The Spanish in dasuki this time was a bit more regional than what I remember from previous times.
Nudist Beach was seemingly a waste of everybody's time.
@_@ I know it's just an easter egg, but I'm now in full "this is the pre spiral war world" mode.
Nudist Beach was seemingly a waste of everybody's time.
This was a far better episode than 14. Loved it. Oh Kill La Kill, why must you be so inconsistent?! ... MANLY TEARS
What a cool, underused character. >:\
What a cool, underused character. >:\
The spanish in Daisuki is castillian spanish, the original. Dont believe anyone that tells you that neutral spanish exist, because it's really watered down latin american spanish and still uses some words from those countries.
I thank daisuki for using Castillian spanish, as the other languages are also their european variations.
Also all the episodes from kill la kill have that type of spanish, havent seen the other series though.
Mixed feelings on that episode. On the one hand, the first, 8~ minutes or so were a complete waste of time. The whole confrontation betweenZeni boy and Satsuki felt bland and rote.
"Hahahah money controls people"
"No, FEAR controls people"
(proceeds to lose)
The 2nd half was pretty great though.I loved the fight between Ryuko and Satsuki. Ryuko might not be as strong as Satsuki, but her skillset makes her a more interesting fighter. I really dug loved the blood sword gambit from Senketsu.
Nudist beach ended up being a fucking disappointment. The destruction of their base felt like an afterthought.
The Mako x Ryuko ship is looking pretty grim. Damn you Magoori shippers. DAMN. YOU.
This is the face of a girl who got a piece of clothing chosen over her.
At least she has Ira.This is the face of a girl who got a piece of clothing chosen over her.
- Why is everything in this show a goddamn ruse
I still maintain my problem that the entirety of this show has been villains losing or doing something as part of a never before implied scheme to make them look perfect, or just pulling a victory out their asses when they feel like exemplifying Ryuko's lack of character growth.
Satsuki lost this time, though. Her explanation that she had won all along is just an excuse. It doesn't feel as cheap or dumb as episode 13's twist, for example, due to it being framed as less of a ruse and more of a retreat. Ryuko has genuinely triumphed against all odds for, like, the first time in the series. Only took 15 episodes. Wow.
As for Satsuki herself, kinda like the entire battle between her and Ryuko, the fall has been set up for a while now and they just never got around to it. She's not perfect despite what all the side characters are willing to believe, and when that facade slips loose, she's a far more interesting character than Ryuko.
She did win though. She accomplished her objective. While she and Ryuuko were hashing it out, Nonon was getting the work done. You could say that Ryuuko accomplished her objective of getting her outfit back and protecting her friends though. The battle was a draw but Satsuki won the war, if you will.
She did win though. She accomplished her objective. While she and Ryuuko were hashing it out, Nonon was getting the work done. You could say that Ryuuko accomplished her objective of getting her outfit back and protecting her friends though. The battle was a draw but Satsuki won the war, if you will.
Insane bullshit is what keeps this series going and is what brings me back week after week.
Nah, she lost. She couldn't even get the one NB dude she'd known about, leaving its immediate leadership intact; she razes Osaka but it'll just be rebuilt (to profit as per construction projects in Japan) by Takarada; and the one thing that could threaten her is rebuilt and made stronger by shoujo heart, or some other bullshit like that. Nonon blasting the base is as petulant as the character it was carried out by. Even the usual triumphant presentation of her 'glow' is shown as a retreat this time around, a small distant figure being carried out of the frame.
How is it petulant when it's the strategic goal of the mission?
Yes Satsuki got a draw in the personal fight but this was a definite strategic win. Yes she's retreating but she still got accomplished what she wanted accomplished.
Note how it's set up within the episode. There's a draw, she calls off her troops, and we quickly cut to a clip of Nonon blasting NB out of their hole. It comes across as petulance and she follows it up by justifying it with her usual brand of doublespeak and sophistry.
How is it a strategic win when she couldn't eliminate the leadership and left them an ally that could defeat her? The only thing of note she accomplishes is outing the nudists' role in resisting Kiryuin forces, but even there it means the resistance will be something more overt now. She wanted to remove the Nudists as a threat, but they're a greater one now.
As for everything else she does: she provoked the Takaradas, but in the end got nothing out of it. She baited Ryuko and almost lost her head. Legit shook.