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Kill la Kill |OT|


Fun episode, even if delaaaaays. The power went out for nearly 2 hours when I was in the middle of watching the ep ;_;
The Spanish in dasuki this time was a bit more regional than what I remember from previous times.

The spanish in Daisuki is castillian spanish, the original. Dont believe anyone that tells you that neutral spanish exist, because it's really watered down latin american spanish and still uses some words from those countries.

I thank daisuki for using Castillian spanish, as the other languages are also their european variations.

Also all the episodes from kill la kill have that type of spanish, havent seen the other series though.


I greatly enjoyed this episode. It's definitely my favorite so far. Satsuki vs. Ryuuko was all around great. I love the Elite Four's new designs, so much better than before.


It's like the 2nd part of the anime! War, collecting senketsu and the idea of "she's strong even tho she's not wearing senketsu" is pretty stupid to my opinion.
Overall... Great episode!
So that's where the budget went!


Gamagoti's the juggernaunt biiiiiiitch
Sangayama Turing into EVA 01
Nudis beach metal gear geckos

Also gamagori ax mako too real


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I love the music that plays everytime Satsuki shows up, is there a full version of it?


Fantastic episode. It blew me away from start to finish! I think it's great they cut off pretty much all of the opening to fit it all in.

That Boota cameo! It may seem fast-paced, but there's a lot to resolve still, especially with Nui and Satsuki's mom.



believe in me Ryuko like the way I believed in you!?

This week's episode reminds me of a certain movie...

Episode 15 warning:
Star Wars anyone? Nudist Beach's mechs reminds me of SW's Walkers...and that Jakuzure destruction of the Nudist Beach base...the way it's destroyed...doesn't it seem like how the Death Star got destroyed by Luke Skywalker?

PK Gaming

Mixed feelings on that episode. On the one hand, the first, 8~ minutes or so were a complete waste of time. The whole confrontation between
Zeni boy and Satsuki felt bland and rote.

"Hahahah money controls people"
"No, FEAR controls people"
(proceeds to lose)


The 2nd half was pretty great though.
I loved the fight between Ryuko and Satsuki. Ryuko might not be as strong as Satsuki, but her skillset makes her a more interesting fighter. I really dug loved the blood sword gambit from Senketsu.

Nudist beach ended up being a fucking disappointment. The destruction of their base felt like an afterthought.

The Mako x Ryuko ship is looking pretty grim. Damn you Magoori shippers. DAMN. YOU.


irresponsible vagina leak
The spanish in Daisuki is castillian spanish, the original. Dont believe anyone that tells you that neutral spanish exist, because it's really watered down latin american spanish and still uses some words from those countries.

I thank daisuki for using Castillian spanish, as the other languages are also their european variations.

Also all the episodes from kill la kill have that type of spanish, havent seen the other series though.

Mixed feelings on that episode. On the one hand, the first, 8~ minutes or so were a complete waste of time. The whole confrontation between
Zeni boy and Satsuki felt bland and rote.

"Hahahah money controls people"
"No, FEAR controls people"
(proceeds to lose)


The 2nd half was pretty great though.
I loved the fight between Ryuko and Satsuki. Ryuko might not be as strong as Satsuki, but her skillset makes her a more interesting fighter. I really dug loved the blood sword gambit from Senketsu.

Nudist beach ended up being a fucking disappointment. The destruction of their base felt like an afterthought.

The Mako x Ryuko ship is looking pretty grim. Damn you Magoori shippers. DAMN. YOU.

this is an anime so threesome is always an option


That was a cool episode, but I feel that the battles usually end underwhelmingly. This was probably the biggest fight in the series to date and it just ended with
"I'll get you next time!"

Nudist Beach was extremely underwhelming. As good as their name, I suppose.


I really don't get the Gamagoori x Mako talk...

Still, loved the episode. I kind of regret watching this on a week to week basis, though. I can't handle week-long waits, especially after a good episode. I'm used to just waiting for a series to end, then marathon'ing it.

Ah well, I'm in too deep now.
Ryuko x Mako is best ship, by the way.


Hmm, I haven't been really liking the past nine or so episodes all that much. I feel like the show keeps trying to move somewhere significant, but ends up just going in circles. The fights have been pretty bad too for the most part. There's just not a lot of weight to them and it doesn't help that the animation isn't too hot especially in instances where it feels like it should be.

- Why is everything in this show a goddamn ruse

I still maintain my problem that the entirety of this show has been villains losing or doing something as part of a never before implied scheme to make them look perfect, or just pulling a victory out their asses when they feel like exemplifying Ryuko's lack of character growth.

Yeah, I have to agree with this.


Well, I finally reached my limit of the Keikaku bullshit, not sure if ill be watching this news week considering how uneven it has been. Satsuki as a character has been really uninteresting the last few episodes and this just cements how boring she is. Even when she loses she wins and on top of that the only thing that the teacher can say after a complete defeat is "Wow, you totally had a tie with her" so we dont forget that the character is so flawless that not dying against her is more impressive than the massacre of your group. Reminds me of guy that writes naruto having a hard on for Sasuke.

On the other hand the visual side of the show continues being top notch, I got a kick out of Gamagoori not fitting in the truck as they were leaving.


Satsuki lost this time, though. Her explanation that she had won all along is just an excuse. It doesn't feel as cheap or dumb as episode 13's twist, for example, due to it being framed as less of a ruse and more of a retreat. Ryuko has genuinely triumphed against all odds for, like, the first time in the series. Only took 15 episodes. Wow.

As for Satsuki herself, kinda like the entire battle between her and Ryuko, the fall has been set up for a while now and they just never got around to it. She's not perfect despite what all the side characters are willing to believe, and when that facade slips loose, she's a far more interesting character than Ryuko.


Disappointed that:

- og outfit never came back (rip ;___;)

- the stripper outfit didnt' get replaced (rip ;______________;)

- cutting away to pointless, useless side battles where no one is in danger and nothing is animated is not good

- a few good cuts, but the battle reminded me of a kingdom hearts 2 boss battle where you tap triangle to jump and smash through flying buildings - best thing about it was the sense of speed and weight when it turned into Spider Man for a few seconds

- going straight back to familiar settings next episode


the show could have just
killed off both heroines in one go via mutually assured destruction
and mako could have taken over noooooooooooo


Episode 15 was pretty well produced as far as KLK goes. But I feel it's really frustrating how little I care about anything happening directly with Ryuko or Satsuki. I don't care if Ryuko avenges her father, I don't care if Satsuki takes over all the schools in Japan, I don't care about her subordinates. So while the action was fairly good, and there was a very "large scale" feel in the events of the last two episodes, I find that I just want all this to be over with so the show can show some stuff I care about later.

I want to know more about life fibers.
I want to see more stuff on Revocs and Ragyo.
I want to see more Nui action.
I want to learn more about Nudist Beach.
I want to see Tsumugu doing more cool stuff.

I keep watching this show because there are glimpses of a show I prefer which pops up now and then in various episodes. It's a pretty stupid reason, but hey, it's only 23 minutes each week. Lol.


Satsuki lost this time, though. Her explanation that she had won all along is just an excuse. It doesn't feel as cheap or dumb as episode 13's twist, for example, due to it being framed as less of a ruse and more of a retreat. Ryuko has genuinely triumphed against all odds for, like, the first time in the series. Only took 15 episodes. Wow.

As for Satsuki herself, kinda like the entire battle between her and Ryuko, the fall has been set up for a while now and they just never got around to it. She's not perfect despite what all the side characters are willing to believe, and when that facade slips loose, she's a far more interesting character than Ryuko.

She did win though. She accomplished her objective. While she and Ryuuko were hashing it out, Nonon was getting the work done. You could say that Ryuuko accomplished her objective of getting her outfit back and protecting her friends though. The battle was a draw but Satsuki won the war, if you will.


She did win though. She accomplished her objective. While she and Ryuuko were hashing it out, Nonon was getting the work done. You could say that Ryuuko accomplished her objective of getting her outfit back and protecting her friends though. The battle was a draw but Satsuki won the war, if you will.

Satsuki has led everybody to The Light.



the otp lives on

It goes to show how important animation is in this series that I can look past some of the faults I have with this episode. Even the CG was a huge improvement over ep3!

about damn time Nudist Beach started answering some questions, I just hope the answers are completely out of left field.


Seems like we're getting some answers, but we're already pretty late on the series, so the answers must be some insane bullshit to make it awesome.

Satsuki is the best.


She did win though. She accomplished her objective. While she and Ryuuko were hashing it out, Nonon was getting the work done. You could say that Ryuuko accomplished her objective of getting her outfit back and protecting her friends though. The battle was a draw but Satsuki won the war, if you will.

Nah, she lost. She couldn't even get the one NB dude she'd known about, leaving its immediate leadership intact; she razes Osaka but it'll just be rebuilt (to profit as per construction projects in Japan) by Takarada; and the one thing that could threaten her is rebuilt and made stronger by shoujo heart, or some other bullshit like that. Nonon blasting the base is as petulant as the character it was carried out by. Even the usual triumphant presentation of her 'glow' is shown as a retreat this time around, a small distant figure being carried out of the frame.
Episode was wonky those robot/suits nudist beach were wearing...ah!! Was too much and the gold crab oozing out more gold umm wats going on there. How he got defeated must of been painful with the stick. Matoi finally 1upped Satsuki which was refreshing.


Insane bullshit is what keeps this series going and is what brings me back week after week.

You're goddamn right, but I need to be a bit more insane.

And new uniforms damn it, even if they just let Ryuko rock those aviators with the tracksuit (is that what it's called?) and the scarf it would already be better. I don't mind the tits and asses at all, but I want a visual power up that doesn't look lame as fuck like Ryuko's transformations do.


Nah, she lost. She couldn't even get the one NB dude she'd known about, leaving its immediate leadership intact; she razes Osaka but it'll just be rebuilt (to profit as per construction projects in Japan) by Takarada; and the one thing that could threaten her is rebuilt and made stronger by shoujo heart, or some other bullshit like that. Nonon blasting the base is as petulant as the character it was carried out by. Even the usual triumphant presentation of her 'glow' is shown as a retreat this time around, a small distant figure being carried out of the frame.

They knew who he was. If they had wanted to grab him and get info out of him, they would have done it long ago. They wiped out a significant portion of NB's troops and while they will probably rebuild, it's definitely a huge setback for NB. How is it petulant when it's the strategic goal of the mission? They lured out NB, seemingly demoralized them, wiped out their bases, and publicly outed them. Yes Satsuki got a draw in the personal fight but this was a definite strategic win. Yes she's retreating but she still got accomplished what she wanted accomplished.


How is it petulant when it's the strategic goal of the mission?

Note how it's set up within the episode. There's a draw, she calls off her troops, and we quickly cut to a clip of Nonon blasting NB out of their hole. It comes across as petulance and she follows it up by justifying it with her usual brand of doublespeak and sophistry.

Yes Satsuki got a draw in the personal fight but this was a definite strategic win. Yes she's retreating but she still got accomplished what she wanted accomplished.

How is it a strategic win when she couldn't eliminate the leadership and left them an ally that could defeat her? The only thing of note she accomplishes is outing the nudists' role in resisting Kiryuin forces, but even there it means the resistance will be something more overt now. She wanted to remove the Nudists as a threat, but they're a greater one now.

As for everything else she does: she provoked the Takaradas, but in the end got nothing out of it. She baited Ryuko and almost lost her head. Legit shook.


Note how it's set up within the episode. There's a draw, she calls off her troops, and we quickly cut to a clip of Nonon blasting NB out of their hole. It comes across as petulance and she follows it up by justifying it with her usual brand of doublespeak and sophistry.

Nonon wiped out the base according to Satsuki's orders. It wasn't something Nonon did of her own volition. Satsuki essentially bought time and became a big distraction while getting her goal done.

How is it double speak? So she didn't stay to kill every single member but by and large, the mission in Osaka was successful.

How is it a strategic win when she couldn't eliminate the leadership and left them an ally that could defeat her? The only thing of note she accomplishes is outing the nudists' role in resisting Kiryuin forces, but even there it means the resistance will be something more overt now. She wanted to remove the Nudists as a threat, but they're a greater one now.

As for everything else she does: she provoked the Takaradas, but in the end got nothing out of it. She baited Ryuko and almost lost her head. Legit shook.

Didn't she grab the son of the Takaradas? How is NB a bigger threat now? Most of their forces are wiped out, their silent sponsor is outed and a hostage possibly taken, one of their (if not the main) bases is demolished, and also thinned the herds pretty significantly.

Also the way it's framed in the episode is the usual height gap and shining light behind Satsuki signifying the power gap between the two.


I've learned my lesson. Everytime you try to take the show at more than face value it makes you look foolish by the next episode.

A guy said "You fought to a draw!" That's the show telling you they fought to a draw. Satsuki said she achieved her goals, she achieved her goals.
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