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Katamari Damacy seems to be pretty scarce already


works for Gamestop (lol)
Well shit, Namco already screwed up with Tales of Symphonia's initial shipment, I'm pretty sure they'll screw up a game that hardly anyone knows about besides the hardcore gamer audience :p


Grizzlyjin said:
Shit, we're all screwed. :lol

Understatement of the year, right there. :lol

Let me put it like this, the local EB received one copy of Gradius V, and that was because there was only one preorder for the title. That's right, they didn't order any extra copies. Now, Gradius is a fairly established franchise, KD isn't. What chance do we have to walk into the store and expect to walk away with this game? Slim to none, friends.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Can't I just order the damn game at Namco's headquarters? I'll drive out there to secure my own copy and possibily get it early...shit
Spike said:
Let me put it like this, the local EB received one copy of Gradius V, and that was because there was only one preorder for the title.

Weird. Mine had half of the behind-the-counter display case packed with them, at least 20 or 30 in full view.

Also, since I doubt many people are clicking on the ads thread (where I also posted this), I'm gonna post it again here. The US Katamari ad!

bobbyconover said:
Weird. Mine had half of the behind-the-counter display case packed with them, at least 20 or 30 in full view.

Also, since I doubt many people are clicking on the ads thread (where I also posted this), I'm gonna post it again here. The US Katamari ad!

Wow, an ad that acccurately describes the game, uses original art, and has none of that extreme shit we see all over the place.

+1,000 points, Namco.


Spike said:
WTF?!?! Zellers?!?! You may as well just go mad crazy right now, because the chance of Zellers getting in KD is actually worse than zero.

The only hope without pre-ordering is Future Shop/Best Buy. Actually, Best Buy stands the greater chance simply because they are the only store in Toronto that stocked Space Raiders for the Cube.

I've had good success with Zellers finding CDs and games that weren't at other stores.

They have to get at least one copy. They have Amplitude AND Frequency, for $20 Canadian too. They BETTER have Katamari. ;_;


Wario64 said:
Well shit, Namco already screwed up with Tales of Symphonia's initial shipment, I'm pretty sure they'll screw up a game that hardly anyone knows about besides the hardcore gamer audience :p
i don't get it; how can you blame them for shipping what retailers order? o_O

shops have to pay for games to recieve them. shops will only pay for as many games as they want... @_@


Something like Rez (which isn't that valuable in the first place) happens when increased demand occurs long after a game has gone out of print. Rez didn't really increase in value until a year or a year-and-a-half after its release, when it obtained a certain chic amongst the hardcore. If the first shipment of Katamari Damacy sells out, then Namco will undoubtedly do another pressing. The thing about Rez is that it was over-produced and sat on shelves for months.....Sega saw no need to make more copies, so the first press-run of units never got supplemented. Making games is so cheap that if supplies are low then a publisher will inevitably take the risk of producing thousands more....particularly if it is an "acquired" property that did not require them to fund development.

There is no reason to worry that you won't be able to get a copy of Katamari at retail price. If you have 10 copies of the game ordered and are hoping to sell them at a 100% markup, then you should be worried. The PS2 software market is at least 3 or 4 times as big as when Rez bombed (at a $50 price), so if the game draws any attention then supply will probably far outstrip demand.

I don't know how concerned we should be that major retailers don't appear to be stocking the game. Best Buy had tons of copies of Mobile Light Force 2, so I'm assuming that sooner or later they'll jump on a budget release like this.


Unconfirmed Member
I went to preorder the game on Friday, and the chaps at Gamestop said it wasn't in their computer, and he had no clue what the game was or if they would get it in. Then he got on my case about refusing to preorder Halo 2 (they could only reserve copies from the 2nd shipment), so I went to some local shop. The guy put in an order for it, and says it'll be in on Thursday... sooooo here's hoping. If not, I guess I'll EBGames it, or something. I will not be without this game, though.


Here in San Diego, the Gamestop I normally pre-order from had it in the computer but it wasn't available for pre-order and he didn't know for sure if they were getting any in. I had to go to the competing EB Games across the street where I was able to pre-order it and he assured me they'd have a copy for me on Wednesday.


force push the doodoo rock
Lambtron said:
I went to preorder the game on Friday, and the chaps at Gamestop said it wasn't in their computer, and he had no clue what the game was or if they would get it in. Then he got on my case about refusing to preorder Halo 2 (they could only reserve copies from the 2nd shipment), so I went to some local shop. The guy put in an order for it, and says it'll be in on Thursday... sooooo here's hoping. If not, I guess I'll EBGames it, or something. I will not be without this game, though.

yeah apparently we couldnt take any more preorders this weekend :( i dunno why.


Lambtron said:
I went to preorder the game on Friday, and the chaps at Gamestop said it wasn't in their computer, and he had no clue what the game was or if they would get it in. Then he got on my case about refusing to preorder Halo 2.

i had the same problem (in fact, the rep there had a hard time believing that the game actually existed), so i pulled out one of their new game informer mags and showed him that the game does indeed exist. he eventually figured out how to find it in their system and i am expecting my copy in this wednesday. he seemed irritated that he was forced to actually spend some time looking for it in the system - but hell, i was irritated that he was ready to write me off as some nutjob trying to pre-order a non-existant game.

i however DID pre-order halo 2.


I did not mean that is a smart aleck or mocking way. So many people here have talked about it I wanted to consider it but I don't undersatand it. I just know you collect things while rolling around.


works for Gamestop (lol)
My Gamestop confirmed that they are getting copies of the game, but not expecting it until later in the week since it isn't a popular title compared to something like Def Jam. The manager even mentioned how awesome the game was when he played it last week. Rock


I just placed $10 on it at my local EB.

When I said the name the guy that was standing there talking to the employee said "Hey, see, another person preordered it." The employee didn't even know what game it was. He thought I was talking about Shin Megami Tensei at first. So I explained Katamari to him.
just ordered it off gamnestop.com no sales tax and only 1.99 for shipping! whoo hoo!

normally Id want it release day, but my PS2 was stolen so (along with my GC and 2 GBAs, thank god they didint take the xbox) I can't play it anyway. at least Ill have it toplay at friends houses :(


onion_pixy said:
just ordered it off gamestop.com no sales tax and only 1.99 for shipping! whoo hoo!

Good call--that's what I just did. I have such a huge backlog (Gradius, Front Mission 4, Phantom Brave, etc., etc.) that having a game on the release date makes no difference to me, as long as I get it eventually.
Wario64 said:
Can't I just order the damn game at Namco's headquarters? I'll drive out there to secure my own copy and possibily get it early...shit
I used to work at Namco and I can tell you that they don't have the proper facilities for "walk-ins". If you order anything from their site, it's sent to you from their warehouse which is not located at their main business location.

edit: btw, I attempted to preorder the game at the local GS and even though it was in their system, I couldn't preorder the stupid game. The clerk said it wouldn't allow him to preorder that particular game. WTF!!?!?!?! Is GS only allowing certain titles to be preorderable now? Anyways, I went on over to trusty old EB and had no problems preordering the game (as usual). Yet another reason I fucking hate GameStop/FuncoLand/Software etc/and any other of it's affiliates.


Infernodash said:
I got the game for 17.99 + 5.30 cents shipping. Awesome if you ask me. I won't give up my source however.

So you paid $23.29 for something that shouldn't be more than $19.99 before tax? Yeah, better keep that source to yourself.


I admit I'm a tad worried. I have three games ordered at EBGames.com right now that are supposed to ship tomorrow and two are on Open status. Katamari Damashii is still on "Waiting for Product." Sure, they could get the product tomorrow and still get it to stores on Wed. but I'm starting to get a little worried!


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Mr_Furious said:
edit: btw, I attempted to preorder the game at the local GS and even though it was in their system, I couldn't preorder the stupid game. The clerk said it wouldn't allow him to preorder that particular game.

What a moron. Did he not know that you can reserve things under generic SKUs? The store I went to didn't have a listing for it as a pre-order either (probably because it's so close to release) but he let me reserve it under one of the generic ones and then just wrote the title on the slip.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Minotauro said:
What a moron. Did he not know that you can reserve things under generic SKUs? The store I went to didn't have a listing for it as a pre-order either (probably because it's so close to release) but he let me reserve it under one of the generic ones and then just wrote the title on the slip.

Yeah, that's how they did it for me. And my Gamestop is getting copies w00t


Minotauro said:
What a moron. Did he not know that you can reserve things under generic SKUs? The store I went to didn't have a listing for it as a pre-order either (probably because it's so close to release) but he let me reserve it under one of the generic ones and then just wrote the title on the slip.
The problem here is that the generic SKUs don't tell the warehouse how many copies of game X to ship to store Y. Hence my worry....even with a reserve, it took my GS almost a week to get a copy of Wario Ware GC in.


I went to EB to preorder this today, and the guy wouldn't guarantee I'll get it. He said because it's such an unknown title that many EBs won't be getting them at all. I was the only preorder at this EB, so he told me that they'd have a better chance of getting it if I preordered but if they don't get it I'll get my $5 back(big surprise there). And Gamestop had no clue what it was and told me they aren't even carrying it(which I know isn't true).
Swordian said:
So you paid $23.29 for something that shouldn't be more than $19.99 before tax? Yeah, better keep that source to yourself.

Haha.. That was the shipping with my two dvds included. Plus I paid no tax. Split the shipping amongst the three items, and I did get a cheaper deal. Sounds like someone is jealous.


Now shipping at Gamestop.com!

Usually ships in 24 hours $19.99

the store availability thing is broken right now, but when it's back up I certainly hope to see a few copies on the way here.
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