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K-Pop Fanboy/Fangirl |OT3| HHHNNNGGG (JYP)

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So funny... Roly Poly a few weeks ago was the only audible T-Ara's song for me. Today I can't stop listening Day by Day and Bo Peep. Downloading the rest of the stuff...

I really don't care if anyone committed bullying or not (it will be hard to explain, so I won't) but this is bad because once you've done it, you ruined the "clue" that ties the group together. How can they live peacefully and do their great performance/singing with so much trouble inside the group? THEY DON'T. That's why it sucks.

I don't even know Kristen Stewart and don't give a crap if she cheated on Pattinson. So I don't give a crap either if Hyomin was bitch or Jiyeon bad-mouthed someone. They will suffer the natural consequences of it. People will get away from them, etc etc etc.

The problem is, they will no longer be T-Ara, and THAT'S what sucks.


*replyaing Day By Day*

Hyomin rapping is awesome

High five breh!

I got over my heroes being assholes a long time ago. As an NBA fan, you have to. It's well known that Jordan and Kobe are huge douchebags. Magic seems like a really nice dude, but even he cheated on his wife and had a bunch of unprotected sex.


·feist·;40486018 said:
You're not going to find a long list of people who can honestly say that of the individuals they admire (writers, athletes, politicians, entertainers and so on), they all have a blemish-free record.
i don't think idols are comparable. the people you listed are admired mostly for their work/achievements i beleive. whereas with idols the work/achievements is pretty much irrelevant, it's all about the person itself.


Just wanted to say something between all these posts.. : Happy Birthday Miyoung-ah~ !!!

well ... that's all, keep debate with T-ara's drama. :3


If people can forgive Dauseung they should forgive Tara.

Que the double standards.
i don't know anything about the daesung incident, but from what i've heard it seems to have been an accident? i very much doubt that he, completely intentionally, ran over the guy gta style. an accident is a completely different affair than bullying.


KKS is an obvious liar. He's been making things up from the start starting with that whole hacked twitter thing. I bet she was being bullied and was told to leave the dressing room by t-ara unnies. She probably took her anger out on the staff which remains neutral.


Just did this: KKStalin
nothing to do, lol



KKS just gave another interview.

basically admits there is some sort of conflict?, but not as bad as people are making it out to be.


With more than 324,000 individuals (at the time of writing) joining ‘T-Jinyo’ (‘We Demand the Truth from T-ara’) and alleged witness accounts popping up left and right, it seems the frustrations and angers of fans, ex-fans, and netizens will not easily die down.

In the midst of all the controversy, Core Contents Media‘s CEO, Kim Kwang Soo, held an interview with reporters on August 1st at the agency office and stated, “We do not believe that the relationship between Hwayoung and the other members was a severe case of bullying or ostracism. It was definitely not a case of the whole group bullying one individual.”

Although he acknowledged that there had indeed been some “problems” between Hwayoung and the other members before, he stressed, “They were frivolous conflicts that arise during the everyday lives of people, that’s all. The reason for Hwayoung’s leave is not because of bullying or ostracism, but because her refusal to appear on the live music broadcast.”

Q. Footage and pictures of T-ara members forcing Hwayoung to eat rice cakes have been surfacing on the internet

Wherever you go, aren’t there conflicts up to a certain point in the relationships between people? After debut, there were stories about Eunjung, Soyeon, and Boram being bullied or ostracized, but it was never that serious. Hwayoung’s problem was of this nature as well. It’s not a case of the group bullying against one individual. If members were bullied because they were added into the team later, then Ahreum, who just joined, should be having a hard time as well, but she isn’t. Those clips that show the members forcing Hwayoung to eat the rice cakes have been cut out from the whole context, so that’s why they seems like that.

Q. There are criticisms saying that the reason for the discharge of Hwayoung before the truth has even been unveiled is to cover up the stories of bullying.

It doesn’t make sense that after returning from having successfully concluded a concert last week in Japan that we would suddenly discharge a member because of bullying. The reason for the termination of Hwayoung’s contract is not because of bullying. It is because Hwayoung refused to attend a live broadcast and thus broke her promise with the public.

Q. It’s been said that Hwayoung is nicer and has better manners than the other members.

Even the person who spread the rumor of Hwayoung being slapped in the practice room was found to be a youth who has nothing to do with T-ara. Unconfirmed reports are being spread.

Q. What did you mean by “the jealousy of the young members” and “subtle arguments” that you mentioned in a previous press release?

To the other T-ara members, it probably wasn’t appealing to see the maknae Hwayoung, who had joined late, cause disorder rather than make efforts to adjust. Hwayoung’s personality is a bit boyish and tough. While spending time with the T-ara members, there were times when they hurt each other’s feelings. Of course, the problem also lies with the other T-ara members as well for not being able to embrace and foster Hwayoung.

Q. In the press release, there was also a line that stated that the staff had negative comments about Hwayoung.

The staff members, who work so hard for little pay, have been really hurt. A person close to Hwayoung even sent a message to one of the T-ara members with not so nice comments.

Q. If there was no bullying and Hwayoung was discharged for her own wrongdoings, do you not have thoughts of revealing all the evidence?

It’s upsetting that something that started out like play between the young members is heading towards the direction of condemning individuals. (Waves the documents he is holding) However, if I reveal these documents, then it’ll create an even bigger problem. T-ara will go on with their activities like nothing had ever happened.

Meanwhile, on this same day, Hwayoung left a tweet apologizing to her fans as well as Core Contents Media.

Source + Photo: Chosun

cr: allkpop

CEO Kim Kwangsoo, "Hwayoung brought this upon herself"

CEO Kim Kwangsoo sat down for an interview after the Hwayoung bullying scandal has reached a new level.

A ripple effect of scandals has followed T-ara since member Hwayoung's contract with the agency was terminated. "A back-dancer claimed Jiyeon slapped Hwayoung during practice," an Internet cafe with over 310,000 people has appeared demanding the truth from T-ara.

During this drama, Core Contents Media's CEO Kim Kwangsoo has sat down for an interview at his office. "We've gained serious damage and losses by bullying rumors (Hwayoung and the relationship between her and the other members). Minor conflicts between members is simply expected and human nature. Hwayoung's removal from T-ara is not due to bullying, but because a refusal to appear on a live TV music program on the 27th."

— There's been a lot of material regarding the things done against Hwayoung by the other members, such as force feeding.

"In every relationship that we have as humans, there's conflict bound to take place. After their debut, there's already been some bullying cases that surrounded Eunjung, Soyeon and Boram, but even then, it wasn't anything serious. Hwayoung's problem (now) is just like one of those. Because [Hwayoung] joined the group late, people must have thought that [she was experiencing] bullying; but Areum, [too], has joined the group late and she's not having a hard time. That rice-cake "force-feeding" scene only looked the way it did because of how it was cut."

— There's been stories surfacing that Hwayoung's sweet and courteous as compared to the other members.

"A rumor has spread stating that Hwayoung was slapped on the face during a dance practice and it spread before being confirmed. Through a police investigation, we learned the rumor was created by kids. These are just rumors."

— The comments in the press release saying "jealous younger members" and "small arguments" - what did you mean by these?

"In the other T-ara members' perspective, being the one who joined the latest (Hwayoung) and causing an issue was not something they wanted to see. Hwayoung's personality is tough and somewhat manly. [Therefore], living with the T-ara members was a little difficult for her. So of course, the other T-ara members will also have some problems with that because they're not able to adapt well with her."

— There was a statement said in the press release saying "Staff members complained about Hwayoung."

"Staff members are underpaid and are hurt by everything happening now also. A person who is close to Hwayoung even sent a message out of hate to a T-ara member."

— If there wasn't any bullying going on and Hwayoung's departure was brought upon by herself, do you have any other thoughts or evidence to reveal?

"[What happened] started out as something like a joke amongst young people and it's unfortunate that it was blown out of proportion the way that it did. But if people publish information [with no proper proof] whatsoever, that just causes more trouble to stir. T-ara will continue [to attend to] their schedules as planned."

Hwayoung recently posted an apologize to her fans and Core Contents Media family on Twitter.

source: http://news.nate.com/view/20120801n02809
Translated by: Nathaniel + Elly @ tiaradiadem.com
More Soyul fans are always welcome.


How do I / Will someone please make this an avatar ? ^. THANKS Wendel and tatsuki


As for T ara... as long as Hyomin, Soyeon, Jiyeon, Eunjung, and Boram, are in a group together and enjoying eachother's company, that is all that really matters. I did not mind Hwayoung, but I can't say she will be missed.

As for the group's image going forward.. that will be interesting, I am curious if all girl groups in Korea need to maintain that sweet image? Perhaps there is room in the industry for a mean/edgy five-some.


edited in another interview/translation in my post btw.

this is terrible. t-ara has pretty much most my favorite idols (pjy, hyomin, eunjung, soyeon) and pretty much owns my kpop playlist.

i like other groups as well, but they are just not as good versions of t-ara to me.



Sohyun is aging well. I think I can stop calling her features trollish because my woobi is legitimately pretty as fuck.

Her weave is still atrocious and she has a double chin. She and Jihyun rock their extra chins though.



More Soyul fans are always welcome.

Soyul fan checking in here. She goes overboard on the aegyo but I think she's the best dancer and singer in the group by a fairly noticeable amount. Pretty impressive considering she's the maknae.

Unfortunately, my UN is not a play on "Taengoo". She's my absolute favorite but I just wasn't clever enough to come up with it. It's just a happy accident.


Soyul is my fave because of Bing Bing but the other members are great too. Stanning CP as a whole.

oh my goodness, I found my gif by chance on tumblr

I lied. This isn't my gif. I thought this was the one I edited.


Some thoughts... I think that the bullying of a new person to the industry cannot be all too servere, because if it were that bad, the person would just quit.

I don't think the person would have to fear repercussions from breaking the contract too much because the person has massive leverage: video proof of the bullying. The agency would definitely let the contract breakage go instead of potentially taking it up in court and risking the proof going public, which would destroy the group (this second paragraph might be a bit far fetched :p).
Some thoughts... I think that the bullying of a new person to the industry cannot be all too servere, because if it were that bad, the person would just quit.

I don't think the person would have to fear repercussions from breaking the contract too much because the person has massive leverage: video proof of the bullying. The agency would definitely let the contract breakage go instead of potentially taking it up in court and risking the proof going public, which would destroy the group (this second paragraph might be a bit far fetched :p).


Breaking free from a contract is not as easy as you think despite substantial evidence mounted on the defendant

See: SME vs JYJ


Ex-T-ara member Hwayoung has approached and apologized to CEO Kim Kwangsoo in tears.

On July 31st, she went to go see their CEO Kim Kwangsoo to apologize (in tears) after she wrote an apology on her personal Twitter account.

lol. mess.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Of course she did, because she heard from her parents about those blackmail documents. Fucking evil bastard.
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