So i have been experimenting with this diet for about a week.
Takes at least 1 day to get into ketosis.
I lose about 0.5-0.8 kg a day but you cant binge on sweet stuff or you lose a lot of that work.
Anyway to the meat and potatoes of this thread. I suffer from Schizoaffective Disorder and Depression. And it notice it is greatly affecting my mental health in a positive way. My meds seem to be a bit too effective in controlling my bipolar such that i cant feel almost no high or low. Depression is non existent with relatively weak meds.
But there seems to be science to back this up.
Takes at least 1 day to get into ketosis.
I lose about 0.5-0.8 kg a day but you cant binge on sweet stuff or you lose a lot of that work.
Anyway to the meat and potatoes of this thread. I suffer from Schizoaffective Disorder and Depression. And it notice it is greatly affecting my mental health in a positive way. My meds seem to be a bit too effective in controlling my bipolar such that i cant feel almost no high or low. Depression is non existent with relatively weak meds.
But there seems to be science to back this up.
The most recent Cochrane review and meta-analysis demonstrated symptom improvement in most epileptic patients, with as many as 55% in one study experiencing competeseizure freedom [6,7]. Cerebral glucose hypometabolism is a feature shared by mental illnesses, including schizophrenia, BPD and MDD [8& ]. Recent postmortem analyses of schizophrenia brains by Sullivan et al. [9] report 19–22% decreases in the expression of the glucose transporters, GLUT1 and GLUT3, and in glycolytic genes. Interestingly, these brains also exhibited a 22% increase in the bhydroxybutyrate (bH) importer (MCT1), suggesting that the brain may be attempting to compensate for glucose hypometabolism by upregulating its capacity to import ketone bodies. Thus, the schizophrenia brain may be metabolically primed to respond to ketogenic diet therapy

Ketogenic Diets for Psychiatric Disorders: A New Review
What can a low-carbohydrate diet do for your mental health?
2012: A case study of two women with bipolar II disorder who ate a ketogenic diet (one for two years, the other for three years) found that the diet was superior to the anticonvulsant/mood stabilizer lamotrigine (Lamictal) in management of symptoms. Ketosis was documented using urine test strips.
Ketogenic Diets and Schizophrenia
A 3-week mouse study showed that a ketogenic diet normalized pathological behaviors.