
I miss this show. I started it back in March and I wasn't feeling it at first. 3 episodes in and I thought I was in for a boring slice of life show with no plot. Instead of dropping it, I switched to Lucky Star instead, which coincidentally was even slower paced and took me a month to finish. This was a time where I was still primarily watching dubs though, and it would take the hidden gem Nanatsuiro Drops to get me out of them completely.

So I came back to K-ON! after 6 shows and 2 months with a fresh mind during a period where I was feeling sorta down. I played it with the native audio and Aki had me from the beginning. I could not stop laughing, and contrary to what I'd heard, the tracks were actually fairly good. I finished all the related media in around 4 days, and I think the movie ended up being my favorite of them (dat engrish).

Looking back, I'm glad I chose to put it on hold until the right time. Ultimately, it doesn't have a climatic story or conflict (
there's really only one "fight" between Ritsu and Mio, which didn't go as far as I'd have liked
), but that's not really what sells it. From what I've experienced, it's just a funny show about cute girls doing cute things singing cute music. Yet on that alone, I've grown fascinated with the language, and both Yui and her Seiyuu have skyrocketed to my favorites' list.

Even I didn't fall in love with it right away, in fact I initially started it in a way to get someone else to watch a different show. But the more I saw Mio and the others the more and more I could relate. In the end I absolutely fell in love with it and it made me feel like a high school kid again. I think that's the magic of K-ON!


Neo Member
Even I didn't fall in love with it right away, in fact I initially started it in a way to get someone else to watch a different show. But the more I saw Mio and the others the more and more I could relate. In the end I absolutely fell in love with it and it made me feel like a high school kid again. I think that's the magic of K-ON!

I've got the same idea, getting back some years with K-On!
in fact, I learn to play the guitar as Yui, a friend invite my to a band, but i did not play the guitar...i learn in middle time i was in the band, like Yui. The difference is that i started with an accoustic guitar instead a Les Paul =P but now im gonna buy the same Gibson Les Paul lol
That was the magic thing for me, and...the reason why i fell in love with Yui

I've got the same idea, getting back some years with K-On!
in fact, I learn to play the guitar as Yui, a friend invite my to a band, but i did not play the guitar...i learn in middle time i was in the band, like Yui. The difference is that i started with an accoustic guitar instead a Les Paul =P but now im gonna buy the same Gibson Les Paul lol
That was the magic thing for me, and...the reason why i fell in love with Yui
Well it wasn't exactly the music aspect that drew me in, though I do like the music. It's just Mio goes through the same things I do and I can completely relate with her. Plus the rest of the cast is great and play off each other well.


Neo Member
Well it wasn't exactly the music aspect that drew me in, though I do like the music. It's just Mio goes through the same things I do and I can completely relate with her. Plus the rest of the cast is great and play off each other well.

But im not saying anything about the music, which i listen while i drive. its just the fact that Yui IS the one that take me into K-ON!
You're completely into Mio as me into Yui =P
And the rest of the cast is amazing too


But im not saying anything about the music, which i listen while i drive. its just the fact that Yui IS the one that take me into K-ON!
You're completely into Mio as me into Yui =P
And the rest of the cast is amazing too
Yes, they're all great characters!
I have a confession. I mainly scroll past the posts and just look at the cute pictures :s

I do this now, as well.
Good to know, so now I can insert insults into my posts and you guys wouldn't even know!
I have a confession. I like k-on a lot.

As do I!


I have most images turned off on GAF mobile, so it seems I'm going to have quite a bit to catch up with once I get a full computer up and running again.
I have most images turned off on GAF mobile, so it seems I'm going to have quite a bit to catch up with once I get a full computer up and running again.

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I love their outfits in this one, especially Mio's.
That doesn't look like the version I showed you...

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