now that i've recovered a bit from the exhausting NYC signing trip, I can share my embarrassing story with you...
I didn't get the wristband in the morning. I arrived at 5:00AM and by that time there were already more 1000 ppl in line. Best Buy people refused to help us. Instead they just tried to drive us away, telling us there was no way we would see the girls without the wristbands and threatening us that if we didn't leave; they'd call the police.
Not willing to give up, I wandered around Union Square the entire day. Finally, at about 5:30PM someone showed up and told us who didn't get the wristbands to line up. We waited another 3 hours in the cold and I barely made it in. I was among the last 20 people that they let into the store. They close the doors right after me...
It felt like you were on a sinking ship and they told you that you are sure to die because they already ran out of lifeboats. Then after over 10 hours of struggle, you somehow managed to get onto the last lifeboat the witnessed the ship sank behind you, with hundreds of people still on it...
Now the best part and the worst part happened inside. They were running late; so the security guy told the last few of us that we had to rush through. When I finally got to the table and saw Tiffany right in front of me and she looked gorgeous... I mean I've seen them on my screen a million times and I've seen them live on stage. But it's nothing like seeing them this close and personal. I was dumbfounded by their beauty and completely forgot what I wanted to say to each girl... The security guy was pressing me to move on all the time and I spent about 1.2 seconds in front of each girl except Yuri and that's it.
I didn't know what I was blabbering throughout the whole process. Only before I reached Taeyeon, I mustered up all my strength and sanity and told her that she is the "Goddess-born." She smiled back like an angle and I'm pretty sure she didn't understand what I said...
Yuri was the last one to sign my poster. And before signing she said a sentence to me and I just couldn't understand it!!! After she's done signing the poster, she looked up to me and said something again. I'm pretty sure it was a sentence, not just two words like "thank you." It might be a question of some sort. And again, I just could NOT fucking understand. And I was so confused; I didn't know how to respond... I just said thank you and left... The ONLY girl who spend more than 2 seconds and tried to speak to me and I fucking blew it... :'(
Anyways, I spent about 20 seconds in total with the girls. However, when I tried to think about what happened on my way out of the store; I could recall much. It just happened minutes ago and my memory is a blurry. I only remembered Tiffany's face when I first saw her, Taeyeon's smile, and Yuri's face when she tried to have a conversation with me. I can barely remember Yoona and Seobaby's faces. For the other members, I couldn't recall any thing. I couldn't tell what they were wearing that night or what hair style they had. All details were lost... It's like I was in an car accident. I knew I just experienced something intense, but couldn't recall any details...
I know I sounded an delusional crazy fan girl. I'm a big guy and I was disappointed at myself, too. That's just what happened. It's the first time in my life that I experienced anything like this... It's still awesome and totally worth it. I will absolutely find another chance to see them in person again in the future. And next time, I will man up, act calm and collected, and get it done like a man. I will probably try to apologize to Yuri, too. Not that she will remember me, I just feel very bad that I couldn't respond to her. She's in my top-tier list now .