Did you never think it odd that she's the only one in the show with such a mechanical design for eyes?
I've never noticed such a thing.
Did you never think it odd that she's the only one in the show with such a mechanical design for eyes?
Kyoto, Osaka, and Kobe really aren't that far from Tokyo. Assuming she's going anime speed (about 200 mph or so) she could easily leave by morning and get there by noon. Plus all three are quite close together.
where did the animation go? :/
I don't get whyShe does look pretty badass with thatSatsuki needs to wear a piece of Senketsu. She has her own Kamui, Junketsu, on that's already made of 100% Life Fiber. Why would adding small additional piece of Senketsu change anything?on though.glove
I don't get whyShe does look pretty badass with thatSatsuki needs to wear a piece of Senketsu. She has her own Kamui, Junketsu, on that's already made of 100% Life Fiber. Why would adding small additional piece of Senketsu change anything?on though.glove
I don't get whyShe does look pretty badass with thatSatsuki needs to wear a piece of Senketsu. She has her own Kamui, Junketsu, on that's already made of 100% Life Fiber. Why would adding small additional piece of Senketsu change anything?on though.glove
I think is more to bait ryuko into fighting her
This is the more likely truth.
She just wanted itto sniff it.
She just wanted a memento of the girl she loved.
I don't get whyShe does look pretty badass with thatSatsuki needs to wear a piece of Senketsu. She has her own Kamui, Junketsu, on that's already made of 100% Life Fiber. Why would adding small additional piece of Senketsu change anything?on though.glove
If Senketsu dies for real, the pacing is gonna throw me off super-hard again. Not because I'd feel it shouldn't have happened, but because that'd be scattering around stuff that... really would not have needed to be scattered. Like, what was the point of ending episode 12 on a dud when Nui dices him up in the next episode where not a lot of other stuff happens? What'd be the point of all this stuff about recollecting pieces of Senketsu if he'll die next episode anyways? It's stuff that feels appropriate but they're just placed really oddly and it more or less blunts the impact of everything. I don't want to say I didn't enjoy this episode, and even last episode a lot, because I really did, it's just really weird. I don't think I've seen this problem in a whole lot of other shows I've seen.
She just wanted a memento of the girl she loved.
She just wanted itto sniff it.
.... but these sound so much better....
ROFLMAO you guys.
I would find it more convincing and interesting than "Ryuuko was non-human all along", anyway.
the only thing that should be surprising is Ryuuko somehow being a day behind the Battle Field Trip yet still managing to catch up and reach all 3 schools in one day.
Kill la Kill - 14
What a cop out!
I mean ignoring that they totally copped out on the Senketsu front with her essentially holding on to the "brain" of the uniform and collecting next to everything in the span of like 5 on screen minutes but the fact that all the pieces of the uniform were held on to by random grunts and none of the "elite 4" of the series just doesn't make a lick of sense. Especially when the entire episode is essentially serving as a setup for the rematch between Satsuki and Protagonist in which Satsuki IS holding on to a piece of the uniform.
I just felt like this episode totally dragged on for no real reason, the battles between the other schools were wholly uninteresting and Mako's shenanigans are really really really growing stale by this point.
Ah well, Sunglasses Ryuko > Vanilla Ryuko
Worst episode of the series thus far. Good gif fodder though.
her OG outfit will be back
her OG outfit will be back
I don't get whyShe does look pretty badass with thatSatsuki needs to wear a piece of Senketsu. She has her own Kamui, Junketsu, on that's already made of 100% Life Fiber. Why would adding small additional piece of Senketsu change anything?on though.glove
her OG outfit will be back
I'm still not convinced the Honnouji Student Council is the big bad. Their personalities, in anime trope style, lend them to being eventual allies.
That being said, there's one thing that bothers me way more. Where are the other multi-national companies and how come the show gives me the feeling that they are inferior compared to Satsuki's mom's company? I mean, Japan has some powerful international companies, but they are nowhere near the most powerful.
Exxon, Apple, Microsoft, and other mega-conglomerates should easy trump even the biggest Japanese companies.
There is actually a way for Senketsu to die without fucking up the pacing or wasting the fact that Ryuuko collected him when he was scattered around; it would also make the first 14 episodes not meaningless:It would also solve the "how is Ryuuko going to fight from now on" issue and add a new dynamic to Ryuuko's interactions with Nudist Beach since she would have become sort ofRyuuko gets mortally wounded getting the glove back, Senketsu gives up his life (fiber?) for her and as resolution Ryuuko gets to keep Senketsu's powers yet Senketsu himself is gone.. I would find it more convincing and interesting than "Ryuuko was non-human all along", anyway.literally dependant on life fiber to live, Tony Stark style.
Oh, I forgot to post about this week's episode. Whoops. It was okay I guess. I like that things are actually finally happening outside of the school, which was boring as fuck.
Didn't like this episode. Felt like a waste of my time. I couldn't help but keep thinking, move on with the plot already... (yes, there is plot progression, but obviously I mean it's mindnumbingly slow).
That being said, there's one thing that bothers me way more. Where are the other multi-national companies and how come the show gives me the feeling that they are inferior compared to Satsuki's mom's company? I mean, Japan has some powerful international companies, but they are nowhere near the most powerful.
Exxon, Apple, Microsoft, and other mega-conglomerates should easy trump even the biggest Japanese companies.
Oh, and a prediction for future eps:Sanageyama will betray Satsuki.
I loved how Ryuko's "Don't lose my way" entrance became a running joke with it then being cut short the third time around
Also an interesting fanart that I wouldn't mind ending up in the show as Senketsu's final form
I loved how Ryuko's "Don't lose my way" entrance became a running joke with it then being cut short the third time around
Also an interesting fanart that I wouldn't mind ending up in the show as Senketsu's final form
Hm... Maybe they fused into eachother?Where's the eye?
I just noticed, but there is an insane amount of views for this thread in proportion to the number of posts.
Perhaps this anime is much more popular than I thought?
I just noticed, but there is an insane amount of views for this thread in proportion to the number of posts.
Perhaps this anime is much more popular than I thought?
I just noticed, but there is an insane amount of views for this thread in proportion to the number of posts.
Perhaps this anime is much more popular than I thought?