Yamcha goes last so their rematch gets more time. Yamcha will most likely lose, if he does win I'm expecting Nui will pull out something like a second form. I just don't feasibly see Yamcha outright beating Nui when Ryuuko hasn't.
Yep, I was right. It's exactly what I expected.
Satsuki betrayed Ragyou... but Ragyou planned on Satsuki betraying her, anyway. The Ragyou Satsuki pierced is a puppet controlled by Nui.
And the Elite Four won't be able to do anything against Nui, she is actually thefinal boss.
And the Elite Four won't be able to do anything against Nui, she is actually thefinal boss.
Nui having any function past being the person carrying the other scissor needed tois unacceptable. Unless she's someones father.chop the shit out of Ragyo and/or Yarn Ball Alien
God damn
I don't know if that'll be the case, or ifRagyo is just made of life fibers and can heal like crazy.
I'm hoping for the latter, because I really hate allaccordingtokeikaku.jpg.
Quite possibly the worst tweest ever.
It's either her or Life Fiber Anti-Spiral.
It's either her or Life Fiber Anti-Spiral.
On a side note, I really hope Nui doesn't turn into the Big Bad at the end. Just the thought of it doesn't sit right.
Well yeah, the final boss is pretty clearly some sort of Life Fiber hive mind. Nui, on the other hand, has to get taken out so Satsuki can get the other scissor blade to use against the Life Fiber collective.
But she's probably the most threatening antagonist in the series right from the moment she was introduced, outside of maybe Ragyo.
But she's probably the most threatening antagonist in the series right from the moment she was introduced, outside of maybe Ragyo.
No, it's definitely the first.That's also the whole point of the multi-color threads Ragyou left behind for Nui; they were for the Ragyou puppet. The whole Festival thing was a trap to push Satsuki over the edge so Junketsu can consume her, they've been hinting at this since episode 13.
It's either her or Life Fiber Anti-Spiral.
We know that Senketsu can only be heard by Ryuko becauseher DNA is spliced in. Junketsu might be screaming about how Ragyo has subjugated the entirely peaceful race of alien yarn balls for all we know.
More Cartoon Network crossovers.
Speaking of this, I noticed this was really not talked about a lot butam I the only one who believes the show was right about to gear up for a twist revealing that Kinue was Ryuko's mother, effectively making Tsumugu her uncle?
It would explain Tsumugu's similar hairstyle, and why Kinue was so set on having the research continue. Senketsu was being pursued for the sole interest of protecting Ryuko, who in this scenario would be her mother.
Aikuro said it was Ryuko'sDNA, but if it were her parent, it would make sense that her DNA was similar enough that she could hear Senketsu. I don't know if they're going there or not though. I have a really hard time believing that Dr. Matoi actually had a kid of his own, but that theory kind of makes sense. It makes a bit more sense that Ryuko would be Ragyo and Aikuro's daughter while Satsuki was Kinue's and Aikuro's though. Ryuko's hair could only have come from Ragyo's DNA, or at least one would think.
Speaking of this, I noticed this was really not talked about a lot butam I the only one who believes the show was right about to gear up for a twist revealing that Kinue was Ryuko's mother, effectively making Tsumugu her uncle?
It would explain Tsumugu's similar hairstyle, and why Kinue was so set on having the research continue. Senketsu was being pursued for the sole interest of protecting Ryuko, who in this scenario would be Kinue's daughter.
You're most likely right; I'm sure Ryuuko isKinue's daughter and Tsumugu her uncle. They almost textually reveal it this week and I don't mean just the fact that she was close to Isshin; the reason Senketsu and Ryuuko can communicate is that Senketsu has Ryuuko's DNA in him yet there is one other character that was able to hear him... Tsumugu in episode 5. If it's all excused through DNA, him being her uncle explains everything.
We haven't actually seen Kinue's full hair though, and if Tsumugu's hair is anything to go by, his line of relatives might have black hair with red highlights. Something that Ryuko inhibits.
Despite people calling it into question I still believe Isshin actually was her dad, maybe cause it sounds sensible in the context of the show's silly narrative that an old guy would have an offspring with a young beautiful woman.
Either that orNow that'd be a twist.Tsumugu is Isshin.![]()
The back of her hair is definitelyui.Ragyo-esque, although the red streak could be from Kinue/Tsumugu's family. I think that would be a less interesting reveal than her being Ragyo's daughter though.
Nah,Ryuuko is definitely related to Kinue and Tsumugu. The whole thing with Senketsu containing Ryuuko's DNA confirms it.
I'm pretty sure we haven't seen the most awesome thing out of Mako yet, but the 2 Star was pretty damn cool.
More Cartoon Network crossovers.