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Kill la Kill |OT|


Never underestimate the pacing of Kill la Kill! At this point, they're going to be tossing life fiber galaxies at each other in two episodes.


Pretty much everyone expected it after last week, and now that it's happened, I'm satisfied - kinda like with the reveal last week - because, again, it puts the more interesting elements of the story forward while relegating or outright ignoring its weaknesses.


Mako and her family are still the best things about the show.


Pretty much everyone expected it after last week, and now that it's happened, I'm satisfied - kinda like with the reveal last week - because, again, it puts the more interesting elements of the story forward while relegating or outright ignoring its weaknesses.

The show's MO, as described by Senketsu himself last week :)


Have they done the Dotonbori Robo joke before, or is that in reference to something? If that's some running anime gag and my brain just isn't functioning right now, I digress.

Also, I didn't notice his painted junk on the first viewing. Lollllllll.


Kill la Kill Episode 17:

So we have reached another grand culmination of events. As some have been predicting Satsuki has finally turned against Ragyo's domination and rejected her values and it was magnificent. I am eagerly awaiting the next installment as we see this is the 2013 ATOY Silver medalist.
That's it

I'm done waiting. I don't care how stupid the battle suits are. Gamagori and Mako have been tempting me FOREVER. Gonna watch episode 1.


Good episode. I hope this is not an exception and that they've really decided to just get the fuck on with the pacing. Getting all the "hidden plot" out of the way last week was a great start, and now they've actually moved on with the plot for the first time in ages. There were some pretty good scenes this week. Gamagori and Mako's family, all the "planning" for the festival, the DTR launch, and THAT scene at the end. It was all pretty predictable, but I'm glad it's finally actually happening.

Next week should be a good test to see if they still have action animators alive at Trigger. :)


Episode 17


Dat Outfit. Dat Entrance. Dat Ending. DAT RAGYO

Oh God the wait for next Thursday is going to be painful.


Okay, fair enough. I'm eating crow.

Still wish this was set up better and it's still setting up Ryuko as almost completely useless to the plot.

Now that Satsuki's faction can be painted as the "good guys", can we finally get some of dat Mako and Gamagoori


Just started watching this show 2 days ago and already caught up. Holy shit. This show is so darn epic just like Gurren.


This is probably the first episode in about seven episodes that I've legitimately enjoyed.

There were a lot of predictable developments that ended up happening, like Kinue being one of Tsumugu's loved ones and Satsuki betraying Ragyo, but the latter was done in such a satisfying fashion (dat crucifixion) that it was still great to watch.

Mako's family was legitimately funny for once, loved Ragyo rocking that Darkstalkers Q-Bee look and it looks like the stakes have been ramped up now that the entire cities' lives are on the line. Also the plot finally moved the hell on which is a bonus.

The only weak point is that Ryuuko continues to be the weakest link in the show (seriously, at this point even Satsuki's butler is more interesting to watch). It also severely pissed me off that they're still teasing a rematch of Tsumugu vs. Ryuuko fight; it's obvious it's going to happen,they should have just gotten that over with already.

Still wish this was set up better and it's still setting up Ryuko as almost completely useless to the plot.

That's exactly why Satsuki is going to ultimately fail.



Everyone got dressed up and was on point in this episode. Mako, Mankanshokus, Aikuro were all hilarious. The (somehow) unexpectedly literal backstab was fucking GLORIOUS, SO much payoff seeing that. Even if she is okay the next episode. I don't even remember what else I had to say, shit was fucking great aaaaahhhhhhhh!!

Loved it. I've been loving everything today.

Ragyo lookin like


The show is finally showing some consistency in quality, which is great. I loved that Ragyo's costume held her head up so that she's literally looking down on others.

And like everyone saw coming a mile away Satsuki betrayed her mother but who would have thought it would happen is such a sudden and gruesome manner.

Gama meeting his future in-laws for the first time:

Guts face is amazing. He looks so serious yet so goofy at the same time.


Episode 17

It's been a long time coming, but that was really satisfying to see.

I like these last few episodes. Now that they've finally got all the mysteries out in the open, the plot feels unified again. It's much better not to have time wasted teasing things for ages. If the show stays like this, I'll be really happy.

I don't think I commented on it before, but the new OP is really great, as little animation as they used.


Holy shit that was a good episode.

The teaser showed a frame (hint: 4 vs 1) that is going to make the wait for the next episode torturous. And to think the series was feeling a bit stuck in a rut not too long ago
Fuck me, that was amazing.

I knew it was coming but damn the execution (no pun intended) was great.

I love that one shot with Ragyo talking to Ryuko with Satsuki and the Elite 4 in the background with glowing eyes. That was boss.

FUUCCKKKK. That was great.

The ending theme right after what just happened does not fit at all lol. I laughed out loud when it came on.


theyll lose and Ryuko will once and for all put Nui in her place

I'm expecting Gamagoori> Nonon> Inumuta> Yamcha is the order they lose in

Gamagoori goes first. He's the biggest and slowest of the four also even if he can take a few hits, I'm sure Nui can hit harder.

Nonon goes next because she gets too cocky/underestimates Nui/both

Inumuta is next to go. From a story standpoint he hasn't had enough screentime with his uniform so this would be the way to do it. It would also set up the 1v1 between Yamcha and Nui. In-universe, I could see him playing as a strategist for the fight but losing once the dust has settled; out of Nui, Yamcha and himself he's the weakest out of them.

Yamcha goes last so their rematch gets more time. Yamcha will most likely lose, if he does win I'm expecting Nui will pull out something like a second form. I just don't feasibly see Yamcha outright beating Nui when Ryuuko hasn't.
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