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Kill la Kill |OT|


I do hope that next episode
Ryukko and Tsumugu actually fight. I want to see her own him without sengetsu ;P

Ryuuko shouldn't really win if it happens, but she will :/

It seems all of my favourite characters (Maiko, Tsumugu, Nonon) are destined to job to Ryuuko
Kill la Kill 16

What the fuck at that
bath scene

I still think Satsuki is trying to subvert her mother's plans, and take over the company in an attempt to stop the lavos strings. That bath scene sticks out, I bet her mother is going to keep messing with her daughter. I also don't think we've learned everything we need to learn about Ryuko; why does she have such high resistance? Why can only she wield senketsu and have no adverse affects?

Mako is awesome.


Ending kind of doesn't make sense to me and Ryuko still feels kind of inconsistent. It's not like she wasn't going to go off to fight Nui or Satsuki anyways. Chalk it up to another problem with this series' pacing being so off that we need an entire episode billed as an "exposition episode" to break up the action, and even then I doubt we'll ever get another episode like this.

But the episode was decent. Weird baths aside.

- the upcoming
sounds like a good opportunity for
Satsuki to set up an ambush for her mother.

I still don't see why this is a theory,
especially after all the recent ruses, plans and convictions Satsuki convinced herself to go through. In fact it sounds even more likely to be a better opportunity for her mother to screw over her.

New ED is the best with the best girl

It's like a Mako spinoff in the vein of Wooser


I still don't see why this is a theory,
especially after all the recent ruses, plans and convictions Satsuki convinced herself to go through. In fact it sounds even more likely to be a better opportunity for her mother to screw over her.



Great episode, but I was hoping that
they'd explain why Senketsu has an eye-patch.

Kind of the point, I'm sure. She's the bad guy, and if you (general you) found
a mother raping her daughter to be sexy, you got straight up issues.

I'd like to believe that but I think it's giving the writers too much credit.


I'd like to believe that but I think it's giving the writers too much credit.
Well, she says "Entrust your heart to me" during the creepface closeup, which is a bit of a standard cult leader thing to say (also something a rapist would say), so yeah I'd say they got the point across there


Kill la Kill - 16

Dat chakra purification.

new evolutionary theory

Dat Mako ED owning.

I also loved how Satsuki is nothing but a
tool to be bred and raised properly till she can continue with the plan.
Can't wait to see what she does too.

Everything was awesome this episode.

Probably just there to setup a gunbuster callback where she tears the patch off.

Hahah, that's what I saw saying I hoped happen weeks ago!


Neo Member
Man, that bath scene...
Also concerning the difference between Ryuko and Satski.
The teacher dude said that Ryuko is naturally resistant to God fibers. Satski's mother said that bath would make her more receptive to the fibers. Unless Senketsu is special ( we don't know what kind of "personality" the other godrobes have), then that doesn't make sense. If Satski needs to be more like Ryuko to use the godrobe without tiring, then why go the opposite way with it? We know Satski is trying to dominate the godrobe. So is the mother trying to ease the problem by having Satski become more submissive?
Chrono trigger is a fantastic game and I can't really think about stories that over use that plot... right?


Man, that bath scene...
Also concerning the difference between Ryuko and Satski.
The teacher dude said that Ryuko is naturally resistant to God fibers. Satski's mother said that bath would make her more receptive to the fibers. Unless Senketsu is special ( we don't know what kind of "personality" the other godrobes have), then that doesn't make sense. If Satski needs to be more like Ryuko to use the godrobe without tiring, then why go the opposite way with it? We know Satski is trying to dominate the godrobe. So is the mother trying to ease the problem by having Satski become more submissive?
Chrono trigger is a fantastic game and I can't really think about stories that over use that plot... right?

She's probably trying to
fuse her daughter with the god robe/life fibers like she probably is herself. Execute their will and give a permanent host to further carry out it's will. She's nothing but a tool and a successor to her mother. I believe Satsuki is going to try and fight this though, because it seems more in line with this, however I don't think she knows that reducing tolerance is a bad thing... yet. All she knows is that she will gain more power if she's closer to the fibers.


She's probably trying to
fuse her daughter with the god robe like she probably is herself. Execute their will and give a permanent host to further carry out it's will.

Ryuko's strength is
she can resist the life fibers. Poor Satsuki has resistance too, and her mother is raping it out of her. Hang in there, Satsuki! :(


Ryuko's strength is
she can resist the life fibers. Poor Satsuki has resistance too, and her mother is raping it out of her. Hang in there, Satsuki! :(

There's a difference between them, though. Ryuko's body can handle the stress of synchronizing with a kamui, plus she and Senketsu are on the same page and work together. Satsuki's body isn't as resilient, and is only handling it by sheer force of will. Doesn't help how antagonistic her relationship with Junketsu is, and that Junketsu is made from the source of life fibers, unlike Senketsu which was custom built to work well with a human.


So, that chamber....lined with
Kamui, or else 100% life fiber clothing
... maybe a
giant mech and/or spaceship? :)

I think Satsuki
puts on a demure act for her mother in an attempt to lull her into a false sense of security. It's hard to tell who is playing who, especially when one is letting the other one fondle her all over.

I'm pretty sure it has a lot more to do with another character with an eyepatch, the fact said person's corpse was nowhere to be found after death and anime being anime.

They show a flashback of him making and then tossing Senketsu under a pile of junk. I guess it's not impossible that
the banshi was made from him
but we don't know that yet.



It still doesn't make sense to me because it makes her goals seem all the more misguided and all over the place. She spends ample time basically being Hitler and saying how humans are pigs to be subjugated, makes a huge fuss about taking over schools but then revealing without any sense of implication that she was really wanting to flush out Nudist Beach etc.

To me it seems more likely that she's living out her fantasy world of complete dominance and disregard of human life because of her upbringing, but that her mother is the one trying to get the best of her. We're 16 episodes in and there feels like there's little to no reason for her to betray her mother, as she's clearly had a sense of conviction ever since a young age. What's she going to get out of beating her mother?

She's painted as such a perfect being and it makes no sense for her to have everyone strung along an elaborate plot which clearly Ryuko has no influence in.

Man, that bath scene...
Also concerning the difference between Ryuko and Satski.
The teacher dude said that Ryuko is naturally resistant to God fibers. Satski's mother said that bath would make her more receptive to the fibers. Unless Senketsu is special ( we don't know what kind of "personality" the other godrobes have), then that doesn't make sense. If Satski needs to be more like Ryuko to use the godrobe without tiring, then why go the opposite way with it? We know Satski is trying to dominate the godrobe. So is the mother trying to ease the problem by having Satski become more submissive?
Chrono trigger is a fantastic game and I can't really think about stories that over use that plot... right?

Unlike Ryuko she considers the godrobe another tool to utilize and it's probably why she isn't getting the best out of it. There's also a good chance that her mother is just fucking with her because it's been implied she wants to see Satsuki lose herself to the uniform.


She needed her mothers power (and blessing) to build an army. She's done that, with clothing that Revocs doesn't control. Goku uniforms are activated, but it's not a stretch to imagine that the regular uniforms might
have life fibers that have yet to be activated, kind of like the other Revocs clothing, except that Satsuki would be in control of that army instead of Ragyo.
Or maybe humanity is going to discover spiral power and then row row fight the anti-spirals.

Whatever the case, does anyone doubt that we're going to get a scene where
Ryuko, having gotten the other blade from Nui, cuts the shit out of that alien yarn ball?


I thought I had clicked on the wrong video and accidentally hit play on some Kill La Kill hentai for a moment. The reality was much worse.

Aside from that, the episode was okay even if it was just all exposition.


Ending kind of doesn't make sense to me and Ryuko still feels kind of inconsistent. It's not like she wasn't going to go off to fight Nui or Satsuki anyways.

She was projecting her own feelings on Senketsu; when she said "this one also has its own will" she clearly meant herself.

And Satsuki will obviously TRY to go against Ragyou, it will just happen to be part of Ragyou's plan.


Episode 16

So, that was pretty damn good. Answers at last, and I have to say I'm reasonably satisfied with the answer that they came up with.
Not quite unlike TTGL, but the relationship that the uplifting power has with humanity obviously appearing far more sinister. Was cool to see Satsuki half-way collapsing the moment that she didn't have to show off to Ryuuko, as well
. The cracks in her armour are getting somewhat apparent now.

The bathhouse caught me off guard as much as anyone, but in hindsight I can totally understand where they were going with it and why.
The story has, essentially, reinforced the fact that Satsuki is unbowed, uncompromising, and unassailable by pretty much anything. Ryuuko catching her off guard like she did last episode is pretty much unprecedented for her, and the hits keep on coming. Ragyo is doing nothing, if not demonstrating her complete control and dominance over Satsuki - despite everything we've understood about Satsuki thus far in the show, it's revealing how vulnerable she is against her mother and how much influence Ragyo has over her

It was just a fun way of delivering the necessary exposition, in any case.
Aikuro is a magnificent teacher. That 'Aikuro Through The Ages' bit fucking destroyed me.
So good.

I really love the new OP and ED. The OP pretty much has no animation to speak of, but for a slideshow, it's a very well put-together one and the choice of song is so much better than Sirius. The runway motif for the first half is brilliant, and reveals a lot more about where the story is probably gonna go than it does at first glance. Both Satsuki and Ryuuko are strutting on parallel runways, clearly against each each other... and they're both marching towards Ragyo. Satsuki is probably going to wind up as the show's deuteragonist. It's a little too late for Satsuki and Ryuuko to join with the other and it wouldn't make much sense if either did, but I imagine they'll be in mutual opposition against Ragyo for their own ambitions.

Helps to note that the One-Stars are also jumping Satsuki and crew after the runway. And that Satsuki bursts out from a bunch of One-Stars dog-piling her.

Also, I sort of liked how Senketsu and Junketsu's eyes were basically framed as butterfly wings in one of the last cuts of the opening, where Ryuuko and Satsuki are both being bound by the life fibers. And it made me a bit curious to see that Senketsu's eye wasn't scarred over there, and that Junketsu had... entirely too many eyes. Probably an inkling of what it'll look like when Satsuki inevitably goes berserk.

And Mako is the best, reconfirmed by this episode.


Maybe I missed it but why exactly is Satsuki going against her mother? Why is she trying to take her down? Why doesn't she want to rule the world with her mother?

We know nudist beach and co. wants to stop her from taking over the world. but why does Satsuki want to


And Satsuki will obviously TRY to go against Ragyou, it will just happen to be part of Ragyou's plan.

If the goal is to have Ragyo anticipate this then at a surface value this sounds just like an additional superfluous detail added for cheap tension if Ragyo was planning to screw her over anyways.

Granted, this is just speculation, but after the pointlessly phoned in "this was our plan all along" bullshit that ended up meaning nothing in the last episode because the villains were overpowered to begin with I don't really get the impression that they're putting much thought into these things.


I thought the bath scene was interesting. Here's Satsuki in a really compromising form, the stubborn, super powerful, unwavering girl in a completely vulnerable position and in a situation where she isn't the one in control. It's a good juxtaposition on her usual demenor and how she's portrayed. The fact that she was so clearly being dominated here I thought was really good to see more of the character, yeah it's with her mom. Which is odd and a little unsettling, but I think that's what makes the scene.

I liked the episode btw, also I'm still waiting to see what Nudist Beach's best warrior or whatever is. We have Ryuko but I still don't really consider her to be a part of them, so beside Tsumugu who else is there that can kick ass?

Finally they never said anything about Satsuki's dad huh. Bet her and Ryuko are sisters, just because Isshin shacking up with Ragyo is a hilarious thought.


It may be that the
yarnball alien
took over
Ragyo's body
and that Satsuki is trying to
defeat it before it takes over humanity
but that's just speculation.

Finally they never said anything about Satsuki's dad huh. Bet her and Ryuko are sisters, just because Isshin shacking up with Ragyo is a hilarious thought.

Them not mentioning him at all kind of makes me believe the
Stupid Sexy Sensei is her Dad
theory. It would make sense if
Nudist Beach and Satsuki were working together to take down Ragyo/Yarnball by "training" Ryuko and building an army.


Junior Member
Enjoyable episode, though the Life Fiber plot twist was too simple for my liking.
"Aliens want to screw with humans"
isn't my favorite kind of twist, and it's overdone. The ending of the episode was good though.
Uhhhhhh holy shit at that bath scene. Left me literally jaw dropped. I thought it would be some tease but it went on and on ...
and got even hotter


KLK: 16

That bath scene was incredibly bad, i didn't wanted that for this anime and sincerely neither i would have thought it would've gone this far... if i see another scene like that i might also stop watching this.

For the rest it was a nice explanation episode, nothing groundbreaking but still nice.
OP song is good, the video is meh.
ED song is meh, the video is great.


I came here mid-episode to post this.

I se
what you did there.

This was me while it was all going down:


I was Vegeta.

Fondle happy bath time is a Japanese tradition between mothers and daughters. It's a beautiful thing, really. Notice how Satsuki wasn't in any pain afterwards. Ragyo's got the magic touch.
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