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Kill la Kill |OT|


Kyoto, Osaka, and Kobe really aren't that far from Tokyo. Assuming she's going anime speed (about 200 mph or so) she could easily leave by morning and get there by noon. Plus all three are quite close together.

Huh guess I was wrong then.





RIP Tracksuit Ryuuko Uniform. You will be missed


I loved how they played with 'DON'T LOSE YOUR WAYYYY' every time she entered. The last time she did it and it cut out I burst out laughing, great gag. Overall a good episode, very enjoyable in the sort of crazy way that Episode 4/5/6 were.

Don't really agree with the people asking for a predictable character arc for Ryuuko. I don't think the loss of Senketsu would have done anything for her character, we already dealt with her feeling powerless in the first bit of the series. If we want a personal loss it'll have to be Mako, but even then I'm not sure where that would take Ryuuko's character... just make her want revenge, again? Satsuki handed a goal to her on a platter, which is to beat her in Kansai and get the questions to 'What is Kamui/Life Fibers'. No doubt it's part of her plans, but I'm not really tired of Ryuuko getting stringed around by her, it's actually nice to see her plans unfold.

I see KLK as an action/comedy series, so it's tough for me to see any of the episodes as 'wasted time' in terms of pacing when they are filled to the brim with gags. I guess a lot of people were hoping it was going to transition from the comedy side to a darker, more serious show. The only exception would probably be the King of the Hill fights, which could have been condensed imo. At least Gamagoori's, Nonon's was at least visually cool.

Edit: More amazing parts from this episode:

Aikuro's unveil -> episode title "You're so hot! Good looking!"
Composite meat armor -> cooked steak
Money guns -> Mako's need for money

Just so good. Weakest parts were in Kyoto.


I'm kind of confused at some of the things people were expecting from this show.

Still, the one complaint I do passionately agree with is the subpar animation and obvious budget shortcuts employed a good portion of the time, but then I've seen far far worse in this regard.


I don't get why
Satsuki needs to wear a piece of Senketsu. She has her own Kamui, Junketsu, on that's already made of 100% Life Fiber. Why would adding small additional piece of Senketsu change anything?
She does look pretty badass with that
on though.


I don't get why
Satsuki needs to wear a piece of Senketsu. She has her own Kamui, Junketsu, on that's already made of 100% Life Fiber. Why would adding small additional piece of Senketsu change anything?
She does look pretty badass with that
on though.

She's barely in control of Junketsu to the point that wearing him/her/whatever is incredibly tiring. Maybe that piece helps regulate things or something.
I don't get why
Satsuki needs to wear a piece of Senketsu. She has her own Kamui, Junketsu, on that's already made of 100% Life Fiber. Why would adding small additional piece of Senketsu change anything?
She does look pretty badass with that
on though.

I think is more to bait ryuko into fighting her


I don't get why
Satsuki needs to wear a piece of Senketsu. She has her own Kamui, Junketsu, on that's already made of 100% Life Fiber. Why would adding small additional piece of Senketsu change anything?
She does look pretty badass with that
on though.

She just wanted it
to sniff it.

PK Gaming

I don't get why
Satsuki needs to wear a piece of Senketsu. She has her own Kamui, Junketsu, on that's already made of 100% Life Fiber. Why would adding small additional piece of Senketsu change anything?
She does look pretty badass with that
on though.

I think it's her way of challenging Ryuko.

"Come and get it, if you can."


If Senketsu dies for real, the pacing is gonna throw me off super-hard again. Not because I'd feel it shouldn't have happened, but because that'd be scattering around stuff that... really would not have needed to be scattered. Like, what was the point of ending episode 12 on a dud when Nui dices him up in the next episode where not a lot of other stuff happens? What'd be the point of all this stuff about recollecting pieces of Senketsu if he'll die next episode anyways? It's stuff that feels appropriate but they're just placed really oddly and it more or less blunts the impact of everything. I don't want to say I didn't enjoy this episode, and even last episode a lot, because I really did, it's just really weird. I don't think I've seen this problem in a whole lot of other shows I've seen.

There is actually a way for Senketsu to die without fucking up the pacing or wasting the fact that Ryuuko collected him when he was scattered around; it would also make the first 14 episodes not meaningless:
Ryuuko gets mortally wounded getting the glove back, Senketsu gives up his life (fiber?) for her and as resolution Ryuuko gets to keep Senketsu's powers yet Senketsu himself is gone.
It would also solve the "how is Ryuuko going to fight from now on" issue and add a new dynamic to Ryuuko's interactions with Nudist Beach since she would have become sort of
literally dependant on life fiber to live, Tony Stark style.
. I would find it more convincing and interesting than "Ryuuko was non-human all along", anyway.


You guys are expecting way to much from this show.
Satsuki is clearly just playing up some shounen anime tropes here, keeping the glove to make sure Matoi is worthy of getting it back after her embarrassing loss to Nui. I don't even expect it to be a big battle. Just Matoi VS satsuki and in the end, it won't be much of a fight. Satsuki is likely to simply take off the glove and give it back after only a couple of blows because " Ryuko is almost strong enough" or something similar. It might take 2 more episodes for all of this to resolve though. Nudist beach will probably show up and the show will spin into it's final story arc, where we'll just get a fight a week until Satsuki's mother has been defeated undoubtedly.

I'll enjoy the dumb fun while it lasts.
This anime is dumb fun at its peak. I mean, how many shows have weird shit like:

  • Composite Meat Club
  • Armed Ping-Pong Club
  • Money guns
  • Awesome motorcycles to drive on people's faces
In a single episode?

Also, I was pretty relieved to see that Ryuko already managed to get almost all Senketsu pieces.


Finally caught up.

Been ignoring the fan service. Aside from that, it's hella fun.

I'm still not convinced the Honnouji Student Council is the big bad. Their personalities, in anime trope style, lend them to being eventual allies.


Fun episode but I've started to not take Kill la Kill seriosuly anymore. It's more of a brief enjoyment for me instead of the greatness that was gurren lagann.


Didn't like this episode. Felt like a waste of my time. I couldn't help but keep thinking, move on with the plot already... (yes, there is plot progression, but obviously I mean it's mindnumbingly slow).

That being said, there's one thing that bothers me way more. Where are the other multi-national companies and how come the show gives me the feeling that they are inferior compared to Satsuki's mom's company? I mean, Japan has some powerful international companies, but they are nowhere near the most powerful.

Exxon, Apple, Microsoft, and other mega-conglomerates should easy trump even the biggest Japanese companies.



Scarfketsu kinda owned but the dude just needs to stay dead and let Ryuuko grow as a person. Still, Mako and the absurdness of the rulebooks made this ep somewhat worthwhile.

PK Gaming

Hopefully they'll ride out Tracksuit!Ryuko for 1-2 more episodes. How awesome would it be if Satsuki just bails after they fight? Haha.


the only thing that should be surprising is Ryuuko somehow being a day behind the Battle Field Trip yet still managing to catch up and reach all 3 schools in one day.

Remember, the 3 cities are actually pretty close to each other! "how did you get past high school?"



Junior Member
Thought this was a pretty good episode. Much better than last week's which felt pointless outside of the end. Ryuko rolling in on the cities one by one on her bike was funny. I thought getting Senketsu's pieces back would've taken more time/effort, but I'm glad they didn't dwell too long on it. Though she still has to get the last piece.

Kill la Kill - 14

What a cop out!
I mean ignoring that they totally copped out on the Senketsu front with her essentially holding on to the "brain" of the uniform and collecting next to everything in the span of like 5 on screen minutes but the fact that all the pieces of the uniform were held on to by random grunts and none of the "elite 4" of the series just doesn't make a lick of sense. Especially when the entire episode is essentially serving as a setup for the rematch between Satsuki and Protagonist in which Satsuki IS holding on to a piece of the uniform.

I just felt like this episode totally dragged on for no real reason, the battles between the other schools were wholly uninteresting and Mako's shenanigans are really really really growing stale by this point.

Ah well, Sunglasses Ryuko > Vanilla Ryuko

The Elite Four's outfits are getting refitted. I guess they could've been given a piece in the meantime, but considering they were curbstomping the schools (outside of Osaka, which likely would lose over time anyway) it doesn't seem like that big of a deal.

Worst episode of the series thus far. Good gif fodder though.

That was last week.


Very good episode if you ask me, lots of hype.
Best scene: Hokuto no Mako.
Also Ryuuko looks ten times better now with scarf and sunglasses than every other episode of the series... too bad that when next episode will arrive this look will be already a thing of the past :/


I don't get why
Satsuki needs to wear a piece of Senketsu. She has her own Kamui, Junketsu, on that's already made of 100% Life Fiber. Why would adding small additional piece of Senketsu change anything?
She does look pretty badass with that
on though.

It's because she wants ryuko to challenge her to get it back.


her OG outfit will be back



It's too cool, meaning it will never happen.

I'm still not convinced the Honnouji Student Council is the big bad. Their personalities, in anime trope style, lend them to being eventual allies.

It's kind of obvious. If anything, it is so annoying that Ryuuko is still fixated on Satsuki and probably doesn't even know about Revocs.

That being said, there's one thing that bothers me way more. Where are the other multi-national companies and how come the show gives me the feeling that they are inferior compared to Satsuki's mom's company? I mean, Japan has some powerful international companies, but they are nowhere near the most powerful.

Exxon, Apple, Microsoft, and other mega-conglomerates should easy trump even the biggest Japanese companies.

Because lol world building

Seriously though, the world building in this show is straight up awful (take Revocs being introduced only when it's relevant to the plot, for example). Even the setting for the show (apparently it's a post apocalyptic setting) isn't even explained within the show itself.


There is actually a way for Senketsu to die without fucking up the pacing or wasting the fact that Ryuuko collected him when he was scattered around; it would also make the first 14 episodes not meaningless:
Ryuuko gets mortally wounded getting the glove back, Senketsu gives up his life (fiber?) for her and as resolution Ryuuko gets to keep Senketsu's powers yet Senketsu himself is gone.
It would also solve the "how is Ryuuko going to fight from now on" issue and add a new dynamic to Ryuuko's interactions with Nudist Beach since she would have become sort of
literally dependant on life fiber to live, Tony Stark style.
. I would find it more convincing and interesting than "Ryuuko was non-human all along", anyway.

Considering the lyrics to Till I Die from the soundtrack, this actually sounds like a plausible theory.


Oh, I forgot to post about this week's episode. Whoops. It was okay I guess. I like that things are actually finally happening outside of the school, which was boring as fuck. They still don't have much animation though, and there's a lot of obviously lazy recycling in the scenes where they want lots of characters but don't really want to draw them all. Since there was no Ragyo this week, it gets a 0/5 from me! :)
Oh, I forgot to post about this week's episode. Whoops. It was okay I guess. I like that things are actually finally happening outside of the school, which was boring as fuck.

I liked this episode less than last week's, but more than almost every previous episode. Except maybe for Episode 7, because Mako is amazing.


Didn't like this episode. Felt like a waste of my time. I couldn't help but keep thinking, move on with the plot already... (yes, there is plot progression, but obviously I mean it's mindnumbingly slow).

That being said, there's one thing that bothers me way more. Where are the other multi-national companies and how come the show gives me the feeling that they are inferior compared to Satsuki's mom's company? I mean, Japan has some powerful international companies, but they are nowhere near the most powerful.

Exxon, Apple, Microsoft, and other mega-conglomerates should easy trump even the biggest Japanese companies.

that's what bothers you?

obviously in KLK-world, Revocs is the big shit.


I loved how Ryuko's "Don't lose my way" entrance became a running joke with it then being cut short the third time around

Also an interesting fanart that I wouldn't mind ending up in the show as Senketsu's final form

So finally had time to get into this show. It's pretty cool.

But I'm shocked that so many people liked the last episode. Outside of Osaka guy chewing the scenery and Scarfketsu, I thought it was horribly dull. I don't really care about these awful scrub schools getting stomped into dust (other than Osaka because Sanageyama is terrible at everything), so that wasted like 15 minutes of the episode on crap.

Also, I'm sure you guys have talked to death about the OST, but, holy shit, the German in Blumenkranz is atrocious even though I like the song. Of course, that fits right in with the English songs on the OST, which feature classic lines like "Don't be afraid my sweet heart/This is the way to be more strong" and the entirety of Light your Heart Up, a song about the dangers of relying on machine translation. Pretty disappointing overall, especially compared to the music in the director's previous works.


I just noticed, but there is an insane amount of views for this thread in proportion to the number of posts.

Perhaps this anime is much more popular than I thought?


I just noticed, but there is an insane amount of views for this thread in proportion to the number of posts.

Perhaps this anime is much more popular than I thought?

Well, this series does also have an eye-catching title (and a very inappropriate one so far).


I just noticed, but there is an insane amount of views for this thread in proportion to the number of posts.

Perhaps this anime is much more popular than I thought?

You're right, lol. I guess its on the front page a lot, and it is a cool name, so people probably just click on it to see whats going on.
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