This is amazing. Fucking saved.
And I use Tiffany or FanyFanyTiffany in games, though only for second accounts and such. Fun to use
new album is BOSS.....
I don't play MMOs because I only like fun games.
gw2 sucks
swtor sucks
OC knows where it's at.gw2 sucks
swtor sucks
Yep, the only MMO I enjoyed was Tera at launch on a pvp server till I hit lvl 60.gw2 sucks
swtor sucks
All of my characters are typically named after Star Trek cast members, because every kpop name ever is taken. I have WilRiker and Bev Crusher in GW2 for example.
Pff I may waste a bit of time with MMO's, but I still have a life you know. ;DLoL is where it's at. FanyFanyTippany ftw
Played gw2 for almost a week during pre-launch/launch. Stopped at 45. Game is boring as hell.
Bought swtor day 1 and quit day 1. ties DayZ for biggest waste of money on a game.
Played the PS2 beta thanks to Quad. Didn't really enjoy it. The only shooter that is enjoyable (to me) is CS. Maybe I'll try PS2 again but I'm pretty sure it'll be a waste of time.
lol poor aussiesKara - Go Go Summer, so good now that it actually is summer.
Aww, I was saving this for a good moment but I suppose it's only fair you use it firstbinoculars.gif
but not dota 2 :>gw2 sucks
swtor sucks
gw2 sucks
swtor sucks
LE doing Nicki Minaj this month
lol poor aussies
here you go, some music from your people for the season
and another because they're great and that's not their best
I'm sorry you didn't get Lizzy but Nana is great too.WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Now there is... relatively.
My condolences as wellI'm sorry you didn't get Lizzy but Nana is great too.
I take it backties DayZ for biggest waste of money on a game.
My favourite MMO was FFXI. Played it for 6 years. Hard as hell and you needed a good linkshell to get you through shit. However, the sense of accomplishment when you beat a boss or completed a storyline was second to none in my gaming career. Chains of Promethia (before the nerfs) was the hardest videogame related endeavour I've ever done.
What's so special about Lizzy? I thought Nana was everyone's favorite. It seems I'm wrong.
My favourite MMO was FFXI. Played it for 6 years. Hard as hell and you needed a good linkshell to get you through shit. However, the sense of accomplishment when you beat a boss or completed a storyline was second to none in my gaming career. Chains of Promethia (before the nerfs) was the hardest videogame related endeavour I've ever done.
FFXI is where my name comes from, camping Dragon's Aery every day. Got everything except D.ring from ground kings then saw what was needed for CoP and jumped off the treadmill. When people complain about grinding these days, I always think they have no idea wtf they are talking about and should be forced to play FFXI to witness real grind.
lol for the longest time I thought Soo was old she a 90 baby..damn tae is
short <3< 3<3 <3
I don't know how common Fafnir is but the name sounds familiar. Did you play on Bahamut server? Unless you mean your username came from the HNM.
omgeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3Suzy at 26 Years VIP Premiere!!! What a Goddess!!!! <3