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Kill la Kill |OT|


Be sure to skip over the first 4 seconds of the vid. They're pretty spoilerish.

Mako la Mako ED2.

Also, someobody should alert SDBurton. Ep. 16 will be right up his alley.

Reading the summaries of this ep on 4chan....Whooo boy, this is going to be interesting.


Christ at least you could wait for a decent rip instead of a mangled stream cap that reminds of the days I watched .rm and vivo files.
Just watched the episode, most entertaining infodump episode ive ever seen. Lot's of fun with all the characters, specially nudist beach and mako.
The OP and ED were awesome. It's really funny that the the OP has like 0 animation, and still looks fun to watch. And the song is much better than the first one.
And as someone that work on the Scribblenaut games making characters I love, love, love the Scribblenauts type Mako in the ending lol

Fans of Satsuki will love
the bath scene :O

ALSO, the sumary thing at the beginning was fantastic!
senketsu explaining the whole part 1 and the speed of light making fun at all animes with two part seasons that make a middle episode as a whole summary. Love that he asks if we where disspappointed by it lol

Great episode, can't wait to watch part two of the series.


The song for the OP is much much better than the first one. However there's a few no animation bits that throws it off. It also is better directed but man, Trigger really is either behind on production or this show has like no budget.
The song for the OP is much much better than the first one. However there's a of no animation bits that throws it off. It also is better directed but man, Trigger really is either behind on production or this show has like no budget.


I love what they did with what they had, that a really big effort what they tried here, but I hope they get more monies for their next show.


I loved this week's episode. It has everything I like about this show, concentrated into one episode. Nudist Beach reveal? Check. Revocs reveal? Check. Ragyo is in the episdoe? Check. Lots of Mako? Check. Life Fibers reveal? Check. An entire episode of Ryuko and Satsuki being passive and letting the superior characters take the stage instead? Check.
Surprise incest yuri? Check Check Check!

So good. :D

As for the new OP and ED...

I really like the new OP. The song is better, the direction is waaaaaay better, and there's a lot of cool nods to motifs which actually represent the show - the LCD dot graphics stuff at the start is fantastic, the costume swaps are fun, the CG action showpiece is pretty representative of both the technology and the style of the actual action in the show. Pretty neat.

The ED is kinda underwhelming though. It's cool that it's a total Mako overload, and the illustrations are really cut. I would totally get a picture book with all those illustrations and different Makos collected in it. But as an ending sequence the song kinda blows and there isn't much direction. Kinda boring. The first ED is way better in capturing the tone of a wind down ED while also having creative scenes which relate to the characters.


I do love the fashion show runway they did for the OP, just damn, I wish it had some animation with it too. It's so much better as a whole than the first OP which was a goddamn mess and meh at the same time but it really highlights how disappointing this show has been on an animation standpoint.
Yeah maybe I like more the ton of the original ending, and even I didn't knew the drama, it was really neat that the scenes were taking from it after I watch its ending.
But Mako's drawing is still adorable so I can't hate the new ED.


New OP is pretty hype.

I've already got the new song stuck in my head and the whole runway theme in the first half was neat. I really like the battle going on too. It's CG but the direction for it is really well done.

Couple interesting things:
- Senketsu's eyes are shown without the eyepatch behind Ryuuko being strung up.
- Junketsu has a weird set of six eyes behind Satsuki right afterwards.
- Also a bunch of one-star students dogpiling on Satsuki as well. Probably doesn't mean anything but could signify a possible Heel-Face Turn.

New ED is cute but boring.

At least it has Zombie Mako.
Kill la Kill 16.

First things first, the OP and ED were really well done. I think I prefer the old OP to the new one, but the new ED is definitely better than the old one. Mako is so adorbs in it. Anywho, this episode certainly had lots of reveals including some stuff i'd rather not have seen. Seriously, I needed all the adults in the world during that scene. Well, maybe not Ragyo. Really creepy. The other reveals were pretty cool. I thought for sure bio-fiber was made out of people all soylent green style but nope. That dude from the History Channel was right. It was Ancient Aliens all along. I guess this is why Junketsu is super dangerous and stuff. It's actually made from the original bio-fiber and not the synthetic one like Senketsu. And speaking of Senketsu, Ryuko is so adorbs caring about his feelings like that. She makes you forget that he's clothes and not people. The way she was acting makes me think that she'll try to make humanity and bio-fiber co-exist instead of outright destroying it. Because that's the way all anime heroes are. Anyway, I guess Ragyo is planning on using the bio-fiber in regular people's clothes to either control them and have them take over the world, or maybe have people offer themselves up to the main bio-fiber thing. Guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens at the sports and culture festival. Gonna be fun on a bun.

Overall I give this episode an 8 out of 10. Would have been an 10 out of 10 simply because of all the reveals and stuff, but that whole shiznet with Ragyo and Satsuki really put me off.

Sidenote: Old man Isshin in Mako's daydream was fucking hilarious. I don't care what Ryuko says, that is totally why the old man created Nudist Beach. And also, dat stupid sexy sensei. So good. Even Mako was enthralled by his gloriousness.


Hnnnnggg the new OP and ED have got me hyped. I'd watch the new episode raw again but that probably won't work this time considering it's an infodump episode.


Exposition time. I like it.

- Satsuki wasn't doing so hot after the battle in Osaka while Ryuko seemed perfectly fine.

- Weird bath scene with Ragyo/Satsuki made me uncomfortable.

- I kind of like the alien ball of wool twist. It's completely ridiculous.

- New ED is the greatest.



I need an addddultttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt.

weirdly rapey fondle scene
, dat
Mako signing up for la revolucion to protect her Ryuko
, dat
alien yarn ball
, dat
Stupid Sexy Sensei glow
, dat
Ryuko embracing nudity
and, finally, dat

I don't really love the OP but it's inoffensive. The ED is more charming, but I really liked what they did with the old one.

Did I miss it, or did they not talk about
Satsuki's father at all in this episode?


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
God damn it I want to watch this badly.

I want to highlight all these spoilers tags but...


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