You know, I'm not asking for it to
be TTGL, I just wish that it was as solidly constructed. Lagann always had a pretty solid goal for the characters, one that was predicated around the things they had lost. We lack something like that here - the problem, really, is that by setting up the show as it is, where the heroine is on a mission for truth/revenge, it gives the appearance of following a similar arc, but there's no real loss within the show, no need for the protagonists to deal with anything other than the frivolities tossed at them every other episode. After all, whatever setback they suffer is quickly reversed and rendered trivial by the end of the next showing. The thing which should drive her is mostly forgotten; it holds no importance for either her or the viewer. And when the show tries to incite some emotion, it's mostly a swing and a miss for me, because of the dissonance between what it tries to invoke and what it is capable of doing so, as in, just about nothing. There's quite a bit of screaming, but it's all just noise.
So there's a certain amount of impatience when something appears to be gone, but isn't, and it feels like another episode was wasted
again in a show already suffering from pacing issues (<-- referring to 13, obviously). There's an opportunity to give her that, and to shake up the status quo, by creating a motivation where there was none. A loss she cannot recover from by sleeping overnight at nippleman's place, and from which she must recover or lose, irrevocably. Create some real stakes beyond the trivialities imposed before. We see glimpses of that in the newest episode, but I don't think they'll carry through because my expectations hit the bottom a while back and never recovered and all I'm asking for is to just stop with the ugly stripper outfits.
I think you misread me.

No need for apologies.