This is Polygon chart tier.Kanye album tier list:
Okay now I'm gonna need your top 5 songs per album with thought out analysis and descriptions of why you like them. after that I'll need your top 10 of all time.
1 yeezus
2 yeezus
3 yeezus
4 yeezus
5 yeezus
6 yeezus
hold on let me get some graph paper
Well I'm a huge fan ofOkay now I'm gonna need your top 5 songs per album with thought out analysis and descriptions of why you like them. after that I'll need your top 10 of all time.
Kanye album tier list:
Why are you guys making lists?
They're infected
Real talk that what did you guys think about his two collaborative projects:[/img
WTT is awesome though. just a fun album
cruel summer is booty for the most part
1)Late Registration
Late Registration is just perfection for me, I can play it all the way through every time.
BruhHeard em Say is boring af
Real talk that what did you guys think about his two collaborative projects:
Yeezus is the one album I really don't dig at all..... at..... all. To me the production is nothing special at all and I just can't rock with it. There are moments I can listen to Blood on the Leaves and Bound 2 and in terms of rapping that he does on the rest of the tracks, it's dope. But it's all held back by IMO not very interesting production.
I am surprised about Graduation in your lists guys, it's a good album but has nothing on CD and LR.
And the end of the day.... it's all about opinions.
WTT is nothing special but I listen to it regularly when I'm in the mood, mainly for Jay Z.Real talk that what did you guys think about his two collaborative projects:
These album lists are garbage we need everyone's top 5 Pablo's list now
1 yeezus
2 yeezus
3 yeezus
4 yeezus
5 yeezus
6 yeezus
No.Are you high?
Spaceship, Jesus Walks, Through the Wire, Get em High, All Falls Down, Never Let me Down, the list goes on
I solved the case. Ye was in a hurry when he pressed the upload button, and didn't click it properly. Here is the exact moment.
You need to choose your words better because that is an awwwwful opinion.
fuck this looks like when the road runner is about to fuck wile e coyote's life up with a trap
1. Pablo escabare: narcos rocksThese album lists are garbage we need everyone's top 5 Pablo's list now
Ultra Light BeamThese album lists are garbage we need everyone's top 5 Pablo's list now
Niggas In Paris wasn't a top 5 track for me on that album so it didn't bother mei thought cruel summer was way better than watch the throne *shrug*
that might be because the radio overplayed niggas in paris so fucking hard that it make me dislike the entire album
this nigga dressed up like an iced out Voldemort.
Real talk that what did you guys think about his two collaborative projects:
Man I won't lie, if I was rich and didn't have to give a fuck, I would buy those masks. So baller.
1) Yeezus
2) Yeezus
3) Yeezus
4) Yeezus
5) Yeezus
don't forget to cop your cloak tho