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K-ON!! Community |OT2| Ever Ever, Forever Shine!


This all sounds familiar, like I used to know someone by that name...

Wasn't The Grim Harper? He vanished one day, 20 years ago...
It was foggy. The rain had just rolled out on it's monthly visit.
I stood against a lamp post and lit a cigarette. The wind was heavy, and visibility was low. Taking a drag, I thought, what would happen to make him leave?
No one will ever know. I put my cigarette out and walked into the mist, never looking back.
Hi guys!! So, I went to the Star Trek Into Darkness "Fan Sneak" last night, and I really quite enjoyed it. No, it wasn't a perfect movie, but some of the indignation I'm seeing particularly in the spoiler thread is a bit much...as if some of the more oversensitive hardcore fans were going into it ready to hate it. Even though I'd consider myself more of an anime fan these days, before that (and even now to a great extent) I was a rather hardcore fan myself (started to fall out of it when Deep Space 9 went off the air). Oh well, maybe it's just GAF being GAF *shrugs*.

My take...very much worth seeing, especially in IMAX 3D. For going to the show last night I got a special poster to go with it. I'll probably go see it again in 2D in the next couple of days.

Best of both worlds?

Resistance is Futile, etc.

we should be promoting sex instead of violence.

You are good peoples :D

I'm back.

amishpriest99, I'm still awaiting that Tekken rematch.

Yes, I know :(. For what its worth I haven't played anything in days due to schedule/feeling like crap/etc.
You should be in the middle of playing Ayakashi because right now it's En Garde.
It was almost 1AM and I had to be up at 6!

Well so much for sleep, I could hear you whining all the way from FL!
I-I wasn't whining!!

I don't know, but whoever it was was probably a huge disappointment.
h-he was only watching a turning-into-harem anime

At least someone is nice! ;_;

You, too, Zel! You and StayDead are the best!

I feel bad for not saying anything earlier :(. My excuse, as with everything, is that I am old.

With that said, Hi Grim!
I feel bad now too because I was gonna say hi to you at the beginning of my dumb post but I forgot. I blame getting old.

Hello amish! I have free tickets to see the next Star Trek but I've never really seen much of the series(any of them) or even the last movie. Think I should still go and see it?

Imaginary friend.
At least he sounds smart on TeamEmi.
I feel bad now too because I was gonna say hi to you at the beginning of my dumb post but I forgot. I blame getting old.

Hello amish! I have free tickets to see the next Star Trek but I've never really seen much of the series(any of them) or even the last movie. Think I should still go and see it?

It's still very enjoyable, so I would say go. You'll probably even like it better than some of the angry hipster nerds I'm seeing ripping it a new one since you'll miss a lot of the references to past Trek lore.


If you use Facebook then Sentai has a contest you can probably participate in.
To celebrate the upcoming May 21st release of K-ON! The Movie, we're getting together one more time for the K-ON! "Last Hurrah!" Giveaway!

Here's how to enter the K-ON! "Last Hurrah" Giveaway:
1) Share this Note!
2) Tell us your favorite moment from the entire K-ON! series in the comments section below. Don't be shy, there's no judgement in this circle of fans!
That's it!

One lucky winner will be chosen at random and will receive an awesome Sentai Filmworks bag PACKED TO THE BRIM with goodies from our most popular shows, and one MYSTERY ITEM that will be revealed when we pick the winner. Not bad, right?

Unfortunately, like all great things, this too must come to an end. The "Last Hurrah" Giveaway will run from today, May 16th, until 11:59 PM CDT Tuesday May, 21st, just in time for the official release of K-ON! The Movie! Good luck everyone!
Seems like they're also doing a similar small giveaway via Twitter as well.
@SentaiFilmworks said:
Who's up for a Twitter giveaway? Use the hashtag #myfavoriteKONmoment , tell us your fav. moment and you'll be entered to win a neat prize!
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