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Kill la Kill |OT|


Ya.. I felt uncomfortable during that.. ME.... that says something....

Also.. more and more I think I'd rather be watching an anime starring Mako than actual Kill La Kill...

definitely a penis
I se
what you did there.

This was me while it was all going down:


I was Vegeta.

Fondle happy bath time is a Japanese tradition between mothers and daughters. It's a beautiful thing, really. Notice how Satsuki wasn't in any pain afterwards. Ragyo's got the magic touch.



Okay, I'll try to give this prediction thing one more shot:

Ragyo isn't actually Satsuki's mother.
As in, either some life fiber creature hijacked her body, or she tried to put life fibers in her own body (those scars!) and in the process the life fibers hijacked her mind.

Satsuki knows this, and that'll be one of her motives to betray her.


Okay, I try to give this prediction thing one more shot:

Ragyo isn't actually Satsuki's mother.
As in, either some life fiber creature hijacked her body, or she tried to put life fibers in her own body (those scars!) and in the process the life fibers hijacked her mind.

Satsuki knows this, and that'll be one of her motives to betray her.

The indoctrination theory.


I always knew Satsuki would sooner or later go against Ragyou and this Op confirms it.

It's gonna the Kill la Kill's Montreal Screwjob.

Link Man


I wonder if CorvoSol watches this show...

I can't see Satsuki being to thrilled with bowing to the will of an alien overlord, given that her indomitable will is kind of her whole schtick


Neo Member
I don't know if it was posted here yet, but someone made a really nice symbolism overview.

The Azure dragon is probably Mikisugi, judging by his eyes, hair and eyebrows. He is probaly related to Ragyo, maybe her brother?

The Culture and Sport festival could probably be some sort of event where Ragyo wants to sacrifice a lot of students to the Life Fibers which is why Satsuki is planing to ambush her mother.

I still think that part of Issin and Satsuki's father were used to make the 2 Kamius. As a way to supress and control them.
I'm confused.
It sounds like life fiber clothing was a boon to humanity, a mutually beneficial relationship. What's the problem with life fiber clothing coming out of dormancy?


I'm confused.
It sounds like life fiber clothing was a boon to humanity, a mutually beneficial relationship. What's the problem with life fiber clothing coming out of dormancy?

The problem is that eventually the life fibers will invade human bodies and drain them of their life force. Humanity is essentially being raised to be food for the life fibers.
The problem is that eventually the life fibers will invade human bodies and drain them of their life force. Humanity is essentially being raised to be food for the life fibers.

But I thought
the whole point is that they didn't want to kill their host and instead wanted to be worn on the exterior. Or are they only doing that until the population is large enough where they can just kill their hosts and have new ones born?


But I thought
the whole point is that they didn't want to kill their host and instead wanted to be worn on the exterior. Or are they only doing that until the population is large enough where they can just kill their hosts and have new ones born?

More like they'll kill off humanity via feeding, then travel to another planet to begin the cycle again on another lifeform. Think Chrono Trigger/Lavos.


I'm confused.
It sounds like life fiber clothing was a boon to humanity, a mutually beneficial relationship. What's the problem with life fiber clothing coming out of dormancy?

That when it finally awakens, Nudist Beach is seriously worried (and Ragyo seriously hoping, it seems) that the life fibers will enslave humanity or eat them to go int o space, or something similar. It is interesting that Nudist Beach has no clear idea as to what it will do. One thing's certain: Ragyo's evil as fuck.


I think the most obvious reason for statsuki betraying her mother is

that she more or less knows her mother wants to destroy humanity or something of the sort.

Satsuki believes she can control the life fibres (and her mother) with her will. Her various "natural selection" competitions as well as her research would then ensure that her elite would be capabable of wearing life fibres properly while the normal people/ "pigs" ect. become essentially food.

Not only would this ensure Satsukis dominance over everyone and the fulfilment of her ideals, it would also "save" mankind.


I'll have to go back and rewatch it, but I believe it was during Mikisugi's monologue about the life fibers.

That's the closest we have, but seems like it's the goal. It also helps explain
why the life fibers ended up becoming clothes for humans instead of entering the body directly. As a parasitic life form, the fibers need to keep humans alive. Basically the whole of humanity is livestock being grown so the life fibers can then ingest humans to survive a trip to the next planet (as you had said). They could most likely take the strongest along with them to ensure they survive the trip, giving Ragyo and crew the idea that they'd share ruling power over humanity but will end up being fodder for the fibers themselves in the end.


Bath scene did it's job in making me uncomfortable. Still enjoyed it because I love Romi Park. Oh and the infodump was pretty neat, helps set things up. Not much to complain about, 9/10 episode.

Also, every recap in every anime should be condensed to 2 minutes and set to the Infernal Galop. And the new OP proves that Nonon has the best big hat collection.


Episode 14 left a bad taste in my mouth. It was really boring despite all the shit going on. I stopped watching the show till now. Episodes 15 and 16 were great and now I'm hooked again. I love Ragyo, that crazy-ass bitch.


So basically
Life Fibers are Lavos from chrono trigger
. Let's hope it results in an epic final battle.

I really like this show.
Great episode. I like the twist and the bath scene just came from nowhere but whatever.

"Nudist Beach" makes so much sense now. But arent the belts and pouches made of fibers too?

New OP is great. Much better than the first one.


Great episode. I like the twist and the bath scene just came from nowhere but whatever.

"Nudist Beach" makes so much sense now. But arent the belts and pouches made of fibers too?

Regular clothes don't have fibers in them, unless that one company makes them.

PK Gaming

Boy, you guys weren't kidding

That bath scene was out there

Great episode all in all. The
COVERS are actually somewhat interesting antagonists. I hope Ryuko fights in her underwear going forward
Been posted many times but one more won't hurt:

That bath scene, I liked it because of the juxtaposition of cool, calm, and collected Satsuki showing vulnerability towards her domineering mother. I didn't like it because it was her mother and she was pretty much being fondled by her while Ragyo is saying some pretty creepy stuff. No doubt creepy doujinshi will arise.

Stupid sexy sensei has a stupid sexy voice.

Primordial Life Fibers made me think of Eva...I really hope this won't get to be like that.


I liked the recap. I liked the new OP. I liked the new ED. I am neutral on the bath scene. I said "...wat" at the
alien ball of yarn
I'm still laughing at the purple nipple lights.
Regular clothes don't have fibers in them, unless that one company makes them.

I thought
that clothing in general was something that the Life Fibers gave humanity. But I guess it wouldnt make sense if all clothes already had Life Fibers, or else REVOCS would have won by now.


Two questions:

1) The part where Mako is surprised because
Ryoko can see her little daydream "inside her head,"
was that for real or just some kind of joke? They seemed to play it straight that Ryoko legitimately
has the ability to read Mako's thoughts.

2) Does anyone think that Mako's constant sleepiness is more than just a cute character trait?


I thought the bath scene was interesting. Here's Satsuki in a really compromising form, the stubborn, super powerful, unwavering girl in a completely vulnerable position and in a situation where she isn't the one in control. It's a good juxtaposition on her usual demenor and how she's portrayed. The fact that she was so clearly being dominated here I thought was really good to see more of the character, yeah it's with her mom. Which is odd and a little unsettling, but I think that's what makes the scene.

The sequence itself was definitely pretty creepy, but this, more generally, is a big part of why I liked this episode. It felt like the first time we saw a truly vulnerable side of Satsuki, what with the bath scene and seeing the aftermath of her Kamui use. It humanizes her a lot, especially since I was getting really sick of her characterization so far.
I thought
that clothing in general was something that the Life Fibers gave humanity. But I guess it wouldnt make sense if all clothes already had Life Fibers, or else REVOCS would have won by now.

It was said clearly that [spoilers]the life fiber clothing gave humankind the tradition of wearing clothes, and most clothing for a time wasn't life fiber infused. But REVOCS changed that.[/spoiler]
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