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K-Pop Fanboy/Fangirl |OT4| Most Lurkers on GAF

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Another account of the N4 pool party - click "Show" spoiler (caution: stanning)

So Chris Brown not only didn't introduce them, but didn't rap during the song like he was meant to?

she turn to look at me and smile, I ask her if I can take a selca, but she said “sorry, I can't” then she hold my hand, and she was smiling at me, I was smiling back at her and she really look sorry cos she cant give me a selca, I didn't let go of her hand, I was enjoying rubbing it a bit savoring the time that I can hold her XD when we are not saying anything i'm about to go back at my place but she suddenly near her head to me and ask me what was my name, at first I told her “pipam” cos I was really nervous I dont know what to tell her, and its snap me off

Sounds like a fanfiction.


While this would be amazing, I'm pretty sure she didn't say that...aside from the obvious inconsistency in her English skills, it would mean she said it while smiling, directly after "Thank you so much!" and "I love you guys!"..seems off to me, but hell...maybe? lol

So Chris Brown not only didn't introduce them, but didn't rap during the song like he was meant to?

For all the noise they made about how excited Chris Brown was to pay for them to come over and work with them, from where I'm looking, it doesn't seem like he gives a shit about them...hell at this point I'd be shocked if he had any idea who they were.

This whole thing was a mess, honestly. If they were going to use this as some kind of take-off point for some US promotions, this is the worst way they could have handled it. Basically threw them out there to fend for themselves, no introduction, no explanation. The people there must have been SO DAMN CONFUSED.

Then there's the fun stuff with the "fan account" that fans were trying to keep under wraps, as if it wasn't immediately apparent that this event was less than spectacular for them...somehow these new fan accounts are so much better and make up for it--seemingly just by being overwhelmingly positive to the point they're near delusional, despite all 3 of them essentially telling IDENTICAL stories.

Honestly, I feel bad for them...this must have been a pretty shitty experience, and not what they thought they were signing up for. I mean, I'm sure nobody expected them to blow up in America, but damn...


For all the noise they made about how excited Chris Brown was to pay for them to come over and work with them, from where I'm looking, it doesn't seem like he gives a shit about them...hell at this point I'd be shocked if he had any idea who they were.

Chris Brown disrespecting women he's already fucked? no way!

Also, the new AKP website is really really fucking terrible.

And i'm not even talking about the mediocre new lay out. The site is just incredibly slow to load.


The new design has an entire article preview take up the whole screen, so you end up scrolling way too much. I can't even open individual pages in a new tab or have the back button work properly, but it could be Adblock. The articles themselves feature a huge image before you even hit the content. It's pretty funny.


Chris Brown disrespecting women he's already fucked? no way!

Also, the new AKP website is really really fucking terrible.

And i'm not even talking about the mediocre new lay out. The site is just incredibly slow to load.
Yeah it's shit. It also killed their RSS feed which was the only way I would ever use the site anyway.

And doesn't even work on mobile, or at least not on iOS.


Sounds like a fanfiction.

You missed the 2nd part...

And as I left, I dropped my glasses on the ground. When I picked up my spectacles, I looked back in Eunjung's direction and I couldn't believe my eyes. Eunjung began to transform into a strange blue creature, growing smaller as patches of fur began to surround her body. Eunjung had noticed me and sensing I was a bit freaked out, she said to me in perfect English "Shh, it's our little secret". After that she winked and ran off to get some chili dogs.


It's funny that the only realistic fan account of that T-ara performance apparently kept getting deleted my mods of the T-ara fan forum while they allow all those fan fiction accounts. Delusional.


You missed the 2nd part...
And as I left, I dropped my glasses on the ground. When I picked up my spectacles, I looked back in Eunjung's direction and I couldn't believe my eyes. Eunjung began to transform into a strange blue creature, growing smaller as patches of fur began to surround her body. Eunjung had noticed me and sensing I was a bit freaked out, she said to me in perfect English "Shh, it's our little secret". After that she winked and ran off to get some rice cakes.


Seriously, all this T-ara stuff, they must feel like shit right now. There is no way they renew contracts.


As expected unfortunately...there is so much anger in some of the football fans in Italy, I wish that football was seen only as a game, as in fact is...
^That's pretty much K-pop's problem in a nutshell, they need to know when is enough and to just stop.
? You are talking about T-Ara or PSY?
Italian cup final between one of the most, if not the biggest rivalry, in Italian football.
Those fans hate each other, no patience to hear any half-time act.
Racism? I doubt but because of the recent events in Italian football who knows. But it doesn't helps it was a korean guy, ever since that 2002 World Cup match this is bound to happen...
Said this, no excuse for the fans anyway.
It was 1 hour before the start of the game. I doubt a lot of people remember about the 2002, anyway that's really disappointing, even because obviously this happened only in Italy...
Sorry no, that is not kpop's problem. That video of the Italian crowd booing is just showing how disrespectful and rude the crowd is. I'd be ashamed if that happened in Australia to any performer.
And it's not like Psy invited himself either.

Italian football is infinitely more dysfunctional than Kpop.

Your post is actually fucking hilarious.

Edit: Unless it is about T-awa. In which case, yup yup
Completely agree.
LOEN felt they had to release a statement about those IU + Eunhyuk marriage rumors.
Wow, I didn't know that the rumor about Eunhyuk and IU dating was still alive, and that someone created another one now, I'm sorry for IU, I thought that the first rumor was something old that no one remember anymore. Anyway, I really don't understand why people can't accept that kpop artists are just normal people that deserve to have a normal private life.
Well I feel bad for her. People have been picking on her all this time despite the fact that she didn't even do anything wrong. And then on top of that, Super Junior members are being scumbags as usual and congratulating Eunhyuk on twitter and acting like the rumors are true, which just makes things worse.
I think that they are joking with him and probably thinking that people can easily understand that it's a joke, and not understanding how much can that "damage" IU. Anyway, that's disappointing to see how much fans can hate even in Kpop, just because of a rumor, it's really a great overreaction.
Poor Eunhyuk, IU and T-ara :(
You missed the 2nd part...
We have a writer here!
Don't ever do a GAF fan-fiction!...
KPop GAF fanfiction official writer? To be included in the next OT
I'm joking! Don't do it!


T-ara's 2nd JPN tour dates was announced last night. biggest venues seem to be 4 concerts at Nippon Budokan (~14k/concert), 2 concerts at Kobe World Hall (~8k/concert), and a few more smaller venues.

just gotta get through this U.S. shit and they'll be back in the country that shows them the most love <3




Didn't his company merge with JYP or is Wiki lying to me?
Oh yeah apparently he sold it to JYP. I think they're still different management though despite being in a partnership, with J Tune being a subsidiary of JYP.

I don't care much about Bi, he's an asshat and only has a few good songs anyway lol.
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