continuing with this
I don't know if I will get all 18 done but ill try
Those covers are incredibly pleasant to look at. Love it.
continuing with this
I don't know if I will get all 18 done but ill try its not linked in your tag already. I played the track at the top of your list, personally don't think it even compared to a Soulja Boy beat from circa 08... Show me anything you have that sounds like No More Parties In me anything you have that even sounds remotely Madlib-ish...Runaway-ish....Late Registration-ish?well i can definitely make cleaner mixes than any of the tracks on this album, which takes some amount of skill to do when juggling many different audio stems
but i also can make much more complex hip hop beats than anything on this album as well, and again, im just random fuck on the internet, so if an album has tons of money to throw at for engineering, this should be impossible
i dont want to link my own music in this topic cuz thats bm but i can pm you stuff if you want me to prove it
I quite liked two of them, so I just combined elements to make my own version. Quick and rough.
personally don't think it even compared to a Soulja Boy beat from circa 08...
I quite liked two of them, so I just combined elements to make my own version. Quick and rough.
well i can definitely make cleaner mixes than any of the tracks on this album, which takes some amount of skill to do when juggling many different audio stems
but i also can make much more complex hip hop beats than anything on this album as well, and again, im just random fuck on the internet, so if an album has tons of money to throw at for engineering, this should be impossible
i dont want to link my own music in this topic cuz thats bm but i can pm you stuff if you want me to prove it
YO. Sadsic makes amazing music actually guys, y'all really playing yourselfs on this one.
imma fan sadsic.
well i can definitely make cleaner mixes than any of the tracks on this album, which takes some amount of skill to do when juggling many different audio stems
but i also can make much more complex hip hop beats than anything on this album as well, and again, im just random fuck on the internet, so if an album has tons of money to throw at for engineering, this should be impossible
i dont want to link my own music in this topic cuz thats bm but i can pm you stuff if you want me to prove it
Yeah Sadsic is fresh af. I still bump this joint with regularity.
i didnt come in here to self-promote, ill try to actually not post in this topic again lol
well i can definitely make cleaner mixes than any of the tracks on this album, which takes some amount of skill to do when juggling many different audio stems
but i also can make much more complex hip hop beats than anything on this album as well, and again, im just random fuck on the internet, so if an album has tons of money to throw at for engineering, this should be impossible
i dont want to link my own music in this topic cuz thats bm but i can pm you stuff if you want me to prove it
Kanyes tweets are actually pretty good right now
i do not think these tracks are produced very well
p sure i can make beats this good and im no one
I agree with this. Still filled with a sense of dread when he starts tweeting though.Kanyes tweets are actually pretty good right now
Would be really impressed if he doesn't touch it. Really hope he doesn't.Glad there isn't any tswift related tweets... that's the last thing he needs... tho the fuckery would be amazing
Kim probably has his phone rn
Not interested in piling on, I'll just say that complexity isn't everything. There can be beauty in simplicity.
I really think that if this isn't an act, he really wants to do stuff with people and leave a legacy, he has ideas, but he doesn't get them well.
And he's already giving people good vibes and a good gift with his music, he doesn't have to do anything else, he has a great creative mind for music even if his rap is average.
continuing with this
I don't know if I will get all 18 done but ill try
Even if this is an act right now, he absolutely wants to leave a legacy. Since the beginning of his career he has always talked about the best of the best artists and how he wants to be like them. That's why I still stan him, dude is passionate as fuck. He's stupid and a bit crazy, but damn if he doesn't put 1000% into everything.
I think the album wouldn't be on tidal.I really wonder what kind of person he would be if his mom was still alive. I think everything would be completely different....can't even imagine what he went through
I think the album wouldn't be on tidal.
I'd say the most important, easily.Agreed, and if he thinks he hasn't left a legacy yet he's crazy - dude has become one the most important rap icons for the 21st Century. If he never released another album there's no way you could say he hasn't inspired the current generation of hip-hop.
I dont think he's telling the truth... Unless he doesn't mind making less money, which isn't true given the series of tweets he had yesterdayY'all think he's bluffing on this Tidal only thing? Will we ever see physicals?
I dont think he's telling the truth... Unless he doesn't mind making less money, which isn't true given the series of tweets he had yesterday
Regarding Kanye's public image, I think people take way too seriously. The guy is a simultaneously anxious and apathetic polemicist. Clearly he's got an impulsive personality, which manifests in questionable actions and statements. But I feel like the nature of all of it is so absurd that the joke is on the media and public: he just doesn't give a shit about the consequences. He says and tweets whatever he wants to see what he can get away with it. It's probably cathartic. But it's all a performance. Am I wrong? Or is this already widely accepted? I don't knowI'm just surprised that people still get all riled up about him.
Now to his music. Whatever his public image is, he's got some serious fucking talent. I've listened to TLOP at least three times this weekend, and a bunch of songs a bunch more.
After the second listen:
After the third: