Fantastic Baby @ SBS Alive. Woah
Rad performance. The editing probably makes it better than it seems but the energy is there.
Fantastic Baby @ SBS Alive. Woah
Taeyeon said:Wassap SONE! ^^ hi hi!
Are you all doing well? It's Taeyeon !!
That day has come again. heh heh heh heh~
I know it's already past the date but I'm staying up late to post this for you!!
Every year, when this day comes, I feel like I receive so much that I don't know what to do with myself... and that sometimes embarrasses me ^^
For me, today, no yesterday, was spent being more happy then any other time.
I had a party with the people that I love the most, ate together, took photos. heh heh heh heh heh heh heh ehehh.
Not everybody could be there but you know that we are all together even if without speaking, without touching hehe-
The members whom I love [all of them], thank you and I love you. SONE, I love you too.
And to be honest there are so many things that I need to say... this and that, so many things that I need to say.
Trying to think of it all at once suddenly makes everything too complicated. Darn.
Were you concerned about me because of the toenail injury? To be honest, it will take some time before it fully heals...
But it's really getting better, so don't worry nonono ^^
And look forward... to my impressive upper body movements heh heh heh heh hehh
SONE, whom Ilove. You congratulate me on my birthday and always show love for this teenie [tiny] me, and I am so so grateful I am moved and feel joy every year.
I feel so wealthy because of this........ wealthy with love +_+ k yyyaaaaa ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I will repay you in exactly the same.
That's why you need to love me more...... Love me.... n o w.... haha
Anyway, we should talk more ^^
Soon I will make something that will help us have more opportunity to talk a little more often and become closer.
Thank you and I love you ^^
SONE jjang! Me jjang also!
Soshi forever jjang jjang jjang!
Impossibly beautiful.
...literally, because she had "assistance"
...not that I care. At all.
I don't think they'll promote two boy bands at once.
They're promoting SHINee as a girl group.
How should I say this
I'm REALLY looking forward to IU's debut which is coming up soon
Her songs are amazing
Her PVs and such are divine
I keep thinking 'How is she so awesome?!'
Yesterday I randomly screamed in my office, "Aah! I want to be IU!"
Which got a calm and collected response back of, "...Isn't that unreasonable?"! Surely after this Sato Natsuki will head into a fantasy-land… That's ridiculous!
But, I still don't know!!
Amazing Taeyeon
Music Removed Won Wei Chicken - I'm convinced they post these just so that haters can face off against fangirls.
lol "8 sexy divas, 9 muses". They should grab a filler member.
SNSD's First Japan Tour in 1 hour
Rainbow's behind the scene video for the recording of the song "Holic" for Trip Left To Find The Beauty of Korea OST
Dorky overload. These girls never switch off.
Right now I am not seeing who is Yejin...
I must now stop doing Taengoo gifs, everything is gifable...
Leaving for my SM Audition soon :O
Leaving for my SM Audition soon :O
Leaving for my SM Audition soon :O
lol "8 sexy divas, 9 muses". They should grab a filler member.