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K-Pop Fanboy/Fangirl |OT5| Controversies Over Nothing


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Sorry, I forgot it's totally uncool to actually think about what you like instead of just liking it.


Sorry, I forgot it's totally uncool to actually think about what you like instead of just liking it.
no, it's not like that.. it's just funny to me that there's people out there that think this thread is all pics but when they scroll down they see what looks like a 9 page excerpt from a book lol


Sorry, I forgot it's totally uncool to actually think about what you like instead of just liking it.

I thought it was a good read. I don't get too worked up over idols "appealing" to their audiences (however it's done) because it happens regardless of gender/age. If it works, more power to them.
My friends had to wait for hours in the sun for the 2012 MBC concert so I dunno if I'm down to drive to LA for dis. Here's hoping they have a paid concert too

You're concerned about long lines overlooking the "free" aspect of it? cmon son!


besides, its mid April so its not summer weather yet


That is correct. If you really have a problem with that alone without conditions, maybe you should spend some time thinking about why and whether or not it is justified, and other things of self-modification for society that you accept.

I actually dislike plastic surgery. I find it hard to say the said face attractive, when I know that the face is fake. I mostly see this in Korean pics really. Some of them are naturally pretty (to some extent I guess, because almost all asians do eye surgery), but others, they look downright unnatural when you see them in motion.

You mentioned before that people here appreciate pretty faces, but is it appreciation while knowing that something was done to their faces? I find that saying one appreciates beauty (usually referred to natural beauty when brought up from what I understand), and then saying appreciating the beauty of korean women that did plastic surgery, while knowing that it is unnatural, are conflicting with one another. Not pointing this at you, just saying in general.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Yes, everyone here knows, and doesn't care. If someone styles their hair do you go "Pssh, that isn't natural. I bet it is flat, oily, and dull in color if they don't use any products."? If someone has a nice smile do you go "That's so fake, I'm just looking at an orthodontist here."?


I would bang this entire country if I could.

Korean woman are hot and that's it. Dice has a point. Like I said pages ago, we are all trying to increase our sex appeal. Every piece of clothing you choose is thinking how good you would look in the eyes of the opposite sex. Otherwise a man wouldn't mind wearing all pink. We cannot just say "Fuck social convention" when is convenient to us.

Yes, few of them look weird because they Chose to do weird Shit with their face, but they're human beings just like you and me in the end of the day.

People with plastic surgery are not worth of loving? Puff.

I think we should just let everyone do their own thing and go on with our lives. They would not do such extreme procedures if there wasn't people who appreciates them. Let it be is what I think.

I like them in all colors, forms and shapes. Bring it on.


Yes, everyone here knows, and doesn't care. If someone styles their hair do you go "Pssh, that isn't natural. I bet it is flat, oily, and dull in color if they don't use any products."? If someone has a nice smile do you go "That's so fake, I'm just looking at an orthodontist here."?

Hair is completely different than your facial features, both don't compare. So, people here don't care? Does that mean the people here like superficial beauty? That sounds somewhat shallow.


Shallow is discriminating people because their personal choices, saying that someone is better because they chose different paths in life.

Would you really give different treatment to people who did plastic surgery? I think you need to review your behavior. Hair is just like a face. What's the difference?


Minah solo coming next week? Interesting.

Toheart (Woohyun & Key) - Prologue. I know Isuzu was looking forward to this one. It's just a teaser so there's not much going on, but it's probably worth checking out.
Hopefully SM doesn't lose any more MV data...

Taeyeon said:

기다리고 기다리고. 또 기다리기. 기다리기.기다리기. 또? 기다리기.. 오다기리죠안냥세여 #newgg


I think she's talking about having to wait for the comeback.

Hyoyeon said:

I win GOLD medal at Ski racing! :) @fvcksleepofficial #vist #downhillski #racing #fvcksleep

Beating a group of children in a skiing race then bragging about it online, who else but the true Korean Queen of winter Olympic sports? #fvcksleep #Pyeongchang2018WinterOlympics


Neo Member
Hair is completely different than your facial features, both don't compare. So, people here don't care? Does that mean the people here like superficial beauty? That sounds somewhat shallow.

I don't see how appreciating someones beauty even though they've had plastic surgery is shallow? If anything I'd think that disregarding them because they're not naturally pretty would be rather shallow.

ANYWAY, to add to the plastic beauty of this thread
Bravo Dice, those long ass posts are awesome. Sums up some of my thoughts perfectly.

The plastic surgery issue... I've talked about this before, so let me just get straight to the point since it's also 7AM over here.

If getting plastic surgery makes the girl happy, then who are you to judge?

From the perspective of a woman who got plastic surgery, that's exactly the question she asked me when I told her I was originally against plastic surgery.

Hate all you want, but happiness trumps any bullshit people come up with it.


In happier news, Seohyun's musical wrapped today and fans threw a nice little surprise for her:

So sweet
Video footage. She's the best. No clue what she's saying but she's the best. Answering questions from fans, ignoring her manager telling her it's time to leave, getting the manager to help her answer questions from fans... So sweet.


She's called a robot because until a few years ago, she was always kind of stone-faced, expressionless and kind of boring when on screen. I didn't pay much attention to her myself until a few years ago when she suddenly started emoting (often to a forced, awkward degree) and did awesome stuff for people off-stage.

I don't know what she's saying there, maybe she's tired from just finishing a series of acting performances and is trying to come up with something thoughtful to say while engaging the fans. Definitely not called a robot for her speaking skills, I'd say she's usually far more thoughtful/meaningful in speaking than most idols.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Hair is completely different than your facial features, both don't compare. So, people here don't care? Does that mean the people here like superficial beauty? That sounds somewhat shallow.
Aesthetics are shallow. They always have been. Appreciating aesthetics does not mean you are disregarding everything else. Also, having shallow admirations that are not at the expense of other things is not inherently bad, and there are many other areas where people receive things in this way and it is not looked down upon, making them hypocrites. I wrote about it on my blog once, so I'll just copypaste that here.

Dice said:
Just thought I’d drop a random rant in here. I see sooooo many people trashing on how kpop is visual-focused as if it’s completely uncontested as a bad habit of the industry and it is bothering me.

When you ask someone to perform good music for you, all you are doing is asking them to make pretty sounds. You’re tired of a world of ugly or boring sounds, and you want something beautiful to change your mood. So someone has put in the time to create some beautiful music, and they either share it with you themselves or get someone else to perform it for them. This is a service they are providing for you to bring some happiness into your life.

What about the visual side? IT’S THE EXACT SAME THING! You are tired of looking around and seeing ugly or average people and things, so you want to see pretty people dressed nicely in cool environments and maybe with cool graphics. A lot of thought and understanding of what is visually pleasing goes into crafting this; Every bit as much creativity and hard work as making the music.

And yeah, I know where the objection comes from, it comes from not wanting to judge people by looks because that is shallow. Well guess what, I don’t pick my friends based on how good of singers or composers they are, but I still pick performing acts that way, right? It’s the same for the visual side of performance. Why? Because they are making a living off of me looking at them and listening to them.

If I am going to give my time and even money to listening to and looking at the person, and they are providing no service for me other than creating a beautiful experience, it had better be damn good, right? When I give my time and money into eating lunch, I expect the chef to make something delicious. When I put my time and money into just watching and listening to someone, they better be impressive.

Maybe you think it is unfair because some people naturally look good. Well let me tell you something: Staying attractive on such a competitive level is no easy thing. Even the best work hard to stay optimally pleasing. Also, a person can be naturally gifted at singing, too. Is it shallow to prefer their voice because it is better naturally than someone who has put in ten times as much work and yet doesn’t sound as good? No!

I’m not giving them attention for their virtue, I’m giving it so I can experience something wonderful. If your wonderfulness isn’t better than other people, maybe you chose the wrong profession. Maybe you’re like a chef with no sense of smell so they can’t taste whether or not the food they are making is good. Welcome to the real world. It turns out not anyone can really do anything they want. Sometimes some people just won’t be as good.

If you don’t care at all about the visual side, don’t act like audio has some magical quality that makes it more significant and meaningful than visual input. If you are into personally written lyrics and all that, don’t act like expressing the internal side of humanity is more important than expressing the external side because both are real sides of ourselves that we enjoy sharing with each other. Music and dance don’t need masterful poems to be valid artistic expressions.

Moreover, performances don’t even need to be meaningful artistic expressions to anyone involved. If they are still pleasant experiences, that is a the role we often use entertainment to play in our lives. We don’t always want to make everything so deep. Sometimes we want to lose ourselves a bit in some beautiful experience of the senses. It is a natural part of being human so it is okay and shouldn’t be considered a bad thing in comparison to our deep and analytical side.

Some people really just need to let loose, or at least let the stick up their ass loose. All the frustration and disappointment from the pop music scene is from silly limitations and expectations you are placing on everything. In reality, experiences can be wonderful in different ways for different reasons. You only disappoint yourself by discounting some types of beauty you find in life just because they aren’t accompanied by some other types within the same instance.
I was speaking about typical happy-mood kpop specifically when I wrote this, so obviously I recognize that not all art is marked by pleasantness, but can have other purposes. Also, in view of my points on natural vs cultivated quality, in non-talent areas like the visual side, plastic surgery is a choice the person makes, to close the gap. To me it is no different than that hypothetical cook with no sense of smell getting a surgery (which doesn't exist) to give him a better sense of smell.

It is a practical thing for a practical purpose that is realistic about the nature and roles of pop arts and human nature that we can't change. If the person who gets plastic surgery has a really solid understanding on these things, like say, the Brown Eyed Girls, I think that is actually pretty cool. If you are deeply bothered by it because it is more permanent than styling your hair or clothes, and that makes it "different" then you need to articulate why that difference is apparently bad to pass judgement on the practice. Your feelings do not determine truth for the universe.

Also, bear in mind that a picture doesn't show a person's heart, it shows their image. If people here like someone for their artistry or character or personality, they aren't going to post a picture of that person to share those things with others. They'll probably link to performances or post a translated interview or variety show, and that does happen pretty often.


Kim Yuna

Result spoiler:
Rigged. Corrupt. Insulting. Queen Yuna robbed of the gold medal by Olympic judges who scored Russian figure skater Sotnikova 5 points higher than Yuna in the ladies long program. Sotnikova went on to win the gold and Yuna won the silver. Bullshit.


yuna definitely shoulda gotten gold, we were talkin bout it in irc.

worst part is, adelina was one point off the world record for FS, which Yuna set at vancouver (beating the previous record she set), and adelina's FS today wasn't even as close to being that wonderful.

Yuna was underscored in the SP and Adelina was overscored in the FS.


So sad for Yuna, she clearly deserved better at both programs... But when you have 6 URSS Judges out of 15, it was already done even before performing.
And just to add to this robbery, it looked like they didn't even tried to hide it, at least a bit, on the reverse, they did it proudly and like it was absolutely nothing to fuss about.
Congrats Russia, you gain some more haters, too bad for you the next olympics are in Korea, wishing to you a warm welcome there.


Apparently everyone here suddenly became figure skating experts...

The Korean chick wasn't robbed, fyi :)
You seem pretty obsessed with lurking this thread and trolling, you should probably find something more constructive to do in that time.

You don't need to be an expert to see that the judging was bullshit when the gold medal winner scored so much better while still making an error in her performance. Meanwhile the silver and bronze winners made no error and performed just as well. It's a bullshit call and it's something I knew was coming since the scores yesterday when Yuna was most definitely underscored.
You seem pretty obsessed with lurking this thread and trolling, you should probably find something more constructive to do in that time.

Agreed. For someone who keeps saying how we all need lives and fuck women or pussy and shit, he's still here lurking.

Bro, you can project all you want but everyone knows the bullshit you're fronting.

Everyone got robbed today at the Olympics, how the hell does Canada pull two goals out of their asses in less than 5 minutes?! And scoring at the last 5 seconds of a power play?!?!


Agreed. For someone who keeps saying how we all need lives and fuck women or pussy and shit, he's still here lurking.

He must be secretly waiting for the glorious dick spam 2014 version but since I don't have it yet I'll just leave some Sehun feat. his little friend moving around


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