Lollipop Dave
Is the new OP available to buy yet? I'm a little behind with my news..
[Kill la Kill - 15]
You know what? The reveal is silly, and it kind of betrays the original intent of the show, essentially rendering the majority of what proceeded this pointless, but at least it establishes a clear framework for how the rest of the season is going to go. Once the initial fervor surrounding who killed my dad was solved, Kill la Kill didnt really seem to have much (or any) focus, essentially having the characters stuck in the same motions, bearing the same motivations, even thought the circumstances should have really developed beyond that point.
Yup, that bath scene was unneeded and completely lacking in any sort of justification. A very neat encapsulation of the puerile sensibilities that KLK exhibits, and continues to execute upon tactlessly. Its one thing to do things tongue in cheek its another to be purposefully voyeuristic.
100% leather, baby"Nudist Beach" makes so much sense now. But arent the belts and pouches made of fibers too?
Really, the most effective way? There wasn't any other way to portray it other than a creepy voyeuristic bath scene?I wouldn't say it was unneeded. It probably the most effective way to show Satsuki's vulnerability when it comes to her mother. Was it creepy? Certainly.
Really, the most effective way? There wasn't any other way to portray it other than a creepy voyeuristic bath scene?
Random fan art post
^---Where's this one come from?
Also, this week's newsletter has key frames from the bath scene. o_0
Gotta see Nonon wop nowSatsuki cat daddy.gif
Man, is it really that hard to post pixiv links if you're going to dumb a bunch of fanart?
Hah, Urusei Yatsura OP1 reference.![]()
Is the new OP available to buy yet? I'm a little behind with my news..
I stalked.. errr I mean checked tattun's twitter and lol:
Here's to hoping Crunchy actually makes it on schedule this time
Daisuki has every language but English again. This has got to stop.
Daisuki has every language but English again. This has got to stop.