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Kanye West presents The Life of Pablo |OT| WE ON AN ULTRA LIGHT BEAM

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Supposedly MBDTF is too explicit for me

EDIT: Anyone using that 11 song tracklist, you can actually put Waves after Fade.

Fade -> Waves -> FML is quite good

Facts is really nice as a single like Way Too Cold. It's quite similar haha.

And No More Parties in L.A. Is still garbage
Supposedly MBDTF is too explicit for me

EDIT: Anyone using that 11 song tracklist, you can actually put Waves after Fade.

Fade -> Waves -> FML is quite good

Facts is really nice as a single like Way Too Cold. It's quite similar haha.

And No More Parties in L.A. Is still garbage


formerly Oynox Slider

I listen to Yeezus way more than MBDTF. And now I've snipped the bonus tracks off TLOP I can see that getting more plays.

Just love the minimalism, I think.

MBDTF is great though. I think the acclaim it gets is deserved but it kind of distracts me when I'm listening to it.

But I don't really like College Dropout or Late Reg that much (apart from a handful of songs) so I'm giving you a free pass to ignore my opinion.


Right....like its not linked in your tag already. I played the track at the top of your list, personally don't think it even compared to a Soulja Boy beat from circa 08... Show me anything you have that sounds like No More Parties In LA.....show me anything you have that even sounds remotely Madlib-ish...Runaway-ish....Late Registration-ish?

I'm glad you're confident homie in your stuff but that doesn't mean you compare by any means to Ye' or anyone else producing this album.

Jesus fucking christ. Savage.
MBDTF is god tier.

Yeezus is high tier.

simple as that.

You get it. Yeezus is great at night/in the whip, but it isn't on the same level as MBDTF. On Sight is trash. I'm in it is saved by the features and Bound is saved by the production.

Devil in a New Dress and Runaway are like the best songs on the album, and Monster is a banger.

Agree with this.

Hey guys, this is off topic.

and send it up fucking GOES

Can you get my Benz in the club?
After more listens, it's still the same for me. Some very cool production on this, but i feel it's such a shame that Kanye is rapping so little on this thing. I am sure plenty of people won't agree, but ULB for example would have been even better with some good raps from Kanye, with good raps i mean the one from Real Friends and not some lame lyrics. Musically it's good, but not enough for me and this goes for any rapper.

Ghostface had one or two tracks on his 36 Seasons album where you only had a instrumental and a lady singing, and i would have loved hearing Ghost spit on that. Ah well, it is what it is. Perhaps his next album in three years or so? My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy is easily my fav album of Kanye. Followed by his first one etc.

Hip Hop

For some reason, I was never a huge fan of MBDTF, even though I understand why it's such a big deal.

TLOP easily surpasses it for me.
Eh, I'm not crazy about MBDTF either even though I can respect it. Just heard it way, way too much when it came out.

I played it out for myself, then my girlfriend at the time played it out. Then I started student teaching at a high school and the kids were obsessed with the album, it was all I heard in the hallways, etc.

I heard the album non-stop for nearly a year straight. It's gonna take some time before I can listen to it with an open mind again.

And Yeezus is the goat Kanye album, sorry folks.
This thread has become trash.

Yeezus hate.

People outraged at the Yeezus love.

MBDTF hate, the kind of hate that puts you in the same league of people as joy haters.

Send It Up hate, when it should be I'm In It hate.

Cleanse thineselves, GAF. Kanye has driven us mad with opinions that come very close to being objectively awful.


Junior Member
I always find it strange when people act like they're shocked when someone states they didn't like Yeezuz. A LOT of people didn't like Yeezus, just as a lot of people did enjoy it. Yeezus has always been a polarizing album outside of music publications.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
After listening to TLOP like 3-4 times now - probably to early - but this will likely end up being my favorite LP this year. I would have been fine with 4-5 good songs after Yeezus was a disappointment in my eyes.

30 Hours, Real Friends, Wolves, NMPILA (Kanyes Part), FML, Ultra Light Beam, Highlights ....so good. Thats the Kanye i wanna hear.

I still dont understand why the Album still isnt on iTunes and Co. - why is he burning money that way ? Doubt Jay-Z/Tidal paid him enough to compensate for the missing sales.


I always find it strange when people act like they're shocked when someone states they didn't like Yeezuz. A LOT of people didn't like Yeezus, just as a lot of people did enjoy it. Yeezus has always been a polarizing album outside of music publications.

Yep. I'm one of those that jumped on the Kanye train when The College Dropout released. I'm partial to The College Dropout, Late Registration, and Graduation, I just really like the flavor and energy those albums have along with the topics Kanye covered in some of his tracks...back when it wasn't him talking about buying everything Italian and being egotistical. When 808s came out, all I heard on the radio was Love Lockdown and Heartless and while the beat on Heartless was great, I just couldn't get into that auto-tuned radio filter sound or whatever. So honestly, I never ended up listening to 808's past those two songs...which...I should probably do at some point. Once My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy came out, I really liked most of what was on there but it was definitely a departure from Kanye's first three albums. Actually did enjoy that short film he made though with Dark Fantasy, Runaway, All of the Lights, etc...even if I didn't bother to sit and interpret shit lol. I just enjoyed the visuals while listening to the music. Watch The Throne was a pretty cool concept and I enjoyed a few songs off that.

But once Yeezus hit...I was one of those people thinking, "Uh....what?" I don't know, I just wasn't feeling the album save for maybe two songs. Stuff was just too jarring for me. The Life of Pablo though? Although there are maybe a couple songs I have to skip and it's still a little jarring at times with beat switch-ups and songs ending abruptly (I mean too early and right when shit gets goin'), I can listen to his newest album all the way through and jam out to that shit. I don't understand the huge love for FML. It's boring as fuck for nearly 2 minutes and then once it gets going with a pretty dope beat, it kinda ends too soon and in an odd way. Overall, The Life of Pablo ain't the "old Kanye" but it's much easier on my ears than Yeezus is and I believe it has something for every Kanye fan to enjoy. I'm not ashamed to admit I wish he'd come out with something that just fuckin' grooves like Last Call or really anything from his earlier days. But hey, Ye's doin' Ye.

I mean I like a lot of Kanye's stuff but some things I just don't "get" like his proclivity to repeat the same fucking line over and over again like...for emphasis or something. And like others have mentioned, some of his verses are just fuckin' weird, childish, or seem to be said for shock value. At this point, it's kinda like he can do/say whatever he wants and people will go, "Oh that's just Kanye being Kanye!" similar to how South Park seems to have that sort of free reign.

It's the same with many artists I suppose. I used to fuck with Drake back when he released his first mixtape in '05 or '06 and he was selling them online for $5 and sending them out with his autograph on 'em. First two mixtapes were ace. Then once he hit the mainstream around '09 and I heard him on the radio, he migrated towards more of an R&B type of style and I really just wanted to hear him rap more with that energy he used to have when he wanted to make it big. He acknowledges his style has changed as well though and sometimes sings about how fans want the "old Drake" (girl, don't tempt him). Don't get me wrong though, he still puts out some stuff I like every now and then but I just don't listen to him much these days personally (mainly because my ex listened to him all the time so....yeah).

My favorite band is Jamiroquai and I feel the same way about them. Although I love all music from Jamiroquai, I stand with majority of the group's fans when I say their first 3 albums were the best back when they had an acid jazz/house/disco/funk feel rather than the newer style they've developed into where it's more in line with rock and pop with a bit of funk thrown in. Artists evolve and wanna try new things and stuff so I can respect that.

Woke up my dick crooked as the Nike sign
That double entendre though! Lmfao.
I've got a problem with Tidal. Using the android app on Galaxy S5. Every time I get in my truck this album starts playing even though I've got the app closed. It always starts on whatever song was last playing, and starts from the beginning of that song. So, even if I was listening to my podcast app last time I got out of the vehicle, when I get back in, it's TLOP playing. Is there any way to get the app to stop doing that? Anyone else have this same experience?


Listened to Graduation, 808s and MBDTF in their entirety for the first time today at work.

Graduation was ok. I feel like it's a good mix of pop and hip hop but only the popular singles stood out to me and even they aren't that memorable in the end, at least not compared to LR or CD. Stronger is better within the context of the album than as a single since I never cared for it but liked it more when listening to the album itself. The album also has some of my least favorite Kanye songs (i.e. Drunk and Hot Girls).

808s is solid throughout, which isn't saying much since I never thought any song was particularly great nor bad. Not an album I'd find myself listening to that much at all but I can see its influence and can respect that the album is at least consistent throughout. Not my cup of tea.

MBDTF is the best of the 3, but not my all time favorite. I think I'd rank it after CD, LR, Yeezus and TLOP but it's a pretty damn good rap album with one of the best Kanye intros and some great and catchy songs like All of The Lights, Power, and the one about toasting assholes and douchebags or something. I like that one.

LR will always be my favorite though. I just love that album and it was also personally significant as I loved it in middle school and revisiting it really heightened my appreciation of it. There are some serious emotional highs on that album with Heard Em Say and Hey Mama and Gold Digger is a long time favorite of mine. Drive Slow, Roses and Addiction are also hidden gems. I can't speak highly enough about this album and it's pretty much the one reason why I listen to and pay attention to Kanye as much as I do.

I have to give CD another listen though, as I can fondly remember loving some singles on there, especially Workout Plan and Through The Wire but I haven't listened to the album in a long time.
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