I'm allergic, but I'd have two plates of that adorable. <3
Deep-fried highschool girls seems like a really specific allergy.
I'm allergic, but I'd have two plates of that adorable. <3
Quick question, how many people out there are already shipping Maxo X Ryūko?
Came here to mention this, watching it right now. Had to rewind!
Kill La Kill episode 2
Mako X Ryūko shipper is born.
But nothing compares to the greatness of the utterly fabulous mix of Akio and Hosaka that is SENSEI
Kill la Kill 02
While I really am enjoying the series so far, it's no Gurren Lagann. Granted, I haven't watched Lagann since it came out on DVD [in America], but KLK seems almost like it's trying to be Gurren Lagann. But the insanity in la Kill seems forced, and somehow more ridiculous than GL. Yes, more ridiculous than giant mechs and people obsessed with drills. And the characters... Ryuku, Satsuki and Mako are the only ones I give a shit about. The rest of them are just fodder.
Still, I'm on board until the end.
They're slowing down, which is good.
Episode 2 brings about an interesting theory, in that shameless pandering may be an actual theme of the show.
This serves no purpose.
After the opening I expected some super long and elaborate transformation scene ala sailor moon and then came this:
lol, I'm in love with this show.
Kill la Kill 02
While I really am enjoying the series so far, it's no Gurren Lagann. Granted, I haven't watched Lagann since it came out on DVD [in America], but KLK seems almost like it's trying to be Gurren Lagann. But the insanity in la Kill seems forced, and somehow more ridiculous than GL. Yes, more ridiculous than giant mechs and people obsessed with drills. And the characters... Ryuku, Satsuki and Mako are the only ones I give a shit about. The rest of them are just fodder.
Still, I'm on board until the end.
I'm sorry but I could watch those gifs for days. Every time it pans to his pants unzipping themselves I just lose it. I'm actually glad that they bothered to draw his nipples. Way too many pec scenes come off as awkward sans nipples.
<3 Sensei-dude
I can't say I was super keen on some of the pervy jokes but I had a big smile on my face for the vast majority of the episode so I suppose I can't complain too much. Another strong episode. I gotta say I appreciate the pacing, too many shows spend so much time getting nothing done but this just hits the ground running. Considering it will only be episode 3 before Ryuko and Satsuki have their first fight I'm super curious as to this show's end game. I feel the OP & ED have a lot of foreshadowed elements to them that will become super obvious once we hit the midpoint of the series.
After the opening I expected some super long and elaborate transformation scene ala sailor moon and then came this:
lol, I'm in love with this show.
I'm i the only one who didn't like GL but love this?
We're also probably going to see the sumo wrestler make his appearance next episode too, since Satsuki said he's taking over for the inter-school match or whatever because the tennis club lady got her ass kicked.
I'll admit GL didn't grab me from the start and by the time I got episode 5-7, some asshole spoiled a major moment that stopped me from finishing it....
then Netflix took it off their site.
I'm only really interested in this and Space brothers
is crunchyroll worth the sub? I'm tired of looking at low quality bootlegs.
I'm only really interested in this and Space brothers
is crunchyroll worth the sub? I'm tired of looking at low quality bootlegs.
I'll admit GL didn't grab me from the start and by the time I got episode 5-7, some asshole spoiled a major moment that stopped me from finishing it....
then Netflix took it off their site.
No, that guy is one of the four main baddies under Satsuki.Is that the guy who beat the crap out of the student who stole the uniform in the first episode?