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K-Pop Fanboy/Fangirl |OT5| Controversies Over Nothing


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Ruined a couple of days
This could mean it ruined a couple of days for you.... or you ruined your own days by getting plastered or something.... or you ruined the days of a couple Russians by beating them up... hmmmm...


This could mean it ruined a couple of days for you.... or you ruined your own days by getting plastered or something.... or you ruined the days of a couple Russians by beating them up... hmmmm...

Or, a couple of days were ruined because he was getting plastered after beating up some Russians.


42-minute interview with Lipservice. Cora just keeps getting better. So cute.

I'd eat a Pad Thai with Bipa.




haeryung bb god she looks so good

she evolved so much from exid, just think if she gained a little weight damnnnnnnnnn she'd be edit: more perfect.

No No Eul

K-Pop Fanboy/Fangirl |OT5| Controversies Over Ice Skating

Apparently the Korean Olympic Commitee has submitted an official letter of complaint to the IOC, although it seems this won't really change anything as any protest needs to filed within 30 minutes of an event, according to International Skating Union rules.

Someone do a Hyomin tribute for our fallen comrade who was connected to such a drama I will not mention.


Soompi said:
KBS Bans Park Ji Yoon’s “Beep” MV, Agency Responds

Due to the “excessive” ending credits of “Beep,” the video was judged unfit for broadcast by KBS.







Shin Hye


You've got to be trolling surely. I mean, all this confidence in your ability to recognise plastic surgery and yet you failed to notice it in the case of Angelababy? lol

I was simply pointing out the exception, and I assure you I am not trolling. She is the single person which I did not know had gone under the knife with how she looked in 2011. Her change from when she was young to that stage is very noticeable, that is true, but watching a vid of how she looked in 2011? Really does not show. Plus, I had no idea who she was, until I first saw her pic back in 2010/2011. Didn't really cross my mind to search for her older pics.

I have to say though that she totally messed her face up in these years now. She looks vastly different than what she did back in 2011, for the worst.

I wouldn't wish my girlfriend to get plastic surgery. Korea is totally messed up when it comes to beauty standards, and it's embarassing that so many in here are defending it. It shames girls into thinking that they have to get surgery to look pretty instead of being happy with what they were born with.
This is really true. The beauty standards in Korea is really messed up, and there is a lot of pressure on the girls there to look their absolute best, or they are completely not worthy.

Damn, dice dropping truth bombs everywhere these last few pages, amen, brotha.

It's silly how there's always this same sort of knee-jerk reaction from some, that kpop fans only like it because of the "plastic looks" and production of it, and , and how that's somehow a bad thing. That we should feel ashamed for liking it based on these merits. I'll be honest, a large part of why I do find kpop appealing, IS because they are physically attractive.

BUT, it would be logically fallacious to conclude that, just because we enjoy kpop, that looks are all that we judge an artistic act, or people in general, on, and that we are unable to look beyond them. In fact, I think it says a lot about those that would cast those wide judgments, to be honest.
Nothing wrong with liking something that is attractive, after all, it is something natural. There are ones that are naturally pretty in K-Pop, you can't go ahead and say "all of them are plastic".

In the end, my point is, if we bring two people that have the same exact features, one achieved via plastics, and one that is natural, the natural one will stand out more, and is more pleasing to the eyes.

Plus for me, IMO, I would rather choose a lesser pretty looking female that is natural, instead of someone that has done a lot of work on their face.

I have no idea why I still am talking about this, lol.

How good is DJ Max Technica Tune for those that have it? I bought it, but haven't started it yet.


Nothing bad in admitting that there is a lot of social pressure in Korea to look good, to be standardized. Much more than we have in the west. I just wish that there wasn't any discrimination regarding look and that your look wouldn't be important for work. Introduce the law against discrimination so that people that don't want to do surgery aren't "forced" and the people that want to do it can continue and everyone is happy. I don't think that saying that in your opinion there are definitely some problems with a country means that you dislike that country. Every country have something wrong, no country is perfect. I wonder, is there any Korean song that have a similar meaning that songs like Beautiful by Christina Aguilera, Unpretty by TLC, Firework by Katy Perry, etc...? I'm really curious.

All this talk reminded me of Dream High for some reason
I actually watched the today episode and I think this drama isn't really for me. The target audience seems way younger than me. Anyway IU singed well in this episode, but I guess that is not surprising. But I don't really understand her character so much, was she supposed to be overweight and ugly? Because she was clearly not really overweight, not to mention that anyone knows her and knows that she is not overweight or ugly. I thought, how about casting a girl that is really overweight/ugly and that can sing well??? But by the end of this episode, she basically decided to loose all the weight because without that it was impossible for her to be loved by the guy that she likes and because it was impossible for her to become a popular singer while being overweight and/or ugly. I guess that's not a message that I really like.

They deal with that later in the show. For a cast made up almost entirely of idols, it was pretty good. It could have been worse (see: Dream High 2).
I didn't watched the show after that episode, JKTrix or anyone that so that show can tell me how they dealt with that?

and these are the Gyuri self esteem gif:
Gyuri gif - Honey Bunny post


I wonder, is there any Korean song that have a similar meaning that songs like Beautiful by Christina Aguilera, Unpretty by No Doubt, Firework by Katy Perry, etc...? I'm really curious.

Not exactly but In Front of the mirror addresses similar themes.

In Front of the mirror

"Don’t you know I’m not pretty
I may not be pretty but
Honestly, my heart would be beautiful

If only I could show people my heart like magic
I think I could love and date"


I had forgot this song, so glad you linked it again. It's a good song and a good group overall, is there any comeback scheduled ?

No No Eul

I was simply pointing out the exception, and I assure you I am not trolling. She is the single person which I did not know had gone under the knife with how she looked in 2011. Her change from when she was young to that stage is very noticeable, that is true, but watching a vid of how she looked in 2011? Really does not show.

She'd had extensive plastic surgery by 2011 and you're saying it really does not show. That rather undermines your point that plastic surgery is 'really obvious' and 'does not look natural'. If Angelababy can get PS that looks natural, who's to say others can't?


Specially made for filler

He wasn't perma'd I hope?

did they also ban this?


though to be fair at least he has outtakes going on while pjy doesnt have much of anything going on during the credits of her mv

both come off really indulgent

True. As reasons for banning something go though, it's pretty bizarre.

More here.


Again it's pretty good. I like this group.

On another hand, I gotta listen to Mr Mr even though it's a leak and I'd like to stop myself from doing it, but I guess I'm not strong enough...
It's on iTunes so even if it was a mistake putting it up early it's not like you're ripping anyone off since you're paying for it.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Wow, it actually doesn't sound terrible. And more than that, there seems to be a cohesive style across multiple songs. Has a bit of that electro funk from their first JP album.

No No Eul


'This item is temporarily unavailable.' Oh well. Thanks for posting though.

Mr. Mr.

Time to wake up K-Pop GAF

Not feeling it. Sounds like a below average JP album track. It also sounds... very 90s (Edit: and not in a good way). The only good bits were all in the video teaser. Disappointing.

At least there's the MV to look forward to, and perhaps the rest of the EP will redeem the title track.
Re Mr Mr:

The verse sounds really fresh, but the chorus sounds dated, like it could've been released by any generic act in the last 10 years. I expect there to be a really good dance break for the live performance though.
Wow, it actually doesn't sound terrible. And more than that, there seems to be a cohesive style across multiple songs. Has a bit of that electro funk from their first JP album.

My thoughts exactly. It sounds great, Mr Mr and Goodbye are my favorites. Can´t wait to see the MV which can´t be far enough after the leak.

SM pulled a "Hoot" again. lol


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Overall feels very tame/sterilized/mainstreamed. I'll stick with f(x) for my SM kthxbye.


First time I actually don't hate an SNSD song on the first listen. Though I don't really like it either. Sounds alright, but not something that belongs in my playlist.

This Soyu and Jung Gigo song on the other hand, is great.


On first listen it doesn't sound as boundary-pushing and playful and good as IGAB. We'll see where it lands.

Btw the IGAB outfits weren't bad for the most part. Before that, lots of awful clothes though, true, and especially in Japan.


I had a proper essay typed up and was just about to post it when my browser crashed and I lost everything. Can't be bothered typing it all up again, so brief thoughts:

Mr Mr is pretty good. Great verses, chorus doesn't quite gel with the rest of the song. Needs a bit more oomph, maybe more bass? I personally liked I Got A Boy and this sounds less polarising so I think it'll get a better reception as the lead single that they promote. The 1 2 3 4 part is perfect for a dance line dance-break, fingers crossed for #SHY2014

I love Goodbye. Really good instrumentation with the way it adds layers as the song progresses. Big fan of the vocals, everyone singing in their best range. Possibly my favourite Hyoyeon line ever, it's exactly the kind of line I've always wanted her to get. Really happy with this one.

Europe is like Express 999's big brother. Definitely more interesting production I feel, lots of little things going on. Catchy but not a stand-out track, will probably require a few more listens.

I love Wait A Minute. I think it falls under the same category as Goodbye for me, that kind of swinging beat and mid-tempo instrumentation. Really like the chorus and the middle 8, and the doo-be-doos fit well with the rest of the song.

Back Hug (lol @ that title) is alright. Not generally a huge fan of ballad-y tracks but it's nothing offensive and they all sound great. Not bad.

Soul is fantastic. I had a feeling they'd record a Korean version of Find Your Soul and I'm glad they did. Probably the strongest track on the mini, which perhaps says something about the other songs. I'd love for them to promote with this as well as Mr Mr but I doubt that'll happen. Will definitely take a while to get used to not hearing them singing in Chinese. Tiffany's rap part sounds way better in Korean than English, it's like night and day. Such a great part for Hyo too <3

Overall, pretty good. Perhaps a little more mid-tempo than I was expecting, would have been happy if they'd swapped out Back Hug for a full on dance track but not a big deal. Maybe doesn't reach the heights of some of my favourite songs but it's a damn sight better than my least favourites. I still have the same issues I always have (namely line distribution - I felt like I was barely hearing Yoona or Sooyoung at all on this mini) but I'll never be completely happy. On the whole, all the members sound great and I have a feeling this'll grow on me quite a bit, in the same way Love & Peace did.

I'm curious to know what SM will do next. People bought it while they could but now they've removed it from itunes, I imagine there'll be a lot more illegal downloading which will cost them sales. I still can't believe how messy this era has been already, first the MV data loss and now this. Kinda feel bad for the members really. I'll be waiting to give them my coins when it officially releases on itunes.

(Ok that didn't turn out to be as brief as I thought it would.)

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