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Kill la Kill |OT|


Kill la Kill comics...

The "lol" makes it!


Also, because I posted it in the wrong thread:

[Kill la Kill] - 14


It continued the laziness, but the school-raid at least made it feel as though something was happening. The show has been going off on multiple tangents, none of which have been all that interesting, so it was nice to see them at least (attempt) to frame the main conflict again.

To me, Kill la Kill should ostensibly be about that clash of styles/ideals - Satsuki is Ryoko's foil, yet they rarely interact. The former is just boringly perfect, and oddly detached from the whole thing - whereas the latter is really rote, and it's difficult to feel any sort of progression in her character.

This episode leaves me optimistic for what it suggests, rather than what was actually on display.

As an aside, I really like the way they portray technology in this, with the monochrome displays. It's a neat touch, and reminds me that I really do like the aesthetic, even if it does have a tendency to be badly conveyed.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Mako with the food. :lol

Ryuko was pretty rad last episode, loved all her appearances. The way they used Don't Lose Your Way was great.

I enjoy this show kind of like a modern Cutie Honey, I don't take its shortcomings too seriously as long as it keeps me entertained with wacky events and crazy action. The lack of animation budget can get glaring, but it is what it is.

So this is a thing
Love it.

PK Gaming

Mako with the food. :lol

Ryuko was pretty rad last episode, loved all her appearances. The way they used Don't Lose Your Way was great.

I enjoy this show kind of like a modern Cutie Honey, I don't take its shortcomings too seriously as long as it keeps me entertained with wacky events and crazy action. The lack of animation budget can get glaring, but it is what it is.

Love it.

If this show is like a modern Cutie Honey then I demand a Re: Cutie Honey cutie-esque ending between Ryuko and Mako.


Kill la Kill 15 30 sec PV out!


Q - whats the thing at around 22-25 seconds
(the red machine thing).

Preview spoilers:
That thing. Also i'm gonna go ahead and guess something Nudist Beach. Notice the emblem on the side seems to be one of those things that denotes that "No" thing/the cross out. I would guess something like denouncing the clothes or something. Also half sticking out legs.



Preview spoilers:
That thing. Also i'm gonna go ahead and guess something Nudist Beach. Notice the emblem on the side seems to be one of those things that denotes that "No" thing/the cross out. I would guess something like denouncing the clothes or something. Also half sticking out legs.
Almost looks like Deadpool's logo.
Catching up and just finished episode 11.

So many new characters introduced. Harime breaking the laws of space and big red letters™ was great. Poor Sanageyama :lol


Neo Member
We never see Senketsu when Dr. Matoi was alive, and the first time Senketsu is seen is long after Dr. Matoi's has passed away.

However when Senketsu is asked who created him he describes Dr Matoi so he must have seen him.

I liked the symbolism in episode 14. Sanageyama says "We have come down to bring those who reek of the old system in order to create the new world order Satsuki strives to achieve"

Each city reprsents a "old" source of power. Osaka is Money, Kyoto is Faith/Spiritualism and Kobe was the most vague, but had to be Physical Strength. Each city was defeated by one of the values Satsuki values the most.

The Spiritualism was beaten by Science and Art (Music), Physical Strength was beaten by Discipline and the Money motivation is still fighting with Sanageyama's Resolve.


Kill la Kill delayed on CR today :(

Due to production delays, episode 15 will be delayed till later in the day. We thank you for your patience and understanding.

Audiences in Australia and New Zealand can now stream Kill la Kill! Enjoy~!
Dat episode 15. (Spoilers)

Looks like someone found the budget. At least some of the budget. A tiny bit of the budget. The fights certainly looked a bit flashier than usual. And that's not just because the Nudist Beach group were there in full force. Those guys crack me up. Especially Mikisugi. God bless him, his nipples never stop glowing. Not for a second.

Anywho, it was pretty interesting to see what the true purpose of the tri-city school raid was. I had thought it was weird that Satsuki had done all that just to fight some random schools. Especially going through all the trouble of having the Elite Four fight Ryuko only to be given their exact same post back. At least their new Goku Uniforms look pretty snazzy. I especially liked Nonon's.

And I guess fallagin was right. The glove didn't really do anything for Satsuki. She just wanted to mess with Ryuko. Those two are more in love than Naruto and Sasuke. Fight was stupid awesome though. Now I know that getting cut by my opponent only to use my own blood to blind them is a viable fighting tactic. Thanks, KLK.

Overall, I give this episode an 9 out of 10. Pretty damn awesome mid-season finale. Can't wait to see the new opening and whatever secret truth Mikisugi has up his non-existent sleeve.

PS: Now I see what Sanageyama is into. Very kinky. RIP in peace, Takarada's butt.


What is going with this show. Why are there so many delays.

When you see the
you'll understand why - they probably went into overtime trying to animate the entire thing and cleaning it up in post-production.


This image has so much relevance if only you knew :)(

I'd give the episode 9/10, just want to make sure (after rewatching) that there was
plot progression
before handing down a 10/10. The action was worth a 9 alone!
Just watched. Thank gos for those fantasic spanis subs in daisuki.

I was surprised it was the mid season finale, fantastic episode, you can see the animation budget flowing in some of the scenes.
And it was hectic, fast paced and funny as hell, awesome.

Next week lets see if it was really an advancement in the plot what happened here.


I just went and watched it without subs, but I won't do impressions until I know what the fuck these people are saying :p

It was good, though. Nice action, and funny.


I speak Japanese but fuuuuckkk that Kansai-ben bullshit (or whatever that was). I have no idea what he was saying.
I know, I know, it's a real dialect, they were in the area, it's accurate. Just taking out my frustrations at Daisuki

I thought they kind of....blew their wad on
Nudist Beach. Them all being...well...nude, was interesting, but they were a backdrop to what was actually going on in the episode. I don't really think Ryuko earned the retrieval of Senketsu very well either but...whatever

That was an 8/10 for me, floated along by Stupid Sexy Sensei being awesome, Gama-chan and
antics, and some
ass poking of doom.

On a side note: I let my Crunchyroll sub end....Daisuki why you gotta do me like this? Put the damn episode up.


I just went and watched it without subs, but I won't do impressions until I know what the fuck these people are saying :p

It was good, though. Nice action, and funny.

Same here. I want to know what they were saying at the end there, seemed kind of important.
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