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K-Pop Fanboy/Fangirl |OT3| HHHNNNGGG (JYP)

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Happy Birthday to ShinDong!



















Credit: as tagged
ShinDong is not only beautiful and funny but a really good dancer and MC too. You can see him MCing Show Champion and Beatles code every week. He's a great DJ too, you can hear him at the very succesfull ShimShimTapa every day! Plus it was an actor in two dramas, Single dad in love and Dr. Champ! And is the CEO of Multisung.com and DraQraPc! He basically does everything well!

ShinDong dancing:
[Fancam]Shindong Street Dance with his friend
[Fancam]Shindong Street Dance with his friend #2
[Fancam] 120414 SuperShow4 Shanghai - Shindong's solo
080804 ShinDong Dance Practicing
Super Junior Star Dance Battle Practice


Credit for the Gif:Internet

Sorry to anyone that doesn't like big post or photos of men, it's only one post in a year so please understand me, if the number of photo is too much I can edit my post.


Homepage looks like garbage, if that's what you mean.

they did something to the homepage and they've added some new menu bars. they also have the title of the video bellow the actually video now instead of above. a few things have been moved around or removed and the site isn't centered for me. looks liek the made it sort looks more like google+

the feelings I am experiencing atm over this are very very unpleasant.


they did something to the homepage and they've added some new menu bars. they also have the title of the video bellow the actually video now instead of above. a few things have been moved around or removed and the site isn't centered for me. looks liek the made it sort looks more like google+

the feelings I am experiencing atm over this are very very unpleasant.

looks exactly the same to me.




Dammit, I'll be in China on the day of that SBS concert. =(

And yes, youtube changed it's layout and for the worse. Subscription page cannot be filtered by uploads only, which is the major thing for me. Now I have to see other activity as well such as them favoriting, liking or commenting on vids. Annoying.


so guys sorry for this noob question but the past few weeks I've been watching all these shows... I really love the way Korean language sounds and have looked some words up.... the word oppa being used alot.... Ok it means brother right.. do these girls and Korean girls overall say that to every man...its used when referring to an older man... But I mean do they call their husbands/boyfriend's bother or is there another word for brother.. the girls make everything sounds wonderful so no complaining... just wondering...


so guys sorry for this noob question but the past few weeks I've been watching all these shows... I really love the way Korean language sounds and have looked some words up.... the word oppa being used alot.... Ok it means brother right.. do these girls and Korean girls overall say that to every man...its used when referring to an older man... But I mean do they call their husbands/boyfriend's bother or is there another word for brother.. the girls make everything sounds wonderful so no complaining... just wondering...

Oppa means "(a woman's) older brother", but now it has evolved into a term of familiarity used by a woman for men who are older than the woman. Because the majority of relationships involve older men and younger women, the woman in the relationship frequently calls the man oppa. Such term has carried over even after marriage, eliciting frowns from traditionalists/purists (such as the Korean). Passionate girl fans for a male celebrity are often referred to as oppa budae ("oppa troopers"), because whenever a celebrity appears, a horde of girls run after him screaming "Oppa! Oppa!! Oppa!!!!!"




damn sunny was fugly back then.....Taeyeon is alot prettier....then and now.... so funny.. love this show. Also Yuri <3

Sunny is awesome and always will be.
so guys sorry for this noob question but the past few weeks I've been watching all these shows... I really love the way Korean language sounds and have looked some words up.... the word oppa being used alot.... Ok it means brother right.. do these girls and Korean girls overall say that to every man...its used when referring to an older man... But I mean do they call their husbands/boyfriend's bother or is there another word for brother.. the girls make everything sounds wonderful so no complaining... just wondering...


Girls use this when addressing older man. But usually they use it only with people they have intimacy with.

She won't call anyone on the street or someone that she just met "Oppa". She'll probably use &#50472; ("shi" sound), is a standard way to show respect to someone. Is like the '-san' for japanese.




Sunny is awesome and always will be.


Girls use this when addressing older man. But usually they use it only with people they have intimacy with.

She won't call anyone on the street or someone that she just met "Oppa". She'll probably use &#50472; ("shi" sound), is a standard way to show respect to someone. Is like the '-san' for japanese.

thanks guys.... dokish sunny looks a million x better now than then... but I wasn't following this stuff then... soo..wish I had the mind set to learn languages took Spanish in high school but Spanish is not worth the effort ... I still love Japanese the most but Korean just sounds so awesome..
Need a video like this for Korean


thanks guys.... dokish sunny looks a million x better now than then... but I wasn't following this stuff then... soo..wish I had the mind set to learn languages took Spanish in high school but Spanish is not worth the effort ... I still love Japanese the most but Korean just sounds so awesome..
Need a video like this for Korean



EDIT: Now that I saw the video... lol.
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