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Kanye West presents The Life of Pablo |OT| WE ON AN ULTRA LIGHT BEAM

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I can't stop. I've stanned Ye for too long. I'm in far too deep now.

Same thing Amber said...

Lou Reed's review of Yeezus is great isn't it. It was actually what made me give the album a(nother) try. Turned out Lou Reed was right.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
it's crazy to think this happened 6 years ago. I remember this like yesterday. Incredible moment.
Seriously, I still give MBDTF a few spins monthly, it's an incredible album. I don't expect TLOP to match it, but hearing all these reviews saying it comes close is killing me.
Send it Up and Bound 2 suck. But everything before that is transcendent.
What. I mean, maybe Kanye's verse but King L is awesome.

rockstar bitch call me elvis.

I can't wait to see what act of God keeps me from seeing this one. I have horribibble Kanye Tour luck.
Lmao, same. Bought $200 pit tickets for Yeezus, freak ice storm hits Dallas and I get in a wreck en route to pick up a friend for the show. I was soooooo pissed he didn't cancel or postpone, especially since he had done it on some dates for smaller shit.


The head still good thooooooo
the head still good tho
Make me say "Nam Myoho Renge Kyo"
Make a nigga say big words and act lyrical
Make me get spiritual
Make me believe in miracles, Buddhist monks and Cap'n Crunch cereal
Fucking love this part.

Glad that the song is just a good friday bit though. It feels right for that, not so much an inclusion in the album.
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